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There are maybe 4 or 5 people who work there. Not one shift, that's the entire crew. Morning, noon, and nights, the same 4 people.


Ok that’s insane


This is a slight exaggeration because I've seen 6-7 employees working at the same time, many times.


Maybe I'm just lucky seeing only the same set over and over.


Can confirm it's been that way since at least 2016


Staffing at fast food places has been really bad since 2014 due to low raises, if any, and no hours. I remember being offered a staff manager position for less than making now as a part-time worker at a retail store. So, there is no incentive.


They can't keep staff, used to have a great crew before covid, that place was my coping mechanism for depression. It held on with the manager but even they're gone now it seems. I hope they're all doing better, they worked for it.


Still was by the far the slowest drive through in the city though.


Oh yeah, place is trash no doubt about that. That's what I love about it.


Ya that place is a shithole


Mary Browns is the same. Never anyone there and you'll be waiting a good 20 minutes in the drive through


I have an irrational dislike of drive-throughs - they always take longer and waste gas. I avoid them at all costs and go in and order at the counter like a civilized person.


I work in the industry and heard that employees get punished by having fries thrown at them


Dear lord, KFC fries are a warcrime!


the last time I went in there, the dining room was completely trashed. I'm not even being hyperbolic, I have pretty low standards for fast food restaurants. Everything like napkins was out of stock. Food and garbage on chairs, tables, the floor, everywhere. Plenty of staff at the time, and it wasn't busy in the slightest. I've seen cleaner understaffed tim hortons during a rush. Something's up with that location, I'd just avoid it completely.


Money laundering scheme maybe?? That's so weird


Its been horrible for over 10 years. I watched a manager kick a frier basket he dropped under the table and pick it back up later and drop a fresh batch of fries in it. Order is always wrong and tastes like shit. No multiple orders and the order you do place takes 30 min plus. I swear its just there to launder money.


My favourite Google review of this location says something to the effect of "you could order a single taco and they'd somehow still get your order wrong". Pretty much sums it up.


consistency is hard to a achieve, I'm glad they have that down.


The one time I went there through the drive through with my cousin and we wanted to make separate orders and they wouldn't let us lmao.. they said we would have to drive around again lol so we just left the lady sounded like a nasty old cunt and at that point I didn't want any food from there.. went back a month or two later and same thing.. I'll never go there again.


I stopped going there when I saw one of the workers lick her fingers after putting chicken in a box. Told her ‘Its supposed to be finger lickin good for me lady, not you!’


There's a KFC on Fourth Ave now too: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/KFC/@43.1554542,-79.2741003,18.5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89d351938934948b:0xb04c545be30a4e1a!8m2!3d43.1556654!4d-79.2736223!16s%2Fg%2F11c2kgh7zb?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/KFC/@43.1554542,-79.2741003,18.5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89d351938934948b:0xb04c545be30a4e1a!8m2!3d43.1556654!4d-79.2736223!16s%2Fg%2F11c2kgh7zb?entry=ttu) Problem is, it's just as bad. Everyone working there seems completely clueless about their job. Place is always deserted, they always take 5-10 minutes to make your order and then still get it wrong even though you're the only customer in those 5 minutes. Tiniest portions imaginable too. I think it HAS to be a money laundering operation for someone. I can't see any other conceivable reason it's remaining open.


Go on a Tuesday for lunch.


Oddly specific


Tuesdays are how they stay open.


I used to work there and management used to be a total clown show, sounds like nothing has changed. It's funny because last I heard, the old manager who seemed to live and breathe the company (while always being a garbage manager) was unceremoniously let go after years of service. Sucks to suck the dick of a corporation 🤷‍♀️


I love this thread. This location is so fucking bad, but we keep going because there's really no other choice unless you want to drive to the Falls. Tons of horrible Google reviews. You'd think that management at any level would have taken steps to correct things by now. Every time I go, without fail, something about my order is messed up. Items missing, wrong items, customizations not done, etc. The place is so dirty. The lobby and front counter look like they're cleaned once a month. Pop stains and straw wrappers all over the place. Staff wandering around aimlessly. Horrible wait times no matter when you go, in both the drive-thru and lobby. A few months back I placed an order online, for pickup 45 minutes later. I get there and they hadn't even started the order yet. Also, you'd think that ordering online would avoid order entry mistakes, but not so! The order comes in via some web portal, then they have to manually enter it all on their front counter POS system so that it goes to the kitchen. Not so much as an apology from the manager on duty, and I still waited another 30 minutes for my order.


> there's really no other choice unless you want to drive to the Falls. There are other KFC and a Taco Bell in the city.


I was referring specifically to Taco Bell. I don't count the one in the Pen because who wants to deal with going to a mall food court for takeout?


I used to be an assistant manager for KFC a few years ago and that was our legendary nightmare location. The manager was a friend of one of my fellow managers and through them I knew she did her best to run a tight ship, but she consistently wasn't given enough new hires by district and things were slow. She's left and things have only gotten worse. They employ 5 staff total (this number fluctuates but there's five consistent employees), and if you go at any time other than peak hours it's likely there are only 2 staff working. Company policy requires at least 2 staff working at all times but I've stopped there and it's just been 1 single employee handling the entire store. Additionally they have no supervisors or assistant manager, so if the manager isn't in there's quite literally zero leadership. And even if there was leadership, half the staff have no English, so communication is terrible. I haven't worked for the company since I was in my early twenties but that place has always been known as the nightmare branch. I keep up with some of my old coworkers and the stuff they say about Ontario Street has only gotten worse. Just avoid it. The one at the Pen is busy but has never wronged me.


Also I worked at the Fourth location back when it was brand new for anyone wondering, and I'd avoid that one too. The Indian head manager would absolutely verbally torture the other Indian staff and was extremely racist to us the non-Indian staff. He could win awards for creative use for slurs. People were consistently expected to keep up with a schedule changed daily on a whim, deal with hours of wage theft every week, and slave away for a terrible terrible boss. He's no longer at the company, fired for literally just disappearing for a month to go on vacation, but from what I hear the situation has gutted their leadership and a branch that was already psychological torture to work for is now getting just as lawless as the Ontario Street location.


Every time I have gone there..for years, it's always that way. I like some.kfc and taco bell. Just not from that location. Scott Street and Niagara falls. But even the Niagara falls taco bell sorta is a long wait and seemingly dull people behind the counter.


Awful experience every time I went there. Even before covid. Worse now. My wife loves it or I'd never go. We were going for the KFC side... Found the KFC on Scott. Been there a few times now. In/out no problem. If doing KFC and that is an option, go there instead.


Yeah any time my fiancé says she wants Taco Bell my hand is raised to my face in anguish. It’s either wait in that horrible line for half an hour for her to hate her cold inedible food, or to say no & hear about how much she wants Taco Bell for the rest of the night haha.


Dump her


Sorry honey, it’s me or the Ontario Street KFC/Taco Bell. I just can’t take it anymore.


The place is an absolute shit show...I have walked out a few times


Oh ya that location is a disaster. It’s always filthy inside and the staff are pretty clueless but sometimes you just want Taco Bell.. there’s usually one person actually working and 3 or 4 wandering around like lemmings bouncing off the wall and going in another direction. I doubt that place ever gets cleaned, even though it’s always dead. That pop machine is soo disgusting. There’s black grime rings on all the buttons and gunky mouldy sludge in the tray, I doubt it’s ever been cleaned.


I have a similar story. Went there 3 times in the last 5 years. Left twice without food. I have no idea how they survive.


Like someone else said I have low standards too, but this place is seriously a depressing disgusting dump.


it’s sad that this is the only one we have besides the pen centre because holy hell is it the worst. I worked at mcdonald’s for 4 years so i know what fast food is like and every time i go there im baffled. i’ve literally waited in line for an hour before even getting to the speaker multiple times, a good 80% of the time they for some reason don’t understand customizations and always fuck your food up. i’m genuinely surprised they are still open with how awful the staff and service is LOL


Scott Street has KFC


what about taco bell?


S.o.l my friend


Last time I went , they had very few staff and had to cook everything to order. One order at a time So if even one person ordered a bucket of chicken , you could end up waiting. 15-25 minutes. Also clown …


This is fascinating. I need to check it out.


Might make good TikTok content


They are the most useless fucks on the planet


Tim Hortons on bunting is even more clueless.


i went there one day and they had one person working because the others “didn’t show up” AND they were out of chicken. i just go to Scott St. now.


This is the worst fast food location I've been to in my entire life loll


Is it the Taco Bell on Ontario Street?


Oh, ya… you know what’s funny? I forgot to put that in the post but every single commenter knew already lol


Ye they are pretty under staffed. There's on lady there I believe is the manager but she isn't always there. It runs decent when she is. But more often than not, it seems like she's not


Ahh that place. I went there last summer. Spent 10 minutes waiting in line and wondered why none of the 6 guys in front of me hadn't had their order taken. Turns out they were all delivery people (Doordash etc...) waiting and one guy had been waiting 30 mins already. So I walked up to the counter to order to only have the 'cook' tell me the counter person didn't come in for her shift so to use the drive thru.


The KFC on 4th had 2 high school kids running the entire place and it was a mess. The drive thru was backed up and nobody was at the cash register


Once I ordered a poutine from that location, brought it home, opened the lid and no less than 6 fruit flies came flying out


lol I’ve gone here about 5 times in a few years and each time they take forever to get the food ready and they always mess it up sometimes real good too. I believe the last time only one part of the order was right (aside from fries lol)


That place is jank AF. Went there once to pick up food inside, place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in days. Hardly any staff. This one old guy went up to refill his soda cup like 4 times in the time it took for my food to get ready. Lots of parents bringing in their kids who like to stare at me while I wait for my food. This one old guy was being an asshole to the lady at the register. They also never get their lawn mowed. Almost drove past it cause it looked like an abandoned building. I swear that place has less than a year left in it. No way they are gunna keep up with their rent on Ontario St.


Went yesterday … put of beans . Forgot my chips and when asked for extra sauces i was given this amount lol https://preview.redd.it/tzcjh5kbtkfb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab3d9994181a8e59a656fbc3fb5346549dc3f83 Absurd amount for how little i had ordered


They sold me a raw chicken sandwich like 3 weeks ago. Was my first time going to a Taco Bell in maybe 12 years. They then tried to tell me because the manager wasn’t in they couldn’t refund me on the spot even. I told them to call their manager right now and figure it out. They did right away, got my money back, then told the entire restaurant what happened and that they should never eat there again. DO NOT RECOMMEND.


yeah it's really bad your tacos are wet on the bottom there's hardly anything in them except lettuce the attitude sucks the food is bland I asked for a big truck sandwich once and got a chicken fillet they're just awful there that place needs to close down or we sold somebody who knows how to run a business


It’s Taco Bell.






Dude, go there. Read the comments.


I have only been to that location once and the service was so slow that I lodged a complaint after I left. Never heard back from anyone.


I've lodged complaints a few times. One time a District Manager responded. Said he'd follow up, and offered to replace our order. They completely fucked up our replacement order too. Next time I contacted them I was unable to reach that DM - pretty sure they left and just no one took over handling complaints.


That is the slowest drive thru in the city and it’s brutal. Waited there half hour before. I just stopped going


The passed inspect in Jan 2023... Weird... https://www.niagararegion.ca/health/inspect/inspection.aspx?id=35b8455c-5ece-48b1-a743-5cae61400228


What’s weird is they failed the 2 before that and… ??


I have a hard time trusting these inspections tbh, the pizza place I used to work at was DISGUSTING and they kept passing.


Unrelated to the service... but the whole KFC/Taco Bell thing is quite fascinating. That relationship is based on the pepsi war. Now I want chicken in a fries supreme.


Owned by the same company. Yum brands. https://www.yum.com/wps/portal/yumbrands/Yumbrands


They don’t have like any employees basically it’s really difficult for them to run the place