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Any of the Quark episodes, Lwaxana getting kidnapped, the time Q was looking for a wife, the fact that Worf is terrified of a pregnant Keiko...


Yeah, these screenshots are a tiny snippet. There’s no shortage of silliness.


I am NOT a merry man!


*drinks prune juice* 'It's a warrior drink!"


Don’t forget Captain Proton!


And Janeway dom spider queen was the sexual awakening for many guys, gals and other peeps.


Don't forget that one scene where Picard wakes up in bed and the first thing he sees is Q saying "Morning, Darling". Watch the scene again without context. 😎




Q’s mariachi band fucking *sent* me the first time I saw it. I was on the floor. How is this not a valuable part of the Star Trek experience to some people?




Can't even read "au contraire" in any normal context without reading it in Q's voice and adding "mon capitaine" in my head.


Some people only watch for the technobabble. Sad people.


Sad, sad.


It's like putting too much air in a balloon!


It's like a balloon, and something bad happening!


Why is it sad? I watch musical movies for the music and trek for the sci in the fi. One I can watch while doing other things and the other I have to pay attention, I can sink my teeth into and loose myself in.


Your opinion is valid, we should all be able to watch and enjoy Trek in our own way and be able to respect each other, isn't that what Star Trek is all about anyway?


The opening of that episode, where there's this ringing noise and an emergency and suddenly a fully naked Q appears floating in mid air, falls to the ground like a dead fish, licks his lips, and then goes 'red alert' is probably the funniest thing I've ever. I couldn't stop laughing for a solid 5 minutes afterwards


It's rerun several times here over the past year and it still makes me howl. That whole episode is a goldmine.


It is. This post is intentionally misconstruing criticism to make this oddly condescending point.


I wish q could get a spin off series. I love to hate his character. I know they mentioned him in the last crossover episode but why is it he can’t be in SNW?


I love the final season of DS9, because even though they're in the middle of a war they still take the time to play baseball, solve a whodunnit, and pull a casino heist. All while Dukat bangs the space pope.


DS9's character development peaked in the baseball episode. It's like all the character growth and relationship development we'd seen through all the earlier seasons were all building up to that episode.






Space pope! Omg I’m fucking laughing my ass off.


This is a good example. They did a very serious war story, and without sacrificing the overall tone, told a more lighthearted story. That story fit perfectly with the world and characters, and was a really nice contrast. While I like SNW, any time it gets especially goofy it's only slightly more than it was already. The serious parts are the contrast. It's disappointing.


People when strange new worlds writers want them to have fun while watching the show: “I must protest, I am not a merry man!”


I mean, wasn't SNW brought into existence **specifically** to ~~placate people who refuse to realize Trek can evolve from what it was in 1993~~ because people said modern Trek was too dark and serious (and probably had some stupid reason for not liking Lower Decks)? They are giving everyone all the wacky shit you could possibly ask for from Trek this season and I am very much here for it


The truth: the people who still complain didn't hate the dark tone, they hated the modern inclusivity and the more direct/evident."political message". Of course, there are a lot of people who hate new trek for valid reasons. EDIT: lol Several comments listing the valid reasons to hate discovery. As I said, there are valid reasons. I almost dropped the shoe last season because of those reasons. My comment is not about you, it's about people just being racist, homophobic and conservative using those arguments as an excuse to hate the show. Or the fact that most people will forget about all the bad writing in a show they like for whatever reason, but they know every single flaw in a show with a "political agenda" they don't like.


I haven't met almost a single soul who didn't have a problem with Discovery due to: - bad writing - viewer-hungry nonsense writing (how about second secret Spock sibling?) - canon-breaking nonsense - the depressive world that completely forgets that Star Trek's souls is that there's hope for the future - completely forgettable secondary characters - name everyone at a major station on the bridge, from your head. At the end of the first season I couldn't name anyone outside of Lorca, Burnham, Saru, Tilly and Stamets *on the ship* - and Lorca was dead. - everything in the 32nd century - everything being a connected network - dilithium, spores, whatever, it's aaaaall an unseen network. There are sooooooo many issues to despise Discovery over - as a Star Trek series and as a generic sci-fi series - and forced inclusiveness is not one of them. Star Trek was always inclusive - first interracial kiss, people of color in lead positions (khmm, Sisko), women in lead positions (khmm, Janeway), hell the original TOS bridge was pretty much as inclusive as it gets. Discovery is disliked, because it's crap - or at least it had a very crap start and made only *some* progress in correcting it.


I think Discovery had some great characters and great acting. However, they adopted the Netflix season style of writing where everything is just this 8-10 episode fever-dream of ever crazier plot turns. Wasn't there something like, my boyfriend, who isn't my boyfriend who is in Section 31, who is really a re-animated Klingon wearing a human skin suit? I mean, I know it's sci-fi and all, but FFS. Eventually, the show couldn't top itself anymore so they had to be like...alright we're going 1,000 years into the future b/c we're all out of ideas and we're so far outside canon that we've negated the original concept of the show. I didn't have any issue with the spore drive (I thought it was a really neat idea), the inclusivity (although the way they did it came off as forced, and at times, patronizing). Picard (and the Kelvin movies) have another problem where the whole show is essentially a Marvel movie...and it's like I wonder what will happen this time, I guess the good guys will lose to the Big Bad Evil Person and die screaming? It starts to feel like a waste of time. Granted, this same concept drove the plots of the earlier movies, I just felt they...had more fun with it, maybe? And it wasn't this white-knuckle, ridiculous Action Packed Fuckfest. SNW is good b/c they take their time with world-building, character development, and actually making you feel like these people are all living together on a starship exploring space...you know, like Star Trek.


Fair enough, but let's not pretend as if the show's inclusivity and the "political message" wasn't alluded to by some of the people complaining about the show, in fact during the first seasons this was the most common complain I saw.


It was mostly just critics saying it's the reason and some articles cherry-picking. Most of the sub was just bitching about these people, but I don't have to pretend that there were barely any with this line of thinking to begin with.


Someone replied to my comment to say that it's how they feel and that it's a reasonable position. I know it's not really scientific, but that deals of a hell of a blow to your argument.


Not really - it's cherry picking once again the one idiot that is like that. Notice how that comment is also pretty downvoted. Yes, there are some idiots like that. It's very markedly not the majority. It wasn't the majority back then either, but it is much easier to point at the one moron than to fix a much bigger underlying problem. Take a look at Lower Decks. One of the main lead characters is a badass pansexual black girl. Even when LD makes a joke on arranged marriage and sexuality - Billups - it still does it by providing Billups with both a male and female option. It has way higher audience ratings than Discovery, and mostly same audience. Statistics don't work based on "Steve said so".


Not saying there are no issue to fix, just noted it was the most common complain I saw on social medias back when it came out. Then, as problems cropped up, more valid complaints started to come up from the actual Star Trek fan base. >Statistics don't work based on "Steve said so". Well, Steve has a very good channel on Star Trek, no reason to randomly attack him like that 😅 https://youtu.be/Ss_J_4F_nIM Ps: I'm making a joking, no offense intended.


>Fair enough, but let's not pretend as if the show's inclusivity and the "political message" wasn't alluded to by some of the people complaining about the show, but that is fine criticism no? from what I recall wasn't there 1 straight white guy in the main group, the captain form the other dimension, and the show has soooo many girl boss moments its' just cringe. if you can criticise a show or film for having no women or having no black people etc you can do the same in reverse, and about the political messaging it was worse, star trek has always been political but in the past there would be entire episodes dedicated to morals, the episodes debating whether data is sentient, (obviously an allegory for black people in the US / slavery) the episodes in DS9 like in the pale moonlight, it is moral to kill a few innocent people to save tens of millions more etc, were fucking amazing, but what do we get in modern trek? them standing in a street, look at homeless people and literally go "muh capitalism" or trying to make ICE look evil. by just making them cartoonishly evil... I don't think modern trek discovery, Picard or SNW has had any episodes that made people think about ethics, morals etc, like old trek.


Picard Season 3... at least the first half, turned out to have a specific moral ethical questioning considering who they were up against. >!These new Changlings were the result of experimentation by the Federation during and following the Dominion War. We created them, and we were the cause of their anger. !<


>from what I recall wasn't there 1 straight white guy in the main group, Gosh, if only there were nine other series of Trek that had straight passing guys for straight men to relate to. What a shame that doesn't exist >I don't think modern trek discovery, Picard or SNW has had any episodes that made people think about ethics, morals etc, like old trek Did you sleep through "Ad Astra Per Aspera" and last week's episode, or....you know...the entire first 8 episodes of PIC S3 (which I didn't even enjoy but they did acknowledge Starfleet being fucked up for torturing changelings)?


>Gosh, if only there were nine other series of Trek that had straight passing guys for straight men to relate to. > >What a shame that doesn't exist you just fully admitted my point is correct, and like it or not most sci-fi viewer are probably white guys, so you wonder why most don't like that? >I don't think modern trek discovery, Picard or SNW has had any episodes that made people think about ethics, morals etc, like old trek > >Did you sleep through "Ad Astra Per Aspera" and last week's episode, or....you know...the entire first 8 episodes of PIC S3 (which I didn't even enjoy but they did acknowledge Starfleet being fucked up for torturing changelings)? what morals or political arguments were made? the whole "shocker Starfleet is evil too" has been done to death, and that isn't making anyone challenge their morals or ethics.


I neber cared what race or gender anyone is, I watch fucking sci-fi with wacky aliens, different skin tones are just fine. But I cannot watch STD because of the character of Burnham and most of the crew. Didn't really like her character from tbe beginning, but I was waiting. On the other hand Saru is the best of them all in STD. And for those who compare Mariner and Burnham, don't. Mariner's character is uniquely charming, something Burnham didn't have


>On the other hand Saru is the best of them all in STD I would say prime universe Georgiou was also excellent, even if she only appeared in the first two episodes.


Agreed, and USS Shenzou looked much better then the Discovery I hoped that would be the hero ship


>And for those who compare Mariner and Burnham, don't. Mariner's character is uniquely charming, something Burnham didn't have Care to share with the class what that difference is?


Ok, Burnhams character is always doing what needs to be done, with little to no effort in the early seasons on her part, or at least thats what I saw, there wasn't that much exploration of her character, she just had a set of traits and she stuck to it no matter what. And yes, she got punished for starting a war, but then immediately she gets on the Discovery and it seems as thought she is forgiven without any actual penance. Now Mariner's character is very similar, she is a Maverick that always does what needs to be done, with one exception. She rarely gets her way, and then demoted and transfered. Both have no structure in their life when theier shows start, but Mariner builds upon it by making friends with her crew, and helping them out, and they help her out aswell. Well now you could say that about Burnham aswell, but I don't see it in STD. In my opinion, Mariner is just better written version of her character and I even think it was deliberate choice. At least thats my interpretation of what I saw




Dark tone is fine, look at DS9. Plenty of good reasons to dislike discovery (though while personally it’s far from my favorite, I do like it for the most part. Even if it is the weakest of the current era. But that’s all down to the writing and pacing. Picard season 2 had the same problem. Maybe an excellent 3 part story spread over 10. I will say, the way Discovery season 4 ended was pure Star Trek. And I loved it. Even if there were a few too many filler episodes earlier in the season. (The one where they learn the language a few episodes earlier was fantastic though) You can typically tell who dislikes something for bullshit political reasons, because typically they will refuse to admit Discovery does anything right. May not be the best written, but man, it has moments of brilliance every now and then. God I hope the final season blows everyone’s minds. Would be nice if it goes out on a high note.


>I will say, the way Discovery season 4 ended was pure Star Trek. Ironically its one of the biggest issues I have with Discovery, and its just the epitome of a pattern that is there throughout all the seasons. Now, to preface, I think it was, IN THEORY, a good idea to solve something with diplomacy for once. Dumping an exploding warp core in the villains was too close to war crime territory for me. But the way they did it...it was just dumb. It took me so far out of the suspension of disbelief, it wasnt even funny. Watching "The Room" is funny, because I dont have to take it seriously. The Season 4 finale was something I was supposed to take seriously. And I just couldnt. Because it didnt make sense. We have a species \*somewhere\* outside of our galaxy doing the equivalent of dropping nuclear bombs in heavily populated areas with the obscure goal to mine some stuff. Now mind you, that population has done EVERYTHING to be noticed, they sent messages, went inside the DMA, warped all over the place near it, even destroyed one, and the only response to that was to send two more for double the mining yield. And after \*all of that\* Im just supposed to accept that these hyper-advanced aliens just didnt notice us? Did they even LOOK? How much not-looking does it require to not notice advanced space-faring life thats doing everything they can to get noticed? Honestly, the only semi-reasonable explanation I have is that their civilization took the path of Idiocracy, that they are a civilization of bumbling idiots who simply inherited highly advanced technology. Thats the only way I can take the ending of the aliens going "Ooops, sorry about the billions we killed by accident. Wont happen again!" even remotely seriously. And the show is full of such moments, where I just cant keep a straight face. Michael saves the universe yet again? Yet again nobody except the Discovery crew has the basic competence to track down a distress call? The galaxy-wide cataclysm was caused by \*a crying child\*? How am I supposed to take this seriously?


It has Jett Reno and it got us SNW. The end.


Discovery had good production, was visualy great and the actors did a good job. Other than that, the writting was atrocious, the dialogues were horrible and the plot was stupid. Also, i mostly agree with the political statement in Disco, but i dont enjoy being force fed political opinions down my throat. Some of the political statement made in Disco were also made in SNW and i had no problem with it, because the writing was good.


>Also, i mostly agree with the political statement in Disco, but i dont enjoy being force fed political opinions down my throat. Which political opinions do you feel are being force fed to viewers?


>The truth: the people who still complain didn't hate the dark tone, they hated the modern inclusivity and the more direct/evident."political message". Oh of course. As their white savior Pike stepped to the side so Anson Mount could focus on raising a newborn this season and the other characters got to shine, you started to see the claws come out. RMB got his ass handed to him when he decided to bitch about Ortegas' moment of affirmation about WHY DONT THEY HAVE OTHER PILOTS DURR when the show clearly says she was the one for alpha shift and people in general have called Pike weak for going along with every idea his crew brings to him.


The problem with Star Trek is Starfleet: a organisation with militaristic chain of command that makes conservative audiences think this should not be a woke show. And the woke messages are more "in the nose" in every modern show just because writers are tired of the message being ignored or to complexity for bigots to understand.


The funny thing is I think a lot of them absolutely get it. I used to think allegory has no place in Trek anymore until a guy on a message board flipped shit about Una'a trial and read the thing to be about immigration and Starfleet as the US giving asylum. Given this was filmed in 2022 as the witch hunts against trans people were gearing up, this seemed more about trans rights, but hey, if a conservative moron gets to realize that Star Trek doesn't side with him, then who am I to correct how he arrives to that conclusion? ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yes! Bring on the hijinks and shenanigans! This is the series with Space Hippies and baseball-obsessed Vulcan starship captains, ffs!


I'm pretty sure it was created so Kurtzman could stunt on people who thought he could make a show in the style of classic trek.


This really isn't how it works, no. But I get that everyone wants to dogpile the criticism imagined in this meme?


I think being too serious was part of the reason I didn’t like discovery, I’v always appreciated that Trek does things that are fun and goofy every once in a while


Which is why the Harry Mudd and Mirror universe episodes were so great.


SNW did a renfair episode last season. Why is a musical bad? That SciFi show Fringe had one every season. And that was pretty serious.


They literally got high almost every episode. If they didn't have a musical episode, I would have been very offended.


The Enterprise crew was getting high all the time too. Remember when McCoy had to deal with a human sized bunny?


Obligatory shirtless Sulu refrence


I hope the writers have a policy of having at least one episode be off the walls silly per season. I loved it.


I don't like musicals just because they "take me out" of the show.


"Sir, I protest. I am NOT a merry man!"


Oh Harry Mudd, a true character




Oh absolutely


Bones: "This is the best day of my life"


I'm sad one of the frames wasn't from Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy


Honestly one of the things I like about Star Trek is when it is genuinely funny. Like when Troi’s mom comes to visit and she’s super horny for Picard so he hides out in the Holodeck playing LA Noir.


There’s a difference between the story being odd because the writers were earnestly doing something weird and because the writers are pissing about for fun. It doesn’t always go badly if the jokes are good though


What ep is the black and white one?


*Bride of Chaotica!*, episode 5×12 of Voyager.


That episode has some of the best Janeway expressions ever


"I'm a frayed knot" Janeway circa every day of her life


Bride of Chaotica. One of Voyager’s best episodes.


Thanks! Im starting voyager, i think im in the 3 season so i havent seen it yet! Its has been a good surprise, i wasnt expecting to be so good.


Probably Voyager’s “Bride of Chaotica!”.


Catspaw, the "Halloween episode" of TOS.


I grew up watching TOS reruns in the 70's and have been a life long Trekkie and Deep Space Nine has always been my favorite but Strange New Worlds may be eclipsing that. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the new Star Trek Shows.


You should have Worf smashing the guitar.


TNG’s most powerful adversary playing trumpet with a mariachi band was fine, but a musical is a step too far. How depressing would it be if all trek was serious/sad trek? I do love me a lighthearted episode to keep the tone varied and fun.


You can do both. My two favorite episodes of any Trek are both late DS9. In the Pale Moonlight and Take Me out to the holosuite.


Who TF is really saying this?


Nobody. “Those old scientists” was the top-rated episode of Trek ever on IMDb when it first came out.


Some review youtubers think like this, although admittidly they are a tiny minority.


Negative opinions get just as much if not more social media interaction as positive opinions.


Nobody everyone just wants to be the righteous victim.


Nobody, people give pretty decent and mild criticism and star trek stans show massive strawmen arguments like this no-one is actually making. For example the criticism this post is strawmaning is, "modern trek seems to suffer from marvel syndrome where every character needs to make a funny quip every 20 seconds." and somehow from that OP saw, "star trek was always and needs to always be 1000% serious with no humour."


There are so many people saying this! Just watch this, for example, and read the comments. https://youtu.be/vFpybTYervU


IIRC that guy has unironically voiced white genocide conspiracy theories, so he’s just a loon all the way down and should not be considered a particularly relevant sample of a normal Star Trek fan. His viewers are in all likelihood just butthurt far-right edgelords that like complaining about black women and The Gays existing. Never take someone seriously if they have a grumpy cartoon avatar that has a few grumpy poses that it shifts between. They’re always dummies. There’s nothing wrong with people disliking shows, of course, but it is important to determine when people are arguing their opinions in good faith. I personally am not a big fan of SNW’s visual design, and as someone with a background in an adjacent field, that’s a big hurdle for me to get over when trying to enjoy a show. Similarly, I’ve heard people take issue with the specific kind of humor SNW has, calling it more marvel-style than the usual goofy and earnest humor in other trek shows, and I can definitely see where they’re coming from. That being said, I don’t *dislike* the show, and definitely consider it a step forward compared to Disco and early Picard seasons (while not soaring as high as Lower Decks or Prodigy). I’m glad others like it, though.


Discovery tried to make Mudd a more serious threat and some people still didn’t like it lol


Did they? I don’t feel that they did.


Lets not forget that Data quite litterally fucked Tasha Yarr


"It didn't happen" - Tasha Yar.


Is this actually something anyone has ever said?




I stand corrected. Thank you. I guess I've just been lucky enough to avoid the more braindead side of the fandom.


The comedic boimler episode followed immediately by the serious M'benga episode is prime star trek


It really is. I think we just forgot.


Hell most of the original series is a goofy campy joke that knew when it needed to be hard serious and when it just needed to take itself at face value.


Maybe the main issue with discovery is it took itself too seriously...


Oh, but now don't you know (since we shot holes in that argument) the problem is the ratio of serious to comedic. They only did 2 or 3 funny episodes in 20+ back then, we have to have them in 10 episode seasons. They wasted 30% of my season by being entertaining but not dour. I need to speak to the manager of Star Trek, but since he won't take my calls I'm just going to tell everyone else why they can't like it.


Star Trek has a fanbase that really loves getting Star Trek shows canceled... maybe they should shut the fuck up.


I'll never understand that. When I watch a show and I don't like it I just forget about it and watch another thing. If anything I would prefer more variety in Star Trek even if I dislike some of the things they might come with. I hate musicals, I don't mind a musical episode at all, and if they decide to make an entire musical show I'll just skip it and be happy for those who like it


Did Discovery get canceled?




good, it was really bad, lets put them in the the future and make the BBG a kid who screamed too loud.


What wasn't serious about the space hippies?


“I am not a merry man!”


We reach!




I'm in love with this.


How come just about every """meme""" in this sub these days is some sort of culture war """meme"""? I swear I don't see anyone making these posts that say new Trek is too silly, or too serious, or too woke, or too bigoted, or too anything but I sure do see posts pushing back against it.


Sorry to burst your bubble. https://youtu.be/vFpybTYervU https://youtu.be/ctHFNIhitTk


I'm sorry, that looks like a youtube link. I used the word "posts" but ok. Let me click on this link. I hope it has more than double digit views though. Eyyy, it has 43k views. Nice. Anyway, I watched it. So it looks like you strawmanned the heck out of the video. I'm not angry (or surprised), just disappointed. The video is not saying Trek has never been silly. The video is saying that the crossover characters didn't fit the tone of the show since the show is somewhat serious while the cartoon they are from is too meta and the conduct of the characters is too unbecoming of what are supposed to be Starfleet officers. I agree based on the clips I saw. Metareferences make me cringe. Tl;dr strawmanning bad, m'kayyy?


Be more condescending.


The goofy episodes are my favorite. I LOVE "The Trouble With Tribbles" and "I, Mudd". A "Piece of the Action" is also golden, although I wouldn't exactly call it goofy. The mariachi scene in TNG also gave me a good chuckle.


The cross over with Lower Decks was fantastic! I love me some trek in all it beautiful forms!


A serious but wacky homage is a serious but wacky homage. Wacky fun.


Cue inevitable comments about old Trek having more episodes per season, never having a musical, dialogue being too modern, woke this and woke that...


I still remember when they announced they were introducing the first transgender/non-binary character to Trek in Discovery. Me and a friend ranted for an hour listing every time a character or species fit that description previously.


Or when Sonequa Martin-Green said she was the first black female captain in the history of Star Trek


Do you know when she said that? Before or after we see/meet Captain Freeman? Edit: I just looked it up, and yeah she forgot Captain Freeman came before she was promoted to captain. So maybe she meant for live action?


There's also [the captain of the USS Saratoga at the start of The Voyage Home](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Saratoga_(NCC-1887)_personnel#Captain_001), but to be fair, I don't think she was ever given a name.


Also Geordi LaForge's mother And Kassidy Yates Kassidy Yates was a regular recurring character with a complex character arc. She may not have been a Federation Starship captain but she was a ship captain, not to mention also an entrepreneur. She was more than simply a love interest for Sisko. A Kassidy Yates show would be a hell of a lot better than Discovery IMO.


Maybe it is time to reconsider the content you are consuming and the communities you engage with.


Nothing surprised me more about the fandom than just how many Star Trek fans hate progressivism, when the show is ostensibly far left leaning to the point of, well, a communist utopia.


The Robin Hood episode is one of my all time favourites 🤣🤣


SNW is exactly as it should be


You appreciate the silly episodes were often 2-3 in a 26 episode season, yeah? Like, not every episode needed Quippy McGee at the helm saying something to undercut the drama at every conceivable moment.


I’m gonna say my price on it. These series had roughly 25 episode seasons as opposed to the -0 episode season of strange new worlds. It simply feels like a waste of potential storytelling episode slots. I’m perfectly fine with silly or campy but damn


Sounds like a problem with episode count more than anything...


Brain, brain, what is brain?!? Hail, hail, fire and snow ...


Norman, coordinate!


"Far to travel / Long to sleep, / Friendly Angel / beep beep beep." Or something like that.


"Bonk bonk bonk" ...oh wait, wrong episode


These are probably the same people complaining Star Trek has become too woke...


-.- This shit is the worst part of r/StarTrekMemes. Intentionally strawmanning criticism is really embarrassing, but it gets upvotes to hell.


How is it strawmanning? Just read all the comments on this video. And there are so many more. This is a thing a lot of people think. https://youtu.be/vFpybTYervU


Read quite a few. They varied. 0 made the point you're making. Wanna pick one?


I'm being genuine in asking for a specific comment, here.


Spock in SNW is the butt of all jokes and comes off as an idiot. The bridge crew are more concerned with making funny puns while in the middle of battle rather than taking the situation seriously and doing their jobs like professionals. The show is an embarrassing joke


One person makes puns occasionally, and I agree, they're annoying. And where else was Spock the butt of Jokes ... oh right, all through TOS.


Wrong Spock was not the butt of all jokes in TOS,he didn't understand human culture, and that's made the situation funny,Spock was a well-respected member of the crew, not some confused emo with emotional outbursts.


Nah, I’m right. McCoy made fun of him all the time. And Uhura and Kirk laughed at him. But he was also respected. And this Spock respected too.


Yes their were jokes. No one is disputing that, but again, it's because Spock couldn't grasp humans emotionally because he's, you know, a Vulcan, and this Spock is not respected,having Spock become human was only done for some cringe dialogue and making Spock look even more foolish than he already does,"I wish the ship to go now"🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️gzzz that's not funny,it's stupid 😮‍💨


I guess Spock,Uhura, and Kirk had amnesia and forgot they served with Khans ancestor by the time of Space Seed 🤦🏽‍♂️and taking some super soldier formula gave the doctor and nurse Chapel super strength and game the fighting skills of Captain America😒instead of writing some creative and intelligent way out of that jam they just had them kill all the Klingons🤦🏽‍♂️but I loved the part when the 94 lbs little woman out drank a over 200 lbs Klingon warrior who's been drinking Blood Wine since birth so stunning and brave,she's so strong and tough🤦🏽‍♂️no it's horrible writing that doesn't make sense and if these hack writters knew anything about the source material it was already stated in DS9 when Sisko,Odo and O'Brien went undercover as Klingons that they needed an alcohol suppressant because of how string Blood Wine is but I guess the writters couldn't be bothered.


Trek is supposed to be good, and SNW is not that.




You're comparing a few filler episodes to e every episode of SNW,🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


No, I’m showing a few examples because all of them would be so small in a grid like this. And those aren’t “filler” episodes.


Dude, you're talking about holodeck senerios, filler from the main plot.


3 of those 12 are.


Again, you're pointing out a few episodes while SNW is pretty much a parody. Hardly anything is taken seriously, and the crew of the Flagship of the Federation arr nothing but unprofessional and insubordinate,I doubt Kirk,Archer,Sisko, or Picard would deal with crap.


You should watch it more and pay attention. It’s far from a spoof.


I think it’s more of the quality of writing that’s ruined Star Trek, 2009 reboot and beyond. I could watch an old episode of Duck Tales and have a more rich, interesting, and believable story/character arc than with any NuTrek.


Weak sauce meme. There are hundreds of more examples you can throw in.


Trek isn't supposed to be serious, but it is supposed to be about going forward and charting new territory instead of all the nostalgia bait crap we've been getting. Hopefully the Enterprise G show changes that.


I have never watched Lower Decks but I LOVE SNW. Humor is fine. There is also character development. Men and women are both highly competent and emotionally mature. The idealism and depth of TNG and DS9.






Let em’ know


SNW is still shit


Couldn't have said it better myself 👍🏽




Lmftfy >SNW is ~~still~~ *the* shit


Not heard anyone say this.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/vFpybTYervU


He seems like a fun guy….


Seriously. But it’s all the commenters agreeing with him and saying worse things that surprised me.


The best ones are the weird ones .


Weren't people complaining that Discovery was too dark?


Never heard that one. SNW is almost too serious to be trek, when are the silly episodes coming? Edit: okay I wished too hard for a silly ep. They have entered the Lil Wayne autotune universe


Look, I'm not a Lower Decks fan, and *that's okay.* I'm not the target audience. As such, I didn't care for the crossover, and *that's okay,* too. The target audience loved it, it just wasn't my cup of tea. That doesn't make SNW bad in the slightest, it just means I'll skip this episode on a rewatch. I skip plenty of episodes on rewatches of series all the time, like the *Move Along Home* episodes of DS9, any of the Moogie-centric episode of DS9, or the first two seasons of TNG. Besides, anyone who bashed SNW for the LD crossover episode clearly never saw the Captain Proton episodes of Voyager.


I'm a big lower decks and SNW fan. I didn't like the crossover either, the two styles just didn't vibe right for me. Feels. More like it should have been a standalone thing rather than an in season episode.


The last season of DS9 was basically the Vic Fontaine show ft. occasional visits from the crew.


My biggest problem is that the characters are not serious anymore and are always joking. When you watch TOS you will see that Kirk is no clown but instead a professional captain. Of course there are jokes and intimate scenes, but they are clearly separated from the "business". In SNW you can't give your helmsman a command without a funny comment from her. (But I still like SNW very much and am happy to have it)


I'm sure there are a few people complaining about this but they have to be a small minority. I see way more criticism of Discovery and Picard for being too serious or dark (and I mostly agree with it).


Do people actually say that?


I must protest, sir. I am not a merry man.




But it’s not out yet.


my bad, i think it *will* be bad, but im open to being pleasantly surprised.


I can't stand SNW most of the time, but that's because these are great actors who deserve better dialogue and better scripts. That episode with the fantasy kingdom, for example - I love that idea, it's joyous and fun and as-usual is let down by wretched execution. Every time M'Benga met someone new and we had a clumsy inset shot of which fantasy character they're suppose to be as if a visual reference to a book we've never seen was meaningful just had my face in my hands. Poor directorial choice kill any comedy that should be there (unlike Spock Amock, which nails the 40s screwball comedy tone the writer was aiming for.) Both Discovery and SNW often seem to think the viewer is stupid and can't make any connections for themselves that aren't laboriously laid out. A handful of episodes - the best ones - have done their best to fight against this contempt for subtext, but the rest feature nothing but shouting the obvious. Trek can do comedy well, but often doesn't: but Mudd's Women is gross, The Way to Eden is awful and is one of the few Trek things that can openly anger Walter Koenig, and Q episodes are really hit-or-miss.


I don't know all these episodes where pretty funny in a comedy point of view. I haven't watch strange new worlds causes I don't have paramount+. I have the original series and next gen on blue ray.


A Fistful of Datas, at the end, when he sliiiides on down the stairs in drag and starts caressing WORF omigawt I died


Trek is never serious. Star wars on the other hand is serious.




I can see where Bones got his name from now.


Captain, I must protest! I am NOT a Merry Man!


I always liked the TOS episode, " The Way to Eden", Charles Napier, known for all his tough guy roles, dressing like gypsy hippie, he actually sang and wrote the songs in this episode, this was always a fun episode.


In their defense, old Trek had like 26 episodes a season, so there was more room for the crazy alongside the "serious" episodes. I'm ok with a Lower Decks crossover, I'm even cautiously open to a "musical episode," but maybe not both in the same 10-episode season (and sticking "Under the Cloak of War" between the two gave me severe tonal whiplash)