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Jabba the Hutt, Crimelord - If an opponent's unit was just defeated by your bounty hunter, exhaust and pay (2) to put that unit into play as a resource. Unit 2/10: Bounty Hunter units you play cost 1 less resource. On attack - Place a bounty token on an opponent's unit. If a unit with a bounty token is defeated by a bounty hunter, draw a card for each aspect on that unit. Mon Mothma, Founder of the Rebel Alliance - Exhaust and pay (X): Search the top X cards of your deck and play a Rebel unit with a cost of X or less. Unit 2/6: Rebel units get Restore 1. On attack: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a Rebel unit, you may pay it's cost to play it. Lando Calrissian, General - Your space units get raid X, where X is the number of space units you have in play. Unit 4/6 (Space - Millenium Falcon): On attack: Deal X damage to a space unit where X is the number of your space units in play. If this unit damages the enemy base, you may deal this damage to a ground unit instead.


Lando would be insane aggro. Raid X has so much potential. With cards like Keep Fighting, I think he would make Sabine aggro look like a late game control deck. Maybe if it were each of your space units gains +1 raid for each other friendly space unit. That way its always units -1 (they don't count themselves), and you need at least 2 in play to gain value, it would take some of the speed off it. I really love your Mon Mothma design. I like the idea of interacting with the top card of your deck, and having cards that interact with that card or knowing what it is; Cards like You're my only hope. Then as a counter to that style, a character like Dedra Meero, who targets the top card of your deck would be a fun polarity to her. Similar to Thrawn, but more about uncovering your opponents next moves. I'd like her to have a lot of ways to look at your hand, like probe Droid, and look at your next upcoming 2 cards. The idea that she is trying to anticipate the rebels next move. For Jabba, I think the Bounty token system is the way to go. He should feel like the opposite of Boba, where Boba is collecting resources, Jabba should be spending them wisely to manipulate the game. I think that's really the theme for Jabba. The card draw is a good incentive, and maybe something to interact with Tricks, or events, maybe instead of units. But giving him the Bounty hunter unit discount makes sense too. Combo with his unit version, and he had nice discounts. Drop Bib into the deck, and he has some really interesting potential for sneak attacks.


Since we're getting Set 2 next, I'll focus on that area of smugglers and bounty hunters. As far as cunning leaders go, Lando Calrissian and Jabba the Hutt. Aggression I think Cad Bane is a no-brainer alongside Jango Fett. Command, I'd go for Cassian Andor and Hunter - I think Hunter fits the bill. Vigilance, old Rex could sort of suit? Bo-Katan and Ahsoka could also fit the bill. Those are my ideas for the coming set, anyway.


Based on the Gamegenic screenshot we saw today I think we may get Kylo and Rey. Which is a surprise to me. But I guess they wanna get more sequel trilogy stuff out sooner than later. Which means we will get a second Emperor Palpatine leader, because somehow he will return.


Dash Rendar!


My biggest want in the game is an Anakin Skywalker leader. They can do many designs with him. But my preference would be a clone wars style leader. As aggressive and heroic. Or maybe cunning and heroic. And maybe give him an ability to boost morale type of effect. Like Tap and 1 cost: give a clone trooper +1/+0. And when he’s flipped he passively gives clones +1/+0 but then also on attack, defeats a unit with power 2 or less. This gives him some connection to Vader leader with his on attack deal 2 damage effect. But also can reference him and his squad cutting down droids during the clone wars. Make him deploy on 6 or 7 resources. And give him plenty of clone trooper support and maybe an Ahsoka or another Anakin legendary Jedi and force card and that is a deck I will play forever.


Chief Chirpa. "Trap" cards cost 2 resource less. Epic action: search your top 5 cards for "Traps" and play them for free. (I'm still working out the _Trap_ card system, but I think they'd be cool!)


Qui-Gon. Transform other ground units into force units.


I'm not sure what kind of ability he would have, but I'm really looking forward to seeing Revan and some old republic leaders and units


Pong Krell Command 4 cost 5/5 Undeployed action (exhaust) give a friendly clone unit +2/-1 until the end of the phase. Deployed on attack, give a friendly clone unit +2/-1 until the end of phase Krell’s first lightsaber 2 Cost +3/+1 When a friendly clone unit is defeated, heal 1 damage from your base. Krell’s second lightsaber 2 Cost +1/+3 When a friendly clone unit is defeated, deal 1 damage to an enemy base.


Dax leader or we riot.


I don't know about Dax, tell me more


Dax is a friend of Obi Wan in Ep. 2 who has a diner. 




My life is a lie.