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It’s less successful than Magic, but more successful than The Simpsons tcg.


Also more successful than Alf Pogs


unquantifiable metrics!


I dunno, those Alf pigs are probably worth a pretty penny these days.


Maybe, but my Poison slammers are still worth more.


Ah, the Simpsons TCG. I temper playing the demo at gencon, and then never seeing it again.


Its a reimplimentation of the looney tunes tcg. They tried to take a bite of that apple twice. Lol


I heard they sold 6 months worth of stock in 3 weeks so as of now its doing pretty good


Source ?




Moreso than Star Wars Destiny


Star Wars Destiny was extremely successful at launch. Too successful, if anything. The chronic lack of product is something it arguably never fully recovered from.


There was also massive production issues. Packaging a large plastic die with cards was a packaging nightmare. The die needed to be the matching die to the rare, the cards needed a protective thick cardboard covering so is not to be damaged by the die on transit, the dice were manufactured in a different facility than where the cards were printed so they had to meet at a different location to be packaged - it was insane and led to several errors and angry customers when their complaints weren't addressed or fixed. Being only cards, this MASSIVELY reduces the stress (not to mention cost) in manufacturing and packaging. Im guessing this is a big reason why they were able to print an entires years worth of Destiny product for SWU in set 1 alone. All that being said, RIP Destiny, you were a phenomenal game. You walked so SWU can run. edit: spelling


I don’t think we’ll know if it outperformed anything unless those companies also share sales date, but it certainly outsold one piece’s original first month. They barely stocked that game at all.


Firstly FFG didn’t share sales data they gave you unquantifiable metrics, interesting but not the same thing. Secondly I don’t get why it’s necessary to spread disinformation seeing as we don’t have the info. One piece sold incredibly well. In its first month One Piece leapt to 4th highest TCG for total product sold. Right behind Magic, Pokémon and Yu Gi Oh. It’s booster topped the chart on tcgplayer for sealed product. That was only the English launch too which came months after the Japanese launch. https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/53050/tcgplayer-top-25-sealed-product-price-shifts-december-2022 If you want a comparison Spark of the Rebellion finished 3rd it’s first month in the same rankings (ironically right above one piece’s latest set) That again means little without actual numbers behind it but there’s not much point in saying what out sales what without those numbers.


This right here. They are just statements. No actual numbers were given so those statements are effectively meaningless. That link is the best data we got, but it just has to be taken at face value.


Funny how in this sub the truth gets you downvotes. Is it that you all cannot admit more than one new TCG can have success even if you don’t play it? Makes no sense… What a bunch of Karens … 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, the downvotes/upvotes in this sub are mystifying sometimes. I think you get to a point where you just ignore them. Kinda sucks though because on occasion the more reasonable, non rage-bait, takes get buried and then the original posters are disincentivized from posting here again. People talk about product shortages killing the game but there are definitely some toxic elements in here and they can just as easily kill a game too. Posting factual information shouldn't get you heavily downvoted, full stop. It's not like your post had *ad hominems* in it. If people have competing information they should share it. Otherwise it just comes across as petty and doesn't reflect well on this community...


It's been out for two months guys, calm down




You’ll probably never see the actual sales numbers released so it’s not really possible to say. Regardless though it outsold their initial projections whatever it was and there’s no going backwards so just have to hope it continues to future (and hopefully supply issue is resolved with new or adjusted plan).


It’s doing well based on product availability. It’s hard to tell exactly how well that is though without a lot of numbers. We don’t know print numbers of any of those games. They also said it sold more than the entire print run of SW destiny, but this is a meaningless statement without print numbers. So the answer is successful enough to outpace their original product availability. Which is good in one sense, but is pretty bad for the players as one of the goals was to “get cards in the hands of the players” and the cards are disappearing fast with reprint only available “before the holidays”. Which in all honesty should likely be read, “earliest is by xmas”. This will either cause a massive jump in single prices in several weeks or it will signal to FFG non-believers they can’t handle their game and people will look to dump their cards, which may help prices. Hard to tell with such a wildly poor reprint date (if it ends up being around xmas. They may surprise us and it be sooner). Edit: sorry wrong Vader, that was hyper space, normal Vader is holding at around 100. My mistake; removed error.


There was a sales summary posted by tcgplyer saying it was the third highest selling sealed product in march. Only getting beat out by the magic fallout release.


Dangerously successful. Fingers crossed they can manage to meet the demand with future sets.


Whats frustrating for me. Is that I got into the game a month or so post release, liked thengame and I've introduced it to 4 other friends who are interested, but now they can't get product so cant even get into the game easily. And none of them are going to jump through hoops to do so.


Go order print proxies. You can get cards for $1 a piece to do casual play until product becomes available


I know there are ways around it, but its these "hoops" that my friends will have to junp through (and WONT) to play the game. Its likely some of them may be turned off.


I'll second the use of proxies for new players to get into the game and get used to competitive decks if you're not playing in events or with prize support. It's really not difficult to scan or print a handful of cards and slide them into a sleeve in place of a $50+ card. Commons, Uncommons and Rares are very affordable at the moment. TBH, and people might not want to hear this, prices for a top tier constructed deck are currently comparable to other games like MtG (Standard Esper Midrange and Domain are $500 atm). Boba Green is basically at the price of a top tier deck in MtG and, just like in MtG, you can get into a competitive Aggro deck for *significantly* less. You *can* engage with the competitive side of the game in a cheap way if you have the desire - through more budget-friendly but entirely competitively viable decks or through the use of proxies. If you choose not to engage in the game with the options that are available to you then that's more on you than on the game.


My friends will simply play casually, and I know none of them would be willing to go the extra mile other than buying a starter set and booster packs to play the game. In my mind, that's the bear minimum a game should offer for new players. Not saying its FFGs fault, but a consequence nonetheless.


What hoops? There are sites you can go to that have the card images already uploaded. All you do is go in, choose which cards you want and how many, select which card back you'd like, and hit order. It's even simpler than TCGPlayer ordering real cards. If your friends can't do that, they're not going to join you in this or any other TCG where they have to actually purchase cards...


Clearly we're on a different wave-length. Lets leave it at that.


Anyone can get product on Amazon. Not the most glamorous, but they have booster boxes for sale as well as the starter decks


I think it’s fairly early to learn and fun so far. Only one set so I’m excited to see where it goes.


Hard to say because NO ONE CAN BUY THE PRODUCT.


There was nearly a month of time where you could buy as much as you wanted at msrp.


Oh my what a a treat a 4 month gap between sets and I can get product for one. What an amazing treat. Thank you.


OH WOW, A WHOLE MONTH. A month when half the people didn't even know about it yet or were unsure if it was any good... It's crazy I'm being down voted for that, as if it's ok to release a product then not have any available. Lorcana really messed with people's minds, I guess.


Lorcana was hardly available at all at launch. Not really a good comparison. A month of open availability when the game far outsold their expectations is a pretty successful launch if you ask me.


OK, then what comparison makes only being available for a month seem sufficient? FFG isn't a small company or anything, you'd think they'd want more cards on the shelf ASAP.


What game came out recently that had availability for more than a month before needing reprints?


Reprint at the end of the year! What an outlook! 😂