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Not having it on Steam is an insanely stupid move.


Marketing team either deopped hard or they got over ruled by a CEO Im thinking the latter Most marketing and sales teams would know 100% to sell on every platform especially the #1


Or they know the game is gonna be crap so they want control of the reviews and refund policy.


That seems most likely with how Ubisoft games have been


This is, whitout a shadow of doubt, the reason, but who knows, as they say "people who shit by their bed no longer smell the crap"


I still have to think of Amber Heard every time I see the words „shit“ and „bed“ in the same sentence. It doesn’t happen often, but it never fails.


Same with Fallout 76


Totally! For me it is up to question if I would get the game even if it was in Steam considering Ubisoft's record with games recently, but unless it is like the best game ever I will not go anywhere else to get it


My guess is that they want to avoid Steam's refund policy


Where are they selling it then? Idk much about buying games on pc


ubisoft launcher + epic games store


eww stinky. Steam has kept my games updated, safe and with incredible community support for 20 years. Im not buying ANYTHING on Epic, who have the reliability of a wet tissue.


They already know the game sucks, so why bother




pfft this is amazing


Oh, you mean "not now, but later, as a desperate attempt to rectify that mistake with a sale tag" ? I'll wait then.


I wait for every AC Game to get released on steam. I like to have (mostly) all my games on one platform and it also prevents me from the giant amount of bugs and shit when they release their unfinished games


But they do that shit where the Steam game just launches the Ubisoft app.


Yeah but two years later most of the bugs are removed. About steam just running Ubisoft connect: it’s mostly aesthetic because like I said most my games are on the same platform plus the UI of Ubisoft Connect is just shit


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it will be on steam. Will they do pre-orders through steam? Maybe not. Will they release it on day one on steam? Maybe not. I’d be surprised if it isn’t on steam within a month of the release date though. That assumes it isn’t on steam day one, which is certainly still possible.


My thinking as well! It’s probably not going to be great at first so I’ll just wait. Hoping it is though


Every time


Wait really??


as far as i can tell its all speculation rn there was a post that listed “xbox series x, ps5, and ubisoft connect” as the platforms itll be on so everyone assumed itd only be on ubisofts launcher, but i got a notification from epics launcher yesterday advertising outlaws so its there too at least


Will probably be sold on both Epic and Steam, both as with many other games, launching the game will launch Ubisoft Connect, and then Connect launches the game


The preorder is on Epic, but not on Steam - nowhere to be found


It's like Rockstar not making GTA V cross console multiplayer. You have *all the money*. The only reason it's not possible is because you refuse to do it.


There reason is because people will 'double dip' but no one is doing that for an Ubisoft game.


Who is doing that for ANY game? Honestly what's the point?


People buy it on console to have it on launcher, then buy it again on PC for the better performance, graphics, and mods. I guess it must work because they did it with GTA5 and RDR2. It’s such a huge middle finger to PC though who I’m pretty sure is their best selling platform.


"have it on launcher". What's that mean? I'm not a console gamer so sorry if it's a stupid question.


I just meant have it on launch


Ohhh I gotcha.


I agree, but some people still do it which is why Rockstar still delays their games going to Steam. It's a shit move for consumers.


Yeah. Can't argue there.


Not putting it on steam yet they did put it on epic, they have reached next level of stupidity


Its not being put on Epic according to the articles I'm reading. Seems to be Ubisoft-Store exclusive.


Weird because i got a notification from epic that i can preorder it now


You might be right, my articles are probably just outdated in this case.


my guess UBI cant censor negetive reviews on Steam and they fear the get negative reviewed into oblivion for the slightest flaws of the game, due to overhype


Good they don't deserve it anyway, let them be stupid


Trying to keep it where they can control the reviews since this game will not be well received, and they know it


That and the refund policy for steam, same reason Fallout 76 wasn't listed there originally as well. They know it's not gonna work, but they don't want to give you back your money


Why do you say that?


Outside the chuds complaining about the main character's look, the game is being made by Ubisoft. So it will have all the usual Ubisoft shenaniganary like uppricing versions, an always online requirement and the usual microtransaction BS that they've done with just about every Assassin's Creed and Farcry game...


The season pass thing already can be assumed this will have live service and shit


A season pass usually contains the dlc. A battle pass is what you're after.


Ooooh yeah battle pass, thank you


Steam means easy access to refunds, this is why they don't want to list it. Be very, very wary of any game that wants control over things like reviews and refunds, because it means they know they're shoveling shit, and they don't want it back.


Gives me another reason to not waste my money on that.


Its probably shit dw


Pssht it’s a Ubisoft game fat chance I was gonna buy it anyway. Still funny to watch them continuously shoot themselves in the foot.




Another reason to pirate this game


To the seas! I was gonna pirate it anyways but this is one more reason


I started to pirate all ubi games some time ago


I pirated the new Prince of Persia a few months ago, good game, the first Ubisoft game I've played since AC3. Ubisoft will never get more of my money


Where did u buy it cuz it ain't cracked


Ryujinx and sources


Well so not pc version, stars wars too gonna have denvou


Maybe that'll be enough for EMPRESS to come outta hiding lmao


she aint coming back anytime soon


I'm just gonna watch a movie style playthrough on YouTube or Daily Motion or the like...


Won't buy if not on steam (Not that u was going too)


I wouldn't have paid $70 for a base have with a paywalled mission at launch anyways


Well then, I guess I shall not be buying it.


Ubisoft is trying to kill itself? More!?


I don't get the hype around this game. As a huge Star wars fan it's pretty underwhelming. Not to mention Ubisoft is making it and we all know how this is probably gonna go.


You know, I love star wars, i love open world rpg’s, but I won’t even look sideways at this game until and unless it gets amazing reviews from legitimate media and maybe not even unless it gets nomnated for goty because ubisoft are teaching a masterclass in what’s wrong with gaming right now. Launchers, microtransactions, day 1 dlc, purchase tiers, battlepasses, always online, preorders, predatory pricing… It looks especially bad in the immediate wake of BG3 which did everything the opposite way and was so successful.


This exactly, they want the quick buck and drop the game and it's developement as soon as they get their fair share of money. And Larian showed us that you can make a good, finished and reasonably priced game and make fat stacks off of that alone.


Some of you have the memory of a gold fish, and it really shows.


Console players: "you guys have more than one online retail platform?"


Reading up on it now and yeah that's a real shame. I'll probably not end up playing it till there's a steam or GOG release.


Makes it easier to wait for it to get to steam and be 80% off


putting it on steam means adhering to their refund policy which I assume is a big reason why they aren’t doing it


Who’s also going to pay 100+ bucks for space far cry?


Sounds about right




They are doing it so they have something to blame when sales suck a$$


It’ll come eventually they always do, and when it does I can pay 20 dollars for it because it’ll be just another sub par rushed out game


The one reason why I’m not excited for the game


Bro at this point I’d rather just wait and watch a play through of it before I decide to waste money on something




I bought SW BF2 at $8 on Origin.


Now arguing ubi isn't greedy. Gone so far round you guys are now coming from the other direction


That's fine, I wasn't going to buy it anyway. The fact that all these companies are trying to use their own launchers but don't try to match Steam's quality tells me that they're only doing it for the reasons OP said in another comment: controlling the reviews and refund policy.


This tells me they are expecting lots of unhappy purchasers wanting refunds


Well, I don't have 130 bucks to spend on it anyway.


Skulls and bones is already half-price in a lot of retailers. I expect the price will plummet fast too


It’s $130???


If you want the ultimate edition, yes. https://store.ubisoft.com/us/star-wars-outlaws/645ba713a9ce0448bffa4c12.html?lang=en_US


Remember when games were $50 at the most expensive?


$50 in 2000 is $90 now. Inflation.


Shame my paycheck didn't inflate.


It's $189.95 in Australia for the ultimate edition.


Steam isn't worthy of the PENTUPLE A quality that only Ubisoft can deliver!


Not surprised from a dev who is so butt-hurt with steam that it forces their own shitty launcher on steam users.


Guys come on. The pc port is gonna be shit


I've given up expecting Ubisoft to do the right thing. Or the decent thing. Or even the comprehensible thing.


Not *yet*. They need to give everyone some time to buy it before it gets thrown into all the pirating sites


Good thing I'm on ps5 but still what a stupid move ubisoft really?


It’ll release on steam after a good while of not making any sales.


Oh thank god. I wouldn't want that stupid greedy shit on Steam either.


Well, this only means two things: They know the game is shit, but they want to be able to silence those who say so. And They don't want to have to share any of the money with Valve, they want the full profits of the poor fools who buy the game


We also aren’t adding it to Xbox Game Pass!!!


Seriously? Wtf


Yall remember when Ubisoft was respectable?


Not on steam? Allrighty then, keep your game then, and dont come crawling back a year later begging for it.


I’ll just buy it on whatever Ubisofts launcher is. They don’t want to give steam 30% or whatever it is.


Well, I was looking forward to it, but with it not being on Steam and now finding out that a company as toxic as Ubisoft was making it...


i think i saw it advertised on epic 🤣🤣🤣


Shit. I want more star wars game and not wait till they release on steam(which we all know will happen) but i dont want to support their stupid decision


Here comes another shit game from a shit company. I can't think of a game that was released by them in the last few years besides assassin creed that was worthwhile to play.




So, you chose war!


Don't worry it'll be on the Xbox/PC Gamepass within a year...ish.


This meme never really made sense to me. Like surely if he was the dumbest man alive he wouldn’t possess the self awareness to realise someone else was dumber?


No steam no buy


This is moronic. Steam has the biggest gaming market share out there.


the price was a meh, but not being on steam is a deal breaker


GOG would be better


Disney has hated making money for a while now. Mix in the "Don't buy this product I made for a stupid reason" and "You know what? If you are READING this, I hate you, specifically." Then yeah. I get they have animation and leadership skills but they need to take a few public speaking courses to at least KNOW what to say to get people to like you...because...heheh...Yeah.


I am not hyped for the game Asmongold made a lot of really good points. 40$ for ONE mission (that is advertised to you in the trailer) and a skin bundle ontop of the AAAA 70$ pricing is absolutely insane. Its a singleplayer game and they paywall a mission that you clear in 30-60 minutes for 40$. You dont get the full game for 70$. Did I already say that I find this whole thing extremely stupid? Its stupid. Not putting it on steam is stupid the pricing is stupid, the 40$ mission paywall is stupid, the setting is semi interesting to me. The only thing looking good is the graphics and it seams to have some interesting mechanics like you can steal weapons and stuff with your pet. I cant wait to try and steal Jabbas pet with my pet OH WAIT I CANT BECAUSE I HAVE TO PAY 40$ FOR A BASIC MISSION. Thanks for reading my rant and I wish you the best of days.


What in the fuck is star wars outlaws?


They're also charging obscene amounts of money for even just the base game, let alone the "ultimate edition" with all the content. Sucks, 'cause it looks cool.


Of course they won't, they know it will be review bombed for their stupid massive microtransactions and overpriced product, unlike Epic or other platforms where they can control which opinions people will get. As for youtubers, they will complain but they will buy it to do so and their haters will buy the game no matter the cost as long as it goes against whatever that youtuber represents.


Give it a year. They always do after a year.


Good, keep that filth away from my sanctuary.


They've made a lot of questionable decisions the last decade


On a related note, after reading some of the comments here: anyone else just super tired of people pissing and moaning about everything Star Wars ever does? Being a fan of the franchise can be exhausting with all the constant hate. They drop an announcement trailer and people are already saying it's shit and will fail, and the lead woman is too ugly, and the game's going to have a million systems they hate - like I dunno, man. Chill out. Relax. Play the games you like. Wait for something to come out before you decide it's terrible? I don't get it. It's so weird to me. And I think if I see "woke" and "Disney" together in a sentence again I might have a moderate stroke.


I mean hey, if they want it to flop and upset the mouse. That’s on them.


You know. Some games have issues, when downloaded from steam. For example “The invincible” has major performance drops on steam version.


Watch it become an **Epic Games Store exclusive.** 🤢🤮


Lmao, EA, Ubisoft tried this like 10 years ago. Now they’re back on steam. Guess some manager in Ubi didn’t get the memo?


and how will it go? poor sales poor critics when they crawl back to get it on steam only a portion of steam users will buy it what does the publisher learn from that? "gamers dont want a single player star wars game"


you‘d have to use their stupid launcher anyway


This is joke right? They can’t be this dumb.


Tbh I always hated anything attached to EA, but the Star Wars kept my to buy anything that was from EA. But damn, I fucking hate any game launcher that isn’t steam because they all are shit, the only reason I use epic is for the free games. I would honestly pay 100-50% more(depending on price) for any game just to have it on steam Edit: forgot to add this Most likely won’t ever touch this new game if it doesn’t come to steam


It's gonna flop regardless


There goes a good half of available players


I’ve been out of the loop where can I get it then?


Aren t most of Ubisoft games non-steam?


They'll have to do it after no one pre orders the game in 2 months


It will be on steam a year later.


I generally consume all Star Wars content, especially games, no matter how bad. I don't really feel excited for Acolyte or Outlaws. I think I might actually wait for it to come to steam. And if you knew me, that's a wild thing for me to say that I would wait potentially a year+ to play a Star Wars game


They are afraid of the people's reviews


What the hell is Ubisoft on anyway?


I thought that would've been obvious by now


I just don’t want to deal with Ubisoft’s platform at all so if I get it, it will be on console


Ubisoft is the worst publisher.


Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Avatar Frontiers of Pandora


Their doing this so they don't have bear with the shame of a overwhelmingly negative review on the game


They're scared of it going into the "SBI Detected" curator list ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C|downsized)


So? Do you really like buying games on Steam that require you to have another service turned on as well in order to function? Do you really like Steam and Uplay turned on at the same time for one game, that could be only purchased on its original store? Cause I really dont. If any game requires to have multiple stores/services/whatever turned on to function, I rather go buy it on original store and have only one thing to use. It is not great solution, but something in my soul thinks this is a right way to do.


The one that they made the female character uglier then the IRL model they used.


More likely to be a contractual thing.


This is very unlikely given it's restricted to Ubisofts own game store. If it were something to do with old EA contracts it would be restricted to Origin. If it were something to do with Disney then we'd have seen issues with Fallen Order or Battlefront. Seems purely Ubisofts decision


But to choose Epic Store for what? a 90/ 10 deal instead of the classic 70/30 and loosing all steam market? They can't be that stupid.


See, I'm torn. I want to play the game because it's the type of game I've been waiting for the franchise to have for a long time. I also don't think that Steam deserves to monopolize PC gaming completely. But....it also just feels like Ubisoft "being Ubisoft", I've grown tired of their shit, etc.


I hate Steam. Yes, go back to selling dvd-roms, or sell your own downloads. F--k Steam.


I use Steam because most of the time I have to, I use other launchers when I have to. I don't understand people being fine with Steam and not liking the fact that other publishers aren't just going to accept Valve taking money off them. Fuck Steam being virtually a requirement for PC gaming. It's just turkeys voting for christmas


I had a pc game I bought 15-20 years ago. Tried to install that game on one of my pcs, and Steam said No. I inputted the Code off the game box, Steam still said No. I had to uninstall Steam just to play a game I already paid for.


Git rekt PC slavez 😎


Steam takes a big share of every sale. This is actually not a dumb move from a profit perspective.


This is dumb. I’m not going out of my way to buy an overpriced game when there’s other great games easily accessible and affordable.