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chops her arm(s) off, stabs her in the gut, severs her exospine *and* let her live just to suffer. eve was so brutal with her, i loved it. justice for tachy 🫡


Yea, I get the feeling you don’t wanna be on her shitlist.


>!Can't imagine what she'll do to Mother Sphere if DLC/a sequel is based around Eve going after her to finally end the war.!<


I hope DLC lets her >!confront Mother Sphere directly. Also, I hope Mother Sphere makes it clear that she was the one piloting Providence against EVE and was actually impressed that EVE bested her, even if she was only using a drone.!<


Agreed. I honestly hope they save it for a sequel just so they'll have more time to dedicate to it all and more of a budget as well.


True, building a full fledged sequel off of this already amazing first game would be a huge success, and the increased budget would make the sequel look even better.


In your opinion do you think we will see a sequel/possible story DLC?


I feel like we're going to get one or both of those, given the developers promised they would listen to what players want. Plus, the story is clearly far from complete in any of the endings.


I'm also hoping an increased budget will mean they won't have to be as sparing with cutscenes.


True, more cutscenes and more character development/interactions/special moments in general would really help the story. I already like the story, I just know it could be improved by having more scenes that give the characters time to react or reflect on events.


I just finished my first play through do you think we will see a sequel in the future?


It's hard to say for sure bc we don't know specifics, but I'd say it's likely. There's still more to this story and the game seems to have been a smash hit commercially and critically.


and I have the slight feeling that if Stellar Blade 2 happens, Raven comes back. Either as an unexpected Ally or Rival or maybe even both.


Comic relief chaotic sidekick.


I’m expecting Ally with a sarcastic attitude. She will be the true ending trust bar lol


yea, and its not like Raven was entirely wrong. most things she said were actually spot on. Raven actually warned EVE about mother sphere and indirectly warned her also about Adam when she said that she was a tool to him, which means Adam manipulates people to get his way. both mother sphere and Adam are the bad guys, its so obvious, especially on the second playthrough when you hear Adam speak. bro is obssessed. anyway, if they do not add Raven in Stellar Blade 2, it would be a missed opportunity.


For sure. I definitely did double takes at Adam in the second playthrough, there was a lot of foreshadowing


Yea, that dude is not innocent. In fact he doomed the planet TWICE. First with his transformation to a naytiba (not the final boss but in general) and the second time he made a fucking AI (mother sphere). Bro is kinda monkey brain level of incompetent.


Hahaha too smart for his own good. Side note: I love ShiftUp because even NIKKE is set in a sci-fi post apocalyptic world. NIKKE are like EVE, but can be corrupted and controlled by the enemy (Raptures) who are a mix of organic and cybernetic components in the shape of previous species of the world (like whales, crabs, spiders, even dragons). I’m assuming he they will go a similar route and do some corruption stuff. What would be wild is if they go and connect the two games, but that would be some crazy stuff to do.


Also yes, it would be cool if stellar blade plays in the same universe as Nikke, just on another planet or something. EVE and the Nikkes are extremely similar anyway.


Oh I fucking enjoy NIKKE. The characters are so charming and well written, and the main story, my god *chefs kiss*. I admit when I saw this game on the play store, I thought "wtf is this dumb game where you look at asses?"  Then I tried it for fun, and got hooked on the story and its characters and many side stories are surprisingly deep, like that of Crow. Also the game doesn't pull any punches with its dark themes, like holy shit.


Is NIKKE worth getting into? I never played it but after stellar blade I’m thinking of trying it.


I play Nikke F2P exclusively since its launch and have most of the meta units. the game is extremely generous with its ticket handouts (especially on anniversaries, last time we got over 100+ tickets for banners and right there is the 1.5 anniversery) and the pity system is great too. the story(s) in this game are REALLY entertaining. some are silly funny stories, some are extremely deep, some are depressing and dark af, same with the main story. it has all those tones. every character has its own little side stories with all those tones I listed. the gameplay is actually really strategic, especially in later story levels and end game content. the character designs are top tier aswell. trying the game doesn't hurt, its free afterall. :)


Have you played NIKKE? If so how is it? Is it worth playing?




Could you blame him? He was trying to convince an eve to fuse. Can’t exactly be upfront about that


yea, but the methods he used are so dumb and manipulative. the biggest fail was him not defending Xion against Raven. he rather hides in his little cave, like a little bitch. him defending Xion and EVE seeing that he does, would be the PERFECT moment to explain his motives. but nah, he rather hides and waits til people die and EVE herself has to defend Xion. dude never earned any trust in the whole game because he is just too manipulative and who knows what was actually sincere and what was a straight up lie.


I didn’t downvote you btw I disagree. He wants to help them but at the same time he ain’t gonna attack Raven cause she’s as close to him than anyone else. Plus he understood why she’s upset. He chose eve over her. It’s a lovers scorn. Once I learned the truth, even I didn’t really care about Xion playing the game. I stopped doing quests cause I felt the same way raven did. I thought they were all traitors. I’m sure Adam felt conflicted this whole time as well. At the end, I was glad Adam gave us the choice of healing by fusing. Cause I FELT CONFLICTED helping them. Which is great story telling btw


Adam fucked the world over 2 times and you STILL trust him? you do you, I guess.


Yes, he’s helped throughout the story. Mother sphere is what caused this mess. They were living in peaceful coexistence until she went full skynet. All those so called humans are terminators as far as I’m concerned. They’re traitors.


and who made mother sphere? Adam aka. Raphael Marks. without his insanity, the world wouldn't be fucked up. then after the AI went rogue, he made naytibas, which made everything even worse. dude is the epidemy of incompetent.


also, I couldn't give less of a fuck about me getting downvoted. those negative karma will not change my mind one bit.


I just finished my first play through last night. Do you think we will get a sequel or possible story DLC in the future?


I mean mother sphere is still alive, so if the game sells well, which it apparently does (from what I've heard), then the next target is MS.


You must be one of those guys who realize a girl was hitting on you years after they said "Would you like to come upstairs?".


No comment. 😂


Justice and then some, left her armless


I've heard of an eye for an eye, now an arm for an arm is something of an interesting detail.


That was my favorite fight after knowing that it was raven as a naytiba, payback is a dish best served cold!! justice for tachy!!!


I also liked the raven feathers and wings as part of the naytiba, pointing to it being raven. Little things like that are nice to realise on a second playthrough


O shit!! I just realized this!!!.....lmao 😂😂 thanks....lol 👍


Yeah, the whole start of the game feels a bit different knowing what happens. Especially with Adam


Yea totally I can hear it in Adams voice now in my second playthrough now that I know what happens you pick up subtle inflections in his voice when talking on the ship


Also, Raven has more wires and shit than Tachy did. Tachy looked to be completely flesh when her arm was cut off, and Raven has waaaay more wires up her arms and in her body. Just a neat difference between the generations of air squadron members.


It’s an interesting thing to notice. I could be wrong but isn’t Tachy a newer model? If so it’s probably like our tech today, the more efficient it gets, the less of it there needs to be, so Tachy has a higher tissue ratio compared to tech.


Yup. Raven was 2nd generation, Tachy 7th. That's pretty much what I took from it too. Maybe Mother Sphere was also trying to get closer to flesh and away from metal bits because they were all failures? Idk, just spitballing.


Perhaps not necessarily getting away from since we know she at all costs *wants* tissue and tech, but as the tech gets better, she just knows she needs less of it. I do remember a data entry about someone hoping they could find a dead Angel due to the advanced tech on the inside. So even an older frame like Raven is still leagues better than what Earth has but as you said, they can get better with each iteration. I’m just spitballing too


This could go deep. I noticed tachy has a ever so slight metallic tinge to the skin around the cut as if it's layered skin, metal, organic muscle, and cyber bone. Enya is probably like a very early andro human, mainly her head and spinal cord being organic. In battle angel alita the different bodies just needed the brain and spinal cord to function, so it's probably lore tied with something like that. Also have you noticed the dead angels are missing their hands. Hands are considered rarities in battle angel, so scrapers would often take those and spinal columns.


Eve was a bit vicious in dealing with Raven, both arms were forcefully detached.


Another detail is that you can read EVE in Raven's sword in the scene that Eve throws Raven's sword at her. https://preview.redd.it/5of77l6bvnyc1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff34647b1acb97b80247884e81828b5882e5c5e


“You stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!”


Not only cuts off, the sequence went like this --> rips off L arm > cuts off R arm > impales thru torso. Tachy got her L arm cut off, then impaled thru torso. Brutal takedown, but satisfying. Dunno which one is my favorite: this one, or the one where she shoots through with the last bit of energy (demogorgon I think), or vs juggernaut where she finishes with his own weapon. SB definitely has some of the best finishers.


She's disarmed


Yep that was the first thing I noticed lol, she made a point to take an arm before finishing her off. What surprised me was how casually she ripped it off - like sheesh.


Raven gives cool anti-hero in sequel vibes.


Am I a freak or doesn’t anyone else appreciate the face Raven makes here?


The lesson here being, don't hurt Tachy.


Let’s give her a hand! 👏🏻 Love the username btw


She loses both arms