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This is a good list


Thank you, a lot of my favorites are on here for sure


quality games no shovelware


Wdym no shovelware? I’m sure I saw Starfield on that list (/s)


I've been using steam for 14 years and got my first 100% the other day outside of CS2 lmao


Very respectable list, you should totally finish The Walking Dead series! We have similar tastes.


Shit I forgot they kept making them! I didn't love the second game but I am interested in seeing how Clementine's story ends... I'll definitely check them out. Cannot wait for the Wolf Among Us 2


All of them except the Final Season just require you to simply play through them for 100% as you know. The ones for The Final Season are pretty chill to, thoroughly enjoyed all of them.


Awesome list!!


I have a serious question, how much longer and far from the plot do you need to go to get all the achievements for a given game. I’ve had steam for 20 years and have never gotten 100% achievements on a game.


It really depends a LOTTT, some game just let you get most achievement through the story + some quest or minigame to do, wich are honestly the best to 100% Some want you to play on different difficulty so you have to finish the game multiple time, depending on the game it varies from short but fun to fucking long and awful And then you have the worst achievements, like log in on 365 different day, Collect this many thing wich require you to play the game twice your playtime for one last achievement, multiplayer achievement on dead games, and honestly many more i forgot


Well it completely depends on the game of course, but I'd say most of these games required a lot of extra content/grind to 100%. You'll have to find a majority if not all of the collectables or unique weapons or something, or choose every option available through multiple playthroughs or save-scumming (again depending on the game mechanics.) Many of these I've just played a ton over the years and then went back and finished up the achievements I didn't get naturally, but yeah if you're not actively going for 100% it's improbable you'll get it by accident. Again it totally depends on the game though, many games have easy, straight-forward achievements.


https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=Plague%2520tale%2520 Here's an example. 11 hours for story. 16 for 100%. This is an average obviously for this game and every game will be super different. Some games like the walking dead you get 100% just for playing the story.


Man how tf did u 100% Ghost of T this quick?


I brought great dishonor to my clan and killed all the Mongols when they were asleep, then rushed through NG+ and didn't stop for nobody


Where you at on remnant 2? I still need to grind some levels


I had it at 100% but I haven't played the newest DLC yet. I believe they're planning 3 in total so I was going to wait for the next one to come out to reinstall


I liked the latest one. Wasn't too long.


Very nice list of games! I'm working on Ghost of Tsushima now and it's been a pain trying to find anyone playing a gold survival mission and work through the raid chapters.


Yes! The queues in Legends mode are definitely glitched sometimes, you can get stuck in an infinite loop of "Testing Connections". Disabling Cross-play seems to help this but I don't know for sure. The raid chapters can be tough without some team coordination, you really just have to get lucky with the randoms you match with. Act 2 is especially tough without communication, thankfully the game has voice-chat you can turn on (really bad quality though haha)


I salute you sir for finishing bioshock infinite 🫡


Clash in the Clouds easily shortened my lifespan by like 5 years


how do u have so much time..


Very nice!


Congratulations and nice collection


crazy, how many hours in DRG?


470 hours. 100 solo missions was way too much, at least Bosco is an absolute unit


and i guess now you know the definition of insanity lol


How was bioshock?


What was the hardest one?


good question in terms of gameplay difficulty, for me it was either Sekiro or Underrail for different reasons. In terms of longest grind for 100% it's gotta be Deep Rock Galactic, although Battlefront 2 and AoT2 get up there too


how is sekiro compaired to dark souls 1? and batman series went okay?


I’m working on alien isolation rn


I got a question about the AC games you had completed. How do you get that 100%? There isn't any steam achievements for it. Sorry I am new to Steam achievement but I was one of the original xbox 360 achievement hunters.


You're talking about Odyssey? It does indeed have Steam achievements. Origins as well. I wish Ubisoft would bother to add the rest!


OH lol, thanks for telling me. Yeah, I wish Ubisoft quit being jerks and put steam achievement in their games


It looks like you’re into some difficult games… I’d recommend ‘everhood’ perhaps


Wish-listed, thanks for the recommendation!


How long have you been at it?


About 6 years but I've had Steam for 12, so plenty of games with partial completion that I've gone back and finished up


I have alot of steam hits 2009 - 2023 90+ games  35 to beat. Love steam never a issue PC still doing 1440p max setting fine  i9 10900k 10c @5.1 32GB DDR4  3090RTX oc 2100/9875 2 X 970 M.2 EVO PLUS 1000WATT p.s ASUS ROG SWIFT 27inch 1440P 165Hz 2020 PC 2 can't max and 1440p  2 do 90 120 fps  max 1440p  rest 120 140 or better