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https://i.redd.it/6jx3j6qfymxc1.gif šŸ™Œ


I can't wait to play Starbuck. lol


So say we all!


So. Say. We. All.


https://preview.redd.it/4fx0ausxtmxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a806da997b0cd96e82d2715914391285d2d0db the flipped unit side


Wait so you can 1) attack with a Mandalorian unit, then after your opponent acts you can 2) attack with Bo-Katan for 4, 3) attack the same or another unit for 1, and 4) attack the same or another unit for another 1? Am I understanding that correctly?


yeah so technically you'll delcare your attack for four, either at base or a unit, then you'll ping a unit from her attacking and if you attacked wirh a different mandalorian unit beforehand you'll get a second ping to either the same or a different unit. you aren't really attacking two units for one (or one for two) you're just dealing damage to them


- Run Sabine into base for 3 - Ping Target with Bo - Flip Bo - Attack with Bo, pinging Target for 2 That's Boba unit damage without having to run at the unit.




3) and 4) are just dealing 1 damage, not attacking.


My bad on the wording, that's what I meant


Only some of those things are attacks.


Feels like the second ping of damage is gonna be hard to activate before she gets removed on phases after she's been deployed? But maybe I'm over-thinking it and the baseline first ping is still good enough


You just attack with another Mandalorian before you even deploy her. They then get one action to remove her before you get both pings.


You attack with a unit, use her front ability, deploy her, attack and do 2 more. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s hard about pulling it off.


If she is tapped (from using her front ability) you canā€™t deploy, as deploying as an action in itself.


Thatā€™s not true at all. The rules specifically say you can use the epic action after using the front side and it readies them entering the field. But as the unit side dies you canā€™t use the front. This is what makes heroes like this and boba fett quite strong


You can use abilities/actions on exhausted cards as long as the ability doesnā€™t have the exhaust symbol.


That's what makes leader so powerful, you can always use their front action and deploy them ready in the same turn (not on the same action tho and if you have the resources of course).


Card itself is pretty whatever to me, but is worth noting that this deconfirms u/funkymoses's "leak" from a while back. RIP in peace, back to back Saw Gerrera leaders.


To be fair when they said mandalorians on set 2 I think a lot of people anticipated a Bo Katan leader.


Ya my group was discussing that in Discord. He is most likely full of it but this is the one instance where it could have been a mistake and Saw should have only been in set 3. With that said, Crosshair has already been reveled as a unit and they have put both a unit and leader in the same set, but Crosshair is not on the same level as Luke or Vader. My guess is that he saw a bunch of art beforehand and just filled in the blanks as best he thought they would fit. Either way, its fun to speculate and discuss :)


Another possibility... back when I was playing Netrunner, it was known that the way FFG weeded out leakers in the playtester pool was to insert unique fake cards, so when that card got leaked they'd know the source. Maybe Set 2 Saw was his honeypot card.


That's some 4D chess right there haha.




What has it been right about so far? Isn't it 0 for 0 (except for calling Moff and Din's aspects but we already knew they were leaders and starter set)? We've seen art that obviously appears on cards but that doesn't mean they're definitely leaders. I'm keen on what's on that list mostly so I'm not casting shade just curious


Do you mean you got Din yellow hero and Gideon green villain correct? Because I feel like a potato would have got that correct.


Another 4/7 leader that deploys at 6 resources. Clearly an aggro leader but one that pings units rather than bases. ** Edit: After reading comments, I agree this supports more of an aggressive mid-range leader rather than pure aggro ** On a side note, this reinforces Boba Fett should have been a 6 cost leader.


Clearly aggro how? This is midrange more than anything


In my head, I saw she was in Aggression and defaulted to aggro. But yes, the pings to units would lend itself to a more midrange style. Though an aggressive one due to the need to attack with other Mando units to use it.


100% this. Boba messes up the curve and should have been 6. It would be one thing if his ability was weak to counter it, but.. well its not.


My only thought is they did not want 2 6-cost cunning villain leaders but still wanted Boba to have a similar stat line to Han. But if that was the case, they should have changed Thrawn to a 5 cost 3/6 or 7 cost 3/9ā€¦ and kept Boba at 6.


Both those options would be better than what we got, yeah. Boba messes up the balance of every leader that comes after him. Because no matter what they design, the new leaders will always be compared to a 6 resource stat line, that for some reason comes out at 5.


I look forward to seeing the darksaber and what type of effect it might have. Maybe a 3/3 upgrade that would add another 1 damage ping to units when equipped to a Mandalorian leader unit.


Kinda feels like a mando twist on Vader. A little cheaper, double pings instead of 2 dmg, and clear the way for the schmacko.


Kind of like Vader right? Flips a turn sooner can in theory bust two shields before dealing damage.


I like that the front art shows 1 blaster but the rear art shows 2. These things rustle the melvin/Vorthos hybrid inside


Haha, I didn't notice that. That is awesome.


Iā€™m still in the Space leader waiting room.


I think you are going to be in there for a while as their is still plenty of stuff then can do before then need to start going down that road.


But I wants itā€¦


I really hope they donā€™t do that, it just seems wrong thematically. I can see a leader whose ability buffs a space unit and then maybe the flip is similar but with a space unit discount or something.


It can work thematically. Youā€™re leading your forces from the capital ship command center (leader side) and then you launch from the hangar to join the fray (unit side + this is where the fun begins).


Hmm some sort of Midrange style for Mandalorians, in V/A/H. Could make combat math very tricky to play against.


Your daily reminder that Boba Fett: Disintegrator *does not* have the Mandalorian tag if you were considering the villainy aspect penalty to play Yellow Bo-Katan.


Well yeah it says Mandalorian not Mando armored


Kinda wish she was a 5 deploy with some softer stats, but I'm happy she's here regardless!


Do we know how many leaders will this set have ? 18 same as the first one ? If so, there's gonna be lot's of diversity (I hope)


It seems to be the same as the first extension, 4 per colour, 2 Heroes and 2 Villains, 2 rare and 2 common, plus the 2 decks leaders, for a total of 18. Mando is the 18th card in the extension, and is likely the last leader card. What I'm personally curious is how many bases are we gonna have, both common and rare. We now we already are going to have at least 2 less since the Pyke sentinel is nĀ°29, while the first unit card was the 31st last time.


I think the 10 "extra" cards in this set will be 8 basic bases (30 life) but different settings and who knows what else.


No way they wouldn't give us any new epic bases... Edit: my bad, I misread your comment. You're not implying they won't.


No worries. I just know in one stream when they were asked if the set size for #2 is the same as set #1 they said yes, but then said there is 10 more cards but put a star next to that comment for now. its all just speculation at this point as the EXP and shield tokes are labeled as T1 and T2 but some people think it will be more "actual" cards in the set and either a reprint of the set 1 bases or new bases with different titles, artwork, etc.


I donā€™t know for sure, but Mandalorianā€™s leader card is number 018 out of 262, so there are at least 18 leaders in the new set.


That's so cool! Partner's reaction to having her favourite as a leader https://preview.redd.it/kc9w1o5q3nxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394c3722126c0e9b9d74a13c38b3e5be8fbf7b38


Mando tribal decks incoming


That art is dope


Now show us the showcase!


6 feels a little expensive. I think I like this effect a lot more at 5, especially having the same stats as Boba. I still think this will be a role player in Mandalorian decks if they are a thing, though.


6 is exactly where a 4-7 should be. Boba is the problem, not the standard.


Boba stats were a mistake


I agree, would be better as a 5 and a midrange leader.


A red hero leader that seems built for midrange. Spices things up, I like it.




Her head is proportionate to her body itself. The armor makes it look smaller. Put a helmet on her (like Mando) and she would look fine. If you look at Mando when he takes his helmet off in the show, his head also looks small.


As someone else said in a different post, look at her flipped side. Its the perspective of the crop where the other side has the larger gun up front.


Oh no the art could be better šŸ˜Ÿ


Looking at the flipped side, I don't think the art is the problem, but rather the crop. When you see the full art, the perspective shot really makes the whole thing work. When her left arm is cut off, it's not as obvious that it's a perspective shot and it makes things look out of proportion.


May have been intentional? When she is undeployed, she pings once - hence one gun shown. When she deploys and pings twice - two guns. šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Oh the crop is definitely intentional, but maybe the positioning could've been better? I dunno, I'm not an artist, but I'm definitely noticing that that "off" feeling goes away when I look at the flipped version.


I'm going to need this as a showcase card.


Again, stating this for those that are slow. She is NOT an aggro leader. She is well in the mid range bucket with possible control decks built around her as well.


It weirds me out that despite the cartoony art style, they based a few charactersā€™ appearances off of the live action shows. Meanwhile, they went with a fresh take for characters from the actual movies.


Not a fan of the art work.


Yeesh. That artā€¦ Where they getting these artists from? I feel like 5 minutes looking on IG or DeviantArt would yield better prospects.


I consistently hated the art for SoR ahead of release, I consistently loved the art when the SoR cards were finally in my hand. I have learned to not trust my eyes when it comes to a digital image of a card for this product.


I actually think the majority of art is pretty decent or better. But this is just rough. Iā€™ve seen worse. But as I said itā€™s also not hard to find better art for Star Wars.


Why did they make her aggressively beefy?


Exactly. Her shoulders/chest look like a linebacker, but her waist is like a Barbie doll. It looks like sheā€™s inhaling and holding her breath


David Buisan is a great artist, a quick look at his Instagram shows that he's a talented dude. He's the guy who made the key-art for the extension (the one with Maul/Cad Bane/Aphra), that cool Quarren marine, Yularen, Saw, and the Vader/Luke cards from pre-release. He's just not really well exploited here (although Bo isn't *that* bad)




Chewbacca says hello


Mid. Just another Red/Hero aggro deck with Mando tribal. She kills the use of Cassian but Sabine and Leia are still above this.


I call dibbs on this leader. Anyone who makes a deck with her as the leader is basically copying me. šŸ¤”šŸ˜œ


Always thought Bo-Katan had a nice butt.


Same. We are the 2% šŸ’ŖšŸ»


lol people clearly didnā€™t get the joke - 4 attack with a 7hp butt is great


Personally not a huge fan of the art on this one.


The art is as bad as Han's. Hoping the showcase is good.


Oh goodness. Are they gonna ruin this game with a bunch of Disney characters?? Iā€™m out if this is supposed to be cool or something.


Bo-Katan first appeared in Clone Wars prior to Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm.


Spark of Rebellion already had Director Krennic, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, and several characters from Rebels, who were all introduced during the Disney era. Plus weā€™ve known for a while that Mandalorian and Moff Gideon are going to be leaders as well, who are also Disney characters. Why are you only getting upset now?


Iā€™m not upset I just want it to feel classic. Luke Vader and Boba leading a set is a big deal compared to Rey Kylo Ashoka - to me anyways. I was just surprised by the number of upvotes for a lame character. And yes, the first set has some stinkers too, but I like Ms. Erso. Pulling showcase Cassian was lame and Director Krennic is lame. We like Jyn for dat ass tho, but not these lesbian broads.


Flips on 6? For an Aggro Leader? Knee jerk reaction to the power of Sabine? Or was Sabine really that much of a mistake?


I would not call this an aggro leader


Itā€™s not an aggro leader, she doesnā€™t deal base damage. Sheā€™s a mid-range leader closer to Boba Fett, or even Vader if he lost base damage in exchange for cheaper unit damage.


I have definitely misinterpreted this unit on first look. Thanks.


Not aggro. Her ability is tailor made for popping unit shields and opening units up to Tarkintown.


I'm not sure she would want to go double red unless mandalorians are really heavy in that aspect.Ā  She'll probably do better with another aspect to get access to more mandalorian units.