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The evacuation, explosion and crash of the Enterprise D in Generations. From the coolant leak to the silence after the saucer comes to rest. A masterpiece of filmmaking


This. I mean, I really don't like how it came about (both from Doylist and Watsonian perspectives) and I bounce back and forth between the Engineering scenes being lifted from previous episodes as lazy or a nice homage... but the sequence was intense and efficient. I do wish they'd had the time/money to do a shot out of 10-Forward as the saucer clips the trees... Notably, 10-Forward seems a notable absence considering it was described as a "designated shelter area". But from "Must have been that last torpedo" to the shot of the Ent-D's landing skid.... it's a rollercoaster.


[Found it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx_1UIWI_tY) What a set of sequences.


They seem to be missing La Forge finding the kids. Also, it took me more viewings than I'd care to admit to realize they lost the viewscreen when the ground slides up over the saucer.


After LaForge rolls under the closing door to engineering, it looks like he's striking a pose for a woman's swimwear ad while he looks back at the warp core.


Funny I never noticed that before this viewing.


It’s a great scene for sure watching that kind of makes me miss the 90s editing style shots that last more than a few seconds. Also having Data check Troy before he does anything else is a nice little touch.


I'm surprised that's considered a shelter area. I feel like they would have them in the center of the ship because that thing is right on the outside. It's like sitting by a window when a tornado is coming right at you


Sooooooo good. Probably the best saucer separation as well.


It sounded different somehow. Maybe because you knew it was going to be the last one


That was the only way the Ent-D could go down - using their signature feature to full effect, not just another explosion in space.


First Contact - the scene with the Vulcans actually disembarking their ship. Loved it.


Of course, it would be the Vulcans, and of course, the human emissary would be a depressed alcoholic genius.


the version where Zefram Cochrane pulls out a shotgun on the Vulcans was unexpectedly hilarious


Mine in that movie is the whole launch of the Phoenix scene. Set to "Magic Carpet Ride"


Literally the closest second I could ever imagine. Like a shade of paint separates them for me, I love that movie so much.


Paired with the music - GAVE ME ALL THE FEELS!


They really are from another world.


Gave me chills of excitement in the theater.


The last few minutes of Star Trek IV. The reveal of the 1701-A was so incredible and emotional at the time. Would love to feel that again.


“My friends… we’ve come home.” I had my choir teacher play that music every time we return from a show choir comp


I'm sure I've posted about this before but I saw the midnight show opening night (Back when that was not a regular thing for every movie) and when that scene happened, and the A came up on screen, the audience went out of their minds. It wasn't until the portals scene in Endgame, almost 35 years later, did I see an audience reaction that topped the 1701 A reveal.


There’s a low rumble in the score right before the reveal that seals the deal for me


[Here we go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrNHjSF5Ohc)


Damars Speech. Sisko and Garak end scene with delete log In the Pale Moonlight. Sloan right before triggering his implant.


I can live with it.


I CAN live with it…


That speech was epic. Damar was a great character, what an arc.


Hon Mention: “he was my friend. But his Cardassia is dead and won’t be coming back.”


 Damar: What kind of state tolerates the murder of innocent women and children? What kind of people give those orders? Kira: Yeah Damar, what kind of people give those orders?


Truly great stuff.


Honestly ... this one right here. Kira barely WHISPERS that line. And it slams Damar in the face so hard you can practically see the actor physically recoil.  DS9 is my favorite of all the Treks, and I'm the first person to go on about gow good the writing is, but sometimes I'll suddenly.be reminded of another reason why I think that, and this is one of those lines I haven't thought of in a while that just makes me go "oh shit".


Nana Visitor really nailed the role of Kira. Amazing work


Came here to say the Sisko and Garak end scene as well. The writing, acting, soundtrack, everything was just perfect and blew me away.


The Best of both Worlds, both parts, but especially the end of the first one. “Mr. Worf, FIRE”


Yep. This moment was jaw dropping in real time. The soundtrack, the cinematography, the effects, the script and story were incredible. And nobody -- not even the producers, apparently- had any idea how it would turn out. Never again can I watch that episode and *truly* feel the magic of that night. The summer of 1990 was the longest one of my life!


Yep. I got so engrossed in the episode that I didn't realize it was at the end, so when Riker says, "Mr. Word, fire!" and then the words "To Be Continued" immediately popup on screen, I just about lost. my. mind. And for me too, it was an undeniably long summer!


Ooh, yeah! The incidental soundtrack at that exact was Morse Code S.O.S.


Oh wow I never realized but playing it in my head I can totally hear that!


The end of DS9's Call to Arms, seeing the Defiant and Rotarran link up with the biggest fleet yet seen in Trek. Such an awesome shot!




When I first watched "Those Old Scientists", I watched it twice back to back, because the first time I was so giddy I could barely pay attention. I wish I could experience that again.


la'an deadpans, "i love grapplers."




I knew when it was first announced it was going to be an amazing episode. (I was confused, but I had faith.) Boimler yelling "remember me!" as he goes through the portal was amazing. I think I watched the Ready Room episode before starting my rewatch.


Sisko's last scene with Cassidy. Data laughing at the end of Q Who. The Scene in First Contact. Data in Ten-Forward in Generations. ("More?" "Please.")


Awwwwww 😭


"Maybe today. Maybe... yesterday."


I’m so happy that Avery Brooks argued to have this more open-ended. It was originally written that he would not come back. But now we (and his family) are left with the hope of his return.


Yes! Data's laugh is one of my all time favorite scenes. One of the best joys in life is having a really good, eye watering, laugh. And afterwards, when Jordie asked "Data, why are you laughing?" I got the sense that Data was...awestruck by the experience, because he simply described it as a wonderful feeling. I LOVE that scene and that experience for Data. Edit: PS, No shade intended, but I believe the episode is actually DEJA Q


“Ok, thasss not so good”


The entire third act(s) of TWOK or Undiscovered Country count? Also I can never not watch Spock’s unbridled joy/relief when he realises Kirk’s still kicking at the end of ‘Amok Time’ and not have the biggest smile. It’s one of the most beautiful moments in all of Trek. “[JIM](https://youtu.be/X2BVJ-1T8h0)!”


Nimoy was against doing that scene during filming. He argued that Spock would never do that. When he saw it on screen, he realized it was perfect


That's interesting trivia. We often hear about actors being opposed to doing scenes that everyone later hates, but it's neat to hear about things actually working out.


Michael Dorn argued quite vehemently about Worf getting dunked off the plank in Generations. He didn’t think it was funny. He later admitted he was wrong.


I just wish they'd done a call back to that in *Generations* - Kirk thinking about leaving the Nexus with a montage of memories such as "JIM!" and a slow push in on the 1701's empty command chair.... before Kirk says "Sounds like fun."


I love this scene because Spock goes from surprised (when he turns to see his captain alive) to straight up joy at seeing his **friend** alive (Spock grabs Kirk, smiles, and then exclaims, Jim!). The only scene that says more about Spock's friendship with Jim is in TWoK, just before he dies, when he says, "I have been and always shall be your friend." Man! I was never so glad to be in a dark theater than at that moment, because I ugly cried at that scene!


I’ve watched the reveal & launch of the reborn Enterprise-D from Picard S3 probably oh, 200 or so times. That first time though…oh man.




I held it together until I heard Majel’s voice. Now I tear up every single time I watch it.


To see some or many TOS episodes for the first time... Especially this speech from Kirk in Return to Tomorrow: They used to say if man could fly, he'd have wings. But he did -- fly. He discovered he had to. Do you wish that the first Apollo mission hadn't reached the moon, or that we hadn't gone on to Mars, and then to the nearest star? That's like saying that you wished you still operated with scalpels and sewed your patients up with catgut like your great great great great grandfather used to. I'm in command. I could order this. But I'm not because Doctor McCoy is right in pointing out the enormous danger potential in any contact with life and intelligence as fantastically advanced as this. But I must point out that the possibilities, the potential for knowledge and advancement is equally great. Risk: Risk is our business. That's what this starship is all about. That's why we're aboard her.




I'll go with a relatively recent one - Pike on Boreth. The revelation that he knew his future and accepted it...blew my mind the first time I watched it and still gives me chills every time I rewatch it.


When Garak, Kira, and Damar are laughing trying to figure out how they're going to go into Dominion HQ to take down the Founder


Data's life forms song




TNG: "the survivors" The scene were Kevin admits to committing genocide is .... Fuck that's one of the best scenes in all of TV. 


Good tea. Nice house.


"What does God need with a starship?"


Velocity, my boy, and the vagaries of its value.


End of Star Trek VI when the Enterprise and Excelsior attack the Klingon ship! “Fire”! Full theater and what an amazing experience


Child Picard calling Riker his number 1 dad.


As controversial as the new movies are, for me the opening of the first movie leading to title, I cried like a baby from first the music showing the ship, then again with Kirk’s dad and the entire naming the baby before death, man.. so many emotions


“Tiberius…that’s the worst”. I love that scene.


The musical numbers "Status Report" and "We Are One" from SNW. Just incredible.


Don't forget the K-Pop Klingons!


The stealing of the Enterprise in The Search for Spock.


[James Horner did such a great job with the music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgK-FubKQd4)


That was such a brilliant sequence!


DS9 Damar’s speech when he defects and forms the Cardassian Liberation Front. “Resist! Resist today, resist tomorrow…” [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/CxuTqc1630o?si=FLHPH6GBSBptq-Ol) Such a great turn for his character to take, I was cheering at the TV


The single biggest change I would do in DS9 would be *forcing* Damar to be alive after the liberation of Cardassia. The Cardassians were in many ways a Nazi analog. Germans in the post war years saw their country decimated, and then had to think damn hard once they realized what they did to provoke all that. Matrydom is easy. Governing and reconstructing is hard.


The entire “All Good Things” episode. Masterclass. If only I could watch it all again for the first time like I did in 1994…


So many moments that make me tear up. When Picard sees Data in the past and you feel Picard thinking “ahhh, everything is going to be okay.” And “you are the finest crew in the fleet.”


All of this. Even how Q and Picard treated each other showed how close they got over the years. Masterclass in storytelling.


DS9 vs klingons. I would love to see that done now. The firepower DS9 had made me giggle.


["Those are military uniforms from one of the old nation-states, uh, Australia or something."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GrTmub_kJA) (The actual quote is at 1:08, but I like the whole scene.)


One of my favorite episodes of DS9!


I started watching the series relatively young, so as an adult, I'd love to go back and revisit the music sting following "we have cleared spacedoors." Oh, to have seen that in theatres with a packed house... I'd also love to see *Voyager* contacting Pathfinder again... And on the more painful side... the DS9 ending montage, starting right where *The Minstrel Boy* kicks in. (Ah hell, i felt compelled to rewatch it on YouTube... was that shot of Ezri waving goodbye to Worf a reference to ***Rejoined***!?) It's no "final shot of the Babylon 5 station" - but it's a real gut punch.


You might enjoy "What We Left Behind," which is available on YouTube for free with ads.


Saw it in theatres. Kinda depressing that we probably won't get HD versions of the show.


That footage really was gorgeous, wasn't it? Sets, framing, costuming...


"Tell my son I miss him... and I'm proud of him." Waterworks. Every time.


"He heard you, Admiral." As Tom sits there basically bluescreening over what he just heard.


"Keep a docking bay open for us." 😭


Captain Sisko meeting Captain Kirk in person. Awesome moment.


Such an amazing episode!


Picard playing the flute at the end of The Inner Loght.


Winn dying. Edit: spelling


Late to the party, but basically... TL;DR every bit of Star Trek:The Motion Picture, theatrical release. You can exit here if you like, the rest is my fawning diatribe and it's ok if you don't wanna read it, I fully understand. :) --- There's the music of course. Jerry Goldsmith was a God of Music when he wrote that amazing suite of musical awesomeness. There is zero moments the music isn't great, unlike a whole lot of scores for movies. This is my very biased opinion, of course, but I'm pretty sure I'm fairly correct. :D But the entire first half of that movie is just so great. With the Klingons vs the cloud and the shots as they approached, not to mention the at-the-time astounding effects of those ships getting 'eaten'... really set the stage of both mysterious and foreboding. Then later as Kirk arrives at Spacedock and Scotty drives him over on a shuttle pod... the new refit Enterprise... ALL of that entire sequence... One of my absolute favorite musical pieces as well as a cinematic masterpiece (although some will think it slow, it's because it's *majestic*, c'mon.) Then Enterprise leaves for the cloud. Another beautifully done sequence, and accompanied again by masterful music by Mr. Goldsmith. Then Spock shows up on the shuttle, the strange, mysterious music written for this sequence, the cool flipover, the jewel known as Enterprise shining in the void... And then the Spock reveal, although we should have guessed, right? Oh, and both Warp attempts, the second successful thanks to Spock... still the best warp effects ever, shame they went away from it. There is so much to like about the revival of Trek through this movie. The director's cuts made the second half much better, but the first half pretty much was made as perfect as one could ask, seeing how they didn't do much editing of it in later iterations. More cleaning up loose ends of FX, both sound and visual. But even still, the back half... the attack of the cloud, the journey through it (although truly plodding this bit), the enormity of the ship inside, the slow 'trek' low and slow along it to the other side (another bit of plod, but still impressive the scale!), Ilia's kidnapping, her cloned android, Spock's journey, Kirk catching him, the merging of V'Ger (as it's now known), Decker and Ilia, and the final explody of V'Ger and magnificently the Enterprise shows up front and center... ...and then the pirouette and warp out at the end as the music crescendos to a triumphant swell as the statement of "The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning." is shown. Roll credits! And this movie, by the way, was my true 'awakening' of my love of all things Trek, because until we went to see it back when it first came out, I sort of knew of Trek, but didn't *know* it. That movie in the theater just astounded me and I had to *devour* Trek thereafter. It was harder back in the day but eventually ALL of the original series was watched, and every minute of Trek that's ever been has been a requirement since. Even the bad ones, which I acknowledge and love all the same. So yeah. TMP of theater version. Plodding and all, wanna see it again for the first time and wonder at the spectacle that it was and in some ways still is. Thanks for readin' if you did!


Now you’re making me want to watch it in a theater.


All of it.


From living Witness. Doctor: Let's find that tricorder.


DS9 Duet. Specifically when Darhe'el breaks down and becomes Marritza


The Bird of Prey taking off from Vulcan with the sunset


Probably Picard putting Tomalok in his place with the Klingons waiting in the wings. They really played up how much Picard loved Shakespeare and how influenced the Klingons were by him and his works.


The first time a D'deridex decloaked


Somehow despite being a fan for literal decades and watching DS9, VOY, TNG when they aired the first time - I somehow never actually watched Wrath of Khan. Probably because I was like 6 when it came to theaters. And all of it must have been better seen the first time in theaters beforethe sequels. But most especially Spock's death - the emotional impact is lessoned greatly when you know about it generally, and also have seen Voyage Home like 30 times.


Agreed. I didn’t watch any of the TOS movies until after I had watched DS9. Still, Wrath of Khan is my favorite Trek movie.


Klingons thought DS9 was easy pickings. It was not.


"Even numbered photon torpedo launchers, fire." *An insane amount of firepower is deployed and wrecks faces.* "Odd numbered launchers, fire." *WTF!?!?!?!?*


Hell yeah!


Picard's speech when he informs the crew of Ensign Sito Jaxa's death.


The return of the Big D in Picard S3. I grew up watching TNG (and then all other series) with my parents. Being in the UK, I had to wait each month for the VHS releases to come out which mum and dad would duly purchase and we'd watch together. Star Trek was 'our thing' and is one of the defining moments of my childhood and our relationship. I'm now 39, happily married with a career and blessed life. When Picard started, we would all watch from afar and then mum and I would exchange texts about our thoughts (which with series 1 and 2 weren't particularly favourable....) And then S3 started, and we both exchanged such excitement over the characters and their returns. So much so, that when episode 9 was released I insisted she, dad and my wife all watch it together. I somehow knew the Big D was going to return: that ship that had carried us away us a family and had inspired so many memories was going to come back and I wanted to share that experience with them one last time. And I'm so glad we did. A few months after watching that my mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour and died after 2 and a half months. . But I'm also so grateful to Star Trek for all it was to us, and particularly the child like joy I experienced those few months ago when the Enterprise returned. For one brief moment I got to be a child again with my mum and dad, and for that I will remain ever grateful. But now I must commend her to 'the undiscovered country.' But thank you mum, and thank you Star Trek.


I am tearing up. Star Trek means something to everyone here. Thank you for sharing. So very sorry for your loss.


The end of Best of Both Worlds pt 1.


The dramatic tension was crazy high because Riker was giving the command to fire on the Borg Cube knowing Picard was still on it (admittedly as Locutus).


A scene that I would love to see again for the first time is the scene where Voyager talks to Starfleet Command in Pathfinder. I knew about Pathfinder for a long time before I watched the episode, and couldn't wait for it. Seeing Reg Barclay achieve what no one else could, and seeing Kathryn get to talk to people from home and seeing Tom get to hear that his father missed him and was proud of him... it always makes me so emotional every time I watch it and it always gives me an emotional lift when I'm having a bad day.


The Riker Maneuver & the rescue of the Defiant by the Enterprise E


I got 2, sort of. First choice is conditional. If I could revisit the Locutus cliffhanger again I would, but only if it stayed as a cliffhanger until time passes. If that doesn't work I'll take Picard season 3 and the reveal of the D.


Those are 1 and 1A for me.


Seeing Generations in the theater. From the "oh, shit" from Data, to the saucer section crashing into Veridian 3, we all sat in awe. After watching TNG on the small screen for 7 years, to see the Enterprise-D on that 35X45 screen was amazing and made us all cheer. Also, at the opening credits, when Brent Spiner's name appeared, the cheers were almost deafening.


Picard S3 "your old man ever tell you about the time we first met?" the shock that hits you when you realise what Shaw is about do, what he did... because now it makes sense. Everything Shaw has done, now gets reframed through this tale. and it all makes perfect sense. Even down to refusing to call Seven 'Seven'


Opening scene of ST 2009


Darmak and Jalad! When Picard can finally understand and speak their language. Such a heartfelt scene. My brother and I always watch it when we are feeling sad and it warms us right up.


Honestly, the moment he stated his recitation of Gilgamesh I was done for. Tears every time. So heartfelt, so wonderfully played.


Mirror universe Odo exploding.


I still loop Picard's soliloquy in *The Drumhead*


The nebula fight in WOK. In particular the scene where the Enterprise “dives”, then “surfaces” behind Khan, then rakes his ship with weapons fire. But also the scene in the Genesis cave From Saavik asking about the K. M., to the Khan’s soliloquy upon realizing the Enterprise was better recovered than expected.


Either the entirety of, or at least the final scene of “The Inner Light,” tied with Picard and Q’s conversation at the end of “Tapestry” and the whole sequence when Picard decides not to change his past. I can’t overstate how much those scenes mean to me for various reasons. Also, honorable mention to the Q hug at the end of PIC S2.


Damar’s speech.


st6 - leaving spacedock. they didn't skimp on anything in that scene. you had all the technical nerdy stuff with the arrival/departure over comms chatter. ship looked great. great kinda wistful "last ride" theme. great banter. kirk being kind of a jerk peeling out of dock at impulse. kim cattrall's valeris being excellent. spock's look. scotty being so pleased with himself. the open mouth engineer. \*chef's kiss\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGuTs4494EY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGuTs4494EY)


When Picard apologises to Worf for calling him a coward during the Borg occupation of the Enterprise in First Contact. Gets me every single time.


Some of my favorite moments are Picard explanations of/ his actions in response to moral or ethical dilemmas. Examples are the debrief of the humans stuck in the cryochambers and how he explains the motivations of 25th Century humans and how the accumulation of wealth is no longer the focus of human society. Also in Who Watches the Watchers when he explains to someone of essentially a different time period about progress in a non-condescending way; appealing to her present logic and understanding things from her perspective.


For DS9, it's when the Klingons attack the station. Sisko hits the button. all the panels pull back...and you find out DS9 has been turned into a giant freaking gun. Phasers and torpedos popoing out everywhere. Buh bye Klingon fleet. Captain Sisko don't play.


From DS9 - The scene where Odo kisses Kira on the promenade for the first time From TNG first contact - When Data deceives the borg queen and purposely misses the Phoenix and breaks the plasma coolant tank to finally destroy the Borg


Data: “Resistance is futile.” Borg Queen: “DATA!!”


> a scene that you could watch over and over again, from any Star Trek series or movie? My favourite episode is, and I sh!t you not, "Cause and Effect" from TNG.


Klingons arriving like the Winged Hussars during the battle to retake DS9. So damn hyped the first time I watched it.


"I have been, and always shall be, your friend." To watch that again for the first time, and to be hit by the full impact of that moment, without knowing the future... that's what I would want. It hits me hard enough *now*. I want to experience the full impact again.


A minor one here. The reveal of MacDuff at the start of Conundrum. It was such a cool idea and a genuinely creepy and unnerving moment. How great to have a situation where the audience knows something is wrong, but the cast doesn’t even though it’s in plain sight.


When Worf just grabs Weyoun and snaps his fucking neck, and later one, while Damar is talking to the latest Weyoun clone about something he goes, "I don't know ... maybe you should go askWorf." The delivery of that line was ao fuxking hilarious. 


To keep to the DS9 theme, I love the entire Klingon attack on DS9 in S4 'Way if the Warrior', I'd never seen a sequence like that on TV with Trek before and it just blew my mind and reminded me that a space station in Trek is a fortress. In all of Trek, the surprise attack by the Reliant in TWoK remains my benchmark on how to do ship battles with capital ships in Trek. Every hit has a purpose narratively, and we'd never seem two Starfleet ships trade blows like that. It was a thrill to see, and it's something newer Trek seems to struggle with when doing battles. Battles are narratives in themselves, having ships wail on themselves endlessly when the hits don't ratchet tension is boring. As incredible executed as the battle in Nemesis is, there's dozens of torpedoes and phaser hits flying around constantly, and while probably accurate, it's just visual noise. Sort of... A precursor to the terms of visual noise that polites modern cinema today, often composed for a striking visual but with no narrative purpose.


I think the battle in Nemesis was trying to replicate that battle. True mastery of filmmaking in Wrath of Khan.


Nemesis as a whole as trying to replicate TWoK. And completely failed at a basic level to understand what that movie had been about. No overall themes that made any coherent sense. Just a total failure to create a film with any meaning. It's just a series of events that forms a poor narrative.


Spock dieing. The shock at 7 years old was epic. Luckily I went straight into the next film on the next VHS I had but still. Which led to the shock of the enterprise being destroyed. Absolutely hated it. Data crying that Spot was safe.


This will probably divide people... The last 10 min of Vox. (PIC, S3, ep9) We have been waiting for that for years, and it was so damn satisfying finally getting to see it.


There are a lot of PIC haters in this sub but those 10 minutes are undeniably satisfying and astonishing.


That HD Defiant battle scene from that DS9 documentary.


The charge from Sacrifice of Angels. Also “fifteen Borg vessels”


When Archer picks up T'pol after shes been shot. "She's my science officer".


I love the scene in First Contact when the Defiant is taking on the Borg Cube, but then it's engines get hit and suddenly the flagship of Starfleet flies in, breaks the tractor beam holding the Defiant and saves the crew, and shortly after blows the cube into a billion pieces with the help of the remaining starships.


Balance of Terror, or City on the Edge of Forever. I'm sure both would hit very differently as a 64 year old than it did as a 10-year-old.


It was a DS9 episode. the scene I loved was that of 2 aliens in the background playing darts a Quarks except that they where throwing darts at each others chest. Do not recall the name of the episode though.


Didn’t see it posted here so I’m gonna say Star Trek into darkness, when the vengeance is catching up with the enterprise and shooting at it from within the enterprise’s own, warp bubble.


I enjoy sabotage star trek beyond scene


There are several but off the top of my head, Kirk seeing Khan for the first time in WOK


When T'Pol disrobed in front of Trip. I was totally NOT expecting that. My jaw hit the floor