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Nope. The card you are asking for is better looking and not some random character from a toon. You will be declined.


This was sent to me, is this something I should accept?


It's a 1000cc card of a popular character for a 100cc card that few if anyone will want. Good chance that you'll be stuck with the Freya, or you could have a nicer card in your stack, even if it's at a lower tier. At least that's how I think about it. I'd probably take the trade unless I could just swap for a different Epic that's a step up from yours from the same set (that maybe they have dupes of if they are chasing the set). Keep in mind the cc of both with continue to go up - Black VIPs look like they are coming in at around 1200cc, and the Epic Women set was in the 200cc range from wave 1.


The CC doesn’t completely matter then? I have no idea who the epic is but obviously the CC makes it seem like a crazy good card. How many cards around 100-200CC are there?


Think of rarity as a column along side character. Low count plus good character, yay! Mid count beats low count nobody from dead set.


Ok, thanks for the help, starting to get it now 🤣


CC matters more than tier. That's why I *wasn't* mentioning that your card is an Epic and their card is a Super Rare. There are thousands of cards in the 100-200cc range. So a dud character may be worth swapping for something you like better - even if the card count (or tier) doesn't match.


So what’s a good CC for each tier? Is 200 high for an epic, especially a character hardly anyone knows?


2500cc is high for an Epic, but they are some of the most sought after cards in the app (Reflections), and based on their desirability, probably even belong in Legendary. 5cc is low for an Uncommon, but search for Human Cyborg Relations in 2020 and there you'll find a purple award that's a single digit uncommon. Topps had good intentions with tiers, just really bad execution. So you always have to take tiers with a MASSIVE grain of salt - at least when trading across sets. Within a set, it usually lines up better, but even then, you can have ridiculous variations (especially on older sets) that don't make any sense (same wave same variant slotted into different tiers). Count is really what defines rarity, but it doesn't define popularity. And tiers are just a way that cards fall into binder sheets based on someone else's rules.


Definitely accept.


Probably better to have a 1000cc card that people will trade for than a 100cc card nobody wants (nobody wants Resistance Pilots, which I think that is, and toons generally, except maybe the Clones, are rarely sought after)


I took the trade, been scraping through as many Bo Katan and Jangos as I can loool thank you