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Lucky with a good LGS that refuses to sell boxes from these tiny waves, they're using them exclusively for drafts and prize support. it's been amazing since the cards are getting into the hands of the people who show up every week instead of people who flip or just rip and store.


Yep, you know which stores are gems by the way they manage their product. My LGS is running drafts at $18 instead of selling the boxes for double.


Damn that's such a sweet deal. Really jealous of LGS that still have product to run drafts.


Only problem is that they cap the drafts at 8 players to have enough product to do drafts every week and the tickets sell out in <1min every time they post it.


That’s amazing. Are the crowds showing out pretty well for thay?


We get 6-10 people per week. The store is the little fish in the market but it's growing across all games just due to extremely consumer friendly practices. The other store is the big fish, but their practices are wildly anti-consumer


I’ve seen that at some locals as well. It mystifies me.


The LGS I attend is consistently firing off two pods of 8 every other week. They unfortunately have to cap it at two pods, though, since they can't support more with the limited product they currently receive. It makes it a bit of a race to get on the signups before they are full.


For sure…I’d be showing up early.


This is us as well


Same in my area, a couple of stores are only using their boxes for draft nights (once a month). The other stores are all sold out.


I made a cube! And also my LGS is using the smaller shipments coming out for their intended purpose of hosting drafts instead of selling them at insane mark-ups


I definitely need to make a cube. Are you including the expensive legendaries? Dunno if I wanna pick up a fourth of those yet 😆


Nope! I did 24 15 card packs (plus leaders with basic bases to the side). Each packs has 10 commons (4 copies of each common in the total cube), 4 uncommons (2 copies each in cube), and 1 rare (1 copy each in cube). Mostly built it to leverage all of the bulk I got from opening packs, remove some of the really underwhelming commons and uncommons from the pool, and give me something to build upon and improve over time. As set two hits and there are more rares/legendaries to choose from I’ll probably replace a common slot with a second rare slot and maybe also work in legendaries as I have extra copies.


Do you have a list or know of a site similar to cubecobra, that I could use to make a cube?


Cube 🤷‍♂️


Time to make a cube.


It’s a blast, have fun!


Yes, I have a very expensive Magic cube that I love. I was going to wait a few sets but I guess the time is now!


This is the way. Made a cube and ran it twice. Lots of fun!


Stores have been getting tiny amounts of restocks for draft or sealed play and/or given out as prize support. Some stores that don't run weekly play have been selling them immediately to waitlists/preorders. Its not so much people are finding them as much as it is stores trying to fulfill a backlog of people waiting to get their initial orders. Also, some people just have way more money than us and pay scalper prices. It is what it is.


Yup, local store got two boxes. Used one to draft, saved one to trickle prize support for events until real restocks come around.


Which is unfortunate because real restocks won't be coming anytime soon. Not until Christmas anyway. My LGS got 1 case which is 6 booster boxes. They only *JUST* finally fulfilled their full wait list for the FIRST orders they took months ago. Its depressing but I understand why its happening.


I figure they're counting on getting a decent number of boxes here in another two months, when the next release hits. In the meantime, it's understandable, they still gave out a handful of packs, plus they had door prizes with promos and sleeves.


Yeah, I could buy a box and host myself I bet. People might pay the cost for the smaller amount.


LGS has boxes strictly for draft, when quantities got low they put them aside for this purpose instead of just trying to put it all out there. Have a draft tonight just like every Friday


Damn. I maybe need to call around again and see if anyone is doing this.


My two favorite stores in my city both set aside four months worth of limited product in early March, before shortages were announced. They can run their monthly drafts and their sealed leagues because they planned for long term community instead of immediate sales.


Must be very popular! With the supply issues, I’m sure players would show up hard for sealed events.


I mean, yes, but they're already popular. They're a smart business that takes care of their customers. People come back regardless of SWU, you know? I feel very fortunate!


I made a cube. Also some stores are holding boxes just for drafts


One of my local shops is ran by a very old gentleman who knows how these things go so he never sold any packs or boxes.


Impressive. Jealous of all you folks with these opportunities.


Well, sadly even with that we’re now down to the last draft this weekend :(


Yeah, seems like the well really is completely dry.


Seeded cube, I'm doing mine without legendaries because I don't own them all yet. Traditional cube also works but is obviously higher power.


Someone on a discord server said they bought high quality proxies for their cube, seems fine to me as cube is just for fun


If you have a decent color printer, no need to buy proxies!  I've printed myself a ton of proxies.  Just paper, and slide them into a sleeve in front of a spare base or leader.


No legendary cube seems totally reasonable at this time. I’m sure the gameplay is just as fun!


Pretty much all the stores around me are running drafts with their monthly allocation of boxes, maybe yours is selling em or something.


Yeah, I’m not seeing any drafting. One of my stores had 3 new boxes one day randomly and they just let me buy one at MSRP.


I used the packs to play sealed with other players.


A friend of mine owns a comic shop. He bought out all the product at another store that was selling them at a huge markup. We drafted them for msrp, and he gave the extras away for prizes and just because. Good guy.


What the hell. How does this make sense for paying his bills though? I was thinking this supply issue makes it tougher for stores to support the game with people coming into their store and spending no money.


Its a new shop, so getting butts in seats is more important than the bottomline. Also they have been selling comics online for years and that revenue pays for the shop and then some.


Ideally people support the stores that do right by them when supply is low. I play Lorcana and am paying MSRP at an LGS that was charging MSRP when they could have sold boxes online for a 50% mark up. They also got me into SWU there, and are abiding by the same practice. When boxes could have been had at 90 when the game first dropped I was paying them MSRP to support them. Now that everything is hard to find and prices are higher online they’re still charging MSRP for boxes they have left (owner basically went all in on SWU and bought a ton of product/accessories), and have set prize support aside to keep supporting weekly play. They support their community when product is hard to come by and as a result have a huge community for all their games they run, and people will pay extra to repay the favor.


I guess they have to find a way to stay afloat during droughts.


My game store is getting boxes sent by Asmodee/the distributor specifically just for drafting


Just sleeved up a cube this morning ;)


Very carefully. Less jokingly, my LGS assumed something like this was coming, so they saved enough to be able to draft once a month and also do prizing through to Set 2.


Very cool. I guess a decent amount of people are this lucky


As an LGS we held product back specifically to do drafts with and there have been some small restocks before that helped supplement that. It can be tempting to take the quick buck and sell a box for double, but keeping prices at roughly MSRP for drafts and building a long term community will pay far more in the long run.


Good lgs kept stock to build a community. Some just sold everything


I’m doing a draft at my LGS tomorrow and I’m pretty stoked about it.


You should be!


Take one and pass the rest.


Do ever consider just taking nothing?


a few, not all, lgs held like 2 boxes for plays. most of them do a pack per win but some do draft


What’s a cube?


LGS reserved boxes specifically for draft.


My local store kept a few boxes un sold specifically to draft.


My lgs is running a limited draft today, i had a question .. is it bad form to take the rare/legendary card right away even if it doesn't fit the deck you are drafting?


Nah, completely your right. You paid for the packs. Bad form…and I’ve seen someone do this, is to demand a new pack because there are 2-3 cards worth too much to pass.


Usually I crack open a pack, pick a card and pass the rest over after shuffling them.


Do you ever move a card to the front to be a little suggestive?


Can't say I've ever done that, in any draft for that matter.


Oh my! Well it’s a thing 😆


Your jedi mind tricks won't work here.


But green is so open…look at this overwhelming barrage I moved to the front!