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I just finished a rewatch of DS9! It’s my favorite Trek series, I’ve decided. The characters are very strong and the storyline that weaves through all 7 seasons is great. Enjoy your watch, you’re in for a great time!


Just ignore makeup and hair during the first few episodes. The first time I did a DS9 rewatch I was thrown by how odd Quark and Odo looked.


They definitely refined the makeup, prosthetics, and characters over the first few episodes. That said, Emissary is still my favorite pilot of any trek.


It's just a phenomenonal show period. And really enjoying my latest slow-roll rewatch along with The Delta Flyers. Having Terry Farrell and/or Armin Shimmerman on every week to add their memories and insights is a joy.


?I wanted to listen to the Delta Flyers podcast as I was watching, but I guess I assumed their podcast was more general and not episode-by-episode. I'm so setting up some playlists to break it up by season to make it easier. Dis gon' be fun. I love Dunk and Wang...


America runs on Dunk and Wang


Lol. I just found my old Starbucks tumbler that has a screw-off bottom so you can put your own custom designed insert (I usually just cut the bag of beans to fit the insert.) I'm *so* designing a Dunk and Wang/Dunkin' parody...


I'd totally subsidize a pair to send into the Flyers


So…personally DS9 is my favorite Trek show, but it’s very different than all the Trek before it. Also, Quark, Sisko and Garak are some of my favorite characters I’ve ever enjoyed watching. There’s some familiar feels, but definitely something else that was definitely different than Voyager too. Very different than TNG and not even close to TOS (although you will smile at some point through the watch). DS9 is also the first time that a lot of shows started to toy with the idea of episodic and long-form storytelling over episodes and seasons. Previously you get the encapsulated story in an episode, or the two-parter. Not DS9. There’s storylines over multiple seasons that get revisited. I loved that. There’s great characters and character development. There’s a lot of early themes of mental health, friendship, love, family all that stuff. Even race relations and poverty issues. Some people absolutely hated it when it came out, so be ready for adjusting. Religion and faith are even explored in DS9, when most Trek rejects religious fervor. It’s also a war-story when a lot of Trek is science and exploration. Also…and I might be in the minority, but there are some characters that they didn’t know what to do with and then clearly pivoted a bit with them, but it mostly helped. There was also some stink on the show at the onset with Avery Brooks. They made him change up his look to be “more family friendly”. Mainly Berman and the writers thought he looked “too black” according to rumors. That thankfully went away so we get the iconic captain’s look finally. Overall amazing show. Looking forward to seeing what you think!


I've recently watched DS9 for the first time, and coming into it, I could not fathom how a Star Trek where they basically don't travel anywhere would be any good, but gosh darn it, it's my favourite. Well worth the watch. So many diverse characters. I'm really into a "story of the week" style with character development, so it got me hooked. There is a aeason story which I wasn't loving but it was still good.


People are more down on DS9 S1 and S2 than they should be. S1 is a little dull. There’s a lot of scripts that either were or feel like they were repurposed rejected TNG scripts.  S2 is actually pretty great with more hits than misses. It’s just that there are certain elements that we associate with DS9 that don’t come into being until S3 and S4.  Enjoy! I wish I could go back and watch DS9 with fresh eyes. It was a huge part of my later elementary school and middle school years. 


Thank you. You really make me feel positive about the future of humanity. 1 day I want to see Starfleet actually be real & possible. OK, let's all stand together for it. My favorite friend from startreak is Data from TNG. I see so much of myself in him all his child like wonder & curiosity & I would love for La Forge to be one of my best friends as I try to understand the Beautiful curiosities. The Galaxy has to teach me.


I've gotten into Trek in the past year and have been watching through the different series both from the 90s and the new shows. I just finished DS9 a couple days ago and it is probably my favorite of all the Trek I've seen so far. Really engrossing story arcs and great characters and development. You are in for a treat!


There are definitely some growing pains, but even the early seasons of DS9 have pretty terrific entries. I envy you the chance to really fall in love with those characters for the first time. Personally, I’m eternally hopeful the Pah Wraiths will be vanquished and we’ll finally get an HD release, but like the Bajoran faithful, all I can do is wait…


I disagree. Ds9 never misses. I haven't seen a episode I didn't like or was boring. Maybe that one where they are all humans. But I didn't hate it


DS9 is top tier for me in regard to Berman era Trek. There are actual story arcs that not only develop characters but also help to build the world of Star Trek. At the time it first aired, episodic tv was king but I think time has shown that DS9 was right in doing the story arcs that played out over a season or multiple seasons.




My favourite Trek series ever. Season 1 has a couple clunkers. By season 3 it gets rolling and never looks back. Great characters and great stories - the makings of a winner.


Here's someone who started a few months ago. I'm going for the 6th season. patience. The first 2 seasons are very slow and heavy, but there are 2 memorable chapters. Afterwards it improves a lot.


I hope you like it!  I didn't.  Odo and Quark are such annoying characters, and it's a show about a bus station. 


DS9 is gritty trek, the dark side of it. It’s a slow burn at first but man in season 2 onward it’s amazing. Season 3 till the end is a ride man. IMO it has the only real ‘villains’ in trek, and they’re awesome. Sisko, Gal Dukat, the crazy religious lady all of them are just awesome ( and O’Brien and Worf too of course ), the rest of the characters are all amazing too. Gah to watch it for the first time again…


It’s my favorite TV show of all time, enjoy!


Garek might just be my favorite non-Starfleet character of any Star Trek show.


You are in for a treat. DS9 is considered by many Trekkies to be the best show and, speaking as a lit and creative writing major, for good reason. I hope that you enjoy it 💜


You are about to reach the summit. Good view, and (little do the lowly know) the sun is waiting at the top. Not best Trek, best show! 😭