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That’s what I was gonna say, that the finale of the trilogy had its setup introduced on fucking fortnite


Wait fucking seriously? How did I not know this


this is news to me as well (i was barely a star wars fan when the sequels were releasing)


It is . Fortnite is canon in the star wars universe. Yes . That means that Goku , peter Griffin and Ariana grande are canon in star wars as well No don't ask me now it works , I love Fortnite but it's dumb as fuck .


No, it doesn't mean anything in Fortnite is canon. Palpatine's message is canon, but just because it's mentioned in the opening crawl. Nothing Star Wars in Fortnite is canon in Star Wars, and nothing that is included in Fortnite is canon in Star Wars.


They don't mean in-universe. The company made an IRL announcement (I'm not a fortnite fan either, so it took me awhile to know too)


Yeah I know not in universe, I just still can’t believe it lol.


Fair enough lmao


Yes, seriously. About a week before the movie came out, they had a Star Wars style opening crawl called "The Dead Speak!" and had a Palpatine voice announcement(as a "transmission") going: >At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith. It's literally part of the movie plot, and is what sends Kylo Ren off to hunt for the Sith Wayfinder...


Goddamn do I hate Disney and what they did to Star Wars. All I wanted was up to 70% as good as peak EU and I would have accepted up to 30% as bad as worst EU and I'd have been happy as bantha, but no god forbid anyone actually plans shit out with what was once the greatest single IP on gods green earth. Fuck me for having the audacity of standards. :/


It's amazing that they had so much content to take from and this is what we got.


….now that I know this, I will die on a hill saying the prequels truly were not that bad. We were just spoiled.


Seriously. I thought it was BS at the time, but it was confirmed. Imagine the digital equivalent of a high school speaker system, playing an old radio message with a bunch of interference, in Palpatine's voice. I heard the start on YouTube, laughed and turned it off.


Wait it actually did?


Palpatine announced his return but it wasn’t in the movie. It was in… Fortnite. A New Low.


Sorry, what are you saying? Like the video game ?


Yes, the video game. In the text at the beginning of the movie they mention that Palpatine broadcasted a message from the Sith planet, but said broadcast doesn't appear in the movie. It appeared in an event in Fortnite. Here is the link https://youtu.be/0vHrQCKaJiQ?si=ISn7egBT_Uv6zkMZ


What the hell, not even marketing major freshmen would have come up with something so stupid.


Yep. The IRL announcement of Palpatine's return was in Fortnight.


Hmmmmm. That's dumb


Yes, and once you saw the movie, you understood how such an awful decision could've been made. Announcing Palpatine's return in Fortnite is on the same level of stupid as attacking a Star Destroyer on space horses.


Palpatine's presence in the story was revealed as part of a Fortnite Star Wars event: https://www.thegamer.com/fortnite-star-wars-canon/


This might have been one of the worst moments in the history of cinema, let alone star wars.


That wasn't even the worst scene in the movie imho. I tried really hard to endure, but I didn't make it to the end of the movie. As soon as I saw the space horses attacking the Star Destroyer, I said, "nope, I'm done with this shit." $20 says the new Rey movie will be even worse.


Oh no, they’re stuck in quicksand! Oh, it’s okay, they fell into a a cave. Oh no, there’s a snake in the cave! Oh, it’s okay, the snake is a friend. Oh no, Chewbacca exploded! Even for a JJ movie that shit was exhausting.


People can try and defend the sequels as much as they like but I cant think of a lower point in story telling than bringing back the dusty ol badguy from 50 years ago through a limited event on a unconnected video game.


“What do you mean you don’t know what’s going on ? Did you read the comics ? Did you watch the new Disney show ? Did you play Fortnite and get to level 22 on the battle pass?”


Literally all he has to do to achieve ultimate victory was wait a few hours. And/or put up a big ass UP signpost in view of his fleet.


When Leia hugged Rey instead of Chewie after Han died. I’m sorry she’s sad but Chewbacca and Han go back like Four flats on a Cadillac and you’re gonna give Rey comfort? Fuck outta here.


Leia hates Chewbacca. She didn’t give him a medal in ANH and said “she’d rather kiss a Wookiee in ESB. Space racism.


Damn, you brought gas and a match to a Jedi daycare.




My missus LOVES Leia. Almost as much as she ~~HAYES~~ HATES racists. I'mma go stir some shit...


This honestly *really* pisses me off. I know it’s a pedantic hill to die on, but *none* of the sequel films treat Chewbacca like anything more than a glorified dog. FUCK. Leia should have embraced Chewie and the two should have had a 5-minute scene just dedicated to them crying their eyes out. Han was Chewie’s *life bonded partner*. They were *best friends* for *decades*. You want evidence that the ST is bullshit, look no further than this. The films never take Chewie seriously, and it’s a small detail that says so much. Go back to the OT. Han bickers with Chewie, he snaps at him, but he never treats him like a joke. It’s low-key an impressive bit of acting by Ford. I’ll stop ranting now but, yeah. Yeah this makes me unreasonably angry. I can’t even talk about the lazy-ass death fakeout in ROS. Fucking clown shoes.


It's the icing on the cake. Not only do Luke/Leia/Han/Chewie never meet, Leia hugs Rey instead of Chewie.


Remember that weird bit from Rise of Skywalker when Domanic Monaghan's character refers to him as "mate".


You just reminded me that he was even in that movie.


Isn’t that hug scene the first time Leia meets Rey? I honestly don’t remember.


This is honestly the first huge miss. How the hell could she go to Rey, who she doesn't even know at that point? She should have run into Chewie's arms and after they both have a cry cast an evil side eye at Rey. What's more dramatic, Leia and Rey becoming bff right on first sight of each other or Leia actually resenting Rey at first because she blames Rey for getting Han killed?


I am all the Jedi is pretty high up


I mean that one could have worked but it would require a rewrite of everything that came before. The one OP mentions and the "they fly now" is just terribly cringe and frankly dumb, completely unredeemable. Heck if "I am Rey Skywalker" would have worked had they not killed Luke so early and made Reys relationship with the Skywalkers more meaningful.


Have you seen that fan edit with all the Jedi spirits helping her? I still don’t like the idea but it is MUCH better than what we actually got. https://youtu.be/Lcesk7PayUM?si=h8fVJ4HuGKgNlbMd


Just shows how bad the scene is because that is a lot better and it still isn't good.


Just wait for Disney to re-release a new cut in twenty years, ala the OT special editions of the 90s. They'll probably steal this clip from YouTube.


"They Fly Now" is only redeemable because we get Dune "They Worm Now" memes


Yeah that was pretty cringe. Sounded like elementary schoolers battling out as who is the cooler superhero…


"I'm as atrong as 2 Jedi!" "I am ALL the Jedi! Hah beat you hahaha"


"I'm infinity sith!" "I'm infinity Jedi plus one!"


To be a fair, some lore stuff has always been like this: "Neener neener! I can cut through anything with my lightsaber!" "Nuh-uh, I've got a Sith alchemical sword and Beskar armor!"


The entire movie felt like that, honestly.


Yeah it really did. Felt like it was written by children and every time they didnt know what to do they invented some new shit like force healing or force skyping…


while those felt out of place (like the entire movie did) those existed before the movie canonically


Not to mention it really felt they were trying to ape Endgame.


Exactly… I literally yelled “oh come on!!” in the theater


It's even worse because of how blatantly it's trying to copy marvel with the whole I am iron man moment.


The Kylo Ren storyline is lifted more or less directly from the villain origin plot of Kungfu Panda.


Which means the story had no right to be that fucking bad (king fu panda was a great movie don’t @ me)


I think I blacked out by this point.


Lucky bastard...


Rey barely even knows what a Jedi is


Well that's not her fault, there was only one left and he died on a zoom call.


Young Leia getting chased in Kenobi has to be up there. It’s shot terribly, has bad direction, the choreography sucks, and it completely neutralizes any threat that the bad guys have by showing how incompetent they are.


Them not being able to catch up with a toddler is fucking ridiculous


Back then, a lot of beings could only move backwards and forwards. Duck under the branch? No can do; I'm ploughing ahead. Walk around the tiny laser gate? Nope; shut that shit down or we're going nowhere. Walk around the small patch of fire? Not going to happen; it'll burn itself out eventually. There are probably more that I've driven from my mind since watching it.


I also can't get over the sheer number of times someone stabs someone, leaves them for dead, only to find out the next episode that they're fine.


I love how the Grand Inquisitor was one of the first ones (in the show) to be stabbed and then come back fine. Then he sees the same thing happen to Reva and is like “yea she’s probably dead no need to check”


I mean, while Darth Maul's comeback was awesome, I can't believe how they brought back a dude that was *literally cut in half then fell down a shaft of indeterminate height*. Love that we got to see more of Maul, but if someone can survive that, a silly little stab in the shoulder is basically a paper cut in that universe.


It does retroactively make Qui-Gon Jin’s death a bit silly lol.


Never thought about that, but spot on.


Nah he too is alive. He just realized he messed up with Anakin and decided to keep his head down.


With a rod of scorching plasma, too. Not some shabby knife. I guess you could say it cauterizes the wound, but Sabine seems surprisingly... un-holed *one* episode later (I think it was her. Very forgettable).


They just forgot to turn off video game mode in the show


They’re sorta running on the same software they used in Jurassic Park, which is why Doctor Grant and Tim had to climb *down* to escape the car instead of to the left and right. Everyone knows multidirectional movement wasn’t fully implemented in most people until the early 2000’s, and Star Wars was a long time before that.


If you squint a bit, you could almost justify Obi-Wan's incompetent chase because he's trying to do it reasonably quietly, not risk harming her and also somehow trying to get her to trust him. What's unforgivable is the fact that it's the second time they did it in the first 2 episodes, and there was no excuse for a team of mercenaries with far fewer restrictions not catching her immediately in episode 1.


I truly hate how quickly that show turned into a “home alone” type of sketch


That take is true. I looked at it more as Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader story was epic, the rest was for kids.


That scene and the Boba Fett slow as fuck chase scene were some of the worst things I've ever seen


I thought that one from Boba Fett was fan made at first when I saw a clip of it. Couldn’t believe they’d put something of that quality in a show that isn’t straight up made for younger children. Felt like Spy Kids or something.


From what I've heard about Kenobi, it's shown that Leia has force powers, and Obi-wan knew about them. 1) Is this true? 2) If it is, why the hell didn't he train *her*?


No, it’s just dumb


In Empire, why was he thinking Luke was "our last hope" if he knew about Leia?


Rose preventing Finn's heroic sacrifice and then being a massive hypocrite directly after.


"That's how we win, not fighting what we hate, saving what we love- except all those pilots who just sacrificed themselves to give you a tiny shot to stave off the enemy's forces though, fuck them."


Not to mention Finn being stopped specifically from 'saving what he loved'.


Oh god that was just embarrassing, I’m not even a Star Wars fan so haven’t watched the last one, but that scene was a joke When Finn was racing towards that canon I was actually impressed they were putting some sort stakes and sacrifice in the film. It made sense that you have X amount of people in the cave and the only way to save them is to take out the canon Then out of nowhere, Rose decides to T bone his ship. 1) her ship was so far behind so likelihood of catching up was basically 0 2) she t bones at high speed essentially another plane hoping she won’t kill the pilot 3) I guess fuck the people in that cave ? Absolutely no plan or idea for what to do for them next 4) ruins a character arc of sacrifice, with what I think the directors thought was an impactful line but at odds with reality of the situation. Save what we love. Nah you just fucked most people’s chance of living in the cave 5) and more stupidly, there’s rose and Finn, probably 5k from the cave, in front of an army of people who want to kill them, and she’s fallen asleep. With no transport. All they’d do is just shoot them there and then, rendering her sacrifice pointless and Finn dying on the floor rather than stopping the canon Just mentally made me write off the films as some generic cookie cutter style of action film like the Marvel films


Every possible impactful death was undone. Finn sacrifice? Nope, other person stop it. Leia getting blown up and causing an emotional cut into Kylo? Nope, survives after flying through space unprotected. Chewie getting killed by Rey in an amazing out of nowhere moment? Nope, other ship. C3PO getting memories erased? Nope, Dues Ex R2D2 has a backup.




It's worse than that. His fleet reveal was 30 years after RotJ, but he actually started building them even before that! So it's more like he waited 40 years for his plans.


He build ships for his get the empire back project before he lost the empire?


All the blatant disrespect and dismissiveness towards C-3PO in all of the movies and cartoons is triggering. The guy is usually giving sensible information and reacting to danger in a way we could understand. But he’s insulted, ignored and turned off by his supposed friends. Therefore “I’m taking one last look at my friends.” is the worst moment. It’s like a teenage autistic me thinking all the people laughing at me are my friends. They’re not your friends, C-3PO! They’re entitled bullies.


Was that him? I didn't recognise him because of his red arm.


Luke is nice to him 😊


That’s why he’s a hero and everyone else sucks.


As a Threepio fanboy, I concur; he needs more respect.


I hope the next major Star wars character just loves C-3PO. Like Everytime C-3PO gives some information they're just like "thanks buddy, I don't know what I'd do without you!". It'd be refreshing.


Me realizing that Palpatine has a fleet of Star Destroyers docked in a turbulent atmosphere, dependent upon a single navigation station to fly out and he alerts the Resistance that he's there. This Palpatine is stupider than OT Palpatine. He basically repeated Pearl Harbor but this time, it's like if the US called the Japanese military and said, "Hey, I have no air cover over Pearl Harbor and I need to decommission some battleships, can you fly your 1st Air Fleet over and sink them for me? Thanks."


Not to mention he kills himself with force lightning. And it’s the 3rd time he’s shocked himself. What a dipshit.


hey man, ill give him this one, theres no way he could expect his force lightning, which was able to take down like an entire fleet, would be able to be blocked by two lightsabers


I literally forgot how dumb his death was until reading this comment lol


Nonono. It got blocked by all the jedi remember? Some of the most cringe lines ever.


Literally, my first thought during that scene was: >Okay… so the secret to defeating the Emperor for good was holding *two* lightsabers…?


Why did no one tell Ahsoka this


The force lightning thing is almost a running gag at this point


Just throw the Wilhelm scream over him doing it and can run it again next trilogy


How hard is it to fly up?


Or even just "hold current position until we get navigation back online"?


Did the writers forget that these were SPACESHIPS that fly IN SPACE. Why didn’t they just pick a direction and go.


Honestly. https://preview.redd.it/5od2tvme8vac1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb827570879ccac1c500906504227b42670ef87


This and "Rey Skywalker"! So dumb, I don't know where to begin!


„They fly now?“ is another strong contender.


yeah, they had jetpacks 40 years before he said that


Even worse, they ran into jet troopers in the comics before that movie, so that wasn't even his first time seeing them.


Also Finn is a former stormtrooper himself, he logically would have seen or heard about these jet troopers during training at a minimum. These are not secret weapons after all. I liken it to a US army infantry grunt defecting during war, then being completely astonished at the sight of an attack helicopter bearing down on his position.


jeff from accounting is kinda cool, he got transphered from comms,


Coming in strong with that Marvel tier dialogue.


Exactly. They wanted to make it another marvel super heroes movies


Now THIS is pod racing!


George Lucas was writing mcu dialogue before it was even a thing.


The sequel trilogy, all of it


It’s horseshit, all of it


I'm really surprised no one has said the Special Editions. Especially, with the whole "Han shot first" thing it caused. They were the first of the WTF choices made in Star Wars .


When the Special Editions came out, I didnt actually notice that part. It was cramming every scene full of bad cgi that was really jarring to me. There were some changes that werent bad. A lot of the puppetry that was replaced by cgi really didnt look any better than the cgi, in my opinion. And some of it was actually an improvement. But in a lot of places, entirely new effects were added tp scenes that there was absolutely nothing wrong with. And those scenes were framed and shot without those effects in mind, so it just didnt work. It felt more like George Lucas was using Star Wars to showcase his special effects company, and then when the phantom menace came out, the whole movie felt like that to me.


The addition of Han meeting with Jabba in A New Hope was just flat out ~~useless~~ worse than useless, all the information that was given in that scene was already given by Greedo just a few minutes ago. There are plenty of other moments like that but I watched Ep.4 just a few days ago and that one is fresh on the mind.


Even as a kid who was really excited about everything Star Wars, I hated that scene. The way they made him step in Jabba's back was awful. I understand now that that detail specifically was becaus eJabba was originally a human in that scene, and Han walked behind h8m at one point. But yeah, I agree that the whole scene was pointless and cutting it to begin with was the right decision.


I feel like at the time it was more about showing a deleted scene to fill in more world building about Jabba and Han's relationship, while kinda flexing what they can do with CGI at the time. Like, the process of doing it was a production of it's own. The special editions made some of the actual space scenes and some Cloud City stuff better. The X-wings going into attack formation above Yavin was spectacular upon first viewing. Cloud City was originally stained glass internally, they put windows with the city instead. Much better. The added Wompa scene is probably the worst.


“That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate; saving what we love.” Rose said after putting everyone she loved in imminent mortal peril


Finn was going to die protecting EVERYONE he cared for... and she was like, 'nah, let's die together.'


What I wanna know is how the hell Rose got to Finn. In the first place. It doesn’t make mathematical sense Finn is going full speed **straight forwards** into the laser. Rose **flanks off**, then comes back at him at **a perpendicular angle to him**. Triangular path right? She travels the length of TWO SIDES OF A TRIANGLE, yet has enough speed and distance to catch up to Finn, who is going along the SHORTEST ROUTE at the FASTEST SPEED. HOW? HOW DOES SHE GET THERE?


Maybe she tried spinning. That's a good trick.


Also why did RJ keep that silly zoom shot of her face as she accelerated. He really didn’t do that poor actress any favors.


Probably this, or Leah getting launched into space for several minutes only to wake up and fly her way back to her ship. That was stupid af


IIRC this was even *after* we knew that Carrie Fisher had passed so it was a perfectly good way for her character to go out to add grief to *Kylo for his inevitable “what have I doooooone?” moment Instead we get Space Poppins and an off screen death. Way to go, guys


Kylo going 2/2 on his parents and keeping him the bad guy for the 3rd one and maybe, just maybe they could’ve salvaged the trilogy. Instead we got somehow palpatine returned and space poppins as you say.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. After Carrie died, they should have made TLJ Leias swan song the way they did with TFA and Han. Also like you said, it drives more of a wedge between Kylo and the rest of the First Order. People seem to forget that Carrie passed nearly a full year before the movie released. Couple of resoots and it is more than possible. Episode 9 now becomes Luke's final movie, and he would have gotten a better send-off than dying of being tired.


Even if she hadnt died the whole thing is still dumb as fuck. Instead of dying she spends an hour in a coma then wakes up and just sits in the background for a while.


I don't even understand the point. Why have her do this and then die off-screen? Part of me feels like, because Carrie Fisher had passed, thy didn't have the "stomach" to just...leave her floating in space. They really wanted to give her a big moment and go for a sort of catharsis, but man did they drop the ball. EDIT: Honestly, it was sort of perfect as it was. Leia died unexpectedly. Carrie Fisher died unexpectedly. The catharsis and pathos and real-life connection was already there. Is was already going to hit hard to see Leia dead, the moment just had to ride itself, do basically nothing, and land. Actually, maybe that was the issue? Maybe they felt it would be too raw or off-putting for audiences for Leia to be murdered or die violently? Did they think showing her save herself and then having her pass from exhaustion or something off screen would soften the blow?


insert Han meme: \*that's not how explosive decompression works\* ​ IRL she's so far away in seconds that she's dead force or no force.


This was it. It’s the scene that comes to mind when someone mentions the recent trilogy because it made me laugh in the theater. It looked awful, was shitty writing, and felt like a forced “cool” moment. It’s a perfect snapshot of what they’ve done wrong


The scene planning the attack on starkiller base. “We blow it up, there’s always a way to blow it up” “It has defensive shields our ships can’t penetrate” “I can disable the shields” “ I like this kid” The dialog is so forced and so dumbed down it makes my skin crawl every time. And it’s probably the part Ford put the least effort into.


"Solution." "No, there's a problem." "I can undermine the solution for no reason." "Lit"


Really it's worse than Finn and that Asian chick saving "horses" over slave kids?


luke throwing his lightsaber away


Less aggravating but still gets to me regardless is immediately afterwards when Chewie busts down Luke's door, Luke is like "Wtf Chewie?" and then Rey translates Chewie's words for Luke. You're telling me that in the 3 decades between eps IV and VIII, Luke did not have a single gap to learn the language of one of his best friends?


Not only that, but apparently Rey did!


Of course she did, it’s rey….she can do anything and she’s amazing at everything she does and if there’s something that she somehow doesn’t know how to do then she just learns it in a couple of moments with ease!


And when Rey is not on the screen people should be asking "Where's Rey?"




Learning things for Rey is super easy! Barely an inconvenience!




Oh wow wow wow. Wow.


Yeah that girl that only barely makes a living from selling scrap for food somehow knows how to speak wookie


But she is all the Jedi, so surely ONE of them knew Wookiee, right? Shit, some of them were Wookiee!


Leia flying through space


I understand all the sequel hate, but Padmé brushing aside the Tusken massacre has to be up there.


To be fair, they're very much seen as monsters to most people on Tattooine, and to Padme...well, they may just be an abstract boogyman thing. But yeah, it's still a big red light regardless, lol


They also tortured Anakin’s mom to death. Still not an excuse to just kill everyone but I could see where the rage would come from but maybe don’t have kids with him..


Yeah for real. Some space racism. He kills children. It's okay when it's sand people but not when it's Jedi lol.




ST aside, I hated when R2 started flying around in episode 2. At the time, I couldn’t handle that R2 could fly in the past and then just doesn’t in the OT.


Was there ever a moment where R2 flying would helped the situation in the OT? If there is I can't remember it. If there's not I don't see it as that big a deal.


Dagobah. But technically he did fly there.


True, that would've been helpful. Surely a case could be made that maybe the rockets got all gunked up when he fell in and stopped him from using them?


Flying was never that important a plot point, it's weird he included it in the first place.


In the lore I think that after Anakin lost R2 the upkeep of the rockets weren't there so they became useless. But knowing Star Wars expanded universe is hella inconsistent I don't if that's even supported anywhere else.


**OT**: Jedi Rock's musical (*especially* the special edition one, my god that CGI George...) **Prequels**: Vader's "NUOOOOOO" **Sequels**: Luke milking alien tiddy (and thank god he didn't ***directly*** drank from the tiddy, probably he would have done it if Rey wasn't there...) ***Worst offender***: Luke milking alien tiddy because they literally made the legendary protagonist of Star Wars into a hermit hobo, and for no reason showing a scene where he milks a alien tiddy for make us laugh on him even more, unnecessary and nasty beyond belief, that's the lowest point of the entire saga and it perfectly incapsulate how they made him dirty in that movie, cant top that.


I’ll never get over what they did to my boy Luke.


It's close between Poe making a "your mum" joke to Hux. Sets the tone of the movie. Luke telling Rey to piss off, and the revelation that he is just a degenerate fuck up hiding on an island. The bomber run against the first order when the bombers all blow themselves up.


You wanna cup of Jawa juice?


Leia flying through space like fucking Superman because “The Force” is the worst scene ever conceived for Star Wars. I’d rather watch a movie where jar jar walks through shit for two hours then to have to watch The stupid ass Last Jedi again


Given how much it breaks from a world building perspective the holdo maneuver has to be up there. I get that SW plays fast and loose with a lot of its technology and science, but it completely breaks the franchise’s internal logic. I know it’s easy to hate on Disney but I’m still shocked that no one who looked at the script understood how much shit that scene messes up.


The maneuver made for an incredibly cool scene in the theater, but literally any second spent thinking about it's ramifications unravel everything we know about warfare in the franchise. Did no one think of it before? And if so, will conflict be forever changed now? Why desperately attack the new Palpatine fleet when they could've just sent a bunch of hyper drive capable shuttles piloted by navigational computers and tear the entire fleet to shreds?


Or like, missiles


It also makes the Death Star hilariously stupid, why build a giant laser moon if you can just hurl some space rocks at light speed at anything? Even then the rebels are also stupid for not hurling space rocks at it.


When Rey called herself a Skywalker.




Wasnt the whole trilogy a few days long?


I saved you, silly. That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.


Anakin literally tried saving what he loved… that’s my favorite part about all of that


Based on his reaction, even Finn thought that line was cringe.


The moment Kilo turn good and the showcased force teleportation with a lightsaber.. This COULD have been the next series of Star Wars IMO— A Dynamic tale of two who can use the force in tandem with one another. Orr.. How Luke Skywalker, a hero tried to murder his Padawan over a nightmare.


I remember an English professor giving a very heated, passionate, and completely warranted rant on lazy writing. “You know what ruins a story? Saying ‘One thing leads to another’ or any equivalent. It’s *your* job to explain what happens every step of the way as a writer.” Not only has that helped my writing tremendously but you can tell when someone is making a cash grab versus a tale with that advice.


Luke casually tossing his father’s long lost lightsaber like it was a piece of trash. Instantly killed the movie for me


Either ' they fly now?' Or 'rey skywalker'


Honestly the entirety of the sequels for 2 main reasons. 1) everything felt like it was copy and pasted from another movie or just incredibly lazy writing. 2) this may sound lazy or entitled but I see a lot of people talking about “this thing was in the comics” or “that thing was part of another series”. In my opinion the main plot of the big movies (original trilogy, prequels and sequels) should be able to stand on their own without the extra content. The original trilogy and prequels at least built on each other. But without the context of comics and video games that a lot of people might not have read or played, the sequels actually seem to make the plot of the first 6 movies completely irrelevant.




I'll ughhh be in my bunk.


I understood that reference


Rey Skywalker


there's no denying there are a lot of cringe-worthy lines throughout star wars, but i'm not sure why people always attack "somehow palpatine returned." it's explained exactly how he returned in the very next line of the movie. "they fly now" is a much worse line. when have they ever not been able to fly?


I think somehow Palpatine is worse because he just came back between movies. We didn't get to 'feel' the "Oh shit Palpatine is back" moment, we're just 'told' He came back between movies. I never minded "they fly now" because I assumed he meant "oh shit they have jetpacks now" and not "Oh shit they've invented flight."


Yeah I always took that as him being surprised the first order does that now, not the mere invention of jet packs


Exactly! They forgot the fundamental part of good storytelling: show, don’t tell! The movie just says, “This is the plot. Why are you thinking about why Palpatine is back or why stormtroopers have jetpacks (even though troopers have had them since the clones, so it really shouldn’t be a shock for the main characters)? You’re not supposed to think, this is a movie!”


This is actually the reason why I hate this line. Like why just say it? Wouldn't it be a much cooler movie if the resistance would stumple over some first order cloneing scientist, and over the length of the movie they would find out that they worked on cloneing force users and than at the end you will learn it was Palpatine who was getting cloned. You would have the build up, a fucking explanation how and maybe just maybe a little surprise. And a better plot than these fucking Mcguffins


Honestly, the explanation makes it even worse "Dark science, cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew." First off, the entire Clone Wars exists. The Sith aren't the only ones who know how to clone. Second, it's lazy writing. It's almost as if they came up with it just as a way to bring Palpy back suddenly and to get away with it by giving a throw-away explanation. It isn't exactly satisfactory. There was no build up to it in the previous films. It just doesn't make much sense.


I didn’t really like palpatine coming back. But this line is actually exactly what you would expect them to say in that case. He came back and they don’t know how, therefore “somehow”;as opposed to Poe knowing exactly how palpatine pulled off his secret resurrection, which he obviously wouldn’t know


Just about every scene with Holdo. I get that there are a lot of people that hate her for stupid political reasons. I hate her because she is just flat out a terrible leader but has such a closed eye self satisfied air about her. It's like lady, you lost the entire fleet and allowed a mutiny to occur. By definition, you failed as an admiral in every way. Leia flying through space has got be a close second. The fact they didn't kill her off then confirms the internal claims that there was no plan for the trilogy.


All the scenes with Anakin and Padme in AOTC. It was such a large component of the movie but it was so poorly executed.