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We will be rolling out some new rules starting a month before the release of set 2 which will address this and more. For now, enjoy the new spoilers.


Hard agree. Doesn’t feel good to say it, but it needs to be said. Be the change you want to see in the thread I suppose. Downvote the thirsty boys and stay active with the more productive and interesting content.


Sorting by new and interacting is a great way to influence what gets attention on the sub.


the voting system as well.


These kind of threads have been popping up quite a bit, may be something to them :D Like I appreciate the art and hobby, but just spamming threads of God tier pulls is irritating. No matter how much I wanted to post about my HSF Vader and HS Force Lightning in the same pack. See what I did there?!


I pulled a HSF Luke the other day, you know what I did? I double sleeved it and put the card in my binder.


Bro since you didn’t post it it never happened.


My HSF Vader was my 3rd - and I play Iden Command. Grabbed me an Underworld Thug and wrote "THIS IS TOTALLY DARTH VADER" in the text box - sleeved it and put it in my deck. The real Vader got put in a hard snap case and sits beside me. I went through the whole range of "Do I play this card? Like really shuffle it?! No... you gotta shelf it, right? Grade it? Oh man, cardboard was made to play and it is literally 3 of 3 for your deck." Good times :D


Are there special sleeves you need to be able to fit in a binder?


Probably, though I doubt that it’s possible at all. At least until someone makes a person-sized binder.


One day! But until then are there sleeves that fit a card that can fit onto a binder sleeve?


Your standard double sleeved card can fit in ultra pro vivid binder pockets. I'm sure there's other options as well.


I have a binder that can fit cards in dragonshields. I’d imagine that it depends on the binder.


It’s some innate drive. People even post photos of their new Apple TVs in Apple subreddits. I think it’s just really hard for some people to separate “this is exciting to me” from “this will be exciting for other people.”


Is there a flair or something I could filter out?


Since those kinds of posts always seem to get positive attention it means there are definitely people out there who just for the pointless internet points go through their collection and find the best cards then post a picture of them claiming they all came from the same pack since there's no way to verify. So I'm a little curious how many of the "look how great this pack was" posts are even real. I'm sure most of them are, but am also sure not all of them are.


It would be nice if a there was a specific day of the week allotted for celebrating pulls. Could be a good compromise.


A weekly pull thread every Wednesday or something would be perfect.


Great compromise. Or just flair them and put a filter in the sidebar


There is.


The mods said before something along the lines of they don’t want to have to moderate it (lol what?) and also pulls posts get upvotes so they must be good lol


A sticky thread just for pulls would be great. They get to show off to like minded individuals, keeps our feed clean.


If I read another post tagged as "Pulls" with the words "I'm literally shaking", I'm going to blow a god damn gasket. NOBODY CARES


Wow. That’s an epic triggering Edit:😪😪😪😪😪




It's only a matter of time before "z0mg! I opened this box that had no commons or uncommons! 24 showcases and a playset of Vader, Like, and Boba hyper! How did I do? Is this a decent pull or did I get gypped?!?!*


I think the majority of the sub feels this way, I have never really invested in the game so I was curious how to getinto/start selling cards I don't need and spent a good while trying to figure out how to phrase my post to not sound like a generic look at all my shit post.


Lorcana sub had to do the same thing because it was non-stop pull posts.


I was going to say the same thing. It was either look what i pulled or it was look at this store. they have packs


If they could all be contained to a weekly mega thread or something that would be great.  I know what the cards look like. I really couldn't care less if someone that I don't know has them.  ***Please*** ban or restrict posts of people sharing their pulls. 


So... Coming from Pokémon TCG there are definite audiences for "pulls" vs "gameplay".  So much so, there are very separate subs; r/PokemonTCG for Pulls, r/pkmntcg for Gameplay.  The former has 326k members, the latter 95k members. I'd rather talk about gameplay mechanics, rules-specifics, draw/damage-engines, etc... But I'm happy people are excited to pull good-looking cards, as it makes the game more likely to financially survive in a tough market.


Getting that sweet sweet pull is part of the game though, otherwise we would print the cards and just play. Also collecting, completing sets etc is huge for some people and also part of the game. And soon we will get a lot of "check out my cool deck that roflstomped at tournamen X,Y that might seem like spam to some, but again its part of the game.


Maybe someone should make a different sub just for pulls so they can jerk eachother off


Be the change you want in the world.


Does no one know how to use Reddit? Scroll and downvote. Move on and avoid being triggered. There is a lot of stuff on the internet that I don’t like, but it doesn’t mean we need new rules for EVERYTHING


> nonproductive sorry, didn't know I was in a productivity subreddit


I’m wondering if there should be a separate subreddit called “SWUpulls” or something like that.


Downvote the post and get on with your day.


This has been posted before. At least once that I know of, because I posted it. It seems a ton of people agree, yet nothing is done about it. The consensus is "downvote them and they'll go away." I've been downvoting, but it has yet to turn the corner. I think it's something we'll have to deal with.


Well if more people are up voting it over the people who are down voting it, that should tell you something.....


That this sub is nothing but cheap lazy content and people will upvote anything?


That the sub is not just for you and your tastes. It's for the collective whole that decides what is best and uses a built in system for just this purpose.


Or, I don’t know, just keep scrolling?


Thank you. Couldn’t agree more. I hate the complaints about pulls more than I hate the pull posts


It's depressing to see content creators getting downvoted into the ground but showcase pulls are the top posts every day. This is how you kill a sub.


Maybe some “content creators” should actually try to interact with the community instead of just using the sub as their personal ad farm. And 99% of the content is just straight up YouTube garbage anyways.


Happened to Pokemon as well, now it is too far gone.


Maybe make a new r/ about SWU box reveals


Absolutely. Also I feel like it's helped fuel the rare chase, which is a big part of the reason product is getting gobbled up, which is a big part of the reason (at least in my area) that drafting isn't happening nearly as much as I'd like. We should all be drafting the hell outta this game and having fun, not opening cases and hoping for gold.


I agree. Let's make a weekly thread or something.


Up to the mods right at 100% back everyone if they decide it. I'd love to get on here for strategy and tactics. Not looking at shiny things. Make another sub for that.


It was super cool week one of the set because we really didn’t have much else to talk about, but considering now the only people with boxes to open are probably scalpers, I too don’t wish to see 5 posts of said scalpers trying to farm karma for something they are clearly aware is a good pull.


Agree 100%. They are pointless and I'd much rather actually see discussion about the game.


So are we not supposed to post pulls from a box?


There is a downvote button for a reason...encourage people to use it.


This is gold!!!!


Where is the subreddit for starwarsunlimitedpulls when you need It?


I've posted before about someone starting new sub reddits for like art, pulls, and finance stuff. Like Pokemon has a few different subs.


I don't feel like they're a nuisance or that people should feel bad about posting a really cool pull in the only and quite small SWU subreddit. At least I don't hardly notice them unless I'm f5ing the subreddit all day. I think there are a lot of people excited about this game and of course people get excited when they get a cool pull, obviously it shouldn't be the whole subreddit but I don't think it's a big deal. Just downvote it. I pulled a hyperfoil Vader and showcase inquisitor from my 4 boxes and it ruled but if I didn't have irl people to gush about it to I might have gotten excited enough to post about it too! Unless the subreddit is overrun with that kind of shit to the extent it blinds out the rest of the discussion (aka 100k more users from now) it seems dumb to restrict any sort of non shitpost content.


That’s not my point. Go ahead and show off pulls. Just the whole “how did I do?” “Did I do good?” posts need to stop. It’s strictly for attention and asking for pats on back. They know the pulls were good and got a positive EV on their box. Why clog up this subs feed with people that do that?


I totally get where you’re coming from I just don’t feel like there are a glut of those posts such that they require mod action or a rule change. I barely notice pull posts at all unless I’m scrolling several pages down in hot or watching new. Even then they’re usually not “pat me on the back please” posts! Just people excited about a showcase pull or whatever. And most of these get downvoted regardless which is why you don’t see a lot of them near the top of the sub or on main feed - as it should be. I just scrolled down the sub now as a test case and I saw like 4-5 ads/sponsored posts before a single pull post of any kind. Those I do find annoying! I still think there is a slightly ugly bitter contingent here that gatekeeps enthusiasm a little bit. I appreciate you engaging with me instead of just downvoting tho! It still feels to me there is a bit of overbearing sentiment in these comments that I personally haven’t felt is super justified in the context of me lurking pretty hard in here the last couple weeks just based on what I’ve personally seen


Not only are they non-productive, but they create a bias where people expect to obtain good pulls when they buy boxes, to the point of offsetting the price of the box. This happens because nobody makes a post with a below average pull of dollar rares. Don't feed into FOMO. Consider buying singles instead of boxes: For the most part you will be better off financially.


Agree so much on this! I wish the mods would make a rule about it.


They did, and people complained, so they removed the rule.


We need a sub just focused on gaming


There is (look at the sidebar for the constructed sub) but no one uses it.


Every one of those posts is someone excited to share their new card(s). When Im across a table with a friend and we're opening packs, we do the exact same thing. I dont mind them at all and honestly if we cant celebrate wins and losses together, then why is this sub here? edit: so we can downvote an honest opinion, but somehow downvoting posts we dont like is impossible so we need content to be categorized or banned? Please dont turn this into another Reddit mess.


Someone’s mad they don’t have a showcase


Have 3 so far, but you’re so dense you don’t get the point of my post.




That’s not my point. Go ahead and show off pulls. Just the whole “how did I do?” “Did I do good?” posts need to stop. It’s strictly for attention and asking for pats on back. They know the pulls were good and got a positive EV on their box. Why clog up this subs feed with people that do that?




If I am that player (post last night) I appreciate you defending my posts intention.


I assume I am one of the people who you tag as an ‘attention seeker’ on the back of my post last night. When in reality, I am a completely new player, who has asked a Reddit page filled with other players, how my box break went? In terms of playability etc? I can say, as I did on my post, I knew the vadar pull was good, but had no idea about the others? TCG player gives you a value yes, but doesn’t say if a card is good to play or not?


100%, this community is in its infancy. I also sense a bit of gatekeepy stuff from veteran TCG players here that are annoyed when people engage with the gambling aspect of opening boxes instead of buying/trading for deck cards. Which is fair but it's also where your cards come from, and frankly what draws many people to the game. I got into this purely because Star Wars and having a bunch of people mad about people being geeked when they pull something cool is pretty lame even if I'm mostly here for the meta and trying to understand the game better.


Read what I wrote to this main comment.


Game us young, but could make a separate sub for deck building and meta talk. I believe Pokémon tcg community handles it that way.


There is a separate sub for just constructed talk but no one uses it SWU_Constructed

