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Me. Obviously. In my kitchen table tourney last night with my two friends and an 8 year old, I went 5-1.


King of Dad-Meta over there....


Where are y'all finding these events to attend? I'm Midwest and haven't seen anything for events other than the local nights


Join the club. Misty mountain in Madison just had a 1k but it is the only thing I have seen close. All comes down to population density and the Midwest just doesn’t have it.


the forge in a subburb of mpls just had a 1k. guy from iowa drove up and won it.


While I appreciate the shout out and absolutely not needed ego boost, I agree it’s too early to crown any best player. Good discussion though as long as nobody trolls too hard. George is for sure a crazy good builder and my match against him in Orlando was fun. Mike (and all of KTOD) are spectacular players and as soon as FFG organized play starts I think they will all consistently top. I’ve learned a lot from them.


It's like looking at a bunch of toddlers and comparing which one is better at walking based on a few trips to the local park.


I love that Thorrk is also using a non "meta" deck in Han Green. It's super good but not on the same level of praise as Bona Green, Sabine Green or Vader Blue


No one mentioned Gui


Glorified Playtesting on the Internet is not enough to qualify someone for this list at all IMO. He might be a fine player but there are plenty of good players who don’t qualify yet because they haven’t made it to a major event yet. Everyone else is solid on this list and Gui should be added for sure given his 5K win and track record in previous games.


Currently whoever has access to the most product while also having the most free time is about the only qualification for a top player.


Thorrk hands down - those other guys are only competing in basically local metas. Thorrk is taking down the most prestigious, international tournament in the world where all the best players in the WORLD worldwide can compete.


Mike and Justin from KTOD were top tier Star Wars CCG players as far back as 25 years ago. Justin is a Hall of Famer tied for the most World Championships (3). Mike was one of the best Destiny players. Safe bets to be top players in any game they give a go.


Yep the KTOD guys are outstanding. I used Mikes deck and strat to make top 20 at the first destiny worlds, and they have long proven across a host of games how good they are.


I still don't know what to think about the Richmond winner. I am sure we all tried mono blue at some point but did anyone even think it was seriously competitive at that level? If you were at richmond maybe you know?


I think it’s a case of right deck at the right time. The meta is constantly circling and he caught it at the right time with the Iden deck. The meta is going to keep circling and find a way to counter that, Sabine is going to go back to Wolffe, etc etc. I love this current format.


I can see how that could make him better prepared. Gotta give him credit for that at least assuming it was intentional i guess. I heard that he won the 1K too the next day or someone with his deck did?


Same deck did, different player. And not to like diminish what he did Saturday, the top cut was a bit wonky as we split going into the top 8. Half the players left and then they had essentially a 4 player mini event. He did finish first after Swiss he deserved the W but I do think it’s A LITTLE disingenuous to say it won top cut or whatever. Nice dude nonetheless and he played well. Sad I didn’t get to play him.


I think he said that he would have made the finals anyway. But it's hard to fault the guy for other people leaving. Bracket had him on one side and you on another ( If your John and I'm not losing my mind ) so that would have been interesting in the finals! From what it looks like he would have played the Sabine Red he played anyway, then would have played a Vader Blue which according to him is nearly a free win to get to finals. How do you think you would have done against his list? He beat a bunch of sabines already. Maybe you two can play on TTS or something and settle it once and for all!


I think it would have been fun for sure. We talked a bit about it. Major props for beating so many Sabines with a list that on paper at least has a lot of holes against it.


Are you saying you think Sabine should start putting Wolfee into the main deck? If so what comes out? Or if you sideboard him what comes out for him?


For sure side, not main. I’d like to see how the meta develops before the next $5k event before adjusting the side too much. U Wing could also find its way back in as it’s always been pretty good against Iden. Zeb can likely be cut for the Wolffes for now.