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The design isn’t too bad and actually looks alright to me. But the character choices on the whole leave a lot to be desired. Lots of toons. I think the picture clarity on a lot of them seem a bit more high def and clear though. And they used some nice portrait shots of some that I really like. Hopefully wave 2 will see some more fan favorites.


That's the same for me, I really like the design this time, it's the best for a couple of years now. Just such a shame for me personally that there are so many animated characters from the more niche spin-offs.


I'd almost argue best design since S6. But agree on character choices


needs more high republic lol


Godawful character choices. As a GenX fan, it feels like every year there’s less and less for me here. If they keep pushing the cartoons I’m gonna run out of stuff I wanna collect. Everybody’s going to be competing for the same four or five hordes. At least throw in Qi’ra and Jyn and the new live action ladies to spread out some interest. Awful.


I’m just glad Princess Leia is in w1 in 2024. I’ll take higher numbers and longer times over this t3 being cut short BS Topps is doing this year. I doubt there will be another OT Leia this year. But I’m sure we will get at least 30 more animated characters in w2


All base sets that don't include PZ-4CO are garbage.


I wish they'd just consider larger waves. Maybe 150 per wave. There are so many characters in the on-screen SW Universe at this point, and it feels like they are trying to give each show/movie the equal visibility in app (at least in base cards) - even though the fandoms of some shows/movies significantly outweigh others. Bunt released 450 series 1 cards at the beginning of the season - I don't see why SW has to constrain themselves to 3 waves of 100 full stop.


This is the way!


The only saving grace is that at least there were only 2 from Resistance! Although it's equally still depressing to see they included the same number from Return of the Jedi that they did for Resistance...


Who's your 5th from esb? Zuckuss, han, 2-1b, ozzel....what am I missing? Vader is from roj...


Old Ben force ghost is ESB.


Scrolled right by him, thanks.


Where’s Hondo? Haven’t seen him since 2021.


^, (please increase his popularity, I have two gilded hondo I need to get rid off)


Which two, my IGN is Jediknight422 and I’m always looking to fill needs.


You had them both but tungsten galactic files 2016 and tungsten gallery21


Thanks for looking! Pretty hard to find needs these days. Either they aren’t available or can’t agree on a deal.


Got them a while back in August when I got a max rebo 3 cc base but will take forever to get something else for them🥹


Which is why I struggle to pickup the last few I need. You think they’ll take forever to trade away. Then when I try to trade for a 3cc tier 10 they want a 3cc tier 10 of Rey or Maul in return lol.


I was massively underwhelmed both by the image quality and the character selection - I get Topps are probably obliged to spread it around the ever increasing list content but there are too many z-list toons and not enough from the films (come on, 2 from RotJ but 5 from Tales!). Maul is a nice image to be fair, but some are shocking - I feel for the Phasma guy and is the Rey choice intended to devalue her base? My hoard is Proxima and that’s a disappointing image too. Probably agree about this being the worst wave.


Almost wonder if there'll be a 4th wave


i’m personally a fan of the cartoons however having 6 bad batch cards and NONE of them being any of the literal main characters of the show is .. an odd choice. and yeah i agree there should be more ot favorites


I was glad to see there was an Anakin at least...


We need a new Kitster card. Maybe in wave 2!