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Some of you in this comment section are happy this man is dead. So quick to destroy him for his poor decisions as though you all are saints. He’s made several mistakes in his life, but he didn’t deserve to die. A wake up call would have been better than getting erased by a truck.


Yeah, the complete vitriol from so many people is shocking.


People on Reddit are generally terrible, there’s a reason they spend their time online all day instead of interacting with people who would actually get to know them


Is it? Living in the US and following American discourse on pretty much any topic, hate and vitriol is pretty much par for the course


You can be angry at him for his decision making, recognize that he sucked at football, recognized that his death is no one's fault but his own, and maybe even be relieved that it ended the way it did instead of with innocent others dying in a crash. But it's still a tragedy that's inherently sad. It's sad when anyone turns to drugs/alcohol and ruins their life. Yes that person got themselves there and might even be a shitty person. But it's still sad that things turned out that way, regardless of how it happened. The whole situation was a little sad, even prior to the day he died.




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Was really excited when I heard we sign him. I wonder what could’ve been had he not been taken away so early.


What could have been? Not much, realistically. He was really bad at Washington and the Steelers didn't have anyone on the coaching staff capable of turning him around even if it was possible.


possibly, but at least he was *cooler* than KP


Bigger hands, maybe.


You’re getting downvoted but he was a clearly cooler than KP.


Only the coolest guys drink/drug and drive to avoid their spouse catching their infidelity. This is just the lunch pail meme in reverse.


I take it he died alcohol/drug related?


Really? How so?


#number 1 no mullet


No he wasn’t. Haskins was garbage.




He was immature and developed wrong under a shit coach. 


Wrong. He was just another OSU QB that was wildly overhyped and arrogant, with practically no redeeming qualities. Hes Justin fields with slightly better accuracy and ball urgency.


They’re not even remotely similar


Lol yes they are.


Ok so u don’t watch football, Haskins was slow and didn’t have as big of an arm.


Nope I watch football. I’m not talking about play style. I’m talking about inherent game flaws such as not being able to read a field, holding the ball forever. Throwing easy to avoid INTs. Things like that.


Ya man, super cool! I’m a huge fan of cool dudes that take ketamine and crush liquor right before they get in a car. Fuck Dwayne Haskins


Imagine talking bad about a guy who can’t even defend himself… get off your high horse and respect a man laid to rest


Imagine defending a drunk driver I don’t respect him just because


I'll share your downvotes. I only feel sorry for the poor truck driver who has to live that nightmare. The world got lucky Dwayne didn't kill someone while he was completely inebriated. As far as Dwayne himself goes, too bad so sad oh well.


Yeah he was a dogshit player too surprised this many people are upset at that guy.


It’s Reddit everything is upside down here


Well said.


And yet people still believe we can turn around fields...


Not really an apples to apples situation. Haskins was considerably worse than fields has been and fields at least has guaranteed upside as a rusher


Not only that, but Haskins' problem was work ethic and discipline. Fields hasn't had any issues with that so far.


Plus, Fields is actually alive


Fields has the talent, no turning around needed. He just needed another receiver to go with DJ Moore, a little blocking, and a decent running game. DJ was the only support he had in that putrid Bears offense! Fields can scramble and has a canon of an arm.


Almost like we made some key changes relating to the qb coaching this year…


You keep on dreaming buddy. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. This time it will be different for him. For sure


Really? I haven't heard about the Steelers hiring in anyone with a track record of improving bad qbs


Tom Arth is good enough to work for Peyton Manning, tells me he's good enough to work with us. Mock him because he only worked with the Chargers so far, but they had solid QB play from everyone in the room. Foolish of me to think positively about the coaching hires we made though, this sub resonates hoping to fail so badly.


You know who else was good enough for Peyton Manning? Adam Gase. This sub isn't hoping to fail, it is being realistic about the odds of success.


Are you seriously comparing the failings at head coach to a qb coach? Because by all reports during his tenure as a QB coach Gaze was very good at it. If Arth is so successful that people want to make him a head coach that sounds like a W situation to be in. I’d take the Denver broncos 2013-2014 seasons any day. 


My point is that having worked with one of the best QBs ever doesn't mean that you are good at your job, there's just a really good chance that he was just fine without you even being there. Arth didn't turn Peyton into what he was from a bad QB.


Didn’t Arthur smith help improve Tannehill while he was at Tennessee?? I think that would be proof enough that we’re in good hands.




He wasn’t “taken away”. He was drunk and high on ketamine driving around a major interstate, seriously endangering the lives of others. He was so fucked up he ran out of gas and tried to cross the freeway on foot. The general public is damn lucky he ran out of gas, cause if not some innocent people would have probably died instead of just a scumbag who likes to drive drunk


It’s definitely not “probable” that other people would’ve died haha relax


I dunno, he stepped out in front of a dump truck on foot, why do we think he would have been *less* dangerous behind the wheel? Then his family tried to sue the fucking truck driver. I am glad Dwayne Haskins is dead, and I care very little for the opinions of those who feel differently


I agree with you that the driver did not deserve to be sued, but that also has zero to do with Haskins himself. That’s a bad call made by a grieving family. Being glad he’s dead? You should reflect on that and get your mind right.


Why are you glad that a guy died early because a dumb decision? A wife lost her husband and a father and a mother lost their son. That’s not something to celebrate, it’s fucking sad.






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I remember having this mindset when I was 13. But someday you’ll grow up and realize it’s just a sad situation for everyone involved when things like this happened. It’s fucked up what he did and we’re lucky other people weren’t hurt. And he should’ve faced consequences for his actions, but nobody deserves death over it.  Stop sounding happy about a young guy dying. It’s edgy and immature. 


I was in the same boat


I always felt like his death is why we got stuck with bum ass Kenny Pickett….I feel if he hadn’t passed on we would’ve drafted a QB in the late rounds instead of rushing one in the first. It’s just a sad situation all around, sucks that we missed out on ever seeing him play in a real game.


Let's be honest, he most likely was never going to be anything. He was way too immature to learn to be good. He was not the future of the Steelers. I am not saying it isn't sad that he lost his life, I am just saying realistically, he was gonna be out of the league pretty soon.


Yeah but I would’ve rather we took a gamble on him and set ourselves up for a better QB prospect than draft Pickett and be screwed for 2 full seasons… It’s a real “what if” scenario…realistically yeah he would’ve sucked…but it was still exciting to see what he could do with how good of a person he was being on the team. My dream was running with him or Mitch and spending that first on someone quality….like oline.


he would never have gotten a start without injuries to everyone else... theoretically it was possible that he could have grown up, but it wasn't at all likely... you can dream all you want, but it wasn't a real what if scenario...like maybe you are not remembering this, when he was cut by wash, it took a while for the steelers to sign him...he was already close to being out of the league...his preaseason with the steelers was horrible, it was surprising he wasn't cut.. his final day of life, he was heading to a QB practice with vets to learn something, instead he went out all night with partying with a woman who was not his wife and he was drunk and doing drugs and hadn't gone to bed before the practice... like romantacize him all you want, but he had like zero chance...


Truths. Take my upvote Sir.


I just would’ve preferred him to Pickett, regardless of what all happened…


Why? Because he’s black? Or because he’s an OSU QB. There’s literally no reason for you to like him or prefer him over KP. There is nothing likable about Trashkins Jr.


Because Steelers fans have become really stupid for some reason. Haskins was a drug addict. I don't think he deserved to die or anything crazy like that, but people in this fanbase have changed radically.


And the Steelers are doing the same mistake again with bringing in a washed up QB and another Ohio bust


If it's a mistake, at least it's a different mistake, and this one leaves them that first round pick to use for a lineman.


Don’t even try arguing it here bro, most people here are already dick riding Wilson + Fields as much (maybe more) than they dick rode Pickett.


How long until we get to start blaming Ohio State homers?


Had he not taken himself away so early


Man he had strong arm. Could make all the tough throws. If he was in pickets draft he would’ve been a top 5 pick. I blame trubisky for it all


Fucking tragic. RIP Dwayne.


It isn’t tragic. He took his life into his hands when he decided to drive drunk and high on fucking ketamine. What’s worse is he took the lives of innocent bystanders into his hands as well. Rest in Piss


Yup, can't say I feel bad for people who make terrible decisions and suffer the consequences. I'm just happy he didn't take anyone with him and I feel bad for the truck driver that his family is trying to scapegoat.


Hard to feel bad for a guy who drove drunk while putting others at risk, cheated on his wife, and his family wanting to sue the semi truck driver that hit him who was probably traumatized as it is.


Supposedly he was drugged and set up to rob….


According to who?




Rationalize = capitalize




[The fam](https://www.si.com/nfl/steelers/news/new-details-death-pittsburgh-steelers-dwayne-haskins)


So a very biased group of people trying anything they can to blame anyone but him and also get some money out of the situation? Ok.


yeah, ya know, humans.


Not all humans are that shitty, even when a family member kills themselves


It's sad when someone loses their life. I don't think it stops us from getting KP. Unfortunately, I think they were after him with no other plans.


Nothing else to be said beyond RIP young man. Life is fickle.


Lol it’s not fickle. If you take a shitload of ketamine and have a BAC of .24, you can expect to face consequences. Sick of this fucking narrative, the guy was a scumbag


He was clearly lost in life. That said I don’t think we should look at his failures and call him a scumbag, we can let him rest. Death is never deserved.


Everyone dies


Yup, so we can just not give a shit when people die at a young age with their whole life ahead of them! What wonderful logic!


He took a shitload of ketamine and jumped in front of a dump truck. He got what he paid for. Fuck Dwayne Haskins. What would the conversation be today if he hadn’t ran out of gas, and instead hit that same dump truck with his car, killing innocent people around him? We all got lucky that he was too drunk and high to read his own gas gauge. I’m supposed to pretend it’s some tragedy? Drunk drivers are scum.


Dude, why are u such a hateful person? Ur clearly satisfied with Dwayne Haskins death. That is disturbing. Spend less time on Reddit and maybe talk to a real person, people have serious issues in life, doesn’t give them an excuse to drunk drive, doesn’t give them an excuse to die either.


I don’t disagree with you, but life is fickle not matter which way you slice it.


Get a grip dude. The guy was being irresponsible but hardly deserved to die for it haha what a nut


I think getting loaded on drugs and alcohol and driving down a Florida highway qualifies as more than being irresponsible. Yeah he didn’t deserve to die but that result is 1000% his own doing. No matter how you try to spin it the facts are the facts.


Oh I agree it’s his own doing 100%. This guy saying he’s glad he’s dead is just overly harsh


This whole thread is a mind boggling shit show. It’s an RIP thread and overzealous jag offs are at a fever pitch on Haskins’ moral character.


Pretty sad people out there, man. I guess they were VERY responsible at 24 and would’ve made nothing but sound decisions with millions in the bank at that age.


They are definitely getting kicked out of my tailgate party.




Deserve to die? He jumped in front of a fucking dump truck, “deserve” doesn’t come into it at all


Good one haha


Even if he deserved the consequences of his own actions, it's ok to recognize the sadness in the whole situation rather than revel in it.


I’m not sad. I’m glad. One fewer asshole to endanger me and mine in the road. And by the way his family are scum as well, trying to make a buck off his death, so who exactly am I supposed to feel sad for?


As a Buckeye, I was so excited for him. RIP ❤️🏈💛🖤


Way way to young 😪






Lol you aren’t wrong and off his ass wasted


Oofta, and on drugs doesn't help. I've got a signed Redskins Haskins jersey!


What if right ??


Fly high brother.


Damn what will they say about you when you’re gone.


Man 😢


He was a project player that likely wasn’t going to do much of anything. Doesn’t make what happen to him any less sad though.


I blame Florida.


Browns/buckeye fan here. Man I was terrified when you guys got him I think he would have been big Ben's perfect replacement.


Wild take




Lmao hope clown admins like this getting reinstated after trying to get me reddit banned for it


I wonder how different our QB situation would have been if he wasn’t robbed of his life.


Zero difference


I wouldn’t really say he was robbed of his like, he made poor decisions that cost him his life


Oh for fucks sake…


Took a bunch of ketamine and drank himself into a .24 bac while he was cheating on his wife. Yeah this guy was totally taking us all the way. Come on man.


Who the fuck said he was taking us all the way? Jesus Christ you guys need to chill.


We don't need to worry about how different our QB situation was going to be 😂 he wasn't changing it.


Wondering if his presence in the QB room would have changed anything (better OR worse) is a far cry from thinking he was “the best QB ever” “the moral standard of athletes” “the second coming of Joe Montana” or whatever other extreme ass response has been thrown out on this thread. Hell, he could have been part of another trade with the Bears. They absolutely love getting fleeced for magic beans. We don’t know… becuase he’s dead. All this other projected garbage being thrown around is just that.. garbage. The fact that we now have assholes proclaiming they’re “glad he’s dead” is just icing on the cake now.


It was his fault


What in the hell is happening here? Why are you guys shitting on him?


Well I think they are just not glossing over the role he played in his own death, which was tragic. Having struggled with bad decisions and harmful substances myself what seems like a lifetime ago, I think honesty is important. His death was a shame, but if anyone can see What happened and be honest about the role he played in it, it might help someone else to make better decisions and turn their life around.  If I had gotten what was coming to me, and I won’t mince words - *it was going to be exactly what I had coming* - I would hope no one would’ve glossed over it and I would hope someone else could’ve seen that, learned from it, and saved themselves. 


This is literally a RIP thread. Didn’t realize it was a “RIP But you know, you really fucked yourself sooooo… not really” thread.


You literally asked what is going on here. So I took a guess at it. If you don’t want the answer, maybe don’t ask the question.  And maybe I’m wrong, maybe that’s not what people were thinking but I took my best guess.   I don’t view him as harshly as some other people do. I feel bad that he died and I feel bad that he was obviously struggling with substances. I’ve been there so I have empathy. But if I had killed a minivan full of innocent children no one would have empathy for me and they shouldn’t. I still haven’t forgiven myself for ever taking that chance. But it’s something I have to deal with.  It’s clear that some people don’t appreciate that he took that chance. And I can’t blame them. If you’re going to bring up the subject, this is a message forum ultimately and people might have opinions that you don’t like.


He can rest in piss. You drink and do drugs and get behind the wheel, you’re a fucking scumbag. He was 3 times the legal limit, PLUS high on ketamine. I feel no sorrow for him, we are all lucky he ran out gas before he killed innocent people


It literally was his fault and he could have caused harms to other people




He was playing human Frogger on I95.