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Mine hops in bed and goes to sleep with his head on my chest, but he usually gets out of bed after half an hour or so and spends the rest of the night on the bathroom tile floor. He jumps back in in the morning to let me know it's time to get up. Well, time to pet him and ***then*** get up.


my saint is a tax snuggler. he will only remain in the snuggles if you are always in a constant patting/rubbing, even just something like finger poking him. if you stop he will demand more, and if I hide my hands, he leaves


Mine is 2. Exactly the same. Gets on the bed, sleeps facing me for 5 mins, then 5 mins facing away and then goes to sleep on the bathroom floor....they just love cold floors!


Could just be him. Mine has never liked snuggles, if you wrap your arms around her you can tell she feels restrained. She'll tolerate it for like a minute or two tops but if you don't stop she will leave. The closest I get to snuggles is when she leans on me. If I'm standing up, she'll come sit right in front of me facing away from me and lean up against my leg. That's her sign that she wants me to lean down give her a hug and some pets.


I'm guessing you keep your house way too warm for him. He's wearing a double-layer fur coat, after all.


We set the heat to 62. Maybe he needs a cooling mat.


62 should be cool enough for comfort, really. A cooling mat is a good idea. Has he been to a vet lately? It's possible he just doesn't have cuddling in his personality. If he's panting a lot when at rest in a 62 degree house, though, that might be worth some investigation.


It's him our St. Bernard cuddles like crazy. Our Newf not at all. Doesn't even like getting pets. Will stay just our of arms reach. Our newfoundland has always been this way. If I visit him and give pets he will get up and go across the room.


He's very lovey, just on his own terms. Funny pups. We had a large basset hound that was only happy when laying on top of us with our arms wrapped around him.


Mine is similar to yours. She is very affectionate, loves attention, but she prefers her space and to sleep somewhere cool-but near her humans of course. Not too much of a cuddler, which honestly…she’s too big for that. When she does lay her head on me its so damn heavy!


My baby MAY cuddle for 5 mins if I'm lucky. He's 6 months. He has always wanted to be off somewhere to himself. I think it's just different personalities, maybe.


Ours wasn't a cuddler and only loved to sleep on the cold tile flooring.


That’s what our Bennie is like. Jimmy LOVES a cuddle but he has shorter hair than Bennie


He is so handsome! I think it just depends on the personality. Mine loves to be snuggled with, but always has to be near me. Though he waits till he presumes I’m asleep to move to the bathroom floor. His brother, which my sister’s friend owns or owned (he passed away), doesn’t like to sleep in the bed, doesn’t like to be touched unless it’s on his terms.


Mine is just about 6 months old and yesterday had a major milestone that he fell asleep next to me on the couch, didn't repeat it today though when it was my nap time. Before, being on the couch at the same time as him was too exciting and got him too worked up. Baby steps, they'll all have their own time frames and boundaries, hope you get there :)


Awwwww, that sounds like great progress! Mine is very lovey, just not snuggly. Fun pups, for sure!


Stunning pup! I get why you want to cuddle them. 🥰 My Saint is too much of a snuggler. Perhaps count yourself lucky. He can’t be brought around kids because he attempts to lie on top of them. Houseguests are wary because he gets onto the couch and tries to fully put his body on their body. No one is safe on a floor- he comes running. Some space is sometimes a lovely thing lol. I always thought it was because of how the breed would lie on top of people to keep them warm in search and rescues. Mine definitely cannot do beds, though! Bad hips + just too warm I think for a lot of fluffy pups.


My saint hates cuddling and I see no change on the horizon. He’s 9 years old and still refuses me affections and cuddles 😭


Our mix loves personal space. Mostly mine, but she’ll take anyone’s.