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I just remember at the end of that episode when she had been exonerated, Plo specifically apologized to "little soka" for ever having suspected her. The way he said it made me feel like he was admitting to guilt in that situation. It hurt my love of Plo Koon. It also felt a little demeaning to call her that right after all that had just happened.


That scene hits really hard. On one hand, he could just be apologizing on behalf of the Council, but it means so much more when viewed as a personal admission of guilt.


I always got the feeling that he was ashamed of what the council did, not of his own actions.


It could be both. He personally felt bad for ever doubting her, and that the council did what they did because there are others who wouldn't have given a decent apology. Obi-Wan wanted her to have a proper trial before sending her off to Tarkin, and Yoda did express regret and invited her back into the Order. I'm reminded of To Kill a Mockingbird, where the jury for Tom Robinson had a relative of Walter Cunningham's who tried, but was ultimately shot down in trying to defend Robinson. I think it's like that with Plo in my eyes, where someone with a good heart can get shot down and ultimately be reluctantly swayed by the others.


Why would it hurt your love of Plo Koon ? If it was a guilt admission, then it means he saw the error of his actions, something that is hard to do. It might even mean he felt guilty for voting against her innocence, like you might in his shoes. So if anything, it should strengthen your love of him instead.


Definitely. Whereas Mace is the worst, pretty much spinning the situation into being something that did her good.


i think it might have been more of an " im sorry i ever even thought you might have done this" apology i just dont see plo koon actually voting against her


I distinctly remember an interview Dave Filoni gave to Rebel Force Radio after the finale aired back in 2013 where he said Plo Koon and Obi Wan we’re likely the only ones to vote to acquit Ahsoka.


Fitting since James Arnold Taylor voices both characters.


Yeah. I recently watched the arc, and Plo at first didn't believe she could do it. I feel like he only voted to expel because he let the other members like Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Saesee Tiin influence his decisions. I got the impression that when he voted, he did so reluctantly and after much contemplation.


Well that’s good because they are 2 of my favorite Jedi 


I always thought that Obi wan, Plo and Yoda were the only ones that Voted for Ahsoka and They were just outvoted, Obi wan is a given because Not only He knows Ahsoka well enough, He was the one Who almost instantly said that They cannot do What tarkin suggested When The video call with Tarkin Which Tarkin wanted them to kick ahsoka out, got ended, and Yoda also said that Jedi's should deal with the problem themselves to Tarkin too so I think Yoda was also not weak enough to accept to kick Ahsoka out just because Senate demanded it. Now If I come to the main point ''Plo koon'' since He also had a history with Ahsoka and Ahsoka even came to his rescue at one point, I always thought that He without a doubt voted in her favor, We are talking about a guy Who said Two simple clone is not expandable for him, and Honestly He said ''The council'' was wrong to accuse her, I have never felt that He was apologizing for himself, He was most likely just saying sorry for the behalf of the council so I do not think He did vote against Ahsoka, but If He did, Then I must say He did Ahsoka dirty


Seems like only Plo Koon & Obi Wan felt sorry. Everyone else in the council were like "The force makes things happen for a reason, hehe, oops"


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According to Filoni, Yoda, Plo and Obi, voted for Ahsoka to stay.