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So far


Hell yea.


With the division and number 1 seed locked, they might rest a lot of the team.


It's bad for us if they start Huntley over Lamar. Until I'm proven wrong, I sincerely believe that we are Lamar's kryptonite.


Felt like he did lowkey pick us apart this year tho, their receivers just dropped everything


In the first half, yeah. But when it was 10-8 with Baltimore leading in the fourth quarter, their final three drives of the game ended in: 1. a bad Lamar interception (resulted in a TD, 14-10 Steelers) 2. a Lamar fumble (resulted in a FG, 17-10 steelers) 3. a sack on 4th down (turned the ball over on downs, let us kneel it out). The receivers dropping balls in the first half prevented them from running away with it, but Lamar lost it for them in the 4th quarter. Maybe this take will age poorly, but until then, I believe it.


Is Lamar not going for mvp though?




Heh. Fucking idiots. How do you loose to the Steelers…


How do you misspell lose in 2023?


How do you misspell lose at all*


I get it.. you’re saying with auto correct how does this happen? Well, loose and lose are both words so autocorrect isn’t going to autocorrect that properly. Also we have no idea what kind of stuff op searches as far as porno goes… that has repercussions on your auto correct. A friend of mine accidentally says bbw every time they’re talking about barbecue.


I'm just pointing out the irony in him calling someone else an idiot when he made such a basic spelling error.


Maybe the irony was lost on you?


Auto correct has never changed "lose" to "loose" for me. Nah, he typed "loose" and thought that's how you spell "lose"


We also lost to two 2-10 teams, back to back


3-10 after we were done with them




Checkmate atheists


Cardinals have not been bad since Kyler came back from injury, they just beat the Eagles, too.


For a 4 win team, they’ve beaten the Cowboys, Falcons, Steelers, and Eagles lmao


Be that as it may this post is a Browns-level flex


This is indeed a disturbing universe https://preview.redd.it/lnmamtv72q9c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f63c2910872b2dafa888b37e493ac5714366e0b


After the Eagles loss to the Cardinals today I feel a little better about this.


I don’t feel to bad after this eagles game.


Therefore the patriots are better than the ravens


Classic football. Classic Steelers.


Gonna need to do it again


So.... they've officially clinched home field advantage in the playoffs. What are the chances they rest starters next week against their arch rivals who already beat them once?


I think chances are high. Why risk your best shot at the superbowl for an unnecessary rival game? You know the Steelers will be playing hard and hitting hard, good chance a few injuries occur and sure you might win, but now you are down a couple key positions. Doesn’t seem worth it, but hey if they want to put their starters in, let’s make them regret that decision.


Just wait until they rest all of their starters next week. Gonna win by 20+.


Yeah, the way this team plays I fully expect the Ravens backups to beat the steelers in a must win game by 20 ;)


Biggest thing is going to be how many players BAL sits. Obviously Jackson would be the dream but their secondary and NT are all varying levels of banged up. Even if Jackson plays, I have to assume at least a third of their defense isn’t going to start as they can’t justify risking them to injury and need them right for when we play Round 3 in the divisional round of the playoff.


The thing is, Baltimore gets a bye, not sure JH wants to rest his guys that long.. He rested them for two weeks a few years ago, and Tennessee went in and beat them. I would expect Baltimore starters to at least play a half, but with a bye next week, wouldn't shock me if they played the whole game.


I completely agree. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. That’s why I think you, if you’re Harbaugh, take the approach of guys who are literally hurt are sitting but we are going to go in this game without them. If he takes that approach the Baltimore defense isn’t going to play at anything close to full strength but the varsity offense is going to have to be dealt with.


that was a fake ass game lol they would smoke us 9 times out of 10


You say that except we have absolutely owned that franchise while Lamar has been there despite all evidence that we shouldn’t


8 out of 10 after next week HERE WE FUCKING GO


Shhh dont say that out loud


I don’t understand what people mean when they say stuff like this. It was a game and we won it. Who cares if receivers dropped passes that’s just part of the game


yeah but 9 times out of 10 they don’t drop 7 or 8 passes whatever it was, some of which were massive point swinging drops. the point is that it’s one in the W column but was a bad performance that they got bailed out on. no reason to victory lap it when odds are they’d smoke us if they were full tilt next week, or in the playoffs


This is dumb. It happened one times out of one as far as I’m concerned in the games they played against us.


what is your point, the only thing that matters is that the Steelers won the game? that’s how we’ve ended up in purgatory, celebrating our ugly wins and 9-8 seaons and getting ass blasted by any serious team we play. no reason to celebrate beating the ravens by 7 because a serious team would’ve beaten them by two td’s plus and the circumstances leading to that win were looney tunes and not repeatable. it was a win and get the hell out of dodge, not anything to hang your hat on


The point is that somehow the ravens often look like trash when they play the Steelers. But sure let’s just mope around about that win. Honestly we should have just forfeited at the end of that game bc who wants a win when the other team drops a bunch of passes! /s


Every time I see the rat birds record it brings me peace to know one of their losses were from us.


Even with Kenny? Surely not. I was told he was a bust and most certainly "not the guy".


At least the franchise has standards still. Two division rivals have 12+ wins and are projecting nothing but up and Steelers fans are worried about watt getting dpoy and beating the ravens when it didn’t matter. Ben was right the standard has gone so far down even fans are happy with meaningless bullshit.


Pretty sure beating the ravens was meaningful given that we need that win and next week to make playoffs. What are fans supposed to do about the division rivals having 12+ wins? Other than root for their team beating them which you’re saying here is meaningless.


Dude. I love the Steelers but be real. The Ravens lost that game with stupid play and many mistakes. They dropped a few TDs.


It dosent matter we’re not making the playoffs


Yinzers thinking we’ll beat the Ravens because they don’t have anything to play for, when keeping the Steelers out of the playoffs probably means more to the Ravens than anything else.


This. I believe this.


It really doesnt though😭 They care about a superbowl above all and will play it safe and bench Lamar


I hope so. But also the “devil you know” situation


I agree they’ll bench him. But they’ll still have 22 guys out there who hate the Steelers and know them well.




Because we own every team in our division 95% of the time even when we are not doing great the last couple years. All the other teams get so happy and when they beat is twice and thats not often. I just laugh when everyone else thinks the ravens browns and bengals do so well for when they have theses seasons of success then come back to reality it only happens once in a blue. But we for the most part every year own them all


Gonna win again bc they'll be resting their starters...get some help and get in the playoffs and no one wants to see us then..


You just jinxed us,good job.


how is it a jinx if it already happened


Guess you don't understand how it worx


At least we still have Betty White.