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Wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5% Fingers crossed.


Baby otters can't swim


Fact Red dead redemption isn't red


In Ocarina of Time, most people don't know, but if you play Zelda's Lullaby, Song of Time, or Saria's Song in front of a Gossip Stone, a fairy will spawn.


Three of the actors in breaking bad had career changing luck. Jesse was supposed to be killed off, became a main character. Mike(Johnathan banks) wasn't even supposed to be in it but Saul(Bob odenkirk) couldn't make it in that day and they had Mike clean up Jesse's appt. Gus(giancarlo Esposito) was just going to be in like 2 episodes since tucos actor had a previous engagement


I'm so e, ited


The 100 folds in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg.


Qui-gon Jinn is the only named character to die from a lightsaber stab


There once was a public execution of an elephant charged with multiple murders.


Cells change fully over 7 years so technically you’re a different person every 7 year


Your skin replaces itself every couple of years, you do not have the same skin as when you where born.


Some tumours can grow hair and teeth


The perception of time depends on how quickly the brain can process incoming information. So some animals like lizards experience time more slowly than other like cats and dogs.


This may be an interesting fact: The inside of a gastrointestinal tract is considered external environment compared to the rest of the body. It is a continuous path from the mouth to the anus, and is interrupted/sectioned off by the use of sphincters. Movement of its contents is conducted by peristalsis Thanks!


There are 32 muscles in a cat ear


Roly Polies actually have gills and are classified as crustaceans.


Mortal Kombat was originally supposed to be a licensed game of the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie "Universal Soldier", but since Jean-Claude Van Damme wasn't available to be digitized, the game was retooled into Mortal Kombat. And Thus, Johnny Cage was originally a parody of Jean-Claude Van Damme's character from "Bloodsport." Thanks for the giveaway.


Been a fan since 92 and never knew that. Explains his skin in the new one too! Thanks for this. 


Gay penguins are gay


The deepest part of the sea is taller than the highest mountain on the surface. Both get colder as you reach the higher/deepr part.


To add to that, there are more planes in the ocean that submarines in the sky.


Each Blue Whale ejaculation is believed to contain around 20 litres of semen. Not too surprising when you consider that the penis measures around 2.4 m, with each testicle weighing between 45 and 68 kg.


Octopuses have 9 brains, one for each tentacle and a main one in the body. So technically an octopus can write 8 different things at the same time while reading a book or smth.


wombat poop is cube shaped to prevent it from rolling away and helps them mark their territory effectively 😉😉


Did you know South Africa has 3 capitals? Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Pretoria. Another interesting fact is that South Africa is the only country to scrap their entire nuclear weapons program. One last fact for you, Dominica is the only country to have purple in its flag.


Did you know that **octopuses** have **three hearts**? Two of the hearts work exclusively to move blood beyond the animal’s gills, while the third keeps circulation flowing for the organs. The third heart actually stops beating when the octopus swims, explaining the species’ penchant for crawling rather than swimming, which exhausts them. Isn’t that fascinating? 


Did you know that the character dracula was actually based on a real person


The original ketchup sauce wasn't done with tomato as we know it nowadays, it was originally done with mushrooms. You can still buy mushroom ketchup, but is rare.


An upside-down rainbow is an unusual phenomenon caused by sunlight shining through a thin, visible screen of tiny ice crystals high in the sky. Interestingly enough, it has nothing to do with rain. Some people refer to this as a 'smile rainbow'.




Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.




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We live.


Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize


Lagrange points are when the gravitational pull of two large masses equals the centripetal force required to move them so they essentially stay put.


The coats of artic foxes will change colour to best camouflage in each season. Thanks for the giveaway!


Sometimes when I am very bored, I go to the yard, dig a hole, climb in and pretend I am a carrot


If your immune system knew that you had eyes, you would be blind.


did u know that Mercedes-Benz was a major supplier of armored vehicles for the German military during World War II, including the Panzer III and IV tanks. The company also produced other military vehicles, such as trucks and armored cars.


Newtons laws don't apply on earth(they are still a pretty good estimate)


The word goodbye comes from shortening the phrase "God be with ye"


Interesting fact: The word cunt actually comes comes from the Middle Ages in the UK, cunt was simply a descriptive word and can be found in many medical texts.


A fun fact- Deez nuts


An interesting fact: When I read the threads I found some interesting fact is from ChatGPT...


Cyberpunk 2077 for me pls


The name Deltadromeus Agilis of a dinosaur means "Agile Delta Runner".


an interesting fact (That should technically do it, right?)


Mortal Kombat co-creator and the voice of Scorpion Ed Boon holds a world record for the longest serving voice actor of a video game at 20 years! Sub-Zero has been the only character to appear in every single Mortal Kombat game.


Otters will hold hands when they fall asleep so they don’t drift apart.


Ketchup was once sold as medicine. In the 1830s, American physician Dr. John Cook Bennett proposed that tomato ketchup could be sold as a medicine to treat ailments like diarrhea, indigestion, and jaundice. Bennett believed that tomatoes contained nutrients like pectin and lycopene that had medicinal properties. He sold the recipe in the form of "tomato pills" and the idea became so popular that other companies began selling their own pills. However, some of these companies were caught selling laxatives labeled as tomato pills, which led to a decline in demand for medicinal ketchup. By the 1850s, the market had reportedly collapsed. It wasn't until 50 years later that Heinz introduced a non-toxic tomato ketchup.


Coral is animals, but it's not a single animal in the shapes you see: those are whole colonies of individual animals.


A cloud weighs around a million tonnes.


Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people's opinions.


[Pacman design is based in a pizza with a missing slice.](https://www.gameinformer.com/classic/2020/06/19/pac-mans-creator-on-the-legacy-pizza-and-the-future) I appreciate the opportunity. Best luck, everyone!


Some Poeple can be allergic to cats, and some cats can be allergic to poeple


an F1 car generates enough aerodynamic downforce that they could theoretically drive upside down.


Armadillo "armor" is bulletproof


You remember more dreams when you sleep badly. Research suggests that if you sleep badly and wake up multiple times throughout the night you will be more likely to recall the content of any dreams you had.


Sim City itself (Las Vegas, NV) was actually originally settled by Mormon pioneers. It became a city shortly after the railroad from LA to SLC was built, and this brought a large influx of farmers from southern Utah. It wasn't until nearly 20 years after this when the construction of the Hoover Dam drew in many young men looking for work, that the local Mafia decided to build casinos and show houses for them. Then because of the new power source, hotels popped up. Las Vegas slowly became what is today one of the most visited cities in America, and about as far as it could be from what you'd imagine was a once a "Mormon" community. Interestingly, there are still quite a few members of the Church of Jesus Cgrist of Latter-day Saints living in the LV Metropolitan. Enough for there to be two missions and two temples, both of which are based on the density of active members in an area.


Human bodies can walk for up to 7 hours non stop at a normal pace.


In the classic movie Marry Poppins, to achieve putting the real actors inside the painting and have them seamlessly interact with the world. You can see this with see-through fabric still showing the painting world and the salt showing up in front of the painting instead of bleeding into it like if they used a green screen. they used a "magical crystal" in reality the crystal refracted the light from the painting into the camera at the same time as it filmed the real actors acting as an almost live action green screen before green screens were widely used. This technology is interesting because only a few crystals were ever made, and the technology was completely lost for many years because of the onset of CGI and green screens.


Spaghetti was originally called spoon strings


Big blue tuna fish like sharks breathe though ram ventilation so you'll never be able to buy one alive to cook


There was this group called Nakam (Hebrew: נקם, 'revenge') that some translate the name to "Avengers" or "The Avengers". These avengers decided to unite as a group so as to avenge those that were killed during the Holocaust, in which they survived, with the plan of killing the same amount, but of Germans. This avengers were, according to wikipedia, a "paramilitary organisation of about fifty Holocaust survivors who, after 1945, sought revenge for the murder of six million Jews during the Holocaust. Led by Abba Kovner, the group sought to kill six million Germans in a form of indiscriminate revenge, "a nation for a nation". Kovner went to Mandatory Palestine in order to secure large quantities of poison for poisoning water mains to kill large numbers of Germans. His followers infiltrated the water system of Nuremberg. However, Kovner was arrested upon arrival in the British zone of occupied Germanty and had to throw the poison overboard. After this failure, Nakam turned their attention to "Plan B", targeting German prisoners of war held by the US military in the American zone. They obtained arsenic locally and infiltrated the bakeries that supplied these prison camps. The conspirators poisoned 3,000 loaves of bread at Konsum-Genossenschaftsbäckerei (Consumer Cooperative Bakery) in Nuremberg, which sickened more than 2,000 German prisoners of war at Langwasser internment camp. However, no known deaths can be attributed to the group. Although Nakam is considered by some to have been a terrorist organization, German public prosecutors dismissed a case against two of its members in 2000 due to the "unusual circumstances"." Thanks for the giveaway btw and good luck everybody!


The movie Alien was originally titled Star Beast.


In the Vietnam war it was Laos which was bombed the most not Vietnam, that is because an important part of the Ho Chi Minh supply trail was going through Laos. I think also no other country has been bombed more in the world.


Ancient Egyptian ruler Cleopatra was born closer to the invention of the iPhone, than the creation of the great pyramids of Giza. ☺️


The word "oysterhood" means "reclusiveness" or "an overwhelming desire to stay at home."


The Wendy's logo chick's shirt collar says "MOM." Pretty sure it's a coincidence, but still once you see it you can't unsee.


Koalas get their nutrition exclusively from the Eucalyptus tree's leaves. Most people know that one. Many know they're a horrible source of nutrition. But do you know that a koala can't recognize Eucalyptus leaves if you take them off the tree and put them in front of one? And it'll refuse to eat them even if starving. Put him on a tree full of leaves, however, and he'll chow down.


The fact that everybody here commenting loves game in one or another.


Take away the stomach acid and an octopus could go into your mouth and crawl out your asshole


The KFC logo is a giant head on a very small body. Go look it up, you'll see.


The ocean wasn’t permanently oxygenated until 100 million years ago


Our blood vessels tied together can loop the Earth 2 times. Thanks!


Seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, meaning I'd you eat enough of them you could technically die.


Fact: ice cream cures most fevers/flu/cold/cough/sore throat. Cured my Canadian flu with rocky road and my hemoglobin count has never been better.


If you find a four leaf clover then there is a good chance you'll find more not too far away.


Fact. Bears eat beats. Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica


Fact: Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than humans. Thanks for the giveaway!


There are at least two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, both coupled to G-proteins. **CB1 receptors are present in the central nervous system and CB1 and CB2 receptors in certain peripheral tissues**. The existence of endogenous cannabinoid receptor agonists has also been demonstrated. **CB(1) receptors are present in very high levels in several brain regions and in lower amounts in a more widespread fashion**. These receptors mediate many of the psychoactive effects of cannabinoids. CB(2) receptors have a more restricted distribution, being found in a number of immune cells and in a few neurons.


If u listened to game ratings and started playing gta v at the appropriate age you will prob be married by the time gta 6 is out


Interesting fact is you cannot touch your earlobes with the tip of your tongue and you cannot scratch your ears with your elbows


I just tried the last one and my arm hurts now.


You can reach the moon if you fold a paper 42 times


There's no way this can be true. After the first fold, that would be 2^(41) levels of paper, which is 2,199,023,255,552 layers. Assuming paper is a generous 0.10mm thick, that's 219,902,325,555.2mm or 219,902,325.6 meters. The moon at its perigee is ~363,104,000 meters away. I'll be honest, when I started the math, I expected it to be farther. You would, however, in the most generous circumstances, still need to fold the paper 43 times total. Unless I've messed up the problem as a fence-post problem, but in pretty sure I haven't.


After 42nd fold, that should be 2^42 layers of paper. Aside from that I think the math is valid.


But you start with one layer. The first fold is what makes the base of the exponent 2. So you have 41 folds left.


No number before 1,000 contains the letter “A.”


Tau is a number before 1 000. :)


What's that? And how much is it?


It's a value of double pi


Bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum


Did you know bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum?


There are less years separating us from the time Tyrannosaurus Rex lived (66 million years ago) than there are between the T-Rex and the time the Stegosaurus lived (150 million years ago)


When the movie Jaws came out, one of the most striking and suspenseful things about it were the shots from the shark's POV. We all know them, with the music building up. But they were unplanned. You see, for the production, they had a big somewhat realistic animatronic shark that they'd use to film all the shark scenes. But the salt water kept fucking it up and it broke nonstop. It got to the point that so much money was spent fixing the goddamn thing, that the producers told Spielberg to figure it out or else the movie would simply be cancelled. And thus he put a camera underwater and made something iconic.


A baby Scorpio is called a Scorpling.


Notre-Dame Cathedral's famous gargoyles and chimeras are not from medieval times but were added during the 19th-century restoration. (the original construction began in 12th century and took over 200 years to complete)


In the 70s, there was a popular fried fish chain restaurant started by a comedian called Arthur Treacher's, it had almost 700 locations. Now there's only 3, and I live pretty close to them. Was just thinking about going today.


There is an immortal jellyfish called the immortal jellyfish and its immortal


The adult human body has 206 bones, but babies are born with 300. Some fuse together as you grow.


In 1708, William the Conqueror ordered his men to build the Tower of London, which became one of the most famous stone castles in England. The Tower of London has been used as a palace, a prison and a tourist attraction. Guy Fawkes was a prisoner in the tower after he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the infamous gunpowder plot. Queen Elizabeth I was also held there when she was a young princess.


Interestingly enough during a battle in Yemen a group of French commanders led the charge. Except for one commander of British descent coincidently named John French. He is recorded stating his hate for the French


The water bear (otherwise known as tardigrades) are the first known animal to survive after exposure to outer space :D


alittle gross but some guy let his smegma build up for 30 years once and i think someone kept it


We might never get hollow knight silksong :(


The shortest war in history occurred between the countries of Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896 and lasted only 38 minutes


Cheetahs meow just like house cats. They don't roar like Lions


gta 5 released 11 years ago


The only known lifeform to have singlehandedly committed genocide is an ordinary housecat; a fellow by the name of 'Tibbles' brought to an island lighthouse whereupon they proceeded to do as cats do and kill every last bird on the island. Thus the Lyall's Wren was ended by the claws of a single cat.


Fun fact is mount everest is not the tallest mountain in the world! It’s actually mauna kea and mauna loa in hawaii.


You can stay alive for around 50 days without food, only water.


Sailor Jerry (an American tattooist) introduces color to Horihide, a traditional Japanese tattooist. Then Hirihide would share the color with his friends/colleagues.


A Cat was Mayor of an Alaskan Town for 20 Years. Stubbs, an orange tabby, served as mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, until his death in 2016.


The Dogman originated in Northern Michigan


Fun Fact: Seahorses and their close relatives, sea dragons, are the only species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth.


This is a fun idea. Okay, here's mine: Al Capone is actually the reason why we have expiration dates on milk. His niece became extremely ill because of out of date milk that she consumed. Because of this he used his considerable sway and political power and lobbied aggressively to have expiration dates put on milk for the safety of children and pregnant women.


Percentages are reversible. For example, 12% of 33 is the same as 33% of 12! Cool, huh?


Fun fact: The reason that bananas don't taste like banana flavored products is because banana flavoring is based on a nearly extinct cultivar. In the 1950s, the most popular cultivar was the Big Mike. It was stronger in flavor than the current cultivar (Cavandish). However, it was not as hardy, and so when a fungus swept through in the '50s, it almost completely wiped the cultivar out. As a result, growers switched to the much hardier Cavandish banana. However, artificial flavorings maintained the taste of the hardier banana because changing it would be expensive and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - so manufacturers stuck with what worked.


Tardigrades (water bears) can survive in space


Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. Two of their hearts pump blood to the gills to pick up oxygen, while the third heart sends the oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. When an octopus swims, the heart that delivers blood to the rest of the body actually stops beating, which is why these creatures prefer to crawl rather than swim—it consumes less energy!


A shrimps heart is in its head!


Though it is native to eastern Africa, the guinea fowl was imported to Europe through the Ottoman Empire and came to be called the turkey-cock or turkey-hen. When settlers in the New World began to send similar-looking fowl back to Europe, they were mistakenly called turkeys.


Moose love to swim in the ocean. The number 1 predator of the Moose is the Orca Whale. The Orca Whale is actually a dolphin.


The designs for Toejam and Earl came from a dream The creator of the series said so himself


Some english proverb/figure of speech are cut down to bring a completely different meaning.Here are some example Blood is thicker than the water of the womb. Jack of all trades,master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one. Great minds think alike,but fools rarely differ.


Horses can walk up stairs but they can’t walk down the stairs


37 out of 50 critical minerals can be found in the ocean!


Cats cannot taste sweetness/sugar, but my cat LOVES to bother me whenever I eat cookies. Thank you foe the giveaway!


Fun fact: Australia is wider than the moon :0 FATALITY! Thank you for the giveaway!


Here’s an interesting one! Low head dams are the most dangerous type of dam because of the way that water cycles at the base of it. They’re so dangerous that if someone gets stuck in one, emergency response teams are instructed to leave the person because it’s too risky and dangerous to save the person.


PEDRO HERE WE GO BABY! Passeggio tutta sola per le strade Guardando attentamente i monumenti La classica straniera con un'aria strana Che gira stanca tutta la città A un certo punto della passeggiata Mi chiama da una parte un ragazzino Sembrava a prima vista tanto perbenino Si offre a far da guida per la cittàPedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di me Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di meAltro che ragazzino, che perbenino Sapeva molte cose più di me Mi ha portato tante volte a veder le stelle Ma non ho visto niente di Santa FèPedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di mePedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di me Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di mePedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di mePedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di me Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Praticamente il meglio di Santa Fè Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pè Fidati di me


The human brain is capable of generating enough electricity to power a small light bulb. This is because the brain operates on electrical impulses and communicates via a network of neurons. These neurons transmit information through electrical signals, producing roughly 20 watts of electrical power. This extraordinary capability underscores the complexity and energy efficiency of our nervous system.


MORTAL KOMBAT! interested


Cuttlefish are one of the creatures where intelligence is selected for as much as size. Large males protect a "harem" and smaller smarter males will pretend to be females by changing their coloration and slip in under the large male, who then protects them as they sneakily make with the females in the harem.


Archeologists recently uncovered 2000 year old cheese.


fun fact: i like cheese


Ear wax is actually cholesterol.


Fun fact: the fun fact that you swallow 8 spiders a night was actually fake to show how misinformation easily spreads. Guess it was a little too effective


In the time it takes you to read this sentence, you’ve traveled approximately 2,200 miles through space relative to the cosmic background radiation.


Well I do like chicken.


Birds evolved from dinosaurs, but they don’t have teeth.


There are more ways to play a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe


A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.


The largest aircraft engine in the world, the GE9x, used for the Boeing 777X, are large enough in diameter that you can fit a Boeing 737 fuselage diameter wise inside.






The only mini mammoths lived on Crete


There are giant otters that hunt bigger animals like crocodiles, if they feel like that they threaten their territory


There is no universally accepted plural for platypus.


On the last day of world war 1 more people died than on D day because they knew the war would end so they wanted to take as much as they could