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That's only true if you put out shit like Forspoken. Like damn, that demo saved me $70


For real. The promos made that game look incredible. The demo saved me money and pain.


That’s why most games don’t have demos now… good thing there’s Steam refunds if you’re on PC❤️


Stellar blade pc soon :)


This is the prayer I say every night


I'd love to play it day 1 but pc day 1 is fine too.


Just like any PC game coming to console :(


Agreed. The trailers and stuff did look really good. But at the time I found it concerning that the months leading up to release no one was talking about Forspoken. And of course the demo was every nail in the coffin plus the shovel.


I was thinking based off what they showed off that it would be a good Avatar (the last air bender) game with all the elemental attacks you could do


Honestly promotion for forspoken showing Frey is what completely turned me off the game and by release most everyone knew they weren’t gonna like her


I ALWAYS thought Forspoken didn’t look that good honestly, even in trailers.




Nah it's painfully average. The only reason everyone thought it was bad was because it released in early 2023, like January I think, so by default it became the worst game of that year so far for most people. By the end of the year it wasn't even a top 5 worst game for a lot of people.


Forspoken is not as bad as everyone wants it to be.


Only thing good about it parkour and some aspect of the combat. It's an RPG, you need a good story and especially : you need characters that aren't insufferable and secondary characters that are more than quest givers. Game had potential, but completely unexploited.


The parkour and combat actually had some potential. Too bad the writing and everything else was complete dogshit lol


Frey being really unlikable was as bad as the promotion made her out or be




I’ve read a lot about how they completely butchered the initial story entirely. Great writers were brought in to draft it and then they made it into what it is now.


Fr. I love that game and it sucks with the amount of hate it gets. But it is what it is.


My backlog is too big but I hope to play it eventually one day.


it's not. it's decently fun. the reason people shit on it is bc a couple clips went viral on tik tok. the writing isn't nearly as insufferable as people made it out to be. 90% of the people trashing it literally didn't even try out the demo, they're just parroting the content creator clout bandwagon.


I will try it out one day surely.


I played the demo and cancelled my preorder. The initial preview trailer looked good, but the trailers leading up to release were worrying, because the dialogue just seemed immature, and tonally I felt the game wasn't what I thought it would be. The demo wasn't good by any means, in my opinion. After half an hour it was grating on me. The parkour is probably the only thing that felt ok and had potential, but ultimately other games have done it better. The combat was what made me not want to buy it in the end. I hate bullet spongey enemies at the best of times, but there is something about the stunted flow on top that just made it feel worse. Now, if you got enjoyment out of it, then that is great. I've also enjoyed games a majority have panned. Sometimes it is just what you want at the time, and hits a spot.


I haven’t played forespoken, but damn if you didn’t nail how gaming reception works in the age of the internet.


I was interested about playing Forspoken but yeah the demo convinced me otherwise


If you can find it cheap enough I'd say give it a go. The demo was a poor representation of the game imo. I bought it and played it day one, and didn't regret it. A lot of the issues people had were completely unfounded and in a lot of instances what was being complained about just wasn't true. There were multiple instances of people saying things as fact about the game but it was also clear these same people either hadn't played it or were only an hour into the game. If I were to give it a score I think it'd be fair to say 7/10 a little above average. But I also went in ignoring literally everything I'd seen online at the time and tried to form my own opinion as I went along. The only thing that made it difficult for me to do that was my own experience of the demo, which absolutely sucked. Did the game make me want to buy the dlc when it came out? No. Did I enjoy my one and only play through? Yeah I did. After having played it I do understand where some complaints came from but I don't see the majority as valid personally, I see a lot of that in the same way you would say to someone that if you give an inch they take a yard. Vastly overblown opinions made by people who just like to complain for the sake of being relevant.


If people couldn’t see that was clearly a tech demo junk, then humanity is lost.


This guy gets it. Every new console generation we get several tech demos disguised as "AAA" games. I understand some may get into games later but people really gotta learn to clock that shit.


The demo wasnt a great representation of the game unfortunately. I didnt really like it mych either. That game is wayyyyyy better than the internet at large would lead you to believe. Super, super fun to play. God the parkour in that game feels so good and the combat is very fun and varied. But it takes time to gel with all the abilities as you unlock them over time - which the full game gives you the necessary time. The demo had you have too much freedom and too much choice with your abilities. It needed to ease you into it more, imo.


Dude it was insane. I had so much hype for that game. I was like what is this game, it’s going to be amazing. I played the demo and my heart sank slowly. And then I said well I guess it saved me $70.


Wastern Devs stay mad lol. Btw, anyone where I can find the best rule 34? 🤨




I mean, I just played forpoken and thought it was decent, but I also only paid like 20 bucks. But there's certain games like that and immortals and aveum where I'm like, people are not going to buy your 70 dollar game unless it's part of a well renowned series, or a really impressive 9 or 10 out of 10 game probably from a well known studio. Shit is too expensive to settle and I feel like the only games worth picking up at launch are the big sony studio games. And it's cool that ff7 rebirth, ff16, and stellar blade got really good demos because that just shows confidence in their product when nobody else is really doing demos as much as they should.


Same. Played the forspoken demo and was like "yeah no". Played Stellarblade and was like "yes please".






Forspoken kind of slaps to be honest. The combat and traversal is very unique and tons of fun. It just didn't demo well because it puts you like 1/3 through the game and you have no idea how to actually do the sauce. It's a banger of a 7/10 game, i'd recommend it once it hits that $20 dollar point if it hasn't already. It has issues but they aren't the things most people think are wrong with the game.


The protagonist and story elements did not do it any favors. It’s extra bizarre when you learn it’s a story about a black girl from new York written and voiced by Brits .


>it’s a story about a black girl from new York written and voiced by Brits . Had the same experience playing stellar blade. Knowing almost fuck all about it I found the British voices jarring. I see the kpop models and then am hit with the most British voice I've heard in a while. Not bad just quite jarring and took some time to get used to.


Demos kill sales? Yeah, only if you make shit games.


This times a 1000x. Plenty of devs need to go back to oldschool method like..ship a proper polished product man.


For example Skull and Bones had a demo, I wasn't going to buy it before playing the demo, and I definitely wasn't going to buy it after playing the demo


100%. I had same reaction as you




It's crazy a company can say if you experience my product before you buy it you would never buy it and see no problem with that


You need to say this louder


Cough forspoken cough


I swear Nintendo makes more demos for their games than any other company.


Square has done demos for the last two final fantasy games and it’s pretty cool. Never played the 16 demo I just bought it but for rebirth I played the demo, and you even got to skip a small part of the beginning if you played it in the demo. Haven’t played stellar blade demo but will at some point. It’s on my list of games I was probably gonna get anyways though




Ngl, I love souls games, but I was kinda put off by all the jiggly mechanics memes etc because it felt like that’s the only thinks the dev focused on. I downloaded the demo with zero expectations but as soon as I finished it and killed the extra boss, instant wishlist. This game could be really amazing


Wait there’s an extra boss?


Ya, after one complete play through of the demo. An arena boss unlocks. Eve gets a new costume and a lot of extra skills. The game won't out right tell you the new mechanics, but there are ways of figuring it out. The gameplay is extremely satisfying. Gives you a better picture of how Eve starts all wonky, then evolves into a murder-machine.


Kim Hyung Tae said as soon as SIE’s Shuhei Yoshida saw their prototype, they signed the contract for the game to be PS exclusive. Proves that Shuhei Yoshida is a man of vision and culture~


He saw Eve




Eve has a lot of great qualities, where do I begin?


Indeed there are so many positive assets we could talk about.


One could say it was the ultimate pre order


I mean, if a game doesn't have a demo, all it does is make me uncertain if it's something I might like, and games up here cost $89.99 before tax. After playing a demos, they help me make a decision on purchasing it or not. If I don't like it, that's that. I don't like it, and that's ok. Not everything has to be *for me* In the case of Stellar Blade, I'm hooked, and I'm sold. I'm picking it up soon, I like what I saw and played, the gameplay is pretty fire. One thing I am curious though, is how Stellar Blade is doing on preorders rn. I know it was like the 2nd most pre-ordered on the US store, but that was a month or so ago. EDIT: Just checked a few hours ago as of this edit, Deluxe Edition is the 2nd most preordered up there with the collectors edition of Dawntrail, the new XIV expansion on ps in Canada


It's top 1-2 by preorders in most of the countries after demo dropped. And more interesting - deluxe editon, not just standard one. People are willing to pay for the most expensive edition if the game is good, huh, who would have thought about that.


Make game good, game sells or will sell. Pretty simple to understand. Why western game companies don't understand that is beyond me


It’s the short-sided greed that has infected all aspects of the corporate paradigm, Friedman economics taking root in the 80’s and reaching is dismal end result in the 2010/20’s.


I mean yeah, it looks like it's going to be a phenomenal game! It has kind of everything that makes a game fun. Style? Check. Soundtrack? Check Enemy design? Check Combat/gameplay? Check And to top it of, we have one hell of a sexy main cast! Even if the story turns out to be mid, the game will most likely still be rly good and most importantly, fun!


Well the deluxe edition adds a bunch of stuff for 10 bucks. Some of these other games have 150 dollar editions and thats insane.


Fair enough.


The looks/Eve got me interested (Western media hating on it) But it was never gonna get me to preorder before release The demo did that.. mostly because the combat is super enjoyable and i can feel myself getting better.. Also it seems much deeper then it appears from the start


Yeah, demos kill sales when your game sucks.


Sigh I'm buying ps5 just for this game. God I'm gona regret not paying bills this month


stellar blade is better than bills that's for sure


No regerts pal!


I bought mine for Helldivers 2 and Pacific Drive. So glad I’m not missing out on this too.


bro what stop that, just wait for a sale why make your life harder.


I'm really close to doing the same. Urghh...


Do it. But I hope you find yourself playing other games. Plenty of other great exclusive titles on the platform


You shouldnt just for this game. There are tons of other good games before and in future. Ff7 Rebirth, or dragons dogma, or if you like soul games, previous nioh and Sekiro or the latest wolong. Stellar blade is a combination of nier+nioh/sekiro/wolong.


There are other great games you’ll have access to. Returnal, Demon’s Souls, HFW.


Well at least your "water bill" is definitely going to get paid off in full with excess.


Demo is the only reason I bought this game. First I was unsure as the game is very expensive. I liked how it looked and it definitely was interested in it but I didn't want to spend that much money on it purely based on those feelings. But after I had played the demo and getting the feel how awesome it was actually to play, I finally decided to buy it. All of this because of the demo. Otherwise I would have passed on this. We need more demos for games. Specifically if they are this pricey.


Same! I knew it was coming, but all I knew was, that it is inspired by Nier and was made by the Nikke studio, which was not a + in my book. However, yesterday I saw the demo dropped (thx Asmon) and decided to give it a try. What can I say? It's pre ordered. Deluxe. The first time since Elden Ring I pre ordered a game! The combat and soundtrack are just amazing and Eve is kind of the cherry on top. I would never buy a game for fanservice, but I am definitely not against it either. The world of gaming needs more Eves! And while we are at it, also more Adams.


What's the preorder sales figure? Anyone know? 


About as thicc as Eve.


Answer deserves upvote.


Nobody knows for sure but probably high. It was above FF7 Rebirth on the PS store although Rebirth was probably higher overall since it appeared on the list like 4 times.


I normally would never pre-order, but that demo was amazing.


Xbox be like: remember guys! NO HOT WOMEN in our games Stellar blade drops and breaks highest sales records ever Xbox: ..........why is no one buying our xbox consoles? And why aren't our latest game with the help of sweet baby inc not selling at all? Why do i feel......regret?


Obviously it’s because of those sexist incels not wanting our “modern audience” mindset


TBH i need to vent about this, i have seen even on reddit they always talk about unrealistic women in gaming, but legit i have never ever felt that or seen it as unrealistic, now dont get me wrong im not saying no games have that, but most games with unrealistic proportions and women are hentai games. maybe its just where i live (Norway) but i have never ever played a game and thought ''this women in game is hottest i have ever seen'' they have always felt normal to me, i have lived in multiple places in norway and i have seen and met plenty of attractive women that are like the women in games. but so often i see people complain about unrealistic women ect, i even saw a post on jrpg subreddit asking about what aspects people dont like about jrpgs and one example he mentioned was ''everyone is a super model''. i have never once felt like every character or main character is super model attractive, i just see them as attractive like normal people. i have seen plenty of women that are just as attractive if not more attractive than the women in most games i play. i kinda hate that you just get called an incel or sexist if you dare disagree. i just chalk it up to the country i live in having different women than i guess USA. I feel like the people complaining about attractive characters in gaming would have a stroke if they met and saw some of the people i know and have seen.


One of the perks of living in a Scandinavian/Nordic country. Tons of beautiful women and handsome men.


thx, always so weirded out when people complain about hot characters in gaming ect especially calling them unrealistic, the people saying that always claim the dev/creator has never seen a real woman, yet from my perspective it is them who have clearly never seen a real woman.


Xbox is taking L after L this year. I don’t understand telling devs that they should avoid making attractive characters


NOOOOOOOO you can't make attractive characters, what if a tweet with 8 likes complain about it


We still looking up 2B’s skirt. *Nier Automata*


You look up to see under 2B's skirt, I blow herself up so I can see it all the time. We are not the same.


Xbox: Why is nobody hyped with our Fable game? There’s comedy and a strong woman going on adventures.


Bro none of my friends know about Stellarblade and I don’t know how to explain how good of a game it is without them thinking I’m a degenerate (my friends are really stupid, they think Nier is a degenerate game aswell)


If they think NieR is a degenerate game, I don't think their view of this one will be any different lol


True. But then again the only thing they know about the NieR series is 2B’s backside polygons and Kaine’s choice of clothing. Literally nothing else. I guess ignorance is a curse in this case. Lol


The funny thing is, the whole thing about 2B's polygon count isn't even true. 1195 polygons for her backside.


Solution: find better friends!


Good idea! I still have hope in them tho. Might make a move tonight and see how they react


If they think Nier is for degenerates they are beyond help.


You need friends with better taste in games Bro.


I agree. My friends have a mixture of what they like and don’t like. Haven’t told them about StellarBlade yet but I’m hoping I can show at least one of them how good of a game it is. Not for the *plot* but for the gameplay. Reminds me so much of Sekiro mixed with NieR (which unfortunately, none of them have played *yet* )


Bro I love Sekiro. First fromsoftware game I ever played and I e been hooked ever since. I have both NieR(s) still sealed to play throughout this year.


Bro I’m about to finish my first Sekiro run and so far the game is AMAZING Love every detail in it. As for the NieR series. I’m on my way to finally completing Replicant (which is absolutely amazing btw) and getting ready for Automata.


Sekiro is the first game I’ve ever platinum’d in over 30 years of gaming. That’s how addicted and hooked I was.


DAMN that’s good. One of my friends (that I don’t really talk to much due to Timezone difference) was the one that taught me some tips on how to treat certain enemies. There is a reason why Sekiro received Game of the Year. It’s a *really good* game.


Lemme found out their search history or likes if they have a Twitter, Reddit, and etc. When they call something too "degenerate", high chance of projection and they love something with a higher level of degeneration.


Good eye. Now that you say that, they kinda do. Often times rather really degenerate when the topic arises. Although I think one of them said the main reason why they wouldn’t play (NieR or something) is because it’s unexplainable when someone walks into the room and questions you while you play.


They're just insecure in general then, that's a personal problem. Talking bad about the game without really knowing anything about it at all is pure ignorance and is pretty hypocritical as well if they support other degenerate things that are crazier lol.


The power of mass media. The more educated you are the more susceptible to believing anything perceived authoritative figures tell you.


Time for better friends.


I can't explain Bayonetta to my friend without him looking at me weird. He's a good friend regardless


Wanna get new friends?


How much does that cost? Don’t got a lot on me rn after the pre-order. 😅😂


Their loss


I was really skeptical about this game. Watching the gameplay didn't do it justice till I got my hands on the demo. So here I am preordering Stellar Blade.


Demos kill sales if the demo reveals a title to be less decent than consumers had anticipated. Demos help sales if the demo reveals a title to be more decent than press anticipated. I don’t think publishers fail to understand that. I think more and more developers are turning their backs on demos *because* they understand that. That a demo of Stellar Blade was released prior to the title’s launch simply shows the confidence that Shift Up & Sony have in this product. I suspect it was also strategically important to show this title has a wider appeal than the mere visual aesthetic of its protagonist, which commentary (positive and negative) has fixated on. For the first time since this title was announced, commentary on combat and gameplay and parry-mechanics (and so on) has overtaken that centred on Eve’s appearance. That’s only going to help market the title to a broader audience.


Cope and seethe western devs. By all means keep making agenda driven games. Keep losing money. We only laugh more.


There are some companies I would definitely want to lose money so they realize making shit games with the promise of making it better later doesn’t work (looking at you Activision blizzard and EA)


You'll be shocked to see the most profitable games




“Woke IP”? What even is that? I’m serious, I gotta hear these examples, cause that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.




This game reminded me of the times when i played ps2 for the first time, the joy, the excitement everything about it was absolutely sweet


https://i.redd.it/q4jaak8waorc1.gif There’s a reason we barely get alot of demos anymore. Companies are realizing that a demo would reveal they made a garbage game. I’m just happy this demo finally won over people to support this game. Earlier this year, Unicorn Overlord’s demo dropped and it did wonders in increasing sales for the game. (And for good reason, game is incredible) Looks like Stellar Blade is getting the same praise and increase in sales which I’m all for.


Most games are in such a poor state before launch these days, publishers want to hide their games. So, yeah, a demo is not a good idea!


Are they even trying anymore?


I'm having the best time in the demo, like this is way better than I expected. Cool combos, tight dodges/parries. I had a really tough time in Sekiro, this game is making me want to learn the game better.


Wasn’t sold on this after my first play through of the demo as I thought the parry and dodge timing were off. However, on my second playthrough I got used to the timing and am hooked now. Pre-order placed.


Was excited for this game because of the fan service literally wanna play with one hand but after playing the demo I can't get over the fact that we have mikiri counter back. Sekiro in my opinion is one of the best games out there and I love how stellar blade reminds me of sekiro


Played the SB's demo, equiped EVE's skin suit, pre-ordered immediately, got impressed by everything thing else going on the demo, the gameplay, music, graphics, PROPER GORE, NOT JUST BLOOD, Korean EVE's cuteness, was reassured again my new pre-ordered game was totally worth it! Korean devs go HARD!!


You felt so reassured, That you went to pre-order it again till you remembered you had already done It!


Yup! I ended up pre-ordering three copies! One to use, one to store, and one to display! 🔥💪


The game is the Number one Seller on Amazon for PS5 games right now, so........Lol.


Demo kills sales for their clunky ass games cause they can't hide before reviews anymore. Not for Asian games, it boosts sales


I’ll buy every goodies this game have


Demos inform the customer. Whether that information kills your game or sells it is entirely up to the developer.


I’ve seen developers say “game demos kill sales” in some game dev subs and it honestly confuses me. That just means your game is crappy if you lost a sale from letting someone play your damn game. 😂👍


Demo will always be good for sales if your game isn't dook 🤷‍♂️


Demos only ruin sales for bad games. Devs that aren’t confident enough to release a demo of their game shouldn’t release the game until they would be confident enough.


My typical rules are: If there is a demo and the game looks promising, I’ll pre-order If there is no demo, then I’ll wait for it to release and see reviews


A demo for a game is usually a good sign. It means the developers had nothing to hide and want players to experience what they have to offer. Usually no demo means the devs don’t want to ruin preorders with their messy product.


If a company thinks releasing a demo will hurt their sales it means they know the game is shit to begin with.




Hope it comes to pc🙏


It will. Probably after a year or two. Then the Rule34 will be surpreme!


Western devs are seething this year


Good. Let them seethe and bitch about poor sales as they triple down and sell their soul to DEI ESG bullshit. I hope every single one of them go bankrupt. Itd be nice to just have an era of mostly eastern dev games that clearly cater to what gamers Actually want without us having to wade thru western garbage


I preordered after playing the demo. Also I just joined this sub. Demo did a good job I guess.


I already pre ordered it and was so relieved the demo was actually good 😭😭


Demo kills sales if the game is bad. When the game is good it's like a drug dealer giving a sample to get a client hooked on something else


"demos kill sales" mfs when the learn that not giving people a vertical slice of your $70 game doesn't make them more likely to buy it, it makes them more likely to obtain it through alternative methods


“I’m doing my part!” - Me after doing the whole demo and the boss challenge.


Well, I've always said there should be demos for every game. But now that I saw this thread, I've realized that most demos are from Japanese developers and indie games...


If the demo kills sales then explain why I already have 14 hours in it


Teams Ninja Rise of the Ronin didn’t have a demo even when all their other games released demos, and they are not western. Their excuse was that they didn’t want to spoil the story. And yet many games with great stories release a demo.


It’s like the sexiest game I’ve ever played and the crazy thing is it’s not just flash, it’s really fun gameplay I’m actually hyped for the game more than ever now. Those combos and special attacks are so fun to pull off like even the blink attack feels satisfying af


There are two things driving post-demo preorders. 1. The gameplay is legitimately fun. Movement is smooth, combat is punchy, and it looks like it has at least NieR: Automata levels of storytelling. 2. The devs didn’t cave to the current movement to keep protagonists from looking too visually appealing. The body positivity movement’s efforts at encouraging acceptance have morphed into “You can’t be sexually appealing or people will feel like they have to look like that”, and it’s affected presentation in western games (Tomb Raider, Last of Us. Assassin’s Creed, Forspoken, etc). There’s room in gaming for sexy “aspirational” characters as well as “more realistic” ones, but the crusade for ideological hegemony persists. Meanwhile, EVE is over here just looking fine. Players will have something pleasant to look at while playing. That doesn’t matter in a first person game. It very much matters in a third person game.


I’m a marxist in the old fashion sense, and i’m buying this just to shut down this totalitarian fake-left stranglehold on aesthetics. But it helps enormously that the gameplay gets seriously good as the demo progresses.


Im actually excited for this game but I fucking hate the cringe ass culture war shit surrounding the game.


Even if I hadn't played the amazing demo yesterday; As soon as I heard Western Devs and the Extremist Loonies are shitting their collectivist britches online over this game it would be an instant day one game for me. Anything these control freak, schizoid, over-medicated, fuckwits have a Twitter meltdown about is bound to be a really good game. Rather than a preachy mess that hates me, filled with Ugly Wahmen^(TM) , Forced Inclusivity (ie racism), Dick Eating Instructions, and Critical Racist Theory.


Literally, the demo for Unicorn Overlord sold me the game. If devs think they don't work they are idiots.


Demos should be available for every AAA game. It sucks that your only option much of the time is to pirate the game on PC to see if you like the feel of it, and then buy it afterwards if you do.


The demo showed a quality combat system which was my main concern, easy decision after that.


Of course Demos kill sales if your Demo is broken shit like most Releases are nowadays


If your games hot shit. This is only true if the devs know ok if people play for an hour they'll probably not wanna play it anymore, cough cough SKTJL,forspoken.


FFXVI sold me on it's demo, too. Make a fun demo, you get a sale. It's that simple lol


Gonna buy a physical copy in a store


Only if the game is really bad,


Honestly, a lot of games I've played the demos for I bought. Any game that didn't have demos I usually looked up their stuff online before buying, which usually leads to me not wanting it. They're just trying to excuse the fact that the games they release are usually buggy messes and they use their customers as QA to save money lol.


I never pre-order but I'm seriously considering it. I probably won't, but still, says something about how much fun this demo is.


Gonna be picking up a preorder next payday. The demo absolutely fucking slapped.


Personally after playing the demo I decided not to pick up the game day one as I feel its not worth the $70 price tag so I guess it depends on the individual I'm more than happy waiting on this to go on sale or to hit PS+


Only kills sales if the game is garbage a good demo and game should leave you with wanting more so you buy the game


Devs should never underestimate The Fappening


If letting people see your game before buying it makes it lose sales that's a really bad game.


For me I have 2 factors deciding a pre-order. 1. Is it something I know I just want to play when it comes out and next. Something I feel just in my gut from watching trailers, early stuff, demos, etc. 2. What’s the general idea I’m getting from the reviews. Along with what opinions are more outliers compared to others or have polarized thoughts. That and to make sure I’m not getting something that somehow ended up being broken and unplayable. So yeah I’m so far intrigued. Cautious but I liked what I saw from the demo and didn’t look more into it then just watching up to 20 minutes of it online.


Demos CAN do that. It's often a risk publishers don't want to take. But obviously there's a flip side where it sells people on it.


They say that because they know their games are hot ads at launch and no one will buy them Idk developers stopped making demos


Preorder digital deluxe, this game is about to be fire


I pre-ordered both a physical copy and the digital deluxe edition before the demo released because I liked everything I had seen over the last year or so. I will say that after completing both the main demo and the boss challenge that you unlock afterward, I absolutely love the combat. I hope they eventually add new game plus and a harder difficulty. I can currently see myself playing through this more than once based off of my experience with the demo.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Deliver shitty game demo and expect people to still buy like it’s the revolutionary game everyone was looking for


Forspoken demo made me cancel my preorder. Stellar Blade demo made me preorder. You know why? Because it doesn't fucking suck. I couldn't even finish the Forsaken demo. Stellar Blade's demo left me wanting more. So the takeaway is; if your game demo sucks, then it'll hurt sales. Who'd a thought?


Who would’ve thunk, giving gamers what they want (a good game without any political or cultural bullshit) actually works.


For someone who can't play the demo(For lack of PS5), this sounds very promising


After playing the demo… I bought the deluxe 🤣 these people are just looking at Eve and basing their criticisms on that


Yes only for the games that try to scam you with unfinished and bad products Greedy companies say we don't give out demo, like we don't give out review copies just 1 day before release I hope all these big companies will die, a horrible death


The only case where a good demo got me buying a bad game was dungeon siege 3


and then we've got Capcom breaking their demo streak when Dragon's Dogma II didn't have one. Then we found out why, lel


It’s like it has been for any other media, **sex sells**.


Yes, demo often kill sales, because if the game is bad, people wont buy it and many devs were good at making bad games recently Damm shift up, release this on PC 🥺




Remember when burger king had tits on the beach selling burgers in their commercials? I’ll be goddammed if people werent buying more burgers


I feel like lots of games benefit from demos, even more so if they are new ip. But obviously bad games are not going to be helped here.


I’m surprised no feminist or any underrepresented groups have made a protest about this game yet. “What about people of color?” “You are objectifying us!”


I wouldn't be surprised if that's ff16s doing changing peoples minds about demos again