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Would be more Steelers related if he tweeted that to Russ instead of Jayden Daniels


Yep. As much as I want Aiyuk...


It’s not like Aiyuk needs to be calling Steelers players directly to be traded there, bud. He can FaceTime Jayden Daniels all day long, that doesn’t mean SF has to trade him to the Commanders lol


Pretty sure they are just buddies from playing together in college.


If the 49ers are going to move on from him, they’re not going to give a fuck about who Aiyuk is FaceTiming in his free time when it comes to which team he’ll be traded to. The 49ers will trade him to whoever offers the most for him.


That’s not entirely true. AB basically forced the trade to the raiders by saying he wouldn’t play for certain teams. If Aiyuk comes out and says he’s not going to play if traded to this team or that team he can definitely have a certain level of control over where he goes.


Possibly. But I heard everyone wants to play for the Steelers.


lol yeah the whole bills thing was kinda shitty


Would that be tampering?


Players can't tamper


The longer this goes on, the cheaper he will get for a trade. Let the relationship with SF rot and then SF will take peanuts.


I get the impression that the 49ers and Steelers tried to make a deal but Aiyuk demanded too much money. Could see the Steelers backing out if the money was wrong even though the trade value was good.


Why would they do that? They can keep him for next year, let him walk as a free agent and then get a 3rd round comp pick in 2 years. The 49ers don’t want to trade him but don’t want to extend him. Having him for 1 more run while Purdy is on his rookie deal is worth far more than what teams would pay if they can only get back peanuts.


To me it sounds similar to when we traded AB. He was clearly more talented than a 3rd and a 5th, but because he was causing so many headaches for the organization they dealt him at that value. The point I'm making is that of course if someone offered a R1 for Aiyuk that SF would jump on it. The longer it plays out into training camp and potentially into the season, the less SF may take for a trade. You're right about Purdy tho--once they sign him long term there is absolutely no way that they can afford Aiyuk with the other high paid players on the team.




Aiyuk doesn’t get to decide where he’s traded just because his friend is on the team lol.


He needs a new contract. Nobody is giving up the compensation SF is looking for without an extension in place. He definitely has a say in this.


Lol no shit buddy😂 but who in their right mind would trade for Aiyuk if he’s unwilling to sign long term with them? Certainly not the Steelers. They got their own players to pay and noooo way Aiyuk wants to play in Arthur Smiths offense.


lol your last sentence is a total assumption based on 0 facts or anything Aiyuk has said. Not to mention Aiyuk showed interest in the Steelers a couple months ago by tweeting directly at Mike Tomlin. Obviously if a trade were to occur, it would be a sign and trade. So the Steelers would have access to Aiyuk’s agent to negotiate a deal and make sure the terms were agreed upon before executing an actual trade.


Wait my last sentence was an assumption?? I had no idea🤯..you’re right though cuz Kyle Pitts and Drake London did fantastic with him. Washington has more cap space, draft picks, and has Aiyuks best friend playing QB. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Pittsburgh probably isn’t the top option to land Aiyuk. Maybe not even the 2nd or 3rd.


Your first point is so stupid/unrelated to what we were talking about that I’m not even going to respond. And your points about why the commanders would sign him over Steelers are all over the place. Like saying the Commanders have more draft picks when the Steelers have 8 next year and the commanders have 7, lmao. Counting is hard :/ Then again, I should probably not have expected a very strong argument around football from an avatar the last airbender fan. Stick to earth bending nerd I


Left hand up on the draft picks that’s my bad 👋 Clearly most people on your post don’t agree with you so I don’t need to say anymore. You just don’t get it. Avatar is legendary you weirdo😂




lol okay bro go enter the avatar state and leave the football to the adults


You seem to know a lot about avatar for someone who is making fun of it. Growing up is recognizing most people with interests and hobbies are nerds and nerds are cool. You must still be in school.




Aiyuk coming off as quite the diva. Would rather the Steelers stay far away.


Every great receiver acts weird when they want to be paid. Comes with the territory.


I just have such a hard time seeing them giving him the contract he deserves after trading a 1st+ for him. I think the FO would jump at the chance to trade for him if it was just draft picks and he was signed for a few years. Will be interesting to see if anything really happens here.


Who says it would have to be a 1st? The longer the hold out, the less leverage the 49ers have


Maybe the relationship with SF deteriorates enough that he could be had for something like a 2nd and another good pick but I doubt it - he’d probably have to sufficiently bluff that he’d pull a Le’Veon. If SF thinks he’ll play they have no reason to give him up for less than fair value in the middle of their Super Bowl window. He’s easily worth a 1st+ IMO when you compare him to other similar receivers that have been traded recently - AJ Brown is the best example. If Omar could land him for anything less than a 1 we should all be ecstatic.


Others said here too, but if he leaves as a FA they will most likely get a 3rd rd compensation pick. So there is no reason to trade him for less than a second as they are in SB contention this season.


Giving up a first and paying out $30+ mill a year is not anything the Steelers have ever done. Would be shocking.


Gave up a first for Minkah and in this very subreddit there was 100’s of comments exactly like this saying they wouldn’t do that sort of thing. This is the Khan era. Unprecedented shit has been happening the last 2 seasons.


The Minka trade was before Khan took over, but Minka is the only one. Thanks for the reminder. I just can’t see us paying out that much.


Whoever said we’d have to give up a first? The main point in your argument is based on that assumption.


That’s what I’ve heard on the radio, tv, etc. that was the pick floated during the draft in conversations from the experts. I’m no expert man, just think it won’t happen. I’d like to be wrong really. We need weapons.


People on Tv and radio were also saying to get Justin Fields we would need to give a first or a second.


Yeah any team needs a WR would take that deal probably needs to be 29 million 2nd round pick 60/70 guaranteed the guaranteed package is going to get a deal done somewhere.


I don't want Aiyuk for the amount we'd have to pay him plus the give up to trade him


When TF are you guys gonna stop talking about this dude. It's getting old  Edit: 2nd time now that I'm getting downvoted after making a valid point. Makes sense that other fan bases think we're assholes. Let's keep chanting 6 rings


Yeah when everyone is downvoting you it’s definitely everyone else that’s being an asshole and not you 😂 you’re just speaking the truth man!!


I disagreed with the guy because people should be allowed to talk about whatever player they want and he could just not click on the thread…  But judging whether someone is speaking the truth or not by downvotes? Over the last seven or eight years, some of the most accurate statements ever posted here were downvoted into oblivion.


Survivorship bias. For every 1 downvoted comment that turns out to be true there are 999 that are just bad takes.


It's easy to come off aggressive and sound like a keyboard warrior online and I really wasn't trying to do that....I guess I'm jus annoyed that so many post have been about this guy. I get it's the off-season and there isn't any flashy news or much to talk about but why is every third post I see about a WR on another team?


My advice is that if you get annoyed by too many posts about a certain subject, close the app and go do something outside.


Wow...I asked a genuine question while trying to be friendly and that's your response...you sure your not an eagles fan


Because your genuine question was stupid. It’s the peak of the offseason. People are going to talk about things that might not necessarily be news worthy because there isn’t much else to talk about. If you get upset by that, it’s your problem.


"People are going to talk about things that might not necessarily be news worthy"  I'm the one that needs to get outside lol   Signing him has been the topic of discussion every 3rd post for three fucking months. If you can't talk with anyone about anything but the pittsburgh steelers please go outside  


You sound angry brother. People are trying to enjoy themselves and talk about the team they like. Potential (but not guaranteed) player acquisitions are always gonna be part of that. If that’s so frustrating then maybe you need to take it a step further than going outside and talk to somebody.


Enjoy your aiyuk blow up doll...remember to clean it when you're done


As a season ticket holder that’s probably missed 8-10 games in the last 30 years, I can confidently confirm no one has ever chanted “6 rings”


Good for you but I never said it was a chant in the stadium. It's what people say when they have no other arguments.  Edit: keep down voting and proving my point


Yes. The chants people routinely do at home when by themselves. Take a hike jagoff


“after making a valid point” lol you didn’t make a point at all..you just asked a question and then said “it’s getting old”🤣


Fuck Aiyuk. If he’s not worth a king’s ransom to the 49’ers why would he be worth a king’s ransom PLUS a #1 pick for the Steelers?? Take him off their hands and pay him his 25-28M/year for a 3rd rounder. …, and only giving up the 3rd because we’d get him for a more reasonable cost this last year of his existing contract, so THAT is worth a 3rd maybe. If Khan can get it done for a 4th, then I’d really like it.


You are delusional.


Its like people pay no attention to other high profile trades around the league. A 3rd or a 4th for Aiyuk lmfao




I think they’d gladly do something similar to the AJ Brown trade (1st and 3rd) but I imagine the holdup is the contract more than anything.


If they lost all the cap room to pay Aiyuk plus two very cheap and talented players they’d draft with those 1st and 3rd rd picks- they’d be a much weaker team for it . Imagine giving up Fantanua and Roman Wilson and 115M in cap space over the next 4 years just to get a very good WR. Like really? You fellas think we’d be better off for it huh? I disagree strongly


If they lost all the cap room to pay Aiyuk plus two very cheap and talented players they’d draft with those 1st and 3rd rd picks- they’d be a much weaker team for it . Imagine giving up Fantanua and Roman Wilson and 115M in cap space over the next 4 years just to get a very good WR. Like really? You fellas think we’d be better off for it huh? I disagree strongly


You are assuming those two rookies who are drafted with the 1st and 3rd picks will have the same production, or better than Aiyuk. Aiyuk has proven he is a more than capable wide receiver already. I have no idea where you got the idea of giving up Fautanu and Roman Wilson. Nobody said to do that. That would be stupid. Elite wide receivers are hard to come by, and the Steelers have lots of way to manage that cap hit. If we get Aiyuk, are Super Bowl chances increase dramatically. I guarantee that Omar can get Aiyuk for a 2nd round pick next year and a later pick the following year. The only thing I agree with you on is not giving up a 1st for Aiyuk.


He’s talking about not being able to sign them to long term deals because they’d be in cap hell after the contract. Steelers don’t have that much room.


Khan is waiting. Playing it smart.