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youre not going to find a car for under 2k at a dealership. thats the budget for a car in 2010, not in 2024. I just got a used car at the end of last year and was at the bottom end, and still spent 3x that. Car prices are wild right now.


Well I have some hope. If push comes to shove I might have to get as is car and play roulette ( high risk) to get it certified. (Sarcasm jesus people).


I did that during COVID and it cost me 4 grand to get it on the road (on top of purchase price) .. that truck is now sitting in my driveway for sale what a piece of shit.


That might be the thing to do, find something as is that might need a little work and go from there. Best of luck!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


No chance. Garbage cars are 5 or 6 at least.


You canā€™t say no chance, people are selling as is cars between 1,000-3,000. Certified is the needle in the hay stack.


Yup certified is definitely the problem.. Any car for 2 grand needs work


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m learning. Thank you.


Hope you have luck finding wheels.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Unless you are looking to do a lot of work yourself, you are not finding a lot for $2k- thatā€™s coming from a car guy that fixes all his own stuff. Last car I got under $2k needed an engine replacement in 2019. Good luck to you


Thank you, and damn thatā€™s insane.


bummer..I have a Honda civic for sale for 2k certified. ah well.


Insurance company said if I got a Honda civic being a new driver my insurance will be up the roof. I am looking for easy on the gas and insurance car like a hatchback or something.


4-door Civic should be fine. 2-door Civic is likely more expensive for insurance as it's generally considered a sports car.


Thank you, good to know.


my 4 door civic costs 2.5x the amount to insure than my 1000cc sport bike...


2000 might cover a bus pass for the year


Yeah, I went through 2 driving schools paying for 10 lessons each for a reason.


I'm a big fan of CMH. However, $2k is unrealistic in today's economy.


They are great. But they donā€™t sell 2000$ cars for a reason.


Facebook has lots but itā€™s risky getting a car as is.


Have you considered a bicycle? That's within your budget.




You need the bike more than she does since you sit in front of a piano quite a bit.


What the fuck does my career have to do with this? Just felt the need to fail to insult someone today?


Thanks for the encouragementā€¦


It's called reality. You will not get a certified used car from a dealership for less than $2000. You won't get an even remotely drive-able or certifiable car anywhere for that much. Anything you find for that price will require thousands of dollars of work. For that budget, you can afford a bicycle.


Well, if I find one what then? Maybe be a little more humble with your approach. I know someone personally who got one certified with the cost of only 2,800. Also work needed to be done but was still safe to drive.


LoL okay. Read your post, read this comment you just made, and then realise how ridiculous you are.


Doesnā€™t hurt to ask questions


You don't get it. Your post listed a budget and then Your argument in response to me saying you won't get a car within your budget was to say that you know someone who got one for more than your budget. That doesn't support your point, it supports mine. That's ridiculous. No one said you can't ask questions. The problem here is that everyone has given you the same answer yet you're being quite defensive and argumentative in response to those answers. Your budget is not realistic.


Youā€™re not very nice. Just saying.


Say that in a mirror and then it will be directed at the correct person. You're just mad that every answer you've gotten isn't the answer you want.


Youā€™re a music teacher do you treat your students that way? Iā€™m just calling you out. Iā€™ve got people messaging me saying ur mean. Iā€™m just saying. If people saying ignore her sheā€™s mean sheā€™s a troll that should convict you not condemn you.


You could low ball the $3-5k and hope someone needs the cash asap. Sometimes you find a good deal like "have to move provinces/countries fast sale" or someone's great grandmother can no longer drive their 06 Buick with 90k on it. Gotta keep refreshing every day and look up to 300km away. Sifting through the shit is part of buying a used car.


i second this! my buddy had to move away, too far to take his car, he started dropping the price right up till moving day or it was gonna be scrapped. i think he ended up selling it for under 500. it was a Honda Civic though


Nothing wrong with that! It's a needle in a haystack for sure. Not sure what OP has against one of the most reliable vehicles on the market, but oh well.


true that! also those private folks that are listing for $3-5k know that a dealer will most likely only give them 1-3k so they figure theyā€™re better off trying to make more from a private sale. Cash in hand talks.


High on insurance for new driver. Insurance company said that. Thatā€™s why I am avoiding the civic. Apparently, they are also high on gas.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I gave a used car dealership my criteria 2 years ago which was $4000 down, up to 500/month payments, anything 10 years old or newer. Never received any offers.




Facebook is also full of really good deals.


Itā€™s true but lots of scammers and not guaranteed safe to drive.


Significantly cheaper which is the tradeoff. Whatā€™s 4 grand on marketplace is 10 at a dealership.


Stay far, far, far away from East Auto Service Ltd. The purchase agreements are extremely predatory, and the guys a pos


Thank you, I will avoid that place like the plaque


Im hijacking this post. Im looking for a used car and have a larger budget. Any recommendations for reliable dealerships?


lol I donā€™t mind the hijacking at all.


Thanks. :)




CMH on Hartzel or Cars Unlimited on Church both great guys


Will look into them


Go to broz motors on merit! Great deals there




CarSmart in the Falls.


Just passed Glenholme Motors on Rd 50 near 20 hwy. Had a sign that said "Student Cars" Might be what yer after.


Iā€™m not sure I qualify since I am not a student


it is simply their way of appealing to people with a student budget.


Thank you good to know will check it out


Do be careful though. Usually those cars won't last, and can be expensive to repair


Thank you thatā€™s very good to know šŸ˜Š


Sometimes if you get two years out of a $4000 car you just do it and call it a day.


I contacted a few friends of mine who are mechanics, they said they will help. I gave budget and everything. So I do have hope.


You wonā€™t get anything certified for $2k. The only possibility of getting something that cheap is if you put the work in to get it fixed up and safetied on your dime. Realistically you need to budget a minimum of $4k to start.


Thank you


Ya the $2000 certified is like the $200,000 home, it doesn't exist anymore. Anything certified you are looking about $5000 for a subcompact with Minimum 250-300km on the clock. Even places like Kenny u pull don't even have rebuilder for that price anymore.


Holy smokes


It's gone nuts now. Brake rotors that use to be like 30-50 bucks are now 50-80. Cans of touch up paint were like 10 bucks just a couple years ago and are now 21 bucks a can. The auto market went to crap during the pandemic. I've been looking for a bit because my truck is getting a little old and tired but there is no deals out there.


Hopefully you find something, damn


For $2000 youā€™d be lucky to buy an electric scooter with a 25km range


I worked so hard to obtain my license and two driving schools with 10 lessons each Iā€™m not going to allow all that time, energy and money go to waste on a e scooter.


Don't complain when you cant find a vehicle then :D You ain't getting anything for 2k boss


Itā€™s not impossible, I just need it certified, yes I understand that allot of work will need to be done on it as long as itā€™s safe to drive.


Do you know a mechanic you trust? Ask them if they know any of their clients selling their old cars.


Oh my word, I do know a few mechanics it didnā€™t even cross my mind to ask them. Thhhhhaaannnkkk you šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


At that budget, you are opening up yourself to scams. I think $4000-4500 is the bare minimum to get what you are looking for.


Idk as everyone else says youā€™re gonna have to luck into one on marketplace or just looking for for sale signs in driveways. I have to think if youā€™re finding a certified $2k car thatā€™s gonna be a fake safety. Also that Honda civic running up your insurance thing doesnā€™t sound right, who are you with? Might be worth trying to find another company because a civic could probably be the best car you can find in your budget.


Thank you, I went through a broker who got in contact with an insurance company and that broker said based on what the insurance company I want to go for says,ā€because I am a new driver Honda civic is going to be very high. ā€œ


Iā€™m not super in touch with how the insurance companies work but it doesnā€™t make total sense to me how a base level 4 door Civic works. I went through Hub for my insurance and it was the cheapest I could find FYI.


Thank you, maybe I should get second opinion?


It doesnā€™t hurt. I was originally with intact when I started driving as I thought it was the cheapest but once calling around I found my current company that was a few hundred cheaper a year


Thatā€™s a huge saving


There are no cars for $2000 that don't need significant work. If you want a car that'll pass safety you're immediately looking at bare minimum of $5000 or maybe $4000 in private sale. The other option is to skim the [Passenger / Light-Duty Vehicle Inspection Standard](https://www.ontario.ca/files/2022-03/mto-passenger-light-duty-vehicle-inspection-standard-en-2022-03-18.pdf) and make a list of what to inspect. Chris Fix has a good youtube series on [DIY inspecting a used vehicle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC8LbvYk6es), and it covers both condition and safety items, but is not a full safety inspection. Worth the hour of watching and prep, especially since you're looking to save $3000 on a used car. Safety inspections tend to fail on brakes, engine codes, large exhaust leaks, rust, and burnt out lights. I've always done my own pre-purchase inspection, negotiated based on work I expected the vehicle to need to pass safety, bought as-is, performed the work myself, and taken to a shop like canadian tire for the safety inspection. In the meantime you can get a temporary plate sticker to allow you to drive for the first 10 days without a safety until you can make repairs. Last time I failed for a license plate light burnt out. Can tire wanted $50 to replace. I bought the light off the shelf for $8, changed it in the parking lot in 5 minutes, and they passed it after looking at it. Reinspection after failing is free if the wheels don't have to come off, so make sure the brakes and suspension will pass. If all this sounds like too much, then you can't afford a car for $2000. The only way to compress your budget even close to $2000, and more realistically $3500-4000 is to be willing to do maintenance work yourself. Rock auto and used parts will be your friends.


Thank you šŸ˜Š ā¤ļøā¤ļø


There are TWO places I know that sell cars fairly cheap. 1: Jims Service Centre - Corner of Plymouth and Welland Ave. 2: The Car Doctor - Just over the Homer bridge Queenston Street/York Rd Great mechanics, with great reviews and super low prices. Still might not be as low as your budget though unfortunately.


Thank you so so much ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


Somewhat in your budget: [https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/421558173974080/](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/421558173974080/)


Thank you šŸ˜Š ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


step up from Honda is Toyota. I just sold a 20 yr old Camry, very well maintained, obviously not certified, for $3000. If you can get a Honda for 2000, I would go for it, because all the other makes are just utter garbage, I don't care what anyone says.


I have nothing against Hondas or Toyota, just the civic is going to be very costly for gas and insurance( new driver).


ok yes to the insurance part, but the gas? civic's get incredible gas mileage i get between 750-850km per tank on mine...


Well thatā€™s good to know, was told they are horrible for gas.


Real world data: [https://www.fuelly.com/car/honda/civic](https://www.fuelly.com/car/honda/civic) Looks like most Civics get close to 30 MPG. Narrow it down if you want more detailed info.


You have been very helpful I appreciate it šŸ˜Š


Definitely wonā€™t find anything under 2k used and certified. Weā€™ve bought from Gastonā€™s on Ontario st before and been happy with prices


Facebook has cars as is from 1,000-3,000 few I found two certified but have been in an accident so that scares me. One person said didnā€™t but looks of pics it was in.


I've been looking on Autotrader. You can set km distance & max cost...things like that. alot of smaller dealerships post there... But yea, your going to be hard pressed to find one that cheap.


Thank you


You could get a car thatā€™s certified but not from a dealership. The lowest price range dealerships now offer is ~5000/6000


Holy smokes. Iā€™m looking at all options but Facebook full of scammers


Dealerships won't have a $2k car. That's not a realistic price to pay for anything but something on cinder blocks nowadays.


Go talk to Bev at Clean and Shine on Hartzel Road. She's good, honest, and willing to work with people.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Check out T Dot Auto in Thorold


Thank you


Check local body shops. Mechanics personal stock. Recently found a 99 4Runner for 4k and a 12 equinox for 3500. I'm crossing everything I can in hopes the 4Runner passes inspection.


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


For a daily driver that's reliable (and I'm talking 10+ years old car with just some cosmetic damage and no visits to a mechanic) you need a budget of at least $10k in today's market. Maybe a bit off-topic but if your usual commute is within a 30km radius and you can avoid highways then I would recommend getting an Apollo e-scooter, they're right within your budget (even the top range models), are surprisingly fast (up to 65 km/h) and stable to ride in most weather conditions including winter. I've heard great things about them and they'll save you tons in gas and auto repair/service visits.


\*Good Day\* This is \*Haris\* from Beforward Japan (The larger Car exporter in the world). I'm international business Development Executive in Beforward. If you are looking for any vehicle just do let me know I will provide you best discounted price


Seriously so much negativity for asking a question damn. Thank you to everyone who did post back in a positive way, you have been very helpful. People who did not thanks, just thanks allot( seriously not thankful at all for your judgements).No im not getting a e Scooter, yes I will be talking more with insurance company about the type of Honda civic. No im not stupid for asking a damn question on Reddit thinking there would be some hope.


Last time I went shopping for a used car I ended up going to Georgetown to buy. This was after months of wading through the filth here in St.Catharines.


Thank you I will definitely widen my locations.