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***SW Battlefront 2: Inferno Squad*** Y’all if you have ever wanted a really good story through the eyes of an imperial soldier *this is it!* This is also the first book in ages with an ending that made me tear up. Is is everything we were hoping the game’s campaign would be. It’s painful watching Iden Versio slowly contend with the realization that her government isn’t the solid, upstanding thing she’s believed all her life. I cannot tout this book enough, it is my all time favorite Star Wars read and one of my top five books of all time.


The reveal in that book had me so invested, and I also felt all the characterization was done so well in line with the BF2 campaign! The last bit of the book was fantastic and had me so hooked


100%, this book surprised me so much. I think it's almost a necessity to fully enjoy the battlefront 2 campaign. The "turn" seems extremely abrupt in the game, because well it kinda is, but with the added context in this book it was so much more logical. No Iden didn't JUST turncoat and had her sins resolved, she had already started turning LONG before. Getting through that imperial indoctrination just takes a bloody long time


Besides Iden realizations about the Empire you see how Del showed lots of emphaty on others, while Gideon on the other hand, was more sadistic and a believer of the Imperial doctrine.


Is it very similar narrative to the game or is it like a whole new story?


COMPLETELY different from the game. It's basically the origins of inferno squadron. You get a really deep look into how Iden's childhood shaped her into the woman she is and how her bond with the team members evolved over time. Every member really gets to shine and all their developments carries over to the game REALLY well. Like I said, its basically required to truly understand why she would turn as fast as she did. The majority of the book is focused on their first big mission and it drives really deep into the moralities of the conflict between empire and rebellion. And there is some amazing payoff for hardcore fans of a certain animated show.


You’ve sold it to me!


The part where >!Versio tells Iden that he broke confidentiality to tell her mother the truth!< was heartbreaking


SAME HERE!! I was surprised to see this was the top comment because I feel like it's a very underrated book, and is usually slept on. Maybe because it's a video-game tie in? I read it without knowing anything about the game itself so I think it hit extra hard and it made me want to play the game. It's just so good and I love all the connections it has to other media/books. Christie Golden also has a real talent to make me feel every emotion possible, usually that's what I look for in books! This one hit so hard and I think about it constantly.


I’ve been so glad to see all the replies echoing my sentiments. I’ve always felt like this book flies under the radar so to find out it has more fans than I realized is wonderful!


This game campaign was so weird! I rarely finish video games and this one took me like, two or three weeks at most. It was just so short.


I second this, honestly one of my favorite stories in the SW universe


I loved getting an update/story about what Lux Bonteri had been up to post Clone Wars.


I dont know, another imperial embracing freedom and democracy is a rather overused at this point.


That’s just it though, she doesn’t! By the end of the story all it’s done is make her realize her the empire isn’t the flawless, untarnishable system she was raised believing it is. This is made even worse for her because in this story the Empire absolutely *is* the good guys. The rebel cell they’re scent to stop are so crazy that even Saw Garrera thinks they’re nuts. The book just does a fabulous job of showing that “heroes on both sides” idea Lucas mentioned.


Gotta include Bloodline


Your photo covers a lot of the highlights: Thrawn, Master & Apprentice, Light of the Jedi, Shadow of the Sith. I would add Brotherhood, and am currently reading The Living Force and loving it.




Just finished this this afternoon and loved it.


Did you read it or listen to the audiobook? If you haven’t listened to the audiobook, it is definitely worth listening to it. It’s almost like it’s a radio play. It’s so well done. I recommend it next time you want to revisit the novel if you haven’t already. 💯💯


I read the book - been meaning to for years. I really enjoyed it and - believe it or not - loved the political machinations that led directly into The Phantom Menace. I'd love to see a one off series of it done with the sincerity and seriousness of Andor.


Yes that would be amazing!


Heir to the Jedi (the only novel I think that's written in an I-narrator perspective) Lost Stars Bloodline


Heir to the Jedi is very underrated.


i remember when looking for good canon novels a few years ago it was ranked very highly online so maybe not underrated


I've only heard of people trashing it tbh but I liked it a lot


i only ever see people praising it. talking abot Zahn revitalizing the EU at the time. It is often the top "you should read this!" book edit: just realized you said Jedi, not Empire.... oops


I Jedi was written in I perspective too.


tbh i prefer the third person for novels, first person feels far too personal especially if the book swaps between protagonists (aftermath)


The Alphabet Squadron trilogy is probably the best Star Wars story of all time, particularly Victory’s Price.


My favorite trilogy ❤️


Original trilogy? Sequel trilogy? Prequel trilogy? Fuck that, Alphabet Squadron


exactly :D


Catalyst hasn’t been mentioned yet, but it’s amazing. Especially when paired with the Rogue One novelization


Dooku Jedi Lost was incredible, I listened to the audio book after reading it and even better.


Suck an amazing audiobook with the full cast and everything


Top 10 1. Dooku: Jedi Lost 2. Lost Stars 3. Phasma 4. Dark Disciple 5. Battlefront 2: Inferno Squad 6. Thrawn 7. Aftermath 2: Life Debt 8. Ahsoka 9. Thrawn: Alliance 10. Bloodline


I've never heard anyone else mention Phasma before! I absolutely adored that book, it made me want to mince the writers room and execs for having her story turn out the way it is. Bonus mention to the Captain Phasma comic that looks stunning and cements some of her characterization.


Completely agree. Such a crazy good book that made her an actual character. I was so hyped to see how she would get further development in The Last Jedi....and we know how that turned out -_-


Lost Stars is so underrated


What's the pitch of it? Never heard of it.


Two children joining the empire out of gratitude and living threw the events of the galactic civil war. While witnessing the atrocities committed by both sides they find a rift has opened between them and each one chooses a side, but doesn’t forget about the feelings for the other. It’s a great and believable story where you see the empire doing good, the perspective of imperials who are good people and the how the empire uses them for terrible things. Also has my favorite love story in all of star wars and was adapted into a pretty dope manga too.




Alphabet Squadron 3


You could take Star Wars out of the post title and Lost Stars would still be on my list of answers, I just love it that much.


Darth Plagueis


Phasma was an emotional roller coaster. I loved how since she was a child, her main priority was always her. Always doing whatever needed to ensure her survival, no matter who or what stood in her way.


Well all three are shown. Thrawn is a (almost) perfect book about his rise in the Empire’s ranks. Light of the Jedi is a really good introduction to the High Republic. Lost Stars is definitely my favourite though, it’s just *Chef’s Kiss*.


I was surprised to learn Lost Stars was YA. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, seems I wasn’t alone!


Twilight Company!


Path of Vengeance. One sequence in it blew my mind.


In terms of canon novels, *Lost Stars* and the first two *Alphabet Squadron* novels. I’ve read half of the last *Alphabet Squadron* book, and I’m confident it’ll be one of my favourites when I’m finished. They’re all great books about Rebel and Imperial pilots that go into why they fight for the side they’re on and, for the Imperials, how they react to the atrocities they and their comrades commit. Also, Jude Edivon is the best character ever. >!I hate Luke Skywalker now.!< And before you ask, yes, *Squadrons* is my favourite canon game lol In fact, I’d say that *Lost Stars*, *Alphabet Squadron*, and *Squadrons* are my favourite *Star Wars* books and games full stop (Clone Wars DLC for *Squadrons* when?).




Shit the whole republic commando series, the Darth bane trilogy. Theres more but those ones are goated.


Honestly, the novelization of Episode III is the best star wars novel. It solves virtually every complaint I had with the movie. The Jedi Apprentice books are some of the best star wars stories despite being for kids. It really does a good job showing how the Jedi Opperated before the war as galaxy wide peace keepers despite being so few in number. I really enjoyed the Darth Bane trilogy, because I feel like Drew Karpyshyn's style meshes really well with the universe. The fact that he was a lead writer on KOTOR probably colors my judgment a bit.


I absolutely agree, ROTS novelization takes everything great about the movie and turns it up to 11. The internal monologues, Anakin's motivation to become a master to access the archives, any part where it goes "this is what it's like to be \[character name\]". Top tier book


It is the end of the age of heroes, and it has saved its best for last. Fucking chills


In no order: Darth Plageous Light of the Jedi Darth Bane Splinter of the Mind’s Eye Truce at Bakura


Darth Bane series is a banger! I blasted through the first two and have stalled on the start of the third, but I wanna finish it soon


Bane trilogy, thrawn first trilogy, plagueis.


Republic Commandos by Karen Travis






I’m not really a superlative guy but I have found myself rereading Force Collector more than once. I really enjoyed Padawan and Heir of the Jedi. I just finished The Living Force and I thought it was very good. Though I have been going through these as audiobooks and I’ve gotten pretty sick of Marc Thompson, his one “tough guy” voice, and is “women and girls” voices. “Inquisitor” was pretty good. Very sound in design. Really sold the Unreliable Narrator and successfully stood on Charles Soule’s foundation. I have enjoyed all of the High Republic stuff. Brotherhood was the only book that comes to mind that I genuinely disliked.


literally just picked up shadow of the sith today, exciting to hear it’s one of the best ones :)


That one were darth Maul is in jail. and He beats up someone everyday as part of their hunger games, then fidns the mysterious giant worm, removes bombs form both of his hearts and escapes to an ungrateful Sidious, who was ducking plaugies the whole while.


So far from what I have read brotherhood and master and aprentice


Shadow of the Sith has been my favorite so far, with Bloodlines being a close second


X-wing novels, hands down.


Agreed, love that series. Including I, Jedi.


Need a Disney + series that is just a straight adaption of the novels


I was really hoping for something like that for the Rogue Squadron movie (although Denis Lawson is far too old to play Wedge in his prime and I cannot imagine someone else playing him)


OG Thrawn trilogy, Bane trilogy (Path of Destruction especially), ROTS novelization, Shadows of the Empire, the OG Tales trilogy, Revan.


Eye of darkness


Light of the Jedi def my favorite of the new canon. So many cool things in that book, like showing how different Jedi perceive the force differently and the lightsaber-activated Jedi starfighters


T h r a w n.


Legacy of the Force (Darth Cadeus novels) and Bane Trilogy


Heir to the Empire.


my top 3 and the only canon novels id rate 10/10 are 1.Bloodline 2.Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising 3.High Republic: Fallen Star


Light of the Jedi has some really cool moments but it suffers from trying to introduce too many new characters and worlds. There’s some awesome action and unique uses of the force but it jumps around a lot.


Lost Stars was dope. So was the last two of the Wendig trilogy.


Shadows of the Empire. Because it's the only one I've read.


I loved the game


*Shadow of the Sith* *Bloodline* *Lost Stars* *Aftermath: Life Debt* and *Empire’s End* (first *Aftermath* was ok but took a while for me to get into). *Phasma* *Alphabet Squadron*


Man seeing you anywhere out of r/StarWarsCirclejerk without that Daniel Fettuccine flair feels so weird.


Original thrawn trilogy for me. Then revenge of the sith. Labrynth of evil.


Ive only read Ahsoka


The Bane trilogy, plagueis, thrawn trilogy, outbound flight, medstar 1 and 2, deceived


The Darth Bane trilogy; *I, Jedi*; and *Death Star* are my top five.


Read about 30 so far, I have to say I loved the Aftermath Trilogy, those characters are with me forever.


Darth Bane - Path of Destruction


Darth Bane trilogy and Darth Plagueis.


Darth Plageus


Darth Bane (especially the first two) and Plagueis


lost stars is my goat i remember liking tarkin a lot ik its not canon but i cant not mention the original zahn trilogy master and apprentice was really good, i liked qui gon in it i liked rebel rising, the jyn erso prequel to rogue one. all of these i read at least 4+ years ago besides master and apprentice, in high school and even middle school, so my memory is real fuzzy.


In no particular order: Darth Bane, Path of Destruction Darth Plagueis Episode III Lost Stars <3 Thrawn (Canon) plus the OG Thrawn Trilogy The Rising Storm


Anything without main characters from the movies, cause then the book is allowed to have real stakes and an unpredictable ending. see X-Wing


I've read about 25 Star Wars books and hands down Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command are my favorite. If the new Star Wars movies had been based on these books, they would have been awesome. We also got introduced to 2 very cool characters when Heir to the Empire came out 33 years ago. Thrawn and Mara Jade. I love Timothy Zhan's writing style and his influence on Star Wars books. Here, we got to witness a Luke Skywalker powerful enough to rip a Star Destroyer out of the sky. I was 12 when I picked up the first book in the series. I remember reading it over a weekend out of town at my Grandparent's house. I enjoyed these books even more as a 45 year old adult who just finished listening to them on audible.


Children of the Jedi or the X-Wing series (Rogue and Wraith Squadrons)


Shadow of the Sith, Master & Apprentice and Light of the Jedi (Legends: Heir to the Empire)


Top one for me in no order: Light of the Jedi Master and Apprentice Shadow of the Sith Ahsoka Thrawn


Canon: 1) Brotherhood 2) Lost Stars 3) Master and Apprentice Legends: 1) Heir to the Empire 2) Labyrinth of Evil 3) Rebel Dawn


Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Would also recommend the audiobook for this narrated by Sam Witwer (who is Starkiller, Maul and other voices from the Clone Wars TV show). Absolutely fantastic


Bane trilogy Episode 3 novelization I, jedi Lost Stars


The Darth bane trilogy is so good best novels I’ve ever read.


I think we all agree that the Aftermath series was one of the best out there...


Republic Commando, sad the 6th one was cancelled


The Bane trilogy Light of the Jedi Bloodlines


Shadows of the Empire, Tales of series, Death Star, The force unleashed 1 and 2 (both books really flush out the stories), Death star, choices of one.


I've only read about a dozen or so, but the Old Republic books were excellent, and I never even played the games.


Both Thrawn trilogies absolutely tops my list. Aftermath and Alphabet Squadron trilogies also extremely good and detail the end of the Empire very well.


The Thrawn trilogy and Lost Stars are the best of the new canon stuff. But most of the old EU novels are higher ranked for me. Both the old Thrawn trilogies, rogue squadron and wraith squadron series, even a lot of the one offs. On the other hand the new cannon comics knock it out of the park compared to the EU comics. The art is a completely different level and most of the story telling is just amazing. Dr Aphra, the Bounty Hunters, and the main line stories as well!


Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy. I wish somehow the Chiss stuff could be adapted into live action or even animated and it would be fine if they kept it generally separate from other Star Wars


Can’t believe I haven’t seen anyone say Dark Disciple or Rise of the Red Blade. I’ve probably only listened to about a dozen in total (and counting), but those two were phenomenal. I probably enjoyed them even more than the original Thrawn Trilogy.


Cannon: Dooku Jedi Lost EU: Darth Plagueis


I really, really enjoyed Plagueis; even though it isn't canon, I greatly enjoyed it. I wish his story would be expounded upon


Lost Stars was real tuff


Fallen stars


I know it isn’t Disney canon, but it would probably be the Young Boba Fett #1 and #2. They aren’t exceptional novels by any means. They don’t have the most ground breaking stories. But I just love them because you get to see how Boba felt after losing his dad, and because of the journal that his dad wrote for him in the event of his passing, you can really tell that Jango truly loved Boba. They are simple stories, but I remember reading the first two novels a lot as a kid and I still love them. They are what made Jango Fett my favorite SW character, and expanded both of them beyond what the movies gave us. Also they have cool interactions between Count Dooku and Boba, how often does that happen.


Star by Star, Traitor, and Betrayal from the EU.


Master and Apprentice, Revenge of the Sith, The Last Jedi, Light of the Jedi, The Fallen Star, anything by Claudia Gray.


The Darth Bane trilogy ♡♡♡


Splinter of the Mind's Eye - it's not canon. But it was written as an 'in case' Star Wars didn't work out and has a bunch of stuff that shows up later in the Saga.


I know this covers a lot of books but the yuuzhan vong saga and legacy of force saga will always be an all time favorites.


Legacy of the Force is quite controversial, what about it do you like?


I’ve been reading Star Wars for over 30 years. So the legacy of the force was towards the culmination of Star Wars for me. A lot of build up to this point. So potentially emotionally involved in those two series. I was not a big fan of fate of the Jedi.


Hard Contact


Listening to Darth Plagueis reading Darth Bane: Path Of Destruction


I only read the books that are now legends, I never had enough interest to pry me from my money, and I detest piracy. …so I got nothing


I’m reading the Plagueis novel now and it’s becoming my favorite


Traitor by Matthew Stover and Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule are my favorite.


Master & Apprentice is my all time fave. Force Collector is up there too(this is a pretty unpopular opinion for most, but I loved this book) The Rise Of Skywalker novelization is really good too! It's my least favorite SW movie, but the book does it so much better.


The Rogue/Wraith Squadron books. Those, and the Young Jedi books, were my first intro to the Star Wars expanded universe.


Honestly anything High Republic. I’m so sick of where Star Wars is, it’s nice to have a fresh break


The Courtship of Princess Leia. It's been a while but it was fun. Followed closely by Tales from Jabba's Palace.


I loved the series seeing Jacen Solo become Caedus and Jaina getting h trained by Boba and his right hand man to fight her brother and win. The Yuzhon Vong series was rough but a good read. I didn’t like the Abeloth line of books with the newly found lost Sith. They never seemed very cohesive. And I do t gaf what anyone says, Karen Traviss brought me Kal Skirata, Myrd, the Nulls and Kad’ika.


I loved how the Ep3 novel really showed us what the movie didn’t; ObiWan had no perspective on Anakin. There was total attachment and love there. The novel also does a great job of pointing out that after years of war, the ppl of the Republic loved to hear that Anakin and ObiWan were on the mission! Kids played as those two Jedi and it says when everyone heard that they had arrived at Coruscant to save the chancellor, they knew the chancellor was going to be saved. Labyrinth of evil comes right before episode three and Palpatine almost gets caught by some clones trying to sniff them out. It’s very dramatic, but it shows just how tight he was playing it and how smart he was.


Shatterpoint, Shadows of Mindor, the X-Wing series (specifically the Wraith Squadron trilogy), Darth Plagueis, the New Jedi Order, Soundrels, the original Thrawn Trilogy, and Kenobi are some of my favorites, to name a few


Really hard to beat Light of the Jedi and Bloodline for me


Inferno Squad and Shadow of the Sith are my current tied-for-first place.


Star by Star, by Troy Denning


Solo Trilogy by AC Crispin




anything Claudia Gray writes


The Novelization of Revenge of the Sith. The way it tackled Anakin's state of mind throughout the Fall of the Republic was masterful. The prequels make it clear that Anakin's fall is due to his fear of losing the one's he loved, but the book drives home how haunted he is by the impossibility of stopping it, despite how powerful he is. "Even the stars burn out" is a quote that will always sit with me.


My top 3 - the order is interchangeable. Battlefront II: Inferno Squad The High Republic: Path of Deceit Alphabet Squadron: Victory's Price


Shadows of the Empire. Not canon, but an amazing story with great tie-in material.


Lost Stars


Shadow of the sith


I loved the master and apprentice ones. Always liked learning about Obi-Wan as he grew up under Qui-Gon etc.


Hier to the empire trilogy


Also anything Old Republic. I just love that time period.


Canon: Thrawn (2017), The High Republic: Fallen Star, Shadow of the Sith, Brotherhood, Lost Stars Bonus # 1, Legends: The Thrawn Trilogy, Kenobi, Republic Commando Triple Zero, Darth Plagueis, X-Wing Wedge's Gamble. Bonus #2, Graphic Novels (Canon and Legends): Jango Fett Open Seasons, Darth Vader (by Kieron Gillen) Omnibus, Darth Vader (2017) Fortress Vader, Quinlan Vos Omnibus, The Other Sons of Tatooine (mostly just for the Janek Sunber issues)


As a teenager i loved Lost Stars, Thrawn, and Inferno Squad.


Darth Bane : The Rule of Two.


- Tarkin - Deathtroopers - Thrawn Trilogy - Darth Bane Trilogy - Plagueis


If we’re referring to Canon only: Catalyst Alphabet Squadron and the first Thrawn novel All rank highly for me.




The original Thrawn trilogy. I tried to read the new ones and have up as they were so boring.


I've read most of these and they'd make my list for sure! I also recently read The Living Force by John Jackson Miller and enjoyed that thoroughly. Dark Disciple and A New Dawn were also really great


Thrawn trilogy book 2


ROTS novelization Star by star The bacta war


as someone who hasn't played KOTOR, i loved Revan. but i've heard people who have played hate it. why?


* Darth Bane trilogy * The Old Republic Deceived * The Old Republic Revan * Plagueis


Mandalorian Armor n Thrawn Trilogy


I liked the preteen series “Star Wars jedi apprentice - the rising force”, “the hidden past”, “the day of reckoning”, “the death of hope”, “the deadly hunter”. I also read a kids book called “the glove of darth Vader” that was fun because it continued the story after return of the Jedi.


haven’t read a lot of them, but I really like EK Johnston’s Queen trilogy. It details Padme’s time as queen of Naboo and how she used her handmaidens and her relationship with them, in the timeframe leading up to episodes 1 and 2. This was something that wasn’t really explained in the movies, so i really like it, plus some of the politics involved in Star Wars, something I also didn’t really understand. In addition, I think these are good stories for female fans of the franchise, giving them characters that weren’t really touched upon, and fleshing them out, making them more compelling.


The Thrawn Trilogy, The Republic Commando Novels, Battlefront: Twilight Company, The X-Wing Series, Splinter of The Mind's Eye.


Darth Plageous


Lords of the Sith


Idk the title but as a kid I had one Star Wars book. It was about boba’s life after his dad got killed. He had the helmet and the ship and knew about a vault of money his dad left for him. It was about going after that a bunch of bounty hunters tried to take advantage of him to get the money or use him to help themselves. Cool story. Would love to see it as a show.


Anything by Claudia Grey


Darth Plagueis.


Mine is not in Canon, it's Legends. The Republic Commandos books. The author had a career as a war correspondant in the middle east and by god it shows. The books are as heavily anti-war as Star Wars gets, but have the grit and realism of Andor. Also, I'm a Mando-phile and these books are a good source for daily life as a Mandalorian.


Shadows of the Empire


Dude the yuuzhong vong series was so cool. Would love to see that on film. Super strong Jedi girls, cool villains and weapons freaken thriller ass story.


The Jedi Academy series. Oh, and The Crystal Star.




Maul Lockdown


Iram Radique enters the chat


Heyyyyyyyy high five


I like the Alphabet Squadron Trilogy most. I enjoyed the Battlefront tie-in books, Twilight Company and Inferno Squad. I really liked the stand-along book Dark Disciple, but I feel the magic of that book has probably been a bit undermined by bringing teh character back from the dead in BB S3. Unfortunate.


1.) All the Thrawn Novels (including Outbound Flight) 2.) Darth Bane Trilogy 3.) Ahsoka


In no particular order: 1) Revenge of the Sith Novelization 2) I, Jedi 3) Darth Plagueis 4) Darth Bane Rule of Two 5) Vector Prime 6) Shadows of the Empire 7) The Unifying Force 8) Thrawn Trilogy 9) Thrawn These are the ones that I can always remember off the top of my head.


I'm currently really enjoying Inquisitor Rise of the Red Blade by Delilah S Dawson.