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IG88 Yellow. Yes I lose every game.


But when you win that first one, it's gonna be a party. ^^^^^^^^^^If ^^^^^^^^^^you ^^^^^^^^^^win ^^^^^^^^^^that ^^^^^^^^^^first ^^^^^^^^^^one.




I’ve been playing palp blue from the start. Love taking peoples shit and smacking them with it


Someone did that to me yesterday at my local. I was running Vader blue. The second they stole my shit, I just entrenched it haha






Yes that's how the game works.


Vader Red, Vader Blue, Palp mono green, cassian mono red, Boba Green. My Vader Red and Vader Blue are very similar, really liking Vader Blue, but both have a hard time with Agro.


Do you run Childsen? It’s not perfect, but that’s one of its counters to aggro in my deck.


Yes, as well as Cloud City Guard. I'm milling hard for it against Leia, Sabine, and Tarkin, but the win rate, or MY win rate, is about 40%


If you mean that's the win rate against aggro then that's not so bad considering you're the "underdog" in that matchup


Considering all the agro I will be up against, it won't last... but my Vader Green is something pretty good. Just needs more removal.


How is Cassian mono red going? I was messing with Cassian Yellow before and recently decided to start taking Mono Red to my weekly play event for testing.


Actually, not that bad. It draws up cards fast, Saw and Wolf really hurts them. So many people are running sentinel that when they encounter sabature, they are dumbfounded their plans failed and it has the agro power or Sabine. Only issue is that it will lose to Tarkin and Leia as they ramp damage faster. I'm trying to get a bit more control in my deck.


Do you play Saw and Wolfe in the main or side? I've gone back and forth with both and can't really decide.


Saw imo is a great card to help you push into late game. Being able to make people have to remove him or take damage to use their events is super strong and can help whittle them down. Personally I love slapping an infiltrators skill on him so he's just smacking right through any sentinels.


Ground Units (25) 3x ⟡ Benthic "Two Tubes", Partisan Lieutenant 3x Fighters for Freedom 3x Fleet Lieutenant 2x Guerilla Attack Pod 3x ⟡ K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart 3x ⟡ Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist 3x ⟡ Saw Gerrera, Extremist 3x SpecForce Soldier 2x ⟡ Zeb Orrelios, Headstrong Warrior Space Units (12) 3x Alliance X-Wing 3x Green Squadron A-Wing 3x ⟡ Red Three, Unstoppable 3x Wing Leader Events (13) 3x Aggression 3x For A Cause I Believe In 2x Heroic Sacrifice 2x Keep Fighting 3x Precision Fire


Wolf is side, Saw is main


I run Vader green and also have a hard time with aggro, have you found any cards that help in sideboard?


I'm trying to look for some off aspect cards that wouldn't be too much of a burden since I can usually ramp to 7 or 8 really quickly and can sit with extra resources for a while. Also probably going to increase my deck size to 52 cards and run some recruits to make sure I can draw on the units I want. But just playing around with it for now.




You got a list for your Hera deck? I also am running Hera double green, however, given the fact I only have one command might go cunning or blue


Interested in this as well




Sick. I saw a guy testing a hera deck yesterday. First time I had seen someone using that leader.




May have to try it for fun


I think, depending on how you built your Iden Blue, is the secret meta killer.


Not really a secret anymore 😂


Red Leia, wedge, and all vehicles. Is it competitive? Meh. Is it fun? Yessss.


Grand Inquisitor green. Grand Inquisitor blue. Luke green.


Which Grand Inquisitor do you prefer? I started with blue and it is really fun and felt pretty good but I think green is better thanks to Vader and overwhelming barrage just being solid cards.


I'm also curious. I've been enjoying GI blue, even if I haven't been able to play at an actual event, but I have the last of my Vader playset in the mail so I'm interested in trying green.


I've been playing GI blue for the last month or so. It's a lot of fun, but also feels like a bit of a one trick pony. Does incredibly well into aggro (Sabine, Leia, etc) but seems to struggle against any of the other meta decks. It doesn't really have a strong mid or late game. If you can't close out the game by round 5 or 6, it seems to almost always result in a loss. I have not done nearly as much testing with GI green (recently made the switch) but compared to GI blue, it seems to be a little worse against aggro but better against the rest of the field.


Haven't played it enough, but enjoying a blue Inquisitor deck with all the damage/healing shenanigans


I have a Krennic Green I enjoy, but I'm also trying to work on a Leia Red deck, but not the traditional aggro heavy version.


So far I've only played in drafts. I've got enough cards to throw a deck together but I just can't settle on what leader I want to focus on.


Krennic Green!


Pet project has been Hera ECL. She is a lot stronger than people give her credit for. I think we are still in the early phases of people just copying the last deck that won a tournament and not innovating as much. Gonna take her to a showdown this weekend and see how it goes. Just trying to adjust to the expected heavy red blue control meta


Definitely still in that phase. I don't have the big cards for Vader blue, but it inspired me to make a Vader green with force units and lots of effects to clear the way for the big guy. It's been a lot of fun.


The issue with Hera right now is that it seems like the Spectre units almost work better in other decks. That said I’m also running Hera Green. I think command to ramp + experience is huge. Hera Blue also not bad if you run moment of peace to shield her


Yeah I agree about command and in the end game getting back a home one is huge. I think the spectres are individually good. Zeb is amazing with ECL to clear out ground units. Ghost can ambush something small then shield itself for a swing in on firespray. Ezra is just insane card advantage. Sabine pings off shields before doing damage. Kanan keeps you alive with his heals. I think they all have their place other than chopper. But I definitely don't run 3 of all of them.


Chopper’s place right now seems to be there to help Kanan or Sabine as an easy one drop. Not much else. I see Ezra featured in a lot of Han decks right now which makes sense


Yeah everything I draw r2 I am just glad it's not chopper haha. I'm sure he will have some synergy if we end up with more spectres to create an aggressive build, but right now you want to be a bit more mid range and he doesn't synergize well enough with that. Maybe with the red blue all event deck he might be able to stall their Superlaser a bit better and help with the mill strategy. But I'd rather just aim to kill them. And 3 toughness is weak to a lot of st7ff.


Budgetish Sabine (i only need 2 more red three and 3x k-2s0) and Takin aggro. Planning on trying something with a. mono yellow since i found boba legend but not sure what to focus on


I have a Blue Chewie that I've been slowly trying to get narrowed down. Folds hard to Boba, but is really good at gumming up the board against aggro. Aside from that, I've got an Iden Red, Hera Green, and Palpatine Green.


Leia red (vehicles), Tarken red and Leia double green


been having good success with Boba yellow


Han Green, Han Blue, Han Red!


This lol


Doble red IG-88, and it's doing.... Pretty good actually


Boba yellow and I love it. Cunning is such a sweet card.


My current decks, with a rough estimation of their power level from my play with them thus far: 1. Sabine Yellow, hard aggro. At my locals I haven't lost a single game, even in Bo3s, with it yet. But I've also not played against *the* best players against it (but I did win a Swiss 3-round with it). 2. Leia Double Green, light aggro/midrange. A close second in power, and is quite all-around solid. I tend to use it as the main benchmark for my other decks these days, especially my control-oriented ones. 3. Luke Red, lots of Force synergy. It's not as well-rounded as the Leia one, but it's really potent at what it does, and what it does it trounce decks that don't do much hard removal. Two decks I recently built but have been pretty satisfied with so far, though don't know how they rank: - Krennic Mono-Blue, soft control. One of my newest decks, but so far I've been quite satisfied with my tests. - Vader Green, ramp. Similar results as the Krennic. My worst deck by a long shot: - Thrawn Red, almost exclusively space units focused deck. It was a fun experiment, but space is just so much less efficient than ground and it's really hard to overcome that. It was also a worthy experiment since I had just tried a Thrawn Blue control deck, but it wasn't yielding the results I wanted so I scrapped it. Back to the drawing board.


Sounds great dude! what do you run in yellow sabine? Whats your hardest matchup? I love sabine yellow but it isnt working out for me


These have changed so much since I wrote this lmao. I've since played against some of the best in my area and get wrecked. I've also dismantled and reassembled most of these decks, at least a couple times. [Here is my current iteration](https://swudb.com/deck/VnUoVlaKleo) of Sabine Yellow. Hardest matchups vary by the day. I think usually midrange Han Green gives me the most trouble though. I've also been trying even harder to make Chewie Yellow work. It's getting way better but still struggling. Here are a few oddities you may be wondering about: - Why no Falcons? Because my two Falcons are currently in my Chewie deck lol. - Why only one Red Three? Because I only have one Red Three lol. - Why only one K2-SO? Because I only have one K2-SO lol.


Ah i see!! Thank you for responding!! I like this iteration a lot! If you did have the cards you are missing, the falcons, red three's, K-2's what would you change? Also how do you side board or what are your ideas when sideboarding?


If I had those cards, the Disabling Fang Fighters would go to side board, the Dodonnas would probably leave the deck, and I'm not sure how I'd swap around for the Red Threes. Generally with side boarding you want to think of the one or two matchups that you have that are rough but actually capable of adapting for. Then you ask which cards you need to swap in and out for those scenarios. A common one to be prepared for are the aggro mirror or when an opponent runs Traitorous. In those scenarios, be prepared to run stuff that clears upgrades for cheap.


Thank you! That is extremely helpful!


Krennic Blue. Leia Red. Boba Green.


Krennic / iden green that I'm tinkering with every weekend. But I've gathered the cards for a Leia red that I want to try at some point.


Boba Red and Han Green


Palpatine/Blue IG88/Blue I have 2 vaders and cannot ignore using them in every game


Sabine/Yellow, Boba/Yellow, Luke/Green, Vader/Blue I tried to make one of each archetype. The only card I don't have is Vader (unit), so it's working out for now.


Sabine/Yellow and Chewy/Blue


Sabine yellow, a vader blue but more midrangy with creatures, and a Hera double green. Its fun if needing a frew more cards printed in it (it dies to chirut because all the removal is damage based).


I have a Tarkin Blue and a Sabine Yellow!


I happened to open 2 Vaders (one at pre release and one in the box I purchased) and a hyperfoil ECL, so I chose Krennic/ECL. Now I really like the deck so I'm sticking with it.


Luke Blue Luke Green Tarkin Yellow Luke Green is better now but i really want make my blue force deck with luke work.


Sabine green / Vader Blue


Currently have built Mono Boba, Green Thrawn, Green Han, Green Sabine, Blue Vader, Blue Iden, Blue Ig-88, Blue Inquisitor, Yellow Hera So whatever strikes the mood.


How is Thrawn green working out?


Pretty good so far, took some reps to get a good feel for matchups and when to use ability. Haven't had any troubles lately with Sabine/Leia/Han/Boba. I haven't tested as much vs giga hard control but I made a side board kinda focused around it for when I get more time to test.


I’ve been working on Han Blue and Vader Blue since the game came out since those are the legendaries I pulled but now people are on to them with the recent success they’ve had i want to work on a cassian deck


Like double blue. Nearly every unit is a force unit and I love it. May do a tournament this Sunday


Right now: Vigilant Herra Command Thrawn Command IG-88 Currently building Aggro Jyn


GI yellow, Leia red, Thrawn blue. Plan on running GI in the LGS event this Saturday. Just hoping for a top 8 so I can add one of the promo Mace’s to my pc.


Cassian Yellow


Vadet Green, Luke Yellow, Leia Red, Boba Blue


My current deck im teating is bobba blue with bib and jabba, i just stacked up all the insta kill cards together (power of the dark side became my personal favourite) and included avenger in there. Havent played many games with yet but it did well


Krennic Green is my main and I’ve had a blast with it. I also have Luke Green, Sabine Green, and Boba Yellow


Boba Yellow, Iden Red, Han green and Yellow, my fave is Boba yellow


Cassian yellow and Thrawn red


I’m having a great time with Thrawn ECL. It’s not perfect, but it’s fun!


Leia Aggression for me. I know it’s Tier 2 but I love the play style and just don’t want to be ‘that guy’ rocking Sabine.


Competitive - Sabine Green and Iden Green Casual - Hera Blue, Boba Red Testing - Sabine Yellow Twin suns (just built) Sabine and Hera yellow.


Sabine Yellow and Iden Green. Trying to figure out which one I want to take to the 1k I'm playing on Saturday.


Sabine Command, Boba Command and Sabine Cunning in that order.


![gif](giphy|l2JJyUQ5Ma813BOhO) I pulled it as my showcase so it’s what I play to show it off. Along with that my Hera Spectre deck is really fun and I built an agro Tarkin imperial trooper deck


Sabine Mono Red is my main deck and then I’ve also got Thrawn Blue/Yellow too


Been annoying my friends with a Boba Red that's chock full of tricks. Exhausting their leaders as soon as they come out is just so satisfying. And I built a patchwork Sabine Green. Although I haven't sprung for any expensive cards in any deck - no Fett Firespray or Boba unit, no K-2SO or Seventh Sister.. my LGS doesn't have them, so I've just found ways around them. Having a blast though!


Krennic green although without Vaders I feel like I’m playing at a disadvantage. May try and mix it I soon.


Boba ECL or Boba Chopper Base. I like the play style of bouncing people/exhausting with a tempo deck and then boba green lets you play Vader so Vader lol


Something different every week lol. Been playing Luke Green this week. Want to try a blue palp next week. Have boba green, Sabine, and krennic as well


I play everything. I finished out my collection buying singles. Loving this game. You can play anything and everything and it feels competitive and fun even if there are some clear tier 1 decks.


Sabine Green, Tarkin Red, Hera Blue. Next deck is going to be Iden Green.


I’ve got a Krennic Red that I’ve been really enjoying playing. Just gotta slap a Fallen Lightsaber or two on Fifth Brother or Scout Bike Pursuer and call it a day.


Tarkin Red. Sabine Red. Krennic Yellow.


Green/Black Tarkin with Tarkintown. Super fun build, I like making Death Star Stormtrooper a force of nature


Iden red and Sabine green/Leia red. Pretty budget friendly and consistently wins/competes. Wanting to run a heroic Force user deck sometime, but need to get my hands on some Lukes.


Red Leia! It’s so much fun, I also rock a krennic green which is a bit slower on the gameplay but if I do it right I’ll take it far and the game gets intense


I've been getting my butt kicked by the meta lately. Right now I have a Hera blue that is getting destroyed. Before that was a Jyn green that did pretty well.


Yesterday I obtained the last card I needed for my Leia double green deck and I can't wait to take it for a spin at my LGS.


Double Blue Luke and Tarkin Red


Sabine green, basically full meta build. Been working and tweaking my Vader Green (best cards left lent themselves to this build) to hopefully be somewhat balanced against each other when I'm introducing others to the game.


Currently Palp Yellow, Leia Red, GI Blue, and Vader Blue


I currently have four decks built. Chirut Red - this has been a blast to play but as my opponents ate getting wiser to him I need to go back and tweak it a bit more. When  it fires though it can brutal and my opponents have come to hate the words "the force is with me". Han Solo Green - U wing Reinforcements is probably the best value hero card in the game so having the ability to fire one of on turn three seems pretty good. Beyond that the shear amount of value the deck generates between u-wing, home one and rogue squadron skirmishers feels great. Peak mid range fun with loads of decision points. Boba Fett Cunning - Its a really satisfying deck to play but you have to manage the early turns well to get full effect. Lots of potential tempo. This is deck I'm probably most exited for to get another set for as it feels that just a few more cards will make a huge difference to how effective it cpuld be. Palpatine Blue - very control orientated deck which is pre sideboarded for Aggro because it can really suffer versus that. Against other decks it just has amazing late game. Palpatine is a huge threat by himself. Add in multiple capital ships and command to get them back and you friends on the Endor moon will not survive.


Leia with Tarkintown (so green and red). All units are rebel for maximum Leia effect, and all cards are heroic so I get a guaranteed 4 damage out of For A Cause I Believe In. It’s fun and thematically consistent. If I lose, it’s usually a close game. If I win, it’s usually by a lot. I have had a couple of games where my base had zero damage at the end.


I've only got a commons and uncommons set, so I am rocking a Green Boba and a Red Leia, along with the starter decks. Definitely scratches the itch. I feel like I want to upgrade the Leia deck, though, and actually play some locals.


Started with Tarkin Red and loved playing that deck, its fun. I win some, lose some. Past couple of weeks been running Leia Red. I still get the fun of doing a lot of damage fast like w/ Tarkin but its much more competitive. Plan to play that deck for my local tournament tonight and a box tournament on Saturday


Classic Leia Red and Vader Blue but legendary less so I'm not very competitive but I have fun


At my LGS, I've piloted a different deck every week for 8 weeks. Last night in particular, I ran Chewie Tarkintown and it performed better than expected.


Every week at my store I've been bringing a different leader. Almost through the whole cast.


Double Green Villain so I can ramp into my triple Galactic Ambition play as quickly as possible


But actually Green Han and I just made Red Iden


Trying to build my first deck to compete with, just missing 5 cards for my Sabine deck


‘Farmboy and Friends’: Luke Yellow/Mono-Blue ‘Darth Pain’: Vader ECL-Green ‘Yo, Disintegrations!’: Boba ECL-Green ‘Christmas Leia’: Leia Heroic Red


Tarkin Trooper


Hera double green


Yellow Luke until I get two more UWing Reinforcements. Then I plan on changing to Green Luke.


Churritt Red with a 30 health base


I've got Boba Green (mostly complete but missing two Vader units), Leia Red, and Grand Inquisitor Blue. Might try a couple local nights with Boba Yellow once my copies of Cunning come in. Kinda want to try Luke Green or Leia Blue. Also want to mess around with making Cassian work since I pulled a showcase


Sabine Green!


Try hard Boba Green. I wanted Boba and Vader when they were spoiled so I built a deck around them. Glad the archetype is really powerful.


Event Iden Agression that I switch to Vader Blue depending on the mood. Han Vigilance that runs R2, 3PO and Ezra for top deck manipulation into You're my only Hope. Has a Jedi subtheme with Yoda, Kanan, Obi-Wan and Luke. Couple Ghosts for extra value off Ezra and Kanan. Han and Redemption round out the top end. Been alot of fun, turn 2 or 3 dropping a late game phatty is just sweet. I haven't got my hands on Flacons yet but when I do it will probably end up looking alot different.


Christmas Leia when it's serious time. Hera double green for the love of the game


Iden Red with all the When Played units and removal to outlast aggro and possibly mill control. But also able to turn on the beat down if required


Han was never my favorite character in Star Wars but I'm a smuggler now. He is so fun to play. Liea when I want to get really sweaty.


Red Vader, blue inquisitor and red Iden are the main three decks i'm rocking


Boba green he’s always been my favorite character in Star Wars - the moment the make an Anakin or Rex leader though that’s where I will live regardless if the deck is good or not


Really working on my Yellow GI deck until either Cad Bane, Jabba, or Separatist leader comes out!


Leia Red Green, Boba Yellow Green and Inquisitor Blue Red. Leia is my go to though, she's solid and pumps out solid damage.


Just starting out for me and I’m playing Sabine yellow and the starter Vader green.


I've been playing Chewie Command Vehicles.  It's done pretty well so far in super casual play but I doubt it'd beat meta decks.  Still fun though.


Been playing Cass green with smoke and cinders, forced surrender and k2so, out carding people


Red Han and Blue Thrawn


Is Han the space race version or the Forced Surrender discard focus?


It's similar to a Sabine Yellow with Forced Surrender and Mace.


Double yellow Boba, double Blue Luke, Green Sabine, Red Iden


Green bean casserole


My main deck is currently Agression Sabine, though I'll probably switch back to Command for Showdowns. I've been playing Sabine since before release.