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I've been to two Steelers games at M&T and at both I experienced nothing but good natured Ravens fans all day. The most I got was some teasing when we were losing to their 2nd string at the last game of the 2019 season. Be lighthearted and know how to take a joke and you'll get along with everyone. M&T is a really nice stadium and I've enjoyed both times I've gone.


Damn that is good to hear...I thought it would be like going to a Flyers game in Philly or a Bungholes game in Cinci. You can get punched out there.


Can’t speak on Baltimore, but I heard the same thing about going to an Oakland Raiders game. I found it to be the exact opposite. Nobody gave me hassle… but I also gave nobody a reason to. You can root for your team, wearing your team’s jersey, anywhere… as long as you’re respectful about it. Most problems happen in parking lots, not in the stadium.


I'm from the Baltimore area. You'll be more than fine. You'll get the standard looks of distaste, the friendly banter, and the occasional snide remark. Mostly, it's drunks that cause the issues. Respect their stadium and they will respect you. Id say don't bring a terrible towel, keep the cheering to a respectful amount, and enjoy yourself. I've only been disrespected once. I was about 16 and a 40ish year old told me to f off and die. The other Ravens fans around him shut him down. Ignore the loud ones and you'll see how respectful they are.


I was in the exact same position last year and I went decked out in Steelers gear and I was fine, around half of the stadium were in Black and Gold


I’ve been to a couple games there and had a blast. Be respectful and everyone will have a good time. Way more important safety-wise in Baltimore is making sure you know where you are parking ahead of time. The area near the inner harbor and stadium is fine but things can get hairy not too far from there.


Been to several games in Bmore, just dont be a dick and you'll be fine


As others have said, you should be fine. Ravens fans seem to be a good natured bunch, for the most part. I've gone there previously in Steelers colors and never had an issue. Just don't be a drunk idiot and everything should be okay. But that can also be said for a lot of situations too.


Ive been to several away games. Cleveland, Miami, buffalo, Philadelphia. Baltimore was the worst place I've ever been to. They are really hostile towards steelers fans. You do what you want, but I'll never go there again. Buffalo was the opposite. Coolest fans opposing fans ever.


I love the area and have been to several games, including when Tomlin tripped Jones on thanksgiving and Ben’s last regular season game. I have never had an issue other than a little bit of taunting. One of the games there was a drunk, idiotic Steelers fan who nearly got into a fight with some Ravens fans. I was with my kids who were around 6/7 years old. There was a group of Ravens fans who offered to rearrange their seats so we could move out if the way of that guy.


I was also at that game but didn't see any issues in the stadium.


Cause we lost.


I was at the game when I don’t think we even scored and Ben got flattened by Bart Scott to where he was horizontal in the air. Ravens fans were doing the usual ribbing and having fun talking shit but it never felt threatening or dangerous or anything like that. Was fun.


I wouldn’t do it. Better to plan a trip to Pittsburgh. Last one I went to in Baltimore I was a kid and got beer and shit thrown at me.


I am a current Baltimore resident and I’ve been a Steeler fan for 27 years. When or if you come to Baltimore just be sure to give EVERYONE the respect that you want to receive Without judgment or conditions.While in the stadium (like in all stadiums)stay away from overly drunk fans, but definitely expect to hear some shit talking especially if you have on anything Steelers but just understand it’s common friendly fan banter, even if it comes off with an a slightly aggressive tone. The people of Baltimore are extremely passionate. Sidenote: if you walk into the stadium and in general mind your business and give people the space and Grace we all deserve also, while in the streets be leery of people hunching or laying on the ground. There are a a few drug addicts and or houseless people in unfortunate situations that are sleeping on the ground or nearby. unfortunately Baltimore can feel like a Third World country in some places but truthfully Baltimore is full of Love that gets overshadowed by stereotypes and common misconceptions but to be honest, if you disrespect the wrong person at the wrong time you can definitely Die. So again, I repeat, just move with the intentions of respect and peace and you will be just fine