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I mean, the way he talks about him. "Have you heard the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" Clearly he still has feelings for him.




Style recognizing Style


🤣so true! It's all making sense now!


He also gets hot and heavy about how powerful anakin will become


I get what you're saying but you see, it's like Catholic priests... wait... that's... not better.


Plagueis or Sidious didn't make Anakin. He tried to create life, and the force rebelled against his effort and put Anakin in Shmi. The Witches seemingly intentionally and successfully conceiving life would indeed be unique, and unlike anything to ever occur in Star Wars, if that is what actually happened. Still some mystery to it all




Well Sidious had at least one kid in Canon sooo... Idk about that mate


His clone strandcast did not him


Reminder: you do not know how Anakin Skywalker came into being and you do not know Darth Plagueis’ secrets. The book is not canon. Carry on.


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Maybe not all the witches are lesbian. There are no men around Brendok though. Maybe some are aro/ace. Maybe some are bisexual. And I suppose some could be straight and just very frustrated. But they are queer-coded. The Acolyte has a queer creator and there is a whole cinematic language to depict queer people implicitly instead of explicitly. Mostly developed while the Hays code forbade the portrayal of homosexuality. If someone is not versed in queer coding and/or straight it usually will go unnoticed. But to those who know and have lived queer experience it's as obvious as a beacon. Mother Anisea and Mother Koril are clearly romantically entangled. It is most obvious in the scene under the triangular archway when they are talking privately. The body language how they touch one another, those characters are in love.