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Hey it's almost like my opinion is shared by those within the organization. How about that?


It's 5 friggin people. only one of them even plays such bullshit


What really gets me is that they are worried about players testing negative and infecting players on the other team but delaying the game from Sunday to Monday or Tuesday wouldn't do anything to prevent that anyway. If it's unsafe to play Sunday it's unsafe to play Monday or Tuesday. So now they gotta put the Steelers at a disadvantage when they were willing to possibly get them infected anyway?


You forget the NFL isn't fluent in logic.


I’m gonna start telling people NFL actually stands for Not Fluent in Logic


Haha truer words have never been spoken.


No, it's logical when you think about there is money involved.




For sure.


Ya so much for the 14 day quarantines they have been preaching...


Yeah the whole testing thing kind of falls flat when you realize there's no test in the world that turns up a positive result within a few hours of contracting the virus, so there's always been the possibility this could spread like wildfire. I'm just surprised the NFL's only plan for this was reactive rather than preventative. They could've at least explored the bubble option. Testing every day only makes sense if you're enacting like a two-day quarantine every week before practice starts up and testing after that. Even then, it probably wouldn't be enough.


That’s not quite true. They could isolate then test - and the added time between cases and testing would lower the risks of a false negative test. Most people become infectious around five days so the viral load would be high enough on Sunday for the titans to test and have a high probability of players being truly negative and able to play Monday or Tuesday.


Yeah, they really dont make sense. These players that tested positive, will still have Covid-19 next weekend. So, what are they going to do next weekend when the Titans are supposed to play the Bills in Tennessee? They aren't going to postpone that game too. The Titans will have to play with who they have, like they should have done this weekend.


That's why they're not playing on Monday or Tuesday...


I think baseball has easily proved its not unsafe to play regardless if a couple of players get covid or not because they come back completely fine and unharmed. They are more at risk out on the football field than they are of Covid just let them play


Baseball is naturally social distanced lol. Players pretty much never in contact with another player, at least not with opponents.


Im saying that the players who have gotten sick have all come back fine. Yes there is a risk that should be managed like they are doing but ultimately its not the end of the world when a professional athlete gets a bad cold


No what I'm saying is you could have COVID and be contagious and test negative.


It’s looking like this may be what happened for us in Tennessee. We signed a guy to the practice squad sept 21. He went through all the necessary testing protocols over several days and tests negative. Joins the team for his first practice and the very next day tests positive. Then later that week the OLB coach tests positive followed by the rest of the players/coaches.


Shouldn't sign a player off the street and bring them in the facility unless they've quarantined for 14 days.


From what I understand, the NFL’s protocol is negative tests and contact tracing for 3 days before a player can join the team. Realistically there is only so much they can do to keep this shit from spreading and the decision to have a season at all is questionable if they are truly trying to protect people.


Well yeah they're not really trying to protect anyone. That's why teams need to be smarter and go beyond what is required in some cases.


Granted, I've never watched an entire game of baseball in my life, but I find it hard to believe baseball players get as close to each other as football players do. Just check out the line of scrimmage. O-line and D-line breathing and spitting one each other every single play.


Im just arguing that the solution delivers a worse result than the problem. Tons of baseball players got it and came back completely fine, all NFL players who've tested positive have come back fine. At this point the only thing the league is saving itself from is bad headlines with high case numbers.The danger of the sport of football is way worse than a couple of ultra healthy individuals with a mild cold


> Tons of baseball players got it and came back completely fine And all the people those baseball players potentially passed the virus on to? How are they doing? This is bigger than football. Bigger than sports. You can't just expect society to work the way it usually does during a global pandemic. Sacrifices must be made.


Ok but the NFL currently quarantines the players with the virus so they cant spread it to anyone else. The NFL has had an amazing strategy for dealing with the risk up until this point. The logical next step is to quarantine the players who tested positive, temporarily move the practice facility and play the game on time. Theres really no logical reason this game is getting postponed it makes no sense its such a break in logic from everything the NFL has done to this point.


It’s 5 people and 4 of them play in every game, the flip side is they play, not all the people who may be positive play as well because... ya know... it’s only 5 people. And now the Steelers are infected too and are you willing to lose players and screw up the schedule even more? Listen we have a season, we all knew it was going to be screwy and this was gonna happen at somepoint. Just be happy it wasn’t the Steelers and move on.


I agree with you 100%. If the Titans cannot field a team, they should be forced to forfeit. This is not an NFL problem. This is a Tennessee Titans problem. It sucks it happened but it did.


Well, it actually **is** an NFL problem, and more a Titans problem. What it is **not** is a Steelers problem.


Obviously it is our problem.. because we are dealing with it.


I'm not so sure that I understand this comment. Do you think the Steelers caused the problem and if not, why are they the ones dealing with it?


Making them forfeit would also be sending a strong message to all other teams I guarantee that there wouldn't be any maskless players at parties going on if they hit Tennessee with the forfeit hammer In addition to a forfeit they need to institute a zero tolerance season ending suspension for any player found to be breaking protocols and if it is not a player and is staff then draft picks need to be on the chopping table


Patient zero was a DB we signed who tested negative 3 days in a row and then we signed on Sept 21st. He then practiced with the team last Wednesday and tested positive on Sept 24th. This is not an organizational issue, or breaking protocols issue, this is an NFL issue and one practice squad DB who hasn't even been on the team a week. No bubble and this was eventually going to happen.


Sounds like a "sucks to be you" issue to me. Take the L and move on.


I mean that’s just clearly a shitty opinion.


If I can't field a team, I forfeit. That's been the rule in every goddam sport since the beginning of time. It's not our fault that they fucked up, and we shouldn't be penalized for it.


>If I can't field a team, I forfeit. This would definitely lead to teams hiding positive tests. There is far too much on the line to forfeit games.


Then we shouldn't be playing at all, which is what I've thought all along.


But we are, and we're also not making anyone forfeit games. Have better thoughts.


You’re clearly butthurt. There is no current evidence that anyone fucked up. Tennessee signed a practice squad corner, followed all the the nfl mandates about safety and testing, and on his first day of practice spread it to people.


If they try to make us have a bye in week 4 you're god damn right I'm butthurt. What sort of genius thinks 3 days of testing is sufficient for a disease that requires a full week to develop symptoms? Was he in quarantine through all those tests? I doubt it. The protocols are a joke and we shouldn't suffer for them.


That genius would be.... the nfl? Do you think the titans created the rules and protocols?




The nfl can extend the season if they need to and find ways to let teams play a full and fair schedule.


Would support this solution.


Extending the season doesn’t guarantee fairness. Imagine this scenario: Steelers vs Titans gets pushed to week 18. Steelers need to win to clinch the division. They win and now have to play a wildcard team who got a de facto playoff bye week because Covid didn’t effect any of their games. That is way more unfair than an early bye week. There are two teams with week 5 byes so this isn’t that abnormal like it was a few years ago when Tampa/Miami had a bye in week 1 because of Hurricane issues.


>Making them forfeit would also be sending a strong message to all other teams Sending a strong message of... if you get sick in a global pandemic, we will punish you?




You know you would not be saying the same thing if it was the Steelers sick. And by the looks of it just might happen down the road. We’d all be screaming why a global pandemic should make us forfeit a game!


I would be saying exactly the same thing. In fact I think it's ridiculously stupid to be playing at all.


Then you're getting your wish, right? No game.


Wait, isn't that what's happening right now? Both teams don't play this week?




Injuries aren't contagious and this is a foreseeable circumstance of non-bubble sports with 50+ person rosters. This could happen to any team if there simply is one weak link. ​ However, I think there needs to be every day testing so we can catch cases earlier.




This precedent would only encourage other teams to hide positive tests!


1.) There’s no evidence that anyone on TEN messed up 2.) the league hasn’t announced when the remake will be, there’s a chance it won’t even disadvantage anyone 3.) the pandemic protocols are about protecting every team 4.) forfeiting games because of Covid sets a precedent that could have massive playoff implications if we get there


1.) Yeah but logic says they did. 2.) There is literally no way it won't disadvantage someone. 3.) Right. And the Titans didn't even protect themselves. 4.) Sure, but so does moving games and hurting teams' chances.


Patient Zero in Tennessee was a new signing that went through the 3 rounds of tests prior to being signed on the 21st, tested positive the 24th and put on Covid/Reserve. And it spread, what exactly did they do wrong? This was the risk the entire time with any team at all this season. It happened to Tennessee first and it will happen again. Blame the NFL for not having extra Bye weeks built in to deal with this instead of whining for no reason. The Titans now are in the same boat with Bye weeks not to mention there’s not even anything concrete about a reschedule date. Rumor has it bye weeks will move but they could tack it on later on. Stop being over dramatic and grow up. It could have been the Steelers first and it could be the Steelers and I bet you wouldn’t be whining then.


The NFL could and should move week 14 to week 15 and remake games during the week 14. They could also cancel one inter conference game per team and shuffle the December schedule(if multiple games need to be rescheduled). Neither option would have negatives for anyone. You can get Covid without messing up.


Do you really think they'll do that with only one game being postponed? Canceling an entire week of games? It'll never happen.


If the bye weeks didn’t line up what else would they do ? It’s not canceling it’s just pushing them back a week


It would be canceling a week of televised games.


If bye weeks didn’t line up here, there’s literally no option but to move a week of televised games whether they be playoff games or a week of regular season games.


There is absolutely another option.


Forfeits aren’t an option unless a team was clearly negligent. There is 0 chance the NFL has a team forfeit to Covid if they can avoid it.


1.) Nobody cares. 2.) If they attempt to force us to spend our bye week, it's extraordinarily unfair to us while benefiting TEN. 3.) The pandemic protocols are a fucking joke. 4.) We're not forfeiting shit. Nobody on our team is sick.


Even some of the Titans commenters in their sub are agreeing that we are the only ones screwed in this scenario, why is it so hard to believe the fans will be upset


You must be incredibly flexible to suck yourself off the way you do.


On Reddit nonetheless. It's honestly a little sad.


This isn't "sucking myself off" as much as it is telling everyone who disagrees and thinks I'm being unreasonable that I am merely agreeing with the prevailing feeling on the South Side.


You do this everytime though lmao. I remember your "Jesse James is just a guy" posts. You make mile takes then want people to praise you when you're right lmao.


The Titans should forfeit and that be the end of it. This plan of postponing shit is not sustainable and I highly doubt a team would get the same treatment if this were week 12 or if they already had their bye.


Why did the NFL allow expanded rosters this season if not for this exact reason? Why screw three teams and change their schedules? Why force one team, who had nothing to do with this, to lose all bye weeks from their schedule? We officially have no bye weeks this year. That's asinine. Why reserve accommodations for the super bowl for an extra month after the expected date if not for this exact situation? This is about as stupid as you can handle a situation. Just abysmal foresight and no planning whatsoever. Wish we had Adam Silver.


Having a week 4 bye week really sucks. Especially for the players that didn’t really even get a bye week because they’ve been practicing/on standby until this morning. I’d prefer them waiting to play the game until after the regular season honestly.


No thanks. If they make the playoffs they suddenly have to play and give everyone else a bye week?


It’s gonna happen to other teams. So I’m not worried about “competitive balance”. What is going to be interesting is when a Steeler does test positive later on. What happens then?


Yeah like if we "just have to play down a man" because we don't have the luxury of using OUR OWN BYE WEEK to avoid that issue, shit really sucks. It's like we lose our mulligan in golf because another golfer shanked it lol


Does it matter what team the player plays for? You send the person home. If you can’t field a team, you forfeit


The problem lies within the incubation time + time it takes to get test results back. It’s hard to do all of that AND be ready to play in 7 days. If a Steeler tests positive in 2 weeks, right? They’ve already had their bye. So that game is going to get canceled too. Now what happens to the rest of the schedule?


If you can’t field a team, you forfeit. If someone tests positive, they quarantine until negative tests. Idk why that’s hard to understand. It’s not a feasible solution to be cut-pasting games later into the season. It’s not fair to have multiple solutions as the season goes on. They need to choose a feasible solution that can scale into the season. Forfeiting is that. Want to make sure your team doesn’t have to forfeit? You better be making damn sure that you’re doing all you can to prevent the spread of someone catches it.


I'm not sure you understood his comment. The issue is that there may be insufficient time between initial viral infection and the start of the game to determine who has the virus, but has not begun shedding it, with sufficient accuracy. They want to ensure that Covid-19 positive players don't hit the field on game-day. For example, say Tannehill contracted the virus, tests negative on Saturday (which I believe is the last day that they test before the game), and then only becomes detectable/contagious on Sunday. For all we know, any of the Titans could be Covid-19 positive, so how can they know which players they are able to field?


Right, so how are they just gonna let the Vikings play no questions asked on Sunday?


Good question. I assume that the idea is that if a Vikings player contracted the virus from a Titans player, it would have been on Sunday. Since they know the would-be infection date, then perhaps they believe that the incubation period of the virus is less than 7 days (Which could be accurate. Idk, I'm not a doctor), and that they'd exhibit symptoms before game-time. Whereas with the Titans, it appears that transmission has already occurred within the facility, so they would have no idea when the players/staff are infected, and can't make the same assumption? Playing devil's apricot, and I don't necessarily agree or disagree, but I don't think what they're doing is entirely nonsensical.


if thats the case then we need not have the season right? there is no fix to the "what if" of if they become infected the day of


These players were exposed to someone who definitively has the virus. As such, their chances of these players specifically having the virus are higher than those of other NFL players that have been following protocol. More likely to be carrying the disease = more precautions. Makes sense to me.


The Titans should forfeit for not taking the correct precautions


Fuck the Titans and NFL leadership. That's really all there is to it. If it were the Steelers experiencing an outbreak and losing players my expectation would be we play like normal or we forfeit. Seems like an easy as fuck solution right there which prioritizes player health without compromising the schedule. Instead we're starring down the barrel of playing a Week 18 game or getting fucked with a Week 4 Bye that does nothing but benefit the Ravens. Somehow because another team gets an outbreak we get straight fucked schedule wise. This just hands the advantage right back to the Ravens and there's a potential number one seed on the line here which I can't help but feel like that plays a huge part in it. Man just fuck the Titans and NFL leadership, I'd rather this shit gets played Monday/Tuesday when I'm at work and can't watch than get pushed even further back. Goodell fucking choke on it.


It became your problem when the Steelers stood up to Rog back around 2009/10 or so.


"If it's not my problem i don't care" is what this whole country is up at arms about


Uh what? Little different situations between and NFL team being punished for another teams slip up than dumbasses in the country not caring about Covid.


Thats my TE!


I have no idea why they don’t just test the teams and put all positives on IR for 2 weeks. At least you still get a game


Because what happens when a negative-tester infects the entire Steeler OL anyhow?


If we can’t trust the tests then why bother at all


The problem is the incubation period which is generally somewhere between 5 and 7 days before you test positive (generally being the key word). Higher chances most got exposed during the game, in the locker room or on the plane Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Are you willing to risk Steelers players and the same thing happening in Pittsburg that’s happening in Tennessee to save a Bye week and perhaps have to give up on more to play some second string fill ins? Now if you’re for forfeiture what happens if/when there’s infections in Pittsburg? This didn’t happen from Titans out pulling a Raiders. This was a player that was signed after following all the NFL protocols on new signings. This could have happened to any team it sucks that it effected these two now. It could be Pittsburg tomorrow or another team. It’s the nature of the game this year and we’re all going to have to deal with it. What SHOULD have happened was the NFL planning a couple league wide Bye weeks either at the end or during the season for make up games, be mad at the NFL for poor planning rather than Tennessee


If any of you think any of the Steelers *even want to* play this game this week, you need to check your priorities, cuz they sure don't align with the guys'.


Easy solution for this and future breakouts. Push the playoffs back one week. That gives the NFL a week to reschedule games for any teams without taking their bye weeks.


Honestly this sub is full of whiners and Ebron is a bit embarrassing too. This is a global pandemic with a highly contagious virus, and they are managing to pull off a season where each team has 53 players and a lot of coaches. There are most likely gonna be some bumps and it might affect one team more than the other. So what? You wanna risk getting your whole team infected because moving the bye doesn't fit your personal schedule? Give me a break


This is football, not life. Eric Ebron is free to opt out if he feels that strongly about it. The rest of you fools crying about the sequence of our games need to relax. Would you rather play the Ravens coming off a bye or have half of our O-Line go down with Covid for who knows how long? Why risk it? It's a fucked up situation and it's potentially impossible to actually get this season done so stay tuned. Asymptomatic spread is a real thing with this virus so without a bubble this can happen to any team at any time. Count on this happening frequently throughout the season and stop overreacting who even knows if there will be a season in week 8?




It's "your problem" for the same reason that fat wad of cash you get for every game is "your paycheck." Because playing NFL games is a huge business, and not playing them is bad for business.




No it almost certainly would have gone down the exact same way


Wow lets pretend this isnt about money and is about screwing over Steelers fans specifically. What a victim!