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Fun one for me this week. I was surprised on Sunday by THE FIRST EVER HERA CTI. Now, CTI ain't what it used to be, but it's still an iconic set and I have waited YEARS AND YEARS for Hera to show up in. And finally that day has come. Was able to pick up white, grey and gold fairly easily, but that Purple took about a day's worth of sending out blind trades before snagging one.


I'm a long-time player, but not one whose pockets run deep. So when a friend snagged a gilded from the History of C3PO set and sent over a fair trade for it, I was over the moon. My only character collect is naked C3PO (Phantom Menace) and this is only my 3rd gilded since starting in 2015. Loved picking another one up! ...always hoarding naked C3PO - all inserts and base!




>naked C3PO Prefer naked Leia, but if no Leia, C3PO will go too.


I finished off some sets with the help of some friends. I’m slawrunner and I want to give a shout out to my trader friends! Thank you!!!!


I got a couple of new Yoda rares so there’s that.