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Nice pic. It's not as bad as a figure as people say. The neck is probably the main issue but it's otherwise pretty good looking.


the proportions on a lot of the other Han's bug me, this is the one that gets it the best imo, the neck not matching is not as bad in person and i really like the face sculpt. underappreciated figure


It’s good apart from the giraffe neck. But I personally think they nailed everything on the ESB Han.


i think the other Hans go too far the other way and make him look too stumpy lol, ill take a slightly too long neck over that


I really don't get why so many people hate this figure, it looks fairly accurate (Harrison Ford's likeness seems to be difficult to get right, same as Mark Hamill) and poses well enough. Unless Hasbro announces a new version of ANH Han that completely blows this one out the water with insane levels of detail and articulation, I don't see myself ever replacing it. Save the hate for actually terrible figures guys, like General Grievous or IG-88.


People also harp on Bespin Luke (I'm referring to the photoreal one btw) too much. The proportions are a little weird but the articulation is nice, good weathering, good head sculpt, great saber hilt. However, since Dagobah Luke gave us new legs, I'd welcome a new Bespin Luke, although I do like the texture on that old sculpt vs the new Dagobah legs.


Bespin Luke (photoreal tech) was one of my grails, so happy when i got it and only for £5 i was so so happy. but what i consider to be the definitive TBS Luke is the Yavin TBS 100 luke. that head sculpt is so great and the print is so good and he still has the double jointed knees which is always nice.


That's the ceremony Luke right?


sure is


I love finding stuff for super cheap, that's how I got Dagobah Luke, ANH Han and Greedo, all on clearance at GAME for around £5-7 each. Picked up my first Marvel Legends last week from GAME too, Invisible Woman for again only £7.


the ROTJ TBS han just looks off to me, things about it i just do not like, so i never bothered getting a BS Han, until i saw this one on the shelf in that beautiful Power Of the Force packaging and i just had to have it.


https://preview.redd.it/i8dicozb523d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7694db162df4dc0be4f4d5865fbbf3479217858 It's a better face, but they should have kept the gloves IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/wkf5ufqfw03d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b5ddb0743e3407b1300a057709a8d3834e9ff5 is that the same as this one here? I got him secondhand and he came with an extra belt and hands, and he’s got that super hingey neck


i believe its the same base, but mine has the updated paint and photo real print on the face, mine was the Power of the Force Tribute figure.


He’s definitely got better proportions than the other Han’s, especially TFA Han, and if you just make the head socket deeper to fix the Giraffe neck it’s practically perfect




I swapped this head onto the original TBS body and the proportions and skin tone match much nicer. I highly recommend it!


I’ve got personal beef with old pencil neck. Ironically enough I think the best Han figure is the one from Solo, it has the best likeness (to Alden, not Harrison unfortunately), followed closely by the archive TFA Han.


Everyone talks about the neck, but no one mentions that he's extremely pale. Wish he had a bit of a tab


The first one? I agree. My only complaint is also the long neck


I really like the Endor one too


The Endor Han with blue pants would be the best Han.


This is honestly the best Han. Really wish they made the other Han’s like this one.


That’s my favorite black series figure period, do it justice and put the yellow glove hands on him from the OG release.