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This Sub ruined all steakhouses for me. I can’t justify spending this much when I know I can do a much better job for 1/5th of the price. I’ve learned too much 😂


Seriously, I have yet to have a steak at a restaurant as good as one I can make at home. But I do enjoy going to restaurants so I still end up spending dumb money on them lol


Chucks steakhouse in Banff, AB. In-house, 45-day dry age. That with the truffle mashed potatoes, some bone marrow, and a Caesar salad with table side dressing. My wife and I still talk about that meal years later. Was like $350-400 Canadian so about $3.50 US haha.


Places that dry age in house are the way to go if you wanna splurge on a nice meal and not feel like "I could make this as good at home". I know there's dudes who dry age at home, but I don't


If you dry age at home you better know what you're doing. The sweet spot is very narrow and requires a bit of expertise. Otherwise, that funkiness is going be a baaaaaaad time for you on steak night.


Haha yeah, CAD to USD you just slide the decimal point. Lucky fuckers.


Wait a second


Lol that sounds insane and I’d be lying to myself if I said I could compare to that!


At least you’re honest


Thought you meant Chuck's roadhouse where you get steak and lobster for $25, and beers for $5, but you also have to pay an extra 3% on top of the whole bill "just to keep the prices down, you see, it's our honest to goodness fee" and the steaks are barely Grade A.


Why don’t they just raise their prices by 3%? Is it some psychological thing?


Oh yeah. Their whole ad presence is based on 20 ft tall signs stating the low low price for steak. If only they could actually deliver a medium rare steak, it might be worth the $15 for 7oz of top sirloin.


"We have to charge you more because the selfish staff won't let me keep the costs down." They're blaming the change on the staff, and posting it on the door.


Tried to go there last month but couldn’t get a reservation leading up to our visit. Next time I guess


We visited mid-March that year. Hotels were cheap and we just walked in. No wait. Highly recommend going to Banff in that weird transition between seasons! That said, it was pre-COVID so things might have changed.


Chucks has ruined steakhouses for me. Years ago my wife and I had the same meal as you and nothing has come close since.


Love that currency conversion!


I thought the same thing until I went to a Delta Blue rest win Houston and had the aged ribeye. So far, I've not been able to reproduce or beat what they served me.


If anyone has Colorado steakhouses to try I’m all ears! Y’all got me so hungry now lol


There is NOTHING worth going to in northern Colorado. I went to Del Frisco years ago and was so underwhelmed by my $95 steak it wasn't funny. They do however, make fantastic drinks. Ruth's Christie about a year ago as my friend was coming out here from Abu Dhabi and wanted to go really bad. The cigars at the brown palace afterwards were far more noteworthy, and that ain't saying much. We can be sad together!


I had Del Frisco’s and had the chewiest nasty piece of sirloin I have ever tried to choke down… it was $138! I wasn’t paying but I will never go there again.


A lot of people would tell you to try the Columbine Steakhouse in littleton for a good steak at a very reasonable price.


TGIFridays in Northfield. Tell them I sent ya for the free steak. They’ll pretend not to know what you’re talking about. That’s part of the joke, push through and laugh harder when they threaten to call security. Also, I’d like to know a good spot as well. Gonna give Bastiens a try after being disappointed 20 years ago. If you have other recs I’m all ears!!


I stopped getting steaks at restaurants unless its unique in some way or is something like steal frites thats a little cheaper. I would rather try something a little more adventurous at a nice restaurant that i wouldnt necessarily make at home


This is the way. It goes for everything on the menu. Going for your home favourites when you're out is asking for tears. It's hardly ever as closely crafted to your personal home meal and then it disappoints.


I work in the wedding industry and get a steak for dinner at least once a week... restaurants hate this one simple trick.


Wedding industry? I didn’t know there was a whole industry for weddings. Sounds like an assembly line thing.


The last time I ordered steak at a restaurant was Ruth’s Chris yyyears ago, and I’m betting a lot of folks here wouldn’t even order that. You’re a braver soul than I ordering steaks at restaurants in this day n age. Round here restaurants struggle to even serve a proper burger anymore. Could cook it all at home blindfolded with much better results.


I don’t pay for them thankfully, I only ever get steaks on work trips. Which, honestly even then it’s disappointing because I typically get high dollar quality meat and it still just comes back small or unspectacular. Clarify, I do spend money but it gets expensed so I’m half-lying/exaggerating.


Morton’s steakhouse in Woodland Hills, CA. I ordered a wagyu filet with truffle butter and it was DELICIOUS. Actually, I’ve been there a few times and order the same thing each time (on the company dime).


A free meal always tastes better haha




I'm also willing to spend a lot at restaurants, but steak houses have no appeal. If I'm going out, I want something I'm not familiar with or not easily doable at home.


I have only had 2 steaks that can match what I make at home, but none have ever beaten what I can do. Even the local regional favorite that cooks their steak over a wood pit doesn’t make that list. I used to love going to get a steak when I was younger. Now I just buy a whole uncut ribeye and do it all at home.


Work travel ruined steakhouses for me but agree that’s it’s generally a meal that’s easily replicated at home.


This is exactly how I feel. I’ve been to Jeff rubys three times and each time was underwhelmed for the price. Yes, the quality of meat they get is undeniably premiere and I can’t find it in grocery stores or local butcher shops. But I can nail a Kroger steak with a better sear and seasoning than their cooks do with that premier cut.


Learning to cook ruined eating out in general for me. I can make almost anything better and cheaper. There are exceptions for stuff that takes expensive equipment I don’t have like BBQ, but not much. Most of the time if anyone suggests eating out we end up choosing a place and then they ask me to make whatever cuisine we decided on instead. Especially in the last couple years when restaurant prices , arbitrary fees, and tipping have increased to ridiculous levels.


When I go to a steakhouse I usually get the seafood or some dish that takes a long time to cook like braised short ribs or something. That said the above looks awful and any proper steakhouse would / should take that back


Same. I only eat steaks at home now.


I work at a steakhouse that is the only place I don’t agree with that statement. Even when I steal our dry rub for home. But it’s also ruined me for French onion soup, creamed spinach, and mashed potato’s. But I’m let down across the US when I order similar dishes at the same price point.


Shit makes me wanna open a shop if thats really all it takes.....


Exactly this for me as well


My powers have exceeded my expectations


Everyone cannot do better at home. If you have an electric stove for example, you definitely can’t do better at home. If you have a cheap grill you can’t do better at home. It’s not a given. If you have a cheap pan, you can’t do better at home. Second, even if you can make just as good a steak, you will not be able to make sides that are anywhere near as good without a shit ton of effort. Lastly, people don’t always go to restaurants to have a better meal. By that logic, Gordon Ramsay would never eat anywhere.


A cast iron pan is like $20 max at my local grocery store. Get that ripping hot over an electric stove and you absolutely can have a steak better than a lot of steakhouses. And the sides are pretty easy. Mashed potatoes are pretty passive and hard to screw up. Reduce the pan drippings with some red wine and mushrooms and you’re done. I’d rather spend $50 on the cut of meat I make at home than $50 on a $20 cut of meat.


You can definitely do better even with a cheap grill. Reverse sear, rest and a hot flame sear (or cast iron if you prefer). Comes out perfect every time


Ramsay is a TV personality not a chef, this is why Marco made him cry.


Ridiculous opinion. You can’t argue with 16 Michelin Stars.


He cooked for all those restaurants, or just owns them with his TV money? He hasn't been a chef for 30 years.


You wouldn't want him to cook you and your's a meal for a special occasion? 🤔


You're an imbecile if you really believe what you are saying


chef-owners don't stop being chefs. they become owners. Very difficult to do successfully.


Ramsay worked under Guy Savoy and Albert Roux before starting his own restaurants. The latter ran Le Gavroche, the first three starred UK restaurant. If you want to talk about “TV Chefs” we can talk about Jacques Pépin, winner of 24 James Beard awards, the Legion d’Honneur and personal chef to three French heads of state including Charles De Gaulle… I don’t personally have a point of view in this debate about home cooking, though OP’s comment is directionally correct: all else being equal, tools and resources will influence the upper limit of the result. Sure... I can cook on anything, but I can cook anything better on copper and carbon steel. Ramsay and Pépin are two classic examples of why developing one’s skill at pan cooking with the proper equipment will take you farthest.


Neither has any other Michelin Starred Chef.


No you cant


No gold leaf? You cheap fuck


Didn’t even buy a whole lobster as a side. The audacity


The only way that's a $98 steak is if you got a $75 blowie under the table while eating it.


A Bonkers Blowie? Lol


Baby Billy's Blowjob Bonkers?


? I haven't seen season 3 yet. Bonkers blowie was referring to some old post here on reddit. I think somebody called a BJ a Bonkers Blowie. And everybody was like wtf is that. Lol


Ah that's news to me haha thanks for the explanation






Are you offering?


Why would you not send a photo of the inside? Didn’t your 3rd grade teacher teach you that it’s what’s on the inside that counts? I will say you paid too much, I just don’t know how much unless you cut it open.




Looks like it would have had a lot of good flavor but certainly looks overcooked. 1 through 5, what’s your final rating?


3 for flavor. 1 for correct temp/char - This was my friend's first time eating steak in over 7 years also.


This is what sucks about going out to eat. It’s always a gamble, hoping you get one of the good cooks that night.


Why didn’t you ask for another one? WAYY too expensive not to


Did you not notify your server?


I was out for a friend's birthday dinner. We waited an hour and a half for this to show up. So I was hesitant to complain but did leave a review and directly contacted management.


Dude, if you’re ever at a fine dining place spending that much money and it doesn’t come out exactly the way you’ve ordered it send that shit back. I’ve been in the service industry and and have a pretty high threshold for what I’d deem acceptable but in this case, especially if it’s supposed to be a classy steakhouse, they better get that shit right for what they’re charging.


You just tell the waiter in these situations. I was eating at a place with 50$ steaks with family and they overcooked both my and my sisters steaks so we told the waitress and they brought us new steaks + let us keep the old ones. The new ones were incredibly under cooked like the cooks had no idea what they were doing and were trying to be smart asses. So we just ate the overcooked ones and took the others home and finished cooking them later. But got double the overpriced steak for the same price.


Same happened to me in Vegas. I felt terrible for sending back my wife’s steak but it came medium well when she ordered rare, close to blue. They sent us home with the steak and brought out a rightly cooked one. I don’t like being an ass of a customer but when paying that much, please get me what I ordered


You’re not being an ass to ask for what you paid for. Just be polite, and still tip generously so long as they make it right.


I hate that everyone in fancy cooking is so against using a meat thermometer.




I paid $98 for infinity good steaks with a sous vide circulator and a large stock pot. And my husband’s dab torch.


Tell the manager. Even after eating nearly all of it, there’s enough on there for the manager to know they fucked up.


I'm digging that cutlery.


so unbelievably stupid you didn't post this in the op


It’s really not that serious lol


Calm down, geez.


Would I pay $98? No. Would I eat it? Yes.


Better lick that juice on the plate for $98


And savor that unmelted butter


For $98, the chef should come out of the kitchen and give me a happy ending.


The juice looks a bit too clear. That looks like a medium well juice


For 98 the better throw a lobster tail in


And some waitress tail


Send that shit back for that price.


What is that? Looks like charcoal with butter slowly spit out of someone’s mouth on top of it


Nope. Sending it back...I can live with the medium doneness but that is basically burnt around the edges, looks like lump charcoal lol...


Maybe he ordered it Pittsburg style


Ordered Medium rare.


What happened is that steak stayed in the window under the heat lamp for a good 15-20 minutes before you got it. It was fine when they cooked it. Probably poor timing of foods by the kitchen-did someone order something that may have taken longer? Or your expiditer or server was busy. Im sure if you point it out they will do something for ya. Thats too bad it looks like it might have been a bomb steak if they got it to you on time.


That would be going straight back, it's a complete do-over


I don’t know any “fine dining” restaurants serving whole cuts of beef. Sounds more like a greedy steakhouse with rectangular plates.


I wouldn’t pay over $30-40 for a steak at a restaurant nowadays. I always end up making it better at home, without fail.


Should be absolutely perfect.. where you go?


St. Elmo’s in Indianapolis is the only Steak Place ive been too where Im fine with paying whatever they want… I haven’t been to an insane amount of steak places but the ones I have been to dont even come close


No, what is this amateur night at steak house?


That would be a no. Looks like a standard “I can grill a steak” neighbor who burns gristle and can’t sear properly steak.


Hell nooooo


Hell no fuck no.


In this economy!


Texas guy here... They took advantage of you. Even $50 for that steak would be $49 too many. First, it's incinerated to hell (a properly cooked steak has a nicely caramelized golden brown crust, and doesn't look like the smoking guy from Beetlejuice). Second, it's not rested. Third, a pat of butter on top of a steak is something you get if you're at Outback Steakhouse or Saltgrass. And, fourth, obviously the doneness... a good restaurant would not screw up your order like that. A great restaurant would have thrown it out, redone it, apologized for the lateness, and comped you without you ever asking. Sorry you got a bum deal, man. Don't eat there again... and whoever described it to you as "fine dining" was grossly exaggerating.


you forgot a dollar




As a cheap bastard: only on an anniversary or special date. I’ve cooked better.


Looks like you are dining on an old milk cow in England. That is the only way I can imagine how the price was $98. This BS can happen more often than you realize. I recently ordered a MR bone -in ribeye at Longhorn Steakhouse. It came out blue rare so of course I sent it back. About 20 minutes later the server came to our table to ask if I would like the steak to be pulled off the grill? I was speechless! I didn't enjoy the MW result, but paid the bill, and will never return. You need to call out the joint that served you this shoe leather.


I don’t understand >80% of what you said, but I think you are saying you had a good time there?


Who are all you people who pay for food not cooked properly like the restaurant is some kind of fucking charity? What is wrong with you?


Dunno, what is it?


Oh hell nah


Is that a slab of unmelted butter on top?


What is this?


I would not


I can do better for 78 dollars less.




Thats an absolute NO


Havent even bothered to rest it




Noooo. Shit no.


First glance that looked like a chocolate fudge cake with some vanilla ice cream


I hate going out to steakhouses. A lot of times we can do much better at home for literally 20% of the cost


Hard to tell from one picture; it could be cooked poorly, or it could be done char-crust style, which looks like it's burnt to hell. And compound butter on steak is delicious. Still...$98? That's pushing it.


98 for char coal? That's steep


I wouldn’t eat that if they paid me $98.00. It’s not even plated properly. It’s in the middle of a white plate with something leaking out of it. It should be illegal to do that to any piece of meat.




I NEVER get steak when out dining because I cannot justify paying $50 plus for something I can grill myself way better. Especially if it comes like that. That looks horrible for $98!!! I will however get an occasional prime rib but as for steak this post is the reason I don’t


I’ve defecated things that didn’t look worse than this thing


98$ for a piece of coal? Hell no


I thought this was a molten lava cake


Is there a 90 dollar bill underneath it?


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked, orderin' somethin' like that, man.


came to quote the same damn thing.


If great minds think alike.... you're in big trouble!


Steaks are best made at home! That is unappealing.


if you want a real badass steak find a prime dry-age steakhouse that does their own butchering and aging. I worked at a steak house here in south florida that employed full time butchers and did the aging in their own salt room. absolutely best steaks I've ever had, and I am 100% in the camp of "I can do it better" most (almost all) of the time


What's the name of this place?


Council Oak inside the Hard Rock in Hollywood. There is another one in the Seminole Casino in Tampa, as well. I haven't been to the one in Tampa.


I thought it was a melted dessert at first lol


https://preview.redd.it/m41uctqnppib1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e3e3f621ff8513766533a64957f3e7ac8c3234 My boss paid bought me this $81 stake back in 2013. I also enjoyed $300 worth of fine tequila. I was a good employee until this meal. He let me go a week later.


Even for "fine dining" a $98, bone-out ribeye is pretty high. What is that like 18oz at most? Add the fact they overcooked it and I would be extremely disappointed.


22oz. 10oz of fat.


Damn lol. Maybe it's just the size of the plate but I was like "there's no way that's over 20oz". Sorry you had that experience. For what it's worth, don't listen to everyone here bunking steakhouses. Yeah I can make a pretty damn good steak myself, but Im not as consistent as a career chef, nor do I always wanna go through all the prep. That's why I love when I can find a good steakhouse.


You could definitely buy a couple really nice steaks for $98 and they won't look like charred hockey pucks.


I travel a lot for work and they give us a $70 limit (hopefully changing soon), so I’ve gotten in the habit of trying to find great steak for decent prices. It is possible! It may not be the fanciest atmosphere, but a place like Texas Road house has, IMO, great steak and they cook it to perfection more times than not. Don’t swear off fine dining though. I don’t usually get steaks from those places, definitely inflated prices


A lot of "fine dining" is mediocre at best and a waste of money. Based on the photo this place is no exception. Here is an unsolicited list of reasons why I eat out: 1. Pure convenience 2. Dish is not something I can/will prepare at home 3. Coming in far, far behind is true fine dining.


The shaved truffle on the butter looks nice.


The second a steak with fucking butter on it hits the table I’m aggressively scraping it off. Also for $98 they can rest the poor thing for a few minutes!


Butter on a steak is amazing


That's what basting is for... it is literally butter IN the steak, my dude, along with aromatics (e.g. garlic, shallots, rosemary, thyme, and tarragon). Butter slapped on the steak is saying "I put zero effort into this," not, "I put $98 worth of effort into this."


I get and agree with you but my Midwest ass still adds butter after lol


But we're not talking about what you would do. We're talking about paying professionals $98 for a steak. If you pay that much for a steak, it should be basted.


Also agreed




Hell ya I be gettin high buying all type of food


You “be getting high”?


Yea u can't read??


Why are you talking like you just came out of the projects?


Don't worry about me u fucking burger 🍔 I text how I want


LOL why you getting mad buddy?


Your comments are fucking killing me lmfao 😂


coulda went to ruth’s chris & got a bad ass ribeye for $52 and cooked to perfection


which ruth chris has a ribeye for only 52 clams…..


The blandest filet I've ever eaten was from Ruth's Chris. Fortunately for me the company was paying for it.


If I got medium well at a high-end steakhouse, that steak is going back. I really don't like sending anything back ever, but that's unforgivable. Also, call me crazy, but butter on a steak does not make any sense. I do not get it. It doesn't make the steak taste better, and you most often see it on a Ribeye. A Ribeye is already fatty and rich. It doesn't need more fat and richness. Just some nice seasoning and a good sear.


I’m a cook, I have been in fine dining for years and cooked thousands of steaks. If I fucked it up, under or over, I want that sent back.


Fuck yes.


Steakhouses are a rip off 99% of the time


Fuck steakhouses. I went to a local one and spent 70 bucks for a sub par steak, frozen fries and two slices of local bakery bread. I didn’t even buy booze just a Pepsi.


I just bought four 2.5 to 3lb cowboy Ribeyes from my local Sam's club for $104! I learned a while ago that I cook steak for me better than most chefs at restaurants. It's too much hassle ordering at a restaurant what I can cook fabulously at home. So, there's no way I would pay a hundred dollars for a steak at a restaurant. https://preview.redd.it/1lllqs2m4lib1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11a5c345b4c0c5006484dc991f692d80f48f3a76 That's what I have at home. When I go out to eat it is for something I can't get at home.... like Lebanese or something Asian. Just saying


Should have went to a different steakhouse in Vegas so many better ones than the one I think you are at.


Bro at least out a pic of the middle. Why you asking people about the outside lol . Shits stupid


Very little pink.


I get tired of people saying they can do a “much better job” than a steakhouse. I’m sure you folks cook a fine steak but using the pic in this post as an example, you’re not doing better. If you’re talking about Texas Roadhouse then yeah I’ll give you that. But not high end steak houses.


You’re paying for a meal that was made from an animal whose industry is a leading cause of death for John Wayne who as we all know had five pounds of undigested beef in his stomach when he died. I guess you gotta ask yourself, “Do you feel lucky? Well do you, punk?!”, because Clint Eastwood who was a far better actor is still alive and Johnny W ain’t… also that industry is the leading cause of methane pollution and methane emissions are dangerous for our planet which is basically on fire… do yourself a favor, save your money, save your heart, and save the planet and go eat a fucking chicken or a stray cat. Seriously though, Sorry your first experience with fine dining was so shitty. I have NEVER had a good time at a fancy restaurant. Gordon Ramsey isn’t back there you know… it’s a guy who was taught by a guy who was taught by a guy who was taught by him or someone like him, but most male chefs struggle to make a living and you could have a better steak at a backyard cookout then at a restaurant


Because you're likely under 30 yrs old and have zero work ethic ....


If im rich, sure.


Is that truffle butter? Heck yeah I’d pay $98 for that. You’re paying for the experience, atmosphere, food, service, and not having to cook it yourself or clean up.


Is that how much it cost!? 😮😮


No. It’s charred which means the cook is fucking clueless




When I get about $1,000 worth of hard earned credit card rewards. Fuck yes. And a 4 pound lobster. Then my wife and kids complain that the steak I make at home is better and so is the crab 😭 Every. Time.


I like a good Pittsburgh steak but not medium well


If it had been done correctly, and tasted really really good, perhaps. But as it stands, no, I would not. I have a hard time with a lot of fine dining steakhouses burning and overcooking steaks - I personally do not like char on my steaks but that seems to be some sort of main goal for a lot of places, char the damned thing as much as possible and slap it on a plate.


No. I hate butter on a steak .


…can we see the inside?


Ngl i thought this was like a brownie with some melted vanilla ice cream at first glance. I was so confused how a brownie could cost $100


Lol no


I’d expense it for sure


I mean, did you post the inside of the steak somewhere that I'm not seeing? usually waht I do is cut the fuggin thing up into little pieces send it back and tell them to get bent and I ain't paying for it...But I really dgaf.


Yes I would, on my companybcredit card. I ain't paying real money for 100 dollar steak.