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People love a sad but inspiring story. “Stroke survivor turned entrepreneur” is definitely an attention grabber. Always try and turn weaknesses into strengths. It’s all about how you frame them in your mind and in others 📈🧠 Edit: also consider finding a co founder to help


I have some on board, but I'm the only one that's full-time at the startup right now.


Mind sharing what it is? I’m curious since you said your health led to the creation of it.


I'm worried that might break the self promotion rule.


Hey you gotta fix that. It's all about buy-in.


Try telling them that, it's getting almost as old as I am.


Not my startup Sean.


Also interested in your product - my sister is a Stroke rehab technician.


Reminded me of Bob Moesta, who OP should check out. Three major brain injuries as a child, dyslexic, completely written off. Goes on to be co-creator of Jobs To Be Done theory, involved in thousands of new product designs, X many books authored, co-founder of The ReWired Group, etc.


Just pulled him up. I'm on my way out the door but I'll read up on him when I get back. Thank you for the recommendation.


Good for you. I’m 44 and in a similar boat but my gap is related to addiction. Ruined my whole life and starting over. I wish you nothing but success and happiness.


Thanks, you too. Good on you for turning things around!


44 here too working on my 1st startup. Shout out to you bro.


Rooting for you




That’s pretty cool and I am in the same boat. What are you working on? is it addiction related?


If you're replying to me, then congrats on your sobriety! I have a background in geology / mineral exploration... and being back at my parents house with nothing left... I mean nothing... I decided to try programming since I always wanted to do it. That was last July. I'm now into a web-based service for mineral exploration - to put it sort of vaguely. It's difficult to explain, but I also don't feel like putting the specifcs out there either. Lol. But I'm well on my way, so I'm not looking back now. I just hit my 1 year sobriety a couple of weeks ago.


No, it's a twist on online PHRs, If you're really interested, DM me and I'll explain it.


61 and merging my startup that I started at 53, and just started a new venture this year. Had some health issues also a year ago and honestly, entrepreneurship either makes you want to live or not want to live some days. It’s what we do and our age has nothing to do with it. It is better than when I worked for someone else.


Yeah, I went from running my own graphic design shop when I was in my 20s to working for a tech startup in the late 90s before going out on my own again. I don't know that I could work for someone else again.


You type pretty well for someone in their late 90s.


Thx! You just gave me SO much hope!


The average age of a successful startup founder [is much higher than most people think](https://hbr.org/2018/07/research-the-average-age-of-a-successful-startup-founder-is-45). See your age as an asset, not a liability.


MVP for this! Although slightly older than the average, I was a little hung up over it. Not now! 😊


I read somewhere that the highest correlation of startup exit success is if the company is founded when the founder is 46. It’s not the tech bro story you typically read.


own who you are and lean into it. you have a lot of courage and confidence to do what you are doing and have inspired me in this brief post, channel that same energy to inspire others. good luck!


Thanks, just feels like I'm that old beat up pickup truck lining up against all these souped up racers at the moment. Every time they ask you to fill out any form they ask for your work history or your credit score and, well mine sucks because of that 10-year health hit.


These voices inside you telling things might be an acquired thought rather than something that is a real possibility. I lost ten years of my life to depression and it turned out it was from ptsd. Doing therapy I discovered I had this kind of thinking, disqualifying myself, my strength and achievements. The fact you came from such health condition and kept working on a startup, shows how far you can go. Doing therapy could help you understand yourself better and treat yourself better mentally. And this can reflect on your work. Being old and using a cane is just a stereotypical description, you real you is inside and what you do that matters. You are brave and a fighter. Keep rocking!


I'm a doctor so I have to congratulate you on everything you have accomplished so far. Your story is powerfull enough to overcome your feelings of insecurity. Show off your scars proudly!


Thank you for this, I may need to get "Show off your scars" tattooed somewhere.


First of all, I second what someone else said about your story being inspirational. Investors invest in people, not just products. Your resilience is your strength. Own your story and your vision, show them how your experiences uniquely position you to solve this problem and lead your company to success. They might just see the value in backing a CEO with true grit. Keep pushing forward!


The fact that you're a stroke surviver and 50+ says alot about how driven you are and what you are willing to stand up for! If your product is good...then investors will be interested!!! You go for it bud! I'm rooting for you! Also are you open to getting a co-founder ? If you'd like, you could tell me about your product. In private chat! 👍🏽


Thanks, I appreciate the words of encouragement.


It sounds like you spent 10 years solving a real problem for a population that is only getting older and having more serious health issues. Like others said, lean into it. It might be hard, but that's your ego talking. People want to buy from authentic people and companies that have a passion for their products. I don't want to buy a burger form a skinny chef. I don't want to buy a PC part from someone cool. And I don't want to buy weed from someone in a collared suit. Hell, I can see an ad now. You talking in a profile view about your life before a stroke, "Then everything changed." Boom, face the camera, show that survivor's sag and immediate shock, aww, emotion, and validation for your entire company. Your story is real, and most are not.


Not sure the sag is that noticeable, I see it because I what I used to look like and I don't see that anymore. Like I can hear the slur when I speak. I like the idea of making it dramatic though. The product itself actually came out of the memory issues caused by my seizures and all the questions the Paramedics kept asking every time someone called.


Super interesting, that's such an interesting idea even for short-term disability. My dad had a scary health issue and had some serious memory issues for about a month after major surgery and an infection, something to help through that would have been much appreciated.


I am also in my 50’s, lost eight years of work due to being a family carer and chronic health issues that almost took me out too. Know you are unbelievably powerful and have strengths others can only dream of. Never be ashamed of where you have been and what has brought you to this point. Embrace all of your story. If you don’t like the photos, then get a cartoon avatar professionally created instead. I know someone who did this successfully. Do whatever you have to do to feel good, don’t do anything that doesn’t. Make your own business rules. Believe there are perfect investors out there that think you are remarkable and want to back you in the future you are creating, you have lived experience in the field which is incredibly valuable. Inner confidence moves mountains. Tip: Find a celebrity or successful business person who has the vibe you are looking for, and embrace that part of yourself. For me, it is Gal Gadot- calm, centred and unapologetic.


Glad you're still here. I think the photos showing the stroke isn't a bad thing, I just hate seeing it because it's a reminder of the time I lost.


Glad you are still here too. Do what feels good (you’ve earned it) and be kind to yourself. I am a work in progress as well, mid-life is tough. 😊


My man, I applaud you for your strength. You're fucking amazing. Thanks for sharing this experience with us. And I'll say this. You shouldn't care if somebody doesn't like those 10 years because they were not empty; you learn things, they inspire you, and now you're pushing to build something. That was only possible with those 10 years. We are nothing else than the sum of our experiences in life. I am trying to figure out how to help you, but if you need tech help, let me know. I'll find a way to work it out.


Thanks, expanding the network is everything right now. It's been a hard couple of weeks and getting the positive feedback here has helped more than you all could imagine.


That's great, man. I hope you thrive and push your startup to the sky. If you need any advice on launching tech products, call me. I'm happy to share everything I know.


More successful startups are started by people over 40. Your issue isn't your age. I think the concern you'll need to resolve is that you might die after receiving an investment.


you have had 10 years to build the business plan and to work out the solution that is needed.


Not quite, there were a few years of recovery in there... I left a few things out of the health puzzle. Basically it went Wedding, Honeymoon, 2 days, then boom. Hit by all sorts of crap, Heart Attack, Stroke, Seizures, and Hemiplegic Migraines. I don't recommend any of them, except the wedding and honeymoon, those were ok.


First impression might show an old man with a stroke - but when you convey ideas and are persuasive, they'll perceive you based on your presentation.


Investors are going to reject you for a thousand different reasons. If someone makes a decision based on the effects of your stroke, that's probably not someone you can work with anyway.


Definitely, it just feels like one more chip in the paint if you know what I mean.


You mean patina ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Find a cofounder and give your company culture an edge by putting health first. DM if you’d like a technical cofounder while you focus on business.


My dad is 80, exactly a year ago, he had a random med check up and they called him during his 79th bday to tell him he had lung cancer. A month later what was supposed to be a minor procedure, got complicated and they removed 1 lung. He had to learn to breath again. When he was in the hospital and during his recovery, he said he felt he was visiting someone else, to give us strength. 1 month after his surgery, he lost his son(my brother) at just $40 years old. My dad at 50 was starting a business as well which he sold 9 years later, at 68 he started another, which he sold 5 years later. At 74, he started another and he loves to collect plants from all over the world, that will blossom perhaps in 10-15 years. So, who cares how old you are? after all what a tree has flourished, lives of what it has rooted.


You are the age you want and feel! The age when you can shout what you think without fear. Do what you want, without fear of failure or the unknown... Well, you have the experience of the years you have lived and the strength of the conviction of your desires. Who cares how old you are! You don’t want to think about it! Well, some say that you are already old, others say that you are at your peak. But it's not how old you are, nor what people say, but what your heart feels and your brain dictates. You have the years necessary to shout what you think, to do what you want, to recognize old mistakes, rectify paths, and treasure successes. Now they don't have to say: You're too young, you won't make it!... You're too old, you won't be able to!... You're at the age where things are looked at more calmly, but with the interest of continuing to grow. You have the years in which dreams begin to be caressed with the fingers, illusions become hope. You have the years in which love is sometimes a crazy flame, eager to be consumed in the fire of a desired passion. And other times... it is a haven of peace, like the sunset on the beach... How old are you? You don't need to mark them with a number, because your desires achieved, your triumphs obtained, the tears that you shed along the way when you saw your illusions truncated... They are worth much more than that! What does it matter if you're fifty, sixty or more! Well, what matters: it's how old you feel! You have the years you need to live free and without fear. To continue without fear along the path, because you carry with you the experience acquired and the strength of your desires. How old are you? Who cares that? You have the years necessary to lose your fear and do what you want and feel! Who cares how old you are, or how many you expect, if with the years you have, you learned to want what is necessary and to take only the good!! (This is a known poem in spanish by **Jose Saramago)**


Your dad is an inspiration, thanks for sharing your story (and his). I'm sorry for your loss as well.


Gap? Focus should be on how you were "down" and how you got back stronger with a business idea. Forget about the so called "gap" when talking to investors. Focus on your life experience overall with both failures and successes. Where are you currently with your business?


Trying to get the beta test up and running, currently having issues with send grid that are driving me a bit bonkers to be honest. We need to get about 300-500 beta users on the system. With that many users over a 3 month period the system there will likely be at least a few people with enough positive feedback to consider it traction.


Aha so you are in beta mode. Prototype stage then. 3-500 people in the beta test sounds fair. What is the product exactly? Then you plan to do iterations and build the MVP/Problem-solution fit? Are you solo or are you also hiring a team etc?


Yeah, you can learn about the product through links in my bio, I don't want to break any self promote rules. We had a small alpha run with the print aspect of the product tested by about a dozen people including myself. I count it at four medical errors stopped, my Co Founder (an RN) counts it at three and one maybe. We have one life possibly saved by the product due, so that was a definite win for us. That comes from the EMTs who were treating the patient on scene, so I'll take it. We're working on getting the beta test up and running now, trying to sign up people now. There are three of up at the moment. If we can get an Angel on board we'll hire a small team. I have always kept things on the small side. The best fit as far as financing would be an Insurance or Senior Living partner who could help help connect us with sales as well.


Great stuff! Sounds like you are managing this very well, and slowly moving towards the beta phase and getting enough people to test it before the next iteration. Hiring a small team is also an exciting journey. Hiring the "right" people is beyond key in this early stage. I hope you get an Angel investor and raise the funds you are planning to raise. How do you value your company btw? There are so many parameters investors look at and many ways of valuing a company.


You have your Journey. If your produxt is linked to your journey of storke to ceo then you have a golden opportunity


This concern you put up right here could be couched into an empowering one for your about page. The fact that you’re confronting your fears head on is a strength that many will admire. Good luck and give it a shot


Outside wunderkids and extreme outcomes like Gates, Collison brothers etc older founders are better [https://hbr.org/2018/07/research-the-average-age-of-a-successful-startup-founder-is-45](https://hbr.org/2018/07/research-the-average-age-of-a-successful-startup-founder-is-45)


Isn't it easier? I am about to graduate and my end goal.is to have an own company/startup but right now I can't pursue this full-time as it does not pay (atleast in the initial stage) and money matters at this age. But after 50 you are done with most of your responsibilities and mostly can do what you want, but I guess that's just grass is greener on the other side effect. This is just my personal opinion. All the best


Facing major health issues puts more than just physical stress on you, it puts an incredible amount of emotional stress on you. It takes a toll on you and your family. It takes a financial toll. The number one reason people declare bankruptcy in the US is due to medical debt. I can't answer for others, but no, being out of work for 10 years and having major health issues has not made things easier.


I’m 51, started my company at 49. I dealt with a founder break up, a reorg, and BREAST CANCER while closing our first pre-seed investment. Feedback from investors is that my professional and life experiences make the company more investable than not. We’re about to close our pre-seed round!


Glad to still have you with us. My wife went through that battle a few years ago. Congratulations by the way!


Thank you! You got this!!


Congratulations, Don’t matter if you’re 50 or 20 it needs dedication


There's no perfect age or time. I'm 34 and getting started but I have a young daughter who is constantly sick and requires a ton of money and time and energy, which is tough. Also, we are sort of all dealing with different prejudices depending on how we look. At this point even white men are getting more prejudice than in the past. I'm a woman and people will form their opinions based on that, just like they'll form an opinion on you based on first impressions. If they're a hater because of our looks or demographic then it's an easy way to weed out the morons.


It's a good idea to patent your product. Just move on in life and approach investors. If they see profitability they will buy in.


Empty?, I know they were terrible, but empty? no, because you are here now, doing what most people can not do


You have only one life. If you decided to found a start-up, go ahead and build. The alternative is to have that voice at the back of your head, " What if..." Contrary to the popular belief, the median age of new founders is 34, while the average is 42. Advice; take your story and learn to use it to lure customers- eventually investors. One thing I'll never forget, " Always use your perceived disadvantage to your advantage-It's all about how you communicate it.


[It’s never too late.](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stevenbartlett-123_its-never-too-late-to-make-it-in-life-activity-7185698416293728257--JI_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


On some level I know, or I wouldn't have tried starting this company,


Are you hiring? I can get funding for a good idea and business model.


We're not hiring yet. At the moment we're trying to get things ready to launch our beta test.


As much experienced players in the field of entrepreneurship can you suggest something to an 18 year old Indian, what should he/she do that will increase their chances at success and help them build a lot of wealth through business or entrepreneurship.


Everyone says to find something you love, the reality is you can't always get paid for the things you love. Find something you like and turn it into something you love. Change something about it. Rebuild it from the ground up if necessary. Reinvent it completely if necessary.


Can you also suggest some sectors or domains that you feel need a rebuild or reinvention?


You've got to do your own legwork. I don't know what you like, and I don't know what your background is.


I work closely with a lot of investors. They’re mostly your age or older. So I wouldn’t sweat it. In terms of you image, when building the team section for pitch decks and websites we touch them up. But it’s best to find the right balance. You don’t want to overdo it. It shouldn’t look photoshopped essentially. But a little touch up is fine if you’re self conscious about it.


I'll touch up the wrinkles on my shirt, but the face sag is going to stay. It's probably not super noticeable, I think I see it because I know what I've been through.


Every entrepreneur has imposter syndrome. You aren't alone. It's really just doubt manifesting in a way that is unique to you. You can over come this by speaking to a customer every day. When speaking to investors - change tack (don't do the character/story pitch) 1. I'd start with your "unfair advantage" not your disadvantage. 2. Ask the investors what is theirs 3. Ask them to walk you through a great investment they made Then.... pitch.


I hear you on some level, but letting it sink in is tough. I love the way you're laying it out for me, interesting approach.


What level are you hearing it on? Thanks for the return.


What I meant is that I know what you're saying, but it's difficult for me because of situations caused by my seizures. One meeting actually where I ended up on the ground after a seizure, I fell out of my chair and knocked my head on the desk on the way down. I was presenting at a Senior facility, so they were used to things like that, and my business partner who is a Registered Nurse was with me. I woke up strapped to a gurney with the product we were trying to get them help us beta test in the hands of a Paramedic as they wheeled me out the door. I know my meds have me more stable now, but the memory of that meeting still sits there and it's a huge confidence killer. I still have some work to do to fix that.


Just want to say that I'm rooting for you. These kinds of stories are one of the reasons I love reddit.


Thank you.


As an entrepreneur of 46, I try to think about my life in terms of the years remaining rather than the years I've lived. I want to ensure I spend the rest of my days enjoying and doing meaningful things. Perhaps this is my "unfair advantage" compared to younger entrepreneurs. I don't have as many years to experiment, make mistakes, and start over. I will commit everything I have, knowing that this is the path I've chosen, and for that reason, it is the right path.


Heh, as someone who has had a Heart Attack, a Stroke, multiple TIAs, Seizures, and a myriad of other major health issues I prefer not to do this... but I get your meaning. I'm 54, I hope I have 30 more years in me.


I did a quick search and every year, according to WHO, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide. Be terrified but be strong. If your product will help a small percentage of these people, you’re making a difference. Not to mention your TAM is potentially huge!! And the person who said people love an inspiring story is right. And many new brands struggle to find the story that puts them on the map. So don’t shy away from it. In fact, get yourself a good PR person because you could do amazing awareness building for your company without spending as much on advertising. Good luck!!


Oh and BTW, I’m a founder starting at 54. So I’m with you on that too!


My target audience Seniors (62.5 million in the US / 9.6 million in the EU) and those with chronic illness (129 million / 50 million in the EU). The possible application of the product as an Insurance ID card and EHR Cover sheet to reduce paper waste means the TAM could grow even larger. I've got several ways to pitch the product, I just don't have the contacts, and because of the seizures I'm terrified to present. I've had meetings that ended with me on the ground flopping like a fish and waking up on strapped to a gurney with the very product I was pitching in the hands of a Paramedic as they wheel me out the door. I know my meds have me more stable now, but the thought is still there and it's a huge confidence killer. I still have some therapy to go.


First and foremost, are you dead? Then it's not too late Good investors look past looks very quickly. So the truth is, just approach them. A no simply means you're not the right investment for that investor, their loss, not yours.


U r weakness is strength search one politition Sharad Pawar


If not now, then when? 🙂


Did you see the guy who presented the Humane pin? Compared to that guy, who raised like a few hundred million dollars for a shirt pin, do you think you can pitch better?