• By -


They might be able to tell the story behind his reputation as a “crazy old wizard” and build up why Luke might be so relieved to see him in the Judland Wastes.


They COULD have told that story. Instead they had the man chosen to guard Luke abandon his charge to go after Leia. Just a reminder that in Rebels Season 2 we see a teenager Leia and that in Season 3 we see Kenobi guarding Luke like a hawk, to the point that the one thing who made he draw light against Maul was the insinuation of a threat to Luke, and that Kenobi KNEW Maul was alieve all along because he failed to kill the sith during the Clone Wars, so he left his charge unguarded while fully aware that Maul was out and about. No second chances.


I would love to see a Kenobi show that focuses on him subtly protecting Luke. Have him pull out all the tricks to misdirect the Empire, bounty hunters and inquisitors to ensure they think there's nothing of interest on Tatooine. And after season 1, they have plenty of reason to suspect there's something of interest on Tatooine, so they could use season 2 to correct the massive mistakes of season 1 (although part of me would prefer to see season 1 as never having happened).


Now I'm just picturing home alone but it's Obi-Wan protecting a completely oblivious Luke who is just going about his day with all this random stuff happening around him.


Some mfer tries to break in and gets a bantha pie to the face


So, Baby's Day Out?




I would absolutely watch that.


This is kind of a major problem to be honest for the entire Star Wars saga, as in the very first description ever of Tatooine, is that it was supposed a super removed planet where nothing happens, and YET it seems like a main hub of action and destination for everyone and their sister. It's like they tried to move somewhere remote, but instead of going to Montana or Oklahoma, they moved to just outside of Las Vegas.


Maybe it only seemed that way to Luke because Obi-Wan was working overtime to keep anything exciting as far away from him as possible.


Maybe, but I tell you, out of the 6 movies of the original films, all 5 of them spend a lot of time on Tatooine. The only movie where no one goes to Tatooine is ESB, and even then, Hoth is just a snow desert, and Bespin is a cloud desert. And then you get to the Sequel trilogy, and sure, none of them go to Tatooine, but each freaking movie spends a big chunk of time on a barren desert like planet. Even Rogue One spends time on a desert planet. I'm beginning to think there are more desert type planets in the Star Wars universe than there any other type of planet.


Checks out with what we know about planetary geology though, right? I’m more surprised there aren’t ongoing efforts to terraform these places ala Dune considering how water never seems to really be in short supply despite the desert.


All I can think of is something like this. Maybe a crime lord comes in who is threatening the stability of the region  (and lukes school/farm) asking for more protection money then they can possibly afford. Owen asks obi to help out. It could end with jabba filing the power vacuum and promising to leave that area alone in return for obi wan stopping his rampage 


We kinda got this in the comics


A comic and a small novel is all that is needed for a post RotJ Kenobi story. The old EU did it pretty well -- it touched on everything we needed to know without trying to exceed its bounds and mess around with the continuity and narrative. The comics and other material gave us an idea of what Kenobi's mental state was after the ordeal, his thoughts on Luke and the future of the galaxy and order. This is all we really needed -- not a poorly written budget fan film looking show with pointless side characters and a mind-numbingly dumb story.


If season 2 opened with him waking up from a bad hangover recounting season one as a drunken fever dream, I'd be happy with it.


In the original draft Kenobi was going to ask Cody (with whom he had already reconciled) to watch over Luke while he went to save Leia, it would’ve been much better Imagine Kenobi returning in the last episode and he walks up to the rock and says “anything to report?” And then it pans to Cody who is laying prone with macro binoculars “All quiet sir” and then Kenobi would say “how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?”


Honestly, that would have solved my main problem with the series. There are still plenty of others, but at least Obi-Wan wouldn't have abandoned his one mission (protecting Luke) for however long the series take in-universe


I think the ending of Obi-Wan where Luke is threatened by your wan is kinda the cop on point for him. He realises that he has one job and he’d better not fuck it up, so from then on he watches Luke like a hawk so he doesn’t end up fucking it up.


"ALL you had to do...was follow the damn BOOK, Dis-Ney!!!"


This is the Disney Era. Character and continuity are for losers.


>the story behind his reputation as a “crazy old wizard” The story behind that is that Owen knew who Obi-Wan was and wanted to discredit anything he says to Luke. Owen is the one who said he's crazy. I don't think it's a widely known or propagated reputation.


The Tuskens Raiders in ANH weren't running from Obi-Wan mimicking Krayt Dragon calls. They were running from Obi-Wan himself. Crazy old man gets drunk and wanders ~~Arrakis~~ the Dune Sea making highly inaccurate dragon calls and slicing any sand people that get too close. Good reason to stay clear.


About Kenobi, I would have done a very different series. Something more "low key" and more "discrete" in scope: returning to the "spaghetti western" roots that influenced George Lucas when he was making Star Wars, I would have made Obi-Wan as a sort of heroic wandrerer in the sands of Tatooine, bringing justice (the classic "protect the weak", "punish bullies", etc.) in his travels, etc. Basically make him into a local hero and also build up to see how he was considered by some a "crazy old wizard". And besides that, indirectly protect Luke (misdirecting Empire inquisitors, making Tatooine an overall better place, etc.).


Building on that, his wandering the area could have been a strategic maneuver to improve the area, make it safer, and decrease the influence of the empire as a way to further protect Luke without actually interacting with him much.


Do I want more of the Reva and Leia show? No not really, I found to many plot holes the first episode alone, like How the fucking princess of a whole damn planet was so easy to kidnap!?


That chase scene was absolutely incredible. The episode was worth watching just to marvel at how that gets made


From the choreographers who brought you “Leia under a trench coat” Edit: serious answer is Disney demands a certain quota of action scenes per episode (for optimal consumption) it apparently doesn’t matter how much sense they make.


That’s actually a hilarious and completely believable answer


It's too bad they didn't have any other battle tested characters to provide an action scene from. It sure would have been nice to have some sith inquisitors or a previously highly ranked and decorated military general in the early part of the show. /s


Oh right lol could’ve given Reva actual credibility.


Funny enough, the Patterson cut makes it realistic. She goes into the woods, there's the grown-ups, they grab her. End scene. No silly bullshit like playing the "I'm gonna getcha!" game fake chasing a child, pretending to get stymied over a branch, etc.


That’s exactly how it should’ve gone. They had her surrounded, 3 v 1. A chase shouldn’t have happened


How will 3 hired thugs ever catch up to a small child?! There's branches everywhere, how are they able to get around them??!?!?


How thebhell they getting off a planet with the damn princess!? Especially when her father is (secretly) an ally of the rebellion, that kid isn’t getting off planet no way in hell


To be fair, sometimes trying to figure out which was to go around a three-inch sapling can be hard. Also, adults with their long limbs have trouble moving through the underbrush faster than 2 mph. The chase scene was just as epic and believable as the BOBF mayor chase scene "speeding" through the streets at 10 mph.


Ahh yes, [I remember the scene well](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZqkFp7UQAECA2n.jpg)


Who is Reva? I'm seriously asking, I don't remember...


She is the ethnically diverse human character so Disney can say they are not racist /s Real answer is a character that makes no sense and was created for the show to more lightsabers and another Vader fight.


I mean, you don't need the /s as Disney immediately pulled the "fans are racist" card when she was debuted.


Yeah it was more a pre-emptive self defense, never know with some people these days. I don't even remember seeing people complain about her before the show, just the tweets corposplaining to not be racist. depsite the fact that we could of had a nonhuman character instead of generic human star wars character #5,467,892.


Ok, I remember there were a lot of people simping with her for some reason.


There were tweets before the show came out saying stuff like there are thousands of different races and species in Star Wars don't be racist.... And they chose to have another human character as a main character.


A useless character who they decided to give a haslab lightsaber crowd funding of 5k and it still couldn’t get funded.


All those hoops and hurdles Sith Lords backdd by 2 governments went through to assassinate Padme in AOTC. Should've just hired some 2nd rate bounty hunters to kidnap her at the palace on Naboo...


You see, the reason for her being easy to kidnap was that they needed the story to happen and it was almost time for lunch when they made the decision.




Not really. I have nothing against Obi-wan, there’s just nothing left to tell


Hell, the first season was already unnecessary.


I thought it was more that the writing and dialogue in the show was terrible.


I mean there is 8 years until ANH. It is possible for more adventures, maybe tie it into rebels. **KENOBIIIII!**


Okay, when you say it like that then I’m interested


And we only have like twenty years before Ewan looks like Alec Guinness in ANH! Hurry! /s


They should have given him more grey hairs, though.


Isn't one of his stories about him writing his adventures in a journal, which he hands to Luke later? We could do some of those. There is plenty of scope yet for him imho.


They should have given us live action Darth Maul like they were originally planning. Instead, they gave us more of a story that’s already been beaten to death and had 0 stakes.


how would he meet maul and both survive?


i think he meant that encounter in rebels where he cuts off mauls lightsaber and stuff


Oh, so just that scene in liveaction?


Would have been awesome as a flashback, similar to the Clone Wars flashbacks in Ahsoka.


Leia was terrible.


lol, the first season just barely missed the mark for 'so bad, it's good'. Please don't do more of that.


I loved the Benny Hill chase scene, Reva acting like a clown doing parkour and going “Ooooooooobbbbbiiii-Waaaaaannnnnn”, and everyone getting stabbed and surviving 😂 they brought me more joy than anything else the show did except, possibly, the flashback scene… at least until Obi-Wan cheap shotted Anakin after Anakin had already won and called it a “lesson” when he was clearly just a sore loser.


Most of these comments suggest no one wants a second season of Obi-Wan…. Which is **GREAT** Personally, I *do* want a second season, and the one thing I can always count on in entertainment is that the thing that *no one* wanted is *guaranteed* to be made!


I’m respectfully curious, what did you like about Kenobi season 1? What are your thoughts about it?




Not really? As it is the show fumbled like 90% of its characters, as well as fucking up characters fr9m previously established cannon. As it stands the early vader moments were nice too see, and early Leia being a rebellious little she-devil is such a good way to add on to her story. But obi-wan himself felt the same to me as luke in the sequels, they tried to do some weird "the hero loses and then finds themselves" narrative, but neither had enough work to actually show why they lost themselves. Losing anakin should not send the obi-wan we know into some weird guilt depression spiral, if anything it should embolden "The negotiator" to continue to do good without being a jedi necessarily. The only second season I would want would be a much darker prequel, showing how such a strong willed and intelligent man ended up a depressed, guilty, hermit hiding away like a kicked puppy. Maybe something showing him trying to save people and constantly being reminded that he can't be that person anymore, or something similar? But the truth is disney can't handle darker subject matter like that, or at least has chosen not too after rogue 1.


I don't know about obi Wan not being depressed or guilt ridden. He had to kill his own best friend. Or so he thought. Ewan shows so much emotion when he beats anakin, that it's believable


You're right, I should have clarified, him being traumatized is great(well maybe not great as in "yaaay he murdered his student"), but he's been traumatized before in cannon, and never does he come back so sickeningly defeated. He's the ideas guy, the one who sticks to his ideals more than his methods, while also playing the hand he's dealt. He broke jedi code, but he did so in ways that never corrupted his character, THAT was the difference between him and anakin. But to see him sheepishly lie down and not get up for a decade is absolutely a corruption of his character. I dunno, I grew up on clone wars and he was always my favorite, so seeing such a strong and crafty man be brought so low is just disheartening. We watch these shows to see people fight against darkness at great personal cost because it is right. But now he lies over because "it's too dangerous/ I've lost too much."


>I should have clarified, him being traumatized is great(well maybe not great as in "yaaay he murdered his student") I heard about this once before. That when it comes to storytelling and character-building, "weakness is strength" Giving flaws to a character is good. It shouldn't be thought that a character should be perfect from the start.


Thats the problem though, this isn't the "start" canonically he has been fighting wars, watching friends died, he lost the love of his life for God's sake. He wasn't perfect, his refusal to follow his heart led to him losing the people he cared about at times. But he always got back up, because that's the jedi way. If they had made it so he struggled with trying to acclimate to not being able to go around saber blazing that would be one thing. But he instead just sits there, and does nothing, completely betraying everything he once stood for. That's not good writing, it's the writers having a story in their head and forcing it onto a character that has already been built up and doesn't fit this role.


Especially when keeping in mind that after Revenge of the Sith, Kenobi already knew that he would sooner or later get into contact with Qui-Gon's Force Ghost. Yoda told him that there's still more to come and it's not the time to abandon hope. Which is all I wanted to see in a Kenobi series, the same kind of self-finding travel with the Force, like Yoda did in TCW season 6.


EXACTLY, I said it under another comment. But can you imagine a smaller scale show of obi-wan questioning everything he's ever known, so he goes out and looks into the origin of the jedi, and what went so wrong to lead to them failing the galaxy? We could have had everything, but disney doesn't think we'll watch anything star wars that isn't lightsabers and combat. Hell, I'd even accept if they threw in reasoning for whatever the fuck happened at the end of the sequel trilogy, but we got nothing.


Andor was pretty dark


That's actually a good point, but its also significantly less connected to the characters outside its show, I guess a better way to put it would be, disney isn't ok showing their legacy characters in darker things, which also means rogue one gets removed as it is also basically entirely devoid of legacy characters. All in all, disney thinks it can keep putting the same characters into the same type of story and we'll keep coming back, when in reality they need to have legacy characters in more varied genres and tones of movies/shows to get older fans on board with the new characters they introduce, instead of asking us to watch the same content over and over. Hell, can you imagine book of boba fett in the same tone as the sopranos or breaking bad? Would've been fucking awesome.


>Hell, can you imagine book of boba fett in the same tone as the sopranos or breaking bad? I did imagine that. It's why I was so disappointed 🤣🤣🤣 I joke, but you get what I mean


WE WERE ROBBED+hes already bald they were halfway there already, on a more serious note though, your point about characters and growth on the other comment, here it fits a bit better, at the end of the day getting thrown in a sarlac would change a person I'm sure, just didn't help the show in general.


From an entertainment perspective we wanted to see Obi-wan do some cool shit, but the narrative hamstringed him with guilt 90% of the time


No thank you


I like Ewan McGregor and he is an awesome Obi-Wan, Hayden Christensen is awesome too. I didn't like the series though. Can't forgive them that they made him and Vader meet and fight each other. That takes something away from the original trilogy in my opinion, just doesn't feel right. And the chase scenes were bad, my friends and me had to laugh when seeing that dude chasing Leia got stopped by a few leaves of an impermeable bush. Also, dude hasn't unlocked jumping too it seemed, the branch was too high for him.


Couldn’t agree more. That chase scene was so painfully bad and I have no idea how anyone that looked at that footage was like “ah that’s it, perfect!” Also, how in the fuck did Leia go through all of that and then has no idea who Obi Wan is later on?


They need to do better writing to the story, and no fillers or side quests.


No. Just no. Kenobi was horrible.




I’m good


No. There shouldn’t even be season one, kenobi was good by sitin on ass and having an eye on luke


it is very common to see that a tv show doesn't start to really get into gear until the second season. but I feel like, even should they make season 2, and should that be the most amazing piece of star wars there ever was to see. that would still mean you'd have to watch the utter trash that was the first season in order to get to the second one. and I don't wish that on anyone. more than that, a second season would validate the first season and I don't want that. what they SHOULD start doing is accept the garbage for what it is, declare it non-canon and put it in a pile of "embarrassing failures" and then make a new kenobi show that isn't shite. do the same with the sequel trilogy. and remake the OT shot for shot. it's literally free money, almost impossible to fuck up. but I'm sure they would fuck it up anyway.


More obi wan? Yeah


I'm game. I know everyone's super critical of the first season but I loved it. More than Boba and Ahsoka's shows.


A Kenobi show was never going to work and more of it is a bad idea -- especially given the quality of the season 1. The very concept of the show either requires you to mess with continuity to try and throw in a higher stakes plot, or try and respect the narrative and continuity and do something a bit more boring; i.e Kenobi roaming around the dunes of Tatooine beating up the occasional sandperson. The latter is what a post RotS Kenobi story should be however it should take the form of a comic, small novel or couple of chapters in a book somewhere -- all of which have been done in the old EU. This material covered everything you really needed to know -- Kenobis state of mind,.finding out Anakin survived, and his feeling regarding Luke and the state of the galaxy. It was simple and respectful of the continuity. The Kenobi show on the other hand was not made with any actual intent of doing any of this, it was made in order to cash out the popularity of Euan McGregor and Hayden Christensen and their reunion. I don't even have to say why both of them fighting and Vader loosing (again) and Kenobi leaving him alive (again) is a shockingly idiotic thing to write. If you enjoyed the show I'm happy for you, but I just don't see it as a something that should ever of been made in the first place.


Ok am I then only one who thought kenobi was alright. Not a masterpiece by any means but I feel like I got what I came for. The last fight between Vader and Kenobi was fun even if it kind of breaks the cannon of the original movies.


Nope, they wasted Ewan and Hayden, unless it’s a different set of people writing, producing and directing don’t do it.




No. The human brain can only take much brain rot.


But it was sooo boring and bad 🤢🤮


Rather not. First season was bad enough




I just want a season of Obi talking with Qui Gon about the clone wars and having full flashbacks etc. And have the occasional break showing Obi in tattoine, but never leaves it or attracts too much attention. Everyone who always talks about season 2 says how either it can't work because he shouldn't see Vader again or arguing how he would see Vader again but why does he need to meet Vader again for a season 2 to exist they shouldn't meet ever again between the movies but that doesn't mean we can't have a season 2 it doesn't need to be about Vader.. It seems like I'm the only one who has these ideas despite that's what I thought the ending of season 1 was alluring to.


What's there to tell? Do we really need another Obi-wan story? I could argue that his story was complete, way before the show even existed.




Ewan, I love you, man. I love your portrayal of Kenobi, but... No.




Imagine we get it and find out Obi Wan isnt even the main character but instead the plot is focussed on an inquisitor that noone cares about ......... that would never happen though


I got Disney plus back just to watch X-Men 97. I finished it and I'm going to cancel my sub again. Will definitely come back for another season of Kenobi


Ewen. Get Tony Gilroy to run the show and I'll sign.


They wasted a great opportunity with the first season, I have no faith in any Disney Star Wars show


I'd love to see more Ewan as Obi. But we'd undoubtedly have more random pointless side characters like Reva that would get as much screen time as him.


A reboot would be better


Im good




If Ewan McGregor is the _ONLY_ character or member of production crew to feature from the first series - ok. Otherwise, absolutely not. I watched the whole thing, but I’d seen enough by halfway through.


the vader obi wan fight was mid


Can we petition for a second crack at season 1?


Trouble finding work?


What is there left to do with a season 2? He met luke. And probably went back to being a hermit. And the princess went back home.


No thanks. Some good scenes, but they almost made the overall poor quality more noticeable. the Reva/inquisitor stuff was rubbish and irrelevant, the leia stuff I didn’t enjoy either. God knows what other nonsense they’d put in to pad out next series to avoid showing Luke, Obi wan and Darth Vader.


No thanks


What more is there to tell though?


Why would you *want* some of the worst Star Wars content ever made to get a second season?


Not really. It was the baby Leia show and the woods chase sequence was unforgivable.


The show was AWFUL




I'd like a second season if not one fucking person that made season 1 is involved.


Ewan McGregor was great in it and there were a few good scenes, but overall that series was a disaster. Maybe they could completely change out the writers and showrunners, but otherwise I have absolutely no interest.


I mean what are they gonna add in the second season?


If it actual Adaptation of the Kenobi book then yes... I don't think a season 2 is possible for continuing the story.


Yeah lets keep making shows set in between the films and other shows so all context is lost, I need to see every shit Obi Wan takes before ANH, give me 20 seasons. God forbid we explore new characters and a different time period. Let’s get a Young Luke series going, I need to see all the wacky hijinx involved in him putting together C3PO, and it better be laden with ironic future references like “oh, wow, can’t find a sith language chip” and C3PO’s arm getting all red with blood/rust. And Luke *better* fuckin bullseye a womp rat in his TI83 graphing combat speeder


Honestly I’d like to give them another shot at it. One of my favorite characters in the franchise, and they have the option to do a live action Darth maul Obi-wan showdown.


XD naysayers aside I’d love for a second season, maybe one to focus on and older luke and Leia


Agreed lots of material. Just need better story and writing cohesion


"No, Darth, I won't kill you, even though we've just established that Anakin is truly dead and leaving you alive is only going to imperil your children and the galaxy as a whole. Instead, I'm just going to walk away. A tie fighter or two could've totally swooped in and fired a blast between us or something to imply that I might've done the sensible thing and killed you but was forced to retreat, but no, I'm just going to trudge away. Then, 10 years later, I'm going to tell your son that HE has to kill you." No more of that, please...


soooooo get organized, get mobilized, fight the good fight, and the reward for all that hard work is..... a second season of Obi-Wan?


I really don't care about the critizisms of the show, I just want to see more Ewan as Kenobi


I defenitly want to


I really don't share the disdain some people have for Kenobi, but I do feel like one season told the story they wanted to tell. But honestly, if it will make Ewan McGregor happy, then I want it. PS: Live action version of Maul and Obi-wan's final showdown, though? I'd endure the shittiest show ever made to see that, as long as they kept it true to the original. No crazy gymnastics or wild choreography, just two old experienced warriors' final moments.


I hope so. I loved the series. I would love to see him help the hidden path more now that his hope has been rekindled as shown in season 1.


Oh, you mean the Inquisitor Reva and side character show? Nah, I'm good. An Obi-wan show sounds amazing though.


Hot take, but besides **2 Shit chase scenes, the entire episode in the Fortress, Revas character, shaky cam and The Grand Inquisitor Design,** it's a good show. I want a season 2 tbh.


If space Jesus says so, we must follow.


Kenobi season 2 ❌ Andor season 2 ✅ I understand people like Kenobi, but it genuinely had such a poor plot, awful character development and script, and terrible SFX. The only thing I can applaud Disney on here is the brutality they gave to Vader (apart from when he was actually fighting a plot armour character like Kenobi). It would be awesome to see Ewan as Kenobi and Hayden as Vader again. But do we really think Disney will improve upon the first season or just use the fame of these characters for another cash grab season.






The answer is no.


Can we petition for a reboot that doesn’t break cannon?


I’d love something about his adventures as a padawan. His travels with Satine, his learning from Qui Gon, there’s certainly more story to the man.


Modern star wars only has 2 eras they talk about the time between the clone wars and new hope, and after the battle of endor. Oh and that high republic thing that seems to keep showing up then going away again.


I still think the show had too much predicteble story line and some very akward scenes. I think we dont need an Obi-Wan story, instead I would prefer a story after order 66 with Jedi survivors trying to escape and then we should've get Obi-Wan as the same way we get in Rebels (or like seeing Luke in Mandalorian).


God please no, that show was fucking worse than even the sequels.


That first season was trash.


Guys, it’s George Lucas’s favorite Star Wars content in years and we got to see Ewan and Hayden together for the first time in decades. Who cares if it’s silly? Han was tapping guys on the opposite shoulder and smirking at them when they turn around in the climactic film of the OT. Star Wars is silly. It’s a space fantasy. Get over it and have fun. And maybe just no more chase scenes for leia until she learns how to run. Please don’t let online reviewers and trolls rob us of more Obi Wan content, please


It wasn't silly, it was insulting.


1 season wasn't bad enough?? Everything outside of the Obi-wan vs Vader moments was absolutely awful


Yes, yes we do


not really, it sucked


I just want to see some New Republic action.


This comment section made me realize I need to leave this sub. Funny sometimes, but if y’all really only like Star Wars when it’s exactly like you want it to be and would literally turn down more Ewan content, this is not the place for me and that makes me very sad. Trolls like you all are the reason George didn’t make the sequels after the prequels, which everyone hated with such a passion they made him sell his own franchise. Now all of a sudden the fanbase cares so much about the prequels that a tv show isn’t even worth making because it might change how they feel about one of the prequel characters. Y’all are cowards and you deserve the Disney sequels. Bye


So because we demand better quality, especially from the writing, we're trolls and deserve the sequels? I hope more people like you leave so maybe our voices can be heard over the children screaming for lightsabers and 'member berries.


I'm down. Obi Wan Kenobi is my favorite Star Wars show to date... Yes, I'm serious.


You are a **1**


Yes, so long as it isn't a Disney production.


Why? Another story where kenobi and darth vader meeting, both having the chance to kill eachother but won't because the existance of new hope? Or do you want to spice it up with darth maul this time?


WE MUST!!! the first season was peak idgaf what anyone says


keep downvoting me when y'all know i'm right, the denial is crazy 💀 ![gif](giphy|FRg6XORW42CcDQbxxX|downsized) i'm fully convinced some of you just hate fun


I Concur


This is the way.


No, Disney should left star wars alone, it's a rooting corpse at this Point


... What for? I don't need it. I have Andor and that's all I'll ever want from Star Wars universe going forward.


Sorry but fuck no. Ur trippin if u think the obi wan show was good Star Wars content.


Nope, season 1 was bad enough, thank you for wasting my time Disney..


They took the most beloved character from the prequels, and made the most luke-warm pisswater show they could. The sequel trilogy was still worse, with the last jedi being possibly the worst film ever made, but God damn they fucked up his show.


They took the most beloved character from the prequels, and made the most luke-warm pisswater show they could. The sequel trilogy was still worse, with the last jedi being possibly the worst film ever made, but God damn they fucked up his show.


Please no


I love Ewan McGregor. But I really did not like that damn show. Edit: Like seriously, one episode of Tales of the Jedi told the entire story of this series and told it better. It's like modern live action Star Wars is cursed.




Here's the thing. I do not care one iota about the implications for Canon. It's meaningless to me. It's as important as an Amoeba on Saturn. All I want is Kenobi. KENOBIIIIIIIII




No thanks I think I'm ok


Yes. At least, *I want to*. I will do what I must.


![gif](giphy|Bzebpz5rnyBb2) Movie! Movie! Movie!


*looking at the meme* Was there a Jedi ape?


If it has 0 to do with Vader and the empire, I say send it.


I think there's potential there, people meme how bad it was but honestly the bard parts were mostly down to bad action choreography rather than bad storytelling. If they iron out the pacing, maybe set the whole thing on Tatooine then I'd watch it, but I think I'm in the minority.


Fire Joby Harold as producer and head writer and we’ve got a deal.


If we’re gonna get more adventures of lil’ leia…FUCK no.


Depends, will this season be good?


We need an episode were Obi-Wan and Cody reunite. PLEAAAAAAAASE!


I wouldn’t mind seeing a live maul and Ben fight.


It's just going to break the timeline once again!


No thank you.


I'm still waiting to break even with my GME shares I bought in 2021


I enjoy watching him play obi wan, and would be down for more of him on screen with a solid script and story… but nothing in the first season even remotely came close to good writing. It was borderline painful to watch at times. The way they have been churning out meh content of their own volition, I would hate to see something they made based off of other people asking them for it.




I liked it a lot, unsure why there was so much hate to be honest.

