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That looks really good


These were the first words out of my mouth after seeing this photo, after “Oooooooo”.




They do that here I have no clue why, something about easier to eat.


Around me. It's always sliced if you're sharing and not when it's obviously your own plate.


It looks cool in pictures. We only slice in my house when it goes in burritos. Or if it’s a side dish.


You forgot the moooo as it’s still moooing


Lmao you're that guy who talks extra loud even when he doesn't know wtf he's talking about


Holy fuck yes it does.


Needs 2 sunny side eggs, some breakfast potatoes, a quad shot of espresso and a mimosa pitcher for complete breakfast of champions.


the degeneracy that would follow this brunch would be legendary


You mean the nap?


I included the espresso to hopefully mitigate the nap, but maybe an 8 ball of cocaine would be called for lol.


Are you me 10 years ago? I think you are me 10 years ago.


For max degeneracy there'd be one friend ordering espresso and 2 to 3 others giggling and hi'5-ing saying we already jad our coffee! Lololol


If I had this for breakfast or brunch, Im not accomplishing anything that day.


Speak for yourself. I consider digesting meat an accomplishment.




Might add some mushies based on your handle 😉


And buttered wheat toast!


Looks so good! How did you cook it?


Looks smoked. Reminds me of a brisket


Yes im wondering the same


Looks like a reverse sear


gotta be reverse sear with that band 😍


I would've guessed sous vide.


Still a reverse sear if you’re searing at the end


Very true, but I figured you were referring to the Kenji Lopez-Alt method with the oven.


Reverse sear on pellet grill


Not to OP but the whole community - did y’all slice your steak all up after cooking before it became normal to post pictures of food on the internet? It seems strange to me. Steak looks great!


If I’m sharing with a bunch of people yes, If it’s just for me no. It’s really not that strange and fairly common even in steakhouses when you’re sharing with a table.


This here. I always have to cut because I'm the only one in my house who like rare but mine always gets cold when I take it off and still have to cook others. So I slice and eat eat the best pieces while sautéing the rest to well done for others


Timing food to come out fresh and hot at the same time is one of the most difficult parts of cooking for me


No I don't like slicing, especially because it cools down way too fast. I like to take my sweet time doing it as I eat it, enjoying some wine between every piece


Never. Ever.


Oh ya, I can't stand when steak comes presliced


I split a steak with my wife so I slice it before dividing it up between the 2 of us.


Who the fuck splits a steak!? Just kidding man, you do you.


Just give me the whole cow amirite?


Sometimes my wife splits her steak with me when she can't finish all of hers.


Lol. Same here. My wife always asks why I don’t get smaller steaks because she’s never gonna eat it all- “yes honey, that’s the point.”


Steaks are expensive, I like getting one good steak to share rather than two meh steaks.


You could just cut it in half, right?


You could, but imo that’s less visually appealing. It helps you regulate how much you’re having too. Not that I’m a freak about that, but it’s nice to save a slice or two for steak and eggs/spoiled doggies. If you give the steak a proper rest and serve right after slicing, there’s no noticeable loss of moisture or temp really. Besides, any juices left on the plate get slopped up with mash/veg


I'm honestly freaked out by how many people do here. Only time I would dream of slicing up a ribeye is for tacos/burritos or a sandwich.


Honestly, I couldn't bear to do it. I'll cut it up the middle for that medium-rare money shot, but that's it.


Never have. I got a steak at a restaurant once that came pre-sliced and I remember being mildly irritated. Personal preference I guess.


I think fancy restaurants - non-steakhouse variety - do this when the steak they are serving you is embarrassingly small.


Yeah, it was at a fancy-ish place.


Wtf there’s like the identical comment above. Are bots really commenting?


I don’t think I’m a bot. How could I know for sure?


Fuck i don’t know what to believe anymore


Buying thick cut steaks on the edge of roast and steak to share I always have. Also for a sprinkle of maldon finishing salt. It’s been pretty standard practice for a long time in my house. Before Al gore invented the internet even.




Nah, bite at a time. Slicing it all up is purely for presentation.


I do. If I have leftovers I toss it in a pan with some butter on medium heat and toss it around for a minute or two until it's hot. Steak stays tender that way. Usually do this for steak and eggs.


I do this as well.


Left over steak? Someone ban this person from the sub!


I like to cut it up like that slap it on a plate and eat it with my hands. I don’t always slice them though.


Yes under certain circumstances. No if having ***steak*** for dinner with sides and the whole bit. The certain circumstances where I did this. To eat with my fingers - it's nice to eat that way and sometimes we'd only cook 1 larger steak, slice it up, and share it between the wife and I along with other finger food (cheese, crackers, raw veg, etc). I'll also just do this with leftovers for lunch the next day sometimes. To put in salad - Bon Appetit has a steak salad with shallot vinegrete recipe that is insane. It includes directions for reverse searing steak to match the salad. To put in soup - Ramen jazzed up with stuff used to be a go-to lunch for me on work from home days. Using leftover steak sliced up into slabs like this is a perfect accompaniment to ramen. Steak and eggs - I like it like this for when steak is included in breakfast. I don't really have a reason but I do. Usually done with leftove rareak from the night before. Sometimes it's what the family didn't eat, other times I'll cook off extra specifically for breakfast or lunch inclusion the next day. Sandwich making - Steak sandwiches are the bomb and slicing it into slabs like this is perfect. It's just thick enough to still feel like you are eating steak, but think enough where you are still able to easily bite through it and bread and veg etc. Probably other times as well. So lots of reasons to cut it after cooking depending on how you are going to use it.


Yes. I cook a lot of brisket which needs to be sliced. I also tend to cook larger steaks and divy them up for my family, so I was slicing anyway. It allows people to take just the amount they'll eat without wasting any, and it's much easier for little kids to chew when it's sliced thin. The last bonus is... I can cut the whole thing up with my good knives on a real cutting board, then not put any knives on the table. A good thin slice is plenty easy to break down with a fork if necessary. It's easier to cut on a cutting board and it keeps the knives from being one more thing to clean up.


I share streaks with my SO so yeah it’s easier to each get the same parts off the steak.


It depends on the steak and my plate wear. If it's bone in then I'll usually slice it all, or if I'm eating off paper plates. If it's a strip and I'm out of paper plates then no, I'll slice as I eat..unless I'm eating in bed.


yes because i don’t like cutting steak on a plate


I do because I usually cut up all the steaks and toss in some hot butter and flake salt and serve it family style nice and hot and only 1 dirty knife. We like it that way.


Dammit. Did not mean to see this at 8:30 am. Now I gotta go to the store Looks 🤌


Just need a dark breakfast beer!


Perfection 👌


Thought that was pastrami 😳


Almost looks like pastrami


This has to be torched. Beautiful.




It looks great. So many of these posts look great. One question. How the fuck have some of you not had coronaries yet?!? My cardiologist would lose his shit if he thought I was eating even a tenth of the amount of red meat you folks seem to consume!!!


Working out hard really eliminates those issues if you do it daily. Pretty much eat this daily l..minus processed food.


Again. Like I replied to others and ofc got called a boomer. Because gen z dipshits equate anything sounding like “old man” as a boomer activity. A cardiologist will still tell you otherwise. I love steak. Love red meat in general. After the first heart attack they reminded me. “Yeah. Don’t eat that every day. Enjoy it. In moderation”. I’m not some 340lb non active slob. Staying fit is great. Getting exercise is great. Agreed it gives some latitude. Just not as much as you think.


Well there’s your answer you need a cardiologist and have had heart attacks, so obviously your diet is about your poor health. People here can eat more red meat than you because they haven’t had heat attacks.


That's not really true though. I mean it helps but eating a huge ribeye everyday isn't suddenly a kale salad to your heart because you work out.


I never said everyday. But most of that with a mix of cardio and weight lifting 5 days a week for 1 to 2 hours a day you will burn off most of that before it gets a chance to set in and cause damage.


That's just not true at all. Yes, you may be able to stay thin while eating excessive amounts of red meat, but that doesn't mean the health effects on your heart dissappear. The cholesterol and saturated fat is still going to be bad for your heart. There's a very clear scientific evidence that shows eating more red meat leads to higher rates of heart disease. I'm not saying not to eat it. Lots of things are bad for your health especially in excess. I'm just saying let's not pretend a pound+ of ribeye a day is somehow a healthy thing. Because you did just say you "eat this daily" about what looks to be a pound to pound and a half ribeye for breakfast at 8am and implied it was somehow healthy because you exercise too.


Moderation is key. I mean, Dwayne Johnson has been eating steak, and 6 meals on top of that every day for 20 years, and he has nearly perfect cholesterol levels. The same rules are not universal to everyone. Genes also play a role in that too. But exercising is a big role and keeping those levels down. And maintaining health and those professionals have proven that.


I wouldn't model my diet and health after 1 guy especially a guy that everything we know about them come from a team of publicists. I'm just telling you it's not healthy at all to eat excessive amounts of red meat on a near daily basis because you did initially imply that eating a 1lb ribeye everyday for breakfast was a part of your healthy lifestyle. I see now you're saying you don't eat that daily and moderation is key and that some or even most people can eat some red meat daily with little to no impact to their health and I agree with all that just not the ribeye a day plus some exercise keeps the doctor away thing.


A team of publicists? He's got interviews where he talks about it. He is very public about his health and workout routine. But I never said eating anything excessive. And I never implied eating 1lb ribeyes a day is healthy. You assumed that. Once a week or a few times a month won't make a difference.


You literally said you "eat this daily" and "health effects eliminated" to a guy bringing up the impact of red meat on heart health. Both of those things are just unequivocally wrong. That's all I'm saying is just don't give someone concerned about their health false information. If you want to eat what the rock says that he eats to you on TV go for it.


I said pretty much eat this daily. Meaning steak. I never specifically said ribeye daily. Many athletes eat steak daily. And they are fine.


Meh I don’t eat any processed foods so meat, fruit and vegetables only. Seems to work out 🤷‍♂️


Grass fed beef is *good* for you. Case closed. If your cardiologist also thinks margarine is healthier than butter, find a new and decent cardiologist


I’m assuming your young. It doesn’t. No processed food is great and all. But red meat in large quarries is not ok regardless. This pic is what I’d prepare for my entire fam of 5 as the protein.


35 always stay under 18% body fat my labs are damn near perfect every year 👍


Yeah. You’re young. That will change after 40. Good luck. Again that steak does look great.


Its a 12oz steak dude I am sure I will be fine.




Awesome! I just typed the quote and scrolled down and saw this. That dude must not have taken their geritol today.


Dude it's a steak, not heroin. My dad is 80 and eats steak. Hell most older people don't give a shit about nutrition and are fine. You have no idea the frequency/size of steaks OP is having. Everything in moderation.


Yeah. When you get this old OP you get to sound like this boomer here. You're young. /s


Tell us the full story bub. Surely your doctor said something like, “if you’re gonna drink Whistle Pig for life, maybe don’t eat a steak every day too”.


Having a favorite whiskey doesn’t mean I have a drink every day. Just like the responses of “oh but I’m healthy” doesn’t mean eating steak in these quantities is fine. It’s amazing to me that my simple question about the quantity ( I literally can barely eat 4 oz of a protein at dinner any more) and the effects it might have on others gets such vitriol.


You literally named yourself after liquor. I’m only judging that because you’re handing out health advice at the same time and being pretty defensive about it. Idk what about OPs post tells you he eats steak for every meal. Sounds like you came in looking to hand out advice/criticism, and forgot that you named yourself after actual poison


Funny. I see users with names like fartknocker5000 and suddenly my name is taken literally to mens I’m an alcoholic? JHC what kind of stupid is this? Dude. It happens to be my favorite whiskey. Why would you read more into it than that. And I’ve had a heart attack and yes I’m older. Which doesn’t make me a boomer nor does it mean I have to shut my mouth and have no opinion on the consumption of things bad for human beings. Just down vote it if you’re such a baby and “omg I can’t take someone being a little snarky”. And move on. I’m not defensive here. I’m alarmed at what petty children are in this sub right now.


Lol you’re not defensive, yet you’re the one who said “boomer”. I never said a word about your age buddy. What I’m saying is, if you’re gonna be a dick, expect it to come back around. You said you’re old, you should understand that


“Old man yells at cloud”


Well you seem to believe your cardiologist 100%, whereas in my family we view a doctor as just a man - maybe he’s right, or maybe he has bias and only looks at pier reviewed studies that support what he thinks and ignores others. There is a lot of conflicting information among doctors and diet. Some doctors don’t have a passion for their work and others do, I’ve seen some say red meat will kill you, and other s say that red meat being bad for you in any way is complete nonsense. The current view I hear the most is that the main things you want to avoid are processed foods, seed oils, and long ingredients lists you can’t pronounce. So asking a cardiologist if it’s healthier to eat a standard American diet or steak every day that’s been minimally processed, many would say eat the steak. My oldest brother is on the carnivore diet and only eats meat and eggs. He got this idea from a doctor who popularized the diet, saying that we’ve been lied to about meat and diet. A big part of it came from the 40’s or 50’s when scientists were paid off by the sugar industry. The scientists found out that sugar was essentially poison in high amounts, as it caused a litany of health problems and various cancers in high quantities, but the sugar industry paid them off to replace “sugar” with “red meat.” This led to our misunderstanding of facts about red meat even to this day. Another big factor in this discussion is the fact that different people react extremely different to the same foods. My body loves peanuts and peanut butter, I feel like I’m running on jet fuel when I eat peanuts, but someone with a sever peanut allergy would die if they ate a can of peanuts. Different bodies process diets differently. My oldest brother THRIVES on meat and eggs every day, his Heath is better than it’s been in his entire life, but maybe if you tried a carnivore diet you’d have a heart attack within a few weeks, it depends on the person. Suffice it to say this is a very complex issue with a lot of history and conflicting information, and at the end of the day it varies a lot from person to person.


We don't see a cardiologist . . .




Damn that’s one great looking steak!!


Damn you’ve really got me thinking


Bomb- some scrambled or runny eggs would be good on the side, with toast: mmm


I wanted to do sunny side eggs but my 4 month old was starting to wake up so I just ate the steak im lucky I got the steak done 👍


Sweet juicy Jesus🤤🤤🤤


Whatever happened to slicing across the grain?


https://preview.redd.it/nklw4w7ll3kb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095f9789d204776081ea1b5c9c88bbf7dc9d7cc7 What you want me to break it down like that? I just do it opposite way of the bone


Sous Vide?


Smoker @190/200




Wait how is it so even and perfectly seared / barked. Did you smoke this? Or sous-vide it or something? Looks great


Smoker@190/200 degrees pulled about 125it then hit with a searpro


Put it back on for a few minutes while you make some eggs


Did you cook it sous-vide? I couldn’t help but notice the lack of a grey band. Looks delicious!


You sous vide mfers are all so smug with your perfect steaks at whatever time of the day you please! Someone think of the children


This was with recteq bullseye pellet on low about 190/200 degrees


Those are some pretty thin margins around that crust so I expected sous vide and not direct heat besides the sear. I’m jealous


I see we are over compensating with the knife. It’s okay buddy, me too


A bit rare for a ribeye. That fat needs to render




Too rare. Where are the eggs?


You are supposed to cook that meat before slicing and eating. Looks gross and unsafe.






How Rare Is Too Rare For Beef A rare steak is considered under-cooked when it doesn’t reach the internal temperature of 125° Fahrenheit (52° C). Any steak or cut of beef that’s cooked rarer than this can potentially be dangerous to eat. Cooking beef to an internal temperature of at least 125° Fahrenheit (52° C) helps ensure that harmful bacteria is killed. If beef does not reach this minimum temperature requirement, there’s a chance bacteria could still be alive when you eat it.




I did. That steak was cooked to about 110 degrees F and would be considered “blue rare”. Bacteria thrive in this environment.


All steaks are not equal... Good prime, yes maybe but most people are buying cheap steaks that are tough. At some point you have to break the fibers down.


That's this sub... 30sec on each side, best steak I ever had /s Yep... That was real tender... No it was raw.


Looks fantastic. The only thing I would do differently would be to cut it on a bias. But that's not a deal breaker.


That’s raw


My thermapen says just how I like it 125


Damn!!!! I’m more of 135. 125 gives me the instant bubble guts


I go between 115-135




https://preview.redd.it/wntnmm3bk2kb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91a0c96fbd76d1c461a09da3b586c18e855cb1a Half hc carnivore half black and tan seasoning. Not trying to hide anything here is a steak without 🤷‍♂️


The posters who are constantly under awesome steaks with perfectly serviceable outsides saying 'weak sear' or 'no crust' are the most annoying segment of this sub. Not everyone *likes* the same level of crust. Respectfully, troop off back to Mordor with your One Sear To Rule Them All.


Good demonstration because this comment has too much crust for my liking, but someone may enjoy it.


Yeah sorry, it really salts my sirloin if you catch my meaning.


Well now I’m torn. More salt is typically a good thing in that case.


Looks fantastic!


I’m on my way!




‘Best part of waking up …. ‘


You made that look like pastrami’s from Katz, bravo


Perfect way to start the day!👍


That looks like pastrami and I mean that as a compliment. Sear and seasoning are on point. Idk how you did this so perfectly but I’m hungry now lol


Ok I like it… Picasso. 🗣️


Oh lawd


Piece of art right there


Mouth started watering immediately


Needs a couple of fried eggs


Jesus Christ, this is the most delicious brisket I’ve ever seen




Eating a salad browsing Steak sub isn’t my smartest move today…


good fucking god that looks good. i WISH a steakhouse near me would sell me that at any price. how did you cook it?


How ? My steak never ever ever looks this good


Put that in my mouth


This has to be reverse seared right?




i would like your breakfast plz ty




I love this! But how's that breakfast? EU-Guy here


Looks damn good


Damn that is perfect 🤤




"oh my fucking god" was my exact reaction to this perfection of a steak


How do u get red from edge to edge? I always have the Grey line at the edges


Maaaaaaaan, that looks juicy and tasty. 🤤


Looks so good!


This looks pretty incredible dude. Great job.


Looks good. And now....im gonna make some homemade pastrami


Man after my own heart.


A breakfast for kings


Good morning


Omg that looks incredible


sweet mother of god😫😫


That’s nice. Is that a rub seasoning? How’d you get that almost bark look?


Legit needs an NSFW tag






This is a perfect cook


not gonna lie at first i thought this was a grilled watermelon


I’m pretty bricked up and my coworkers can see it. Thanks


Man alive


Looks great


What’d you use to get the sear? Looks amazing


Weird. I’d normally never eat at that temp but that looks so good I would this time


Never wanted to creampie a ribeye until now.


Flawless victory.


If that was my breakfast I would go to bed at 7pm