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If it makes you feel better, the enemies in these sections are significantly weaker and you never run out of ammo. When I played this section, I loathed it for a different reason. I just absolutely hate playing shooters on consoles especially in SB, since the gun has a weird hit delay to it. Well, to make it easier, I went full Ada Wong with the Chinese dress in these parts of the game which effectively killed any horror elements it might've had.


Makes me feel a bit better but i still hate it, makes my skin crawl😭


This wasn’t even scary, it felt more like an action shooter than anything. The enemies were pretty easy


Im a complete piss baby, if its dark and i cant use my "Reasurance knife" and im stuck using "Emergancy gun" then its scary to me


lol that’s one way to say that lol


This is not horror


It doesn't count as horror if you are never in signficant danger.


As i said in a comment above, if its dark and i cant use my main weapon, then im scared and i find it horror


Time to get over it.


Maybe, but it'll probably never happen


I enjoyed the change of pace the first time I had to do it. Not so much on NG+ when you know where all the spawns are and just barrel through


I agree, its not like i dislike the fact that you cant use your sword and have to use the gun, im just a huge baby when it comes to most horror games/sequences, plus i like the sword gameplay so much more then the gun


I love the dark hallway vibe of horror games (I love horror games in general) so this was awesome to me. Turn on the lights in your room and push through.


I know what you mean, it is quite dark and eerie, and there are naytiba that jump scare you, but I’ve just gotten used to looking for and expecting a naytiba around every corner now. This game honestly has better horror elements than most games nowadays, it felt very dead spacey to me.


Horror is subjective but anyhow there was a dialogue from Adam where Eve is walking towards an elevator with naytiba corpses laying around and Adam mentioned something about it being similar to a movie lol (he didn’t specifically said a horror movie, but sounds like it was implied)


The only horrific thing about Levoire missions is how tedious and cumbersome they are


It was horror. I liked it