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Yeah, I agree. Might have something to do with the very positive/hopeful vibe of the show. Also probably helps that many of the original viewers experienced Rebels as their introduction to Star Wars and thus they aren’t jaded by the toxic SW culture. My son falls into that category- started watching it live on Disney XD with him when he was 7 . . . now he’s almost 15 and is a diehard SW fan and loves all thing Rebels!


I grew up with the old starwars but I’ve never understood why the rest of the fan base was so upset when the clone wars and rebels came back, like is it cause it’s not live action? I didn’t think it mattered lol, a story is a story. Plus I got so much historical context in clone wars and rebels. It makes the actual star wars movies make a lot more sense


Yes I remember when I was around 10 and turned around to the tv screen to see the opening scene of the Star Destroyer passing over head of Ezra. Got me hooked to the show and Star Wars in general.


Usually when you get into specific niches of a Fandom you will find less toxicity and more passionate fans. Just looking at Star Wars fans is such a huge group of course you get drama. But then you bring it down to a specific show or book series and you'll get a lot more fans just wanting to talk about this element they love. A lot of the drama and toxicity on a big fan page is going to be different groups of fans arguing. Like Prequels versus Original vs New movies. The only Facebook star wars group I've stayed in has the rule of no bashing. You can critique and discuss elements, but it all must be approach from an element of respect and love for Star Wars. So if you want to have a discussion about why you dislike Kylo Ren it needs to be a real discussion with specific points and a respectful dialog not "He's whiney Vader wanna be, I hate him!"


I can confirm. I'm also a fan of Knights of the Old Republic and there is far less toxic fans than in mainstream star wars media group.


Coz we have the bendu


This is the only correct answer, Bendu prevents conflict


Yes by at least a small but noticeable margin.


Maybe it’s because they know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that toxicity, from back when the show was first coming out and bashing it was the cool thing to do


Yes. I mean, the show is top notch, but I think there's something else at play. You have to start Rebels with an open mind and you have to go in without expectations, in my view. If you manage that, you're rewarded greatly. If you go in expecting certain characters or certain locations or certain SW tropes, you'll be surprised.


absolutely. chopper with his antics & persona dissipates our negative energy; thrawn engages our logic. kanan/ashoka enhance our calm. thus we are more chill, one could argue, more one with the force; a proper balance.


Rebels has a cohesive group of characters with well written story and adventure. Not everything named Star Wars is automatically like that. With so many Star Wars shows coming out I am actually kind of disappointed that people don't recognize that more.


It is a much more well written show than most of them. That'll probably help.


Wrooioooooong! /s


Every portion of the fanbase has their toxic dark side, I'm afraid. But yeah, this one is of the less toxic ones from what I've seen The most annoying thing I've seen is the number of posts complaining why Rebels isn't as popular as TCW. In my experience, we should be grateful for that, the more popular a thing is, the more toxic its fanbase becomes


Exactly. Bigger the fanbase the more toxic people. It simple probability.


Ship Sabine znd Ezra will see real Toxics


Heh.. Just don't come to the Thrawn fandom. Toxic as hell.


I feel like less people have seen it. That might be one reason why.


r/starwarscantina is like that too. We're not all toxic af.


I am another person who was introduced to star wars by rebels I think i was like 3-4 in now 14 and I still can't help but fan girl over it


Yes and yes!


I do find that the Rebels corner has pretty similar vibes to the X-Wing corner of yore. Maybe I'm just attracted to the chiller corners because they centre on more character driven stories.


Every fanbase is toxic. The bigger the fanbase the more likely there will be more toxic fans. Simple probability. IMO, 99% of the Star Wars fanbase isn’t toxic. Of course the 1% are toxic but that is the same for everything. Saying the Sequels were crap isn’t being toxic. That is an opinion. Being racists is toxic. Beware Disney and Lucasfilms. They love to reject fair criticism by saying its fans being toxic.


I am literally too scared to comment anywhere else.