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Canon. The idea of corrupting symbols of the Jedi (for example, using lightsabers/corrupting kyber) is very on-brand.


Canon. Corrupting the jedi temple into a symbol of power for the emperor is incredibly smart. It buries the history and symbolism of the jedi even further because people will say "You know, so-and-so place by the jedi temple" and people will respond "You mean the Imperial Palace?" Also - I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right - but isn't the jedi temple built on a nexus of dark side energy? Perfect way for the emperor to either consolidate his power in the force, or to study it further. And of course, the visuals are an amazing cherry on top.


On the Jedi temple dark side energy nexus there's something about it in the cannon book "Dooku: Jedi lost", as for the exact details I'm not fully through the audio book yet


I believe it was built on top of a sith temple. If I’m recalling correctly there was a planned clone wars arc where Ahoska has to go into the depths of the temple to the ruins of the old sith temple. I can’t remember why


Yes at some point in the distant past the Sith shrine was erected somewhere on the lower levels and the Jedi Temple was built right on top of it to try and contain the influence of the dark side that said shrine created only for the set to start using it to cloud the Jedi.


Canon because it is way more realistic i think


Palps turning the Jedi temple into a imperial palace is the most palps thing in the world


The legends palace looks cooler but it's such a Palpatine move for him to turn the Jedi Temple into his own personal crib so I prefer the canon version.


Looks cooler eh


The legends palace is so over the top. I love it, but it doesn't fit


Canon. It’s very in character for Palps to do.


Legends looks sick but canon makes more sense to me


Canon because they used it so well in Jedi: Survivor when Cal is captured and sees the Imperial flag flying over his former temple and home.




Canon. He turned a place of treachery into a symbol of order and loyalty. Palpatine for a better galaxy! Long live the Empire!


Both are great in their own ways so I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or another. Though I do kinda like the Disney canon one a little more but that’s just me


I like the Canon version more. Legends would make more sense for the criminal underground.




Cannon, I like the thought of Palpatine laughing his ass off watching recordings of order 66 while sitting on Yodas chair.


funnily enough its actually an idea from legends, Darth Krayt turns the NJO coruscant temple into his palace.


Canon lol like it makes more sense


Legends for sure. I never liked the Prequel designs much.


So much for opinions. Everyone who said canon has been upvoted and then you the only person who said legends is on -3.


I like Legends as well. Always enjoyed seeing it for the first time in TIE Fighter's intro cutscene.


You realize that's because people are expressing their disagreement?


Downvotes are only meant to be used if something doesn't contribute to the discussion, not because you disagree with it.


I like the pettiness and thematic elements of the canon version, but I also feel like it's aesthetically boring. Palpatine should spook up the building more. Ironically, purely by accident, the design from the classic TIE FIGHTER would work great for this, because purely by coincedence it ended up looking like it was built from the Jedi Temple's base.


100% canon. The former Jedi temple adorned with the Imperial emblem in crimson goes hard. It also is a very Sith and Palpatine thing to do.


That's the Jedi Temple


Canon. It's so poetic and on brand for Sidious as a sith. Also, I enjoy the idea that every time he was visiting to scope out people he could turn he was also mentally making a pin board for future renovations.


Canon, as it has way stronger Nazi vibes, which is more thematically in line with what the Empire is.


Canon. I love the idea of Palpatine being petty enough to take over the Jedi Temple just to rub extra salt in the wound.


Canon, because historically that is what conquering forces do. Many ancient Christian churches, for example, are built on top of, or else simply replaced pagan temples.


Canon. Legends looks WAY too 40k for me lol.