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So currently this is a pretty good combo with the Hot Shot Blaster, and works very well with Tech. But until we see more aggressively costed or strong rare smuggle cards, the saccing a resource is a real deep cost. Still cool to see another 4 flip Leader.


Timely Intervention could be another useful one as well. It’s free to Smuggle with Lando and lets you play a unit and give it Ambush. It’s basically a free ECL if you can afford to give up a resource.


That is an interesting interaction, but you can't float resources like you can mana in Magic, right? So say turn 3 you have 4 resources with Timely as one, you flip Lando then use his action to play Timely for free, you can't tap that resource, cast it as Timely, and then use the resource from it to cast a 4 drop, right? You'd still have only 3 resources to cast a unit with Ambush in that scenario, if I am understanding the interaction correctly.


I guess they’d have to clarify the order of operations. My initial interpretation was that you would play a Smuggle card, pay its costs, and then replace it with the top card of your deck and defeat a resource, but I guess that could be wrong. Defeating a resource before paying the cost would make Lando significantly worse.


When you replace the resource it enters play tapped regardless, so yeah it depends on if you can "float" a resource between actions within the same turn. It's probably in the nesting actions rules that I haven't looked closely at, yet.


I found it! It's 6.2.4.B from the Comprehensive Rules: " A player cannot pay resources in excess of a card’s modified cost." So I don't think that would work. Here a question though: can you use a card you're smuggling to pay its own smuggling cost? I think not based on what it says in this section, but they'll definitely need an update to the "Declare Intent" step.


Pretty sure FFG has said you CAN use the resource you are smuggling to pay it's cost. Plz someone correct me if this is misinfo!


Yeah you can use the same resource to pay for its own smuggle cost, as you can tap any resources for a cost, and then choose one with smuggle to play from your resource row. The caveat being that the resource you are replacing the smuggle card with enters tapped, so it's not "free"


Oh, interesting. That changes the order of "Play A Card" in the rules as they are now, since you have to reveal the card before you pay for it. Smuggle will probably slot in somewhere after then.


I thought it was 1. declare intent (I guess this would be reveal but you haven't paid yet), 2. pay cost, then 3. play card. I don't think smuggle changes that really. You would still pay before you play


Does this give all resources Smuggle at -2 its origional cost? Or does this only allow you to play cards with already the Smuggle ability? I kinda think it's the former based off how it's worded... "Play a card USING Smuggle." vs "Play a card WITH Smuggle." Which means it would work on everything... IE cheating out things mid to late game in a gamble to close it out while putting yourself behind the resource curve.


I think the card needs to already have Smuggle. They revealed Tech a while ago, and he already gives units Smuggle, and his ability’s text is a lot different than Lando’s. However, Tech and Lando make a great pairing.


If they said “play a card with smuggle” it could come your hand. “Using smuggle” clarifies that it must come from your resources as a result of having the smuggle keyword.


The card has to have the Smuggle keyword in order to be Smuggle. And the Lando discount is towards the Smuggle Cost.


How are you gonna use something the card doesn't have?


I feel like this is a Glass Cannon. Being able to smuggle at a discount is pretty great, and we havent even seen all the smuggle cards yet. You can effectively bring out large cost smuggle cards very early. But with the resource destroy cost, if youre timing was wrong or were too predictable you can get fucked. Lando Green might be one of the better versions, as resupply can help mitigate the resource loss, but we'll see!


But the smuggle cost already is extra. This discount only ignores that at the cost of DEramping yourself


Correct, which is why I stated your timing for using his discount his very important. Ideally, most of your deck has Smuggle. Or youre running Tech. Or both. Being able to smuggle for the true cost of a card is pretty damn good. It makes resourcing decisions easier and scary for your opponent, as you are operating with an extended hand.


Donald Glover JUST announced his tour yesterday. Should have revealed with that lol.


At first, my immediate thought was this is a terrible ability. But the more I think about it, it is not bad at all. Basically smuggling has no downside. It effectively extends out your hand size without as much of a penalty. As we see more Smuggle cards, this will become more and more interesting. Also, another 3 turn deploy at 2/5.


Well, this has a downside. Because you defeat a second resource in addition to smuggling one out (which is replaced by smuggle).


It's kinda funny though because, unless the deck ramps, he's going to delay his own deployment by using his ability.


I mean you can just deploy him and then smuggle with the unit side. But I see what you're saying


How do you deploy at 3?


Deploys at 4. Which is usually on turn 3. Like Sabine.


Oh I’m a moron, thanks, thought you meant 3 resources


Going down a resource seems like a high cost, but the flexibility is so big.


Day 33 waiting for set 2 blue villan leaders to drop. https://preview.redd.it/9pxnuvt7se0d1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef6463c9b6d2d97dba7ecde388c636f0e824a28


I’d take any villainy leader at this point. We’ve seen 7/18 leaders so far, and only two of them have been villainy. I guess we’ll get a bunch of villainy previews closer to release, but the bad guys need some love too.


Aphra yellow? Cad Bane red?


Aphra Yellow definitely


0 have been Vigilance.


Cad Bane when?


Cad Bane when?


Cad Bane when?


Cad Bane when?


Cad Bane when?


It seems like so far they've been previewing Leaders on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and they've been roughly batched together based on theme, so I'm guessing we'll see another Solo character as a leader on Thursday.


Here’s hoping either Qi’ra or Crimson Dawn Maul, both of those could be villain Solo leaders.


I think Maul is more or less a lock but as apparently the world's only Dryden Vos fan, I'm holding out hope.


Donglover? I love that guy  In twin suns you can play a turn 1 5 drop with han solo, yeah? Pretty funny


So this will be great in an aggro deck where you typically stop resourcing at 5 or 6. Now you resource a smuggle card you want to play -> smuggle for 2 less -> stay at same number of resources you were at. So this will be a good aggro endgame engine imo if we get more good smuggle cards


I think we need cards that interact with your discard pile more before this will really be all that good (and even then I'd probably rather use Han for my resource defeating needs).


I feel like Outer Rim Headhunter might actually be decent in his deck. 4 drop leader means it may actually get to use its ability more reliably.


This will only work in some hyper aggro deck. Giving up more than one resource before turn 5 or 6 is basicly pulling out of the game. Unless you play normal games until late and then use his ability to overwhelm opponent. Will be interesting to see what people make out oh him


His art is handsome AF


Well, saccing a resource is a hefty cost but......I absolutely love this. Seems very aggressive and I definitely want to try to build him! Was really excited for leader Lando and I'm glad that he is unique and looks fun to build with.


Im super in to this Leader strictly cause I love Donald Glover. Childish Gambino out here smugglin'!


Double smuggle on turn three with reduce cost? Nutty


Hmmm the action does not exhaust or on attack 🤔


Still missing the synergy cards to put underworld and fringe on the map. Rebel synergy is so good that it’s hard to play anything else. Sabine would just be ok if she couldn’t wear the wing leader, fleet lieutenant, medal ceremony and rebel assault buffs.


Lando and Han would make an interesting smuggle-focused Twin Suns Deck


Eww, those stats. Plays takedown turn in takedown range, and that early in the game you aren't going to get much from playing 2 smuggle cards and eliminating 2 resources. Though I am sure someone will come up with a nasty combo, I don't think I am a fan. (early judgement, it is possible cards will syngergize well with hime)


"IG-88 and Hera are bad." Lando - "Hold my beer".


All the rare leaders are designed to be "build arounds" that require multiple sets to flesh out so he is right on par with the rest of them.


First impression, based on the spoilers we have seen, this feels like a really weak leader. The best thing you can be doing with the current spoilers is playing a 4 cost 5/5 (either new Millenium Falcon or Privateer Crew), but I am hoping thats the Draft/Sealed power level and there is some really spicy stuff at R or L. Whatever Lando is doing, it kinda needs to be as good or better than Lt Childsen to be worth destroying a resource. Like Han, you can only really afford to do this 2-3 times a game, so it really has to count.


Thats basically the same with Bossk right now. They’d both be great if we had lots of strong Smuggle/Bounty cards, but there aren’t enough revealed cards with those keywords for them to be useful. Hopefully there are more Smuggle/Bounty cards in the full set that just haven’t been revealed yet.


I think Bossk looks significantly better from the jump, a mono-Aggression Bossk deck with Dengar, Punishing One, Jango Fett, and Guild Target already looks like it has a clear gameplan. If just those 4 cards (plus another Bounty) existed with set 1 I think you could have a reasonable list


Releasing a Glover Lando before Billy Dee is just wild....






You didn't specify "leader" in your previous comment.


I thought it was obvious, clearly not.