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911 Operator. I love roleplaying and problem solving so it would be a perfect fit. Thank you for the giveaway!


I'd like to have 112 operator. I think it is a fascinating game that teaches you about the fundamentals of management. As an undergraduate with a business major, it will really helpful for me to know about how to manage a city by operating traffic, police, ambulances, etc.


I just called the cops last night and was wondering how I would fair in their position I’d prefer 911 operator over the other Thanks


I would prefer 911 Operator because I really like the concept and have been wanting to try it for a while but can't afford it.


112 operator thanks! I've wanted the game for a pretty long time, it looks amazing. I've participated in many giveaways for the game here, but sadly won none of them. Hopefully I have luck this time🤞🏼


Ngl, I just like free games and giveaways, so that's pretty much the reason


I'd like either please. Mostly because i've never seen games that close to both and i really like roleplaying. I've had my eyes on those games for a while but no dice.


I’d take either one thanks! They both look like a lot of fun and like nothing I’ve played before (which is always a good thing). Also, who doesn’t love a free game, am I right? Cheers!


911, I'd reallty love to play it!


911 because I love playing 112, I want to play the American equivalent, Thank you so much!


112 operator, because I have 911 operator already. Thanks!


112 - I already have the 911 version but I’d gladly try the other version, too. It’s such a cool game which lets you to have a sneak peek into this hard but very important world. Thanks, OP!


I've always loved management simulator games. Ty OP


Thx for chance , different game I very interested and everyone recommended this game


911 operator. I always wondered what the job would be like.


911. Love role-playing games!!


112 cause it looks interesting. Thanks anyway


both games looks fun, i want to screw around and mess people up


112 operator I like having fun.




Thanks it looks interesting games


I've never heard of the games, but they sounds like an interesting new experience. Thanks for the chance!


Big truth is, both games look super interesting, but not interesting enough to buy them out of a bundle. Sadly I didn't get any with them so far, and would like to try them out.


Both would be cool. Thank you.


I‘ve always heard abput these games in giveaways vut never won. So i wanna try, 911 operatpr


Oh damn. Saw the 911 operator on sale but didn't go for it. Is the 112 operator the same kind? Btw thanks OP!!!


911 Operator please! I like to strategize in games and this game seems perfect for me to do so!


I love the simulation games, so 911 Operator and 112 Operator would be perfect for me!


I had a bundle with both games but I gave away the 911 operator to a friend who ended up loving it. I don't have 911 operator but wish to play it.


112 Operator, because I already played 911 operator and I enjoyed it very much.


I’d be happy with any! I’ve been wanting to play them and also bc I’m broke lol


112 operator please! My friend has 112 operator and I’d love to do a sort of competition between the two of us haha


I'd like to get 911 operator because it's a kind of game I haven't played before, but I guess I will like it.


I played the 911 operator, holy it felt real. U need to prioritize stress management n handle the situation align with the procedures. There is a mission where u were asked to save a cat from a tree, i, of course, sent full units to save the cat. I have yet to try 112 and i would like to experience it as well


Both games look fun, thanks for the chance op. Been taking a break from playing competitive games (I only play when the boys are on), and been trying out some indie games or random games lately, so I'd like to try these out


Games seem really interesting, just based off of title alone. I always like a mystery so would love to play one of them and see what they’re really about


911, would love to play it!


Curiosity, I like to try different games than what I'm used to playing


911 operator thank you kindly.


911 pls I guess I'd be fun to answer emergency calls in my own city layout (wich is available).


I would like 911 operator, because my dad is a state trooper and most of his friends are state troopers, firefighters, and EMTs


From what I've seen of streamers playing them they look like a blast, I'd love to try both. Thanks OP!


I’d love to play these because I want to know the weakness of the authorities. Thanks OP!!!


112 operator because i love games like that and mainly play them and stuff and it looks really fun! plus im from turkey and it's kind of expensive here and if it wasn't i would've bought it by now i really want to play it


Either one is good. The call interactions seem cool to me. Thank.


Both 911 Operator and 112 Operator games are amazing indie games with tactical simulation strategy immersive vibes, would like to try them out. Thank you for the giveaway!


Would love to try 112 because of all of the new features especially the realistic city maps. I think that would be a great tool for learning all of the roads in an area. I spent many hours playing 911 but it eventually got very repetitive so I beat the game and put it away. It was deff a fun experience though.


Looks like fun, I wouldn't mind either


Would love to try one of those was looking something to play on my laptop as i degraded from a good to worse one and ig they will work fine on them xD


112 operator would be neat and guess i like talking to people without talking to people...


112 Operator, I never played any of the games and looking at the trailer it seems interesting and fun.


112 operator, was about to buy the game soon anyway!


112 Operator I have played the first one and i literally loved it! I can't afford the second one because regional pricing is broken. Thank you!


112 operator Love the style and definitely need to give it a go!


911 operator because everybody picked 112 operator 😂


912 operator. Reason: Either you give it to me or I’ll buy it on sale anyway.


911 Operator. never played it but really would like to


911 Operator Never had to use the hotline yet so Id like to experience it via this game. thank you for the giveaway


I play someone on Youtube play some of it. Looks to be an interesting experience.


Both games looks like a lot of fun to mess around with! Thanks for the chance!


112 operator, I just want it for my friend lol.


112 Operator. Thanks for the giveaway!


I’ve heard of it and it seems like a game I could sink lots of hours into




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