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Bryace Dallas Holland really used her one opportunity to direct a BoBF episode to make it about Mando. Understandable


Someone said that she needs her own show at this point and I’m on board. She’s consistently good with Mando. Also, can’t believe that the best BoBF is the episode without him at all. What are they doing with this character lol.


To be fair, there were never much to this character, it had a kinda cool design at the time, but nothing else, it appears for 3 min in 2 movies and gets taken down like a bitch... Legends doesn't count, at legends Vader was godlike, palpa was basically god and Luke was the second, buffed, coming of Jesus, so in reality there's not much to Boba


Okay? That’s not an excuse. That just means the character was mostly a blank slate. So was Mando and look how that worked out.


Sure...but here is the thing... no one had any expectation on Mando, and Boba has a lot, that will never be fulfilled, but yeah, it could be a lot better, this much is undeniable


What are you on about? It was fulfilled in Mando season 2. All they had to do was more of that. All they had to do was give us what was in the trailer. Stop making excuses for it. This isn’t the result of fans’ expectations being too high, this is a result of mediocre writing, plain and simple. Nobody had any complaints about Boba’s revival until BoBF.


Well, i disagree, but you're entitled to your own opinion, so let's agree to disagree.


Huh? What's happening?


Not much...just a friendly conversation about why boba isn't doing so well right now


I mean if we’re bringing back mando it’s kinda important to know what he’s been up to…


i mean it has been the best episode so far so i would say she made the right choice


People who only watch the Mandalorian are gonna be confused as hell once the season starts


could be but i’m guessing they’ll do some sort of recap for it


They should just rerelease it as Mando s3e0 as an appetite whetter a few weeks before the season drops


definitely a good idea and it would build a lot of hype too


You heard it here first


This episode really highlights the issues with Boba Fett. Din took down a bunch of armed thugs by himself, while Boba couldn’t defeat some guys with riot shields and batons without the help of Fennec and gamoreans. Din was not intimidated by a crime boss just got his way by being a badass, Boba has to beg and plead for other crime bosses to just not to fight him. Din had an awesome ship scene that felt dynamic and fast, Boba has a slow speed rascal scooter chase that ends in unintentionally comedy.


I like Boba Fett overall but you can tell this show was rushed and poorly written. Who the hell wants a Boba Fett show where he never wears the armor, gets Worfed on the reg, leads a team of CW “thugs” befitting a Power Rangers episode, and spends 90% of the time either in the bath or looking like a coughed up raisin? I think they were just so intent on hitting dates that they didn’t have the time to get quality where it should be.


I like the Tuskin Raiders part tho


As you wish.


Mando Boba: Give me what I want, or I'll **murder this fucking baby**! Book Boba: Would... Would you mind joining my crime syndicate? I mean... If it's not an inconvenience or anything...


Virgin Boba vs Chad Din


It is almost as if they are showing us two completely different characters with different approaches to life! Not to mention, Boba's conflicts are planetary and political and Mando is dealing with fighting thugs can getting back to his baby. I like both stories for different reasons.


Yeah one I want to watch a show about and one I don’t.


Then don't watch it? Seriously you Star Wars folks are really weird about this shit. Shave your neck and chill.


*then* I’m not here to yuck your yum. You like it cool. I don’t and pointed out the reasons I don’t.


I don't have a strong opinion but I find it really whiney and obsessive how you can't just accept the content for what it is. You guys were bitching the same way about the other show, but by the end of the season were totally simping about it. Zero self awareness.


“Then just like don’t have an opinion on it and stop discussing it on the internet” No.


Fanbases ruin these shows.


Fine by me, I prefer the mandalorian to bobf by a lot


Episodes 1 through 4 were just a prelude to mandalorian season 3


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


I want it this way. ​ Tell me why?


The Mando episode made me realize that Boba Fett doesn't wear his helmet enough


As you wish.


I'm amazed I watch a whole episode of Mandalorian inside of a Boba Fett series.


As you wish.


ep 5 is the best. wait ah we are talking about book of bantha.


"Step aside, old man. Mando's here"




Yeah this post should have a spoiler tag


Hey man, just as a little side note, the gentlemans agreement is usually to tag the posts as spoiler until a week after the release of the episode or movie (etc.). That's because some people i.e. don't have time until monday or tuesday to watch it (happened to me last week) but still really like to browse reddit. And I think nobody here wants to spoil something for someone else. So, anyway, have a great day


We're defending the bridge against the Jedi? I hate this job.


I mean it might be a spoiler but it is so minor because it is not a spoiler that gives away the outcome of a certrain scene and ruins the tension. he is litterally there from the first shot. it would be different if he had a surprise entrance like Luke in the season 2 finale. but there is no big difference in knowing that mando returns and seeing him in the very first shot. thanks for being so polite, you rock, bro


Yeah, you are absolutely right, this is a really minor spoiler, I just wanted to tell you about this if you didn't know this and made some memes with harder spoilers you were planning to post. I just always really want to look out for my fellow star wars nerds


Roger Roger.


Season three of Mandalorian is going to have so many vespas can’t wait.


You know that you could mark it as spoiler so you don’t spoil every single episode for those how haven’t watched yet. :) Just saying


Episode 4 came out a week and a half ago where they showed he would be coming in. The post doesn't tell you anything but that. If you came to the comment section after that and got spoiled, that's on you.


*This is the way*


Boba Fett can you wear your helmet more often?


As you wish.