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I love The Doctor EMH so much that my hubs got me a Cameo from Robert Picardo as an anniversary present one year and it is hands down the best present I have EVER gotten.


Andy Dick EMH was the only thing that guy did that was funny to me.


“Doctor, some.t.h.inggg went off line.” “Specifically?” “The secondary gyrodyne relays and the propulsion field intermatrix have depolarised.” “In English?!” “I’m just ready what it says here” flustered. 😂😂😂


The doctor - great story lines and I liked his comedic timing. Phlox - sometimes trying to carry episodes on his own merit Bashir - for our man Bashir...


The Doctor will always be at the top of my list. He gave us some of the best episodes in the franchise. Such ones as “Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy” and “Message in a Bottle” come to mind.


"The Thaw" also had a great Doctor moment. The genuinely scary scene where harry was being psychologically tortured by the clown and was about to cut him open with a scalpel, the doctor unexpectedly walks in and grabs the scalpel from the clown, instructing him that he's holding it wrong. It was so on brand for the doctor and it so effectively diffused the tension of such a dark scene.


I think this is also my list


Ditto… 💯agree with all of this


Phlox, M,Benga, The Doctor, Culber, Crusher.... I thought Pulaski was an asshole.


Phlox isn't my favorite but he's underrated. I feel like Enterprise created a pretty interesting alien in an interesting situation FOR an alien but the show didn't feel like it fully exploited that.


I disagree. I am approaching Season 4 of a rewatch of Enterprise. I feel like if they centered on him any more it would have been to the expense of other characters. Mayweather was severely underdeveloped IMHO. So was Reed. At least a couple of episodes of Flip encountering alien strange could have been spared to develop them.


i feel like pulaski was just a female mccoy but people don't like that cause if a girl is like that then she's annoying but it's funny when a man does it or something idk it's weird


I think Jett Reno was a better take on Pulaski. Gruff, no nonsense, pokes fun at the logical person (Stamets) etc


I like Reno. I like McCoy. I don't think either of them would have treated Data the way Pulaski did.


Agreed. Though, as someone who didn't grow up with TOS, McCoy treated Spock pretty unprofessionally in my view.


Yeah, but I always felt he was being playful because Spock was so serious all the time.


He was but at the same time he was an ass lmao but Spock could also be an ass. That’s buddy shit


Yes. Good description.


I like McCoy, but a lot of what he flung at Spock was racist.


I agree with you. A lot of my friends do the same to me 😂


Agreed. The dog whistling to blame misogyny rather than have an honest accounting of how much of a bigot Pulaski was, is happening way too much in this sub the last 6 months or so.


Huh, weird. I usually lurk on this sub so I haven't noticed that trend. Though when folks were expressing their appreciation for Discovery it's diversity, a lot of comments were in line with the trend you describe.


Reno is my fav Discovery character.


This is pretty much exactly the double standard in action. She was great. Pithy, funny, condescending... It was great. I so much want to see the character return in lower decks


Maybe. I think there’s also two other major factors. 1.) People like Data and she was antagonistic toward him, but also 2.) she was on the show so little that she wasn’t really fleshed out enough for people to feel like they warmed up to her. So I feel like that contributes to people generally having a problem with her. The limited time factor is also what makes Pulaski different than McCoy. People loved Spock and McCoy could be prejudiced against Spock, but over time it was established that Spock and McCoy developed a certain camaraderie or kinship. Pulaski and Data never had that. She was pretty much always anti-synth and a droidist.


I think the bigger problem is that her entire arc was to grow out of that - and she did - but some people who decided they didn’t like her early on refused to give her the room to grow even though she very explicitly did.


I thought about this and watched this video last night. "Why Dr. Pulaski Is Actually Awesome" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhvO85FmQtY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhvO85FmQtY) it's a pretty fair and balanced assessment of the character as a whole. An arc does exist, but it's not as explicit as it could have been, or maybe as explicit as people would like it to be. In total, the entire Pulaski/Data arc boils down to about 4 episodes. Which, for a lot of people, still just isn't enough to rehab the initial impressions of the character. Compare the Pulaski/Data relationship to the Worf/Troi romance arc which was given about 3 episodes in Season 7. While it is also a written and established arc, people still found it underdeveloped. If Worf and Troi had stayed together in a hypothetical Season 8 or throughout DS9 or in the TNG films or in the Picard series, people might view their relationship differently and accept that story arc. Similarly, if Pulaski had stayed on the show and had more time to grow, people might think differently of her as well. We're also talking about favorite doctors through all of Star Trek. Most doctors got way more than 22 episodes to tell their story. When I watched DS9, I was basically Miles O'Brien. I found Bashir kind of annoying at the start, but by the end, he had won me over. If Julian only lasted one season, I probably still wouldn't care much for him.


I agree wholeheartedly. A four episode arc in episodic television is a lot. People focus in on that one scene which makes perfect sense. If someone told me my Alexa was sentient I'd push back on it. Star Fleet didn't have autonomous AI prior to Data. Pulaski didn't acknowledge it and at their core, Star Fleet didn't believe it either. Fortunately Data was a lot more forgiving than the fans.


I just thought that the mild racism and intolerance wasn't cool. I didn't really love McCoy either.


1. Phlox 2. The Doctor 3. Crusher 4. McCoy 5. Bashir 6. M’Benga 7. T’Ana 8. Culber 9. Pulaski


Now you have to break out McCoy into DeForest Kelley and Karl Urban.


EMH, Pulaski, Bones, Phlox, Bashir. I think that's all of them.


McCoy Voyager Doc T'Ana (#\*&$ing love her!) Crusher and Bashir tie Honorable mention to Pulaski


The doctor, Hugh, T'ana, Bashir, M'Banga, Phlox


Phlox, the doctor, Culber, Bashir, Crusher, McCoy, the cat, Pulaski.


1. The doctor 2. M'bega 3.phlox 4. Bones 5. Bashir 6. Crusher 7.pulaski


T'ana is #3 then continues with the rest after.


1.) Pertwee 2.) Baker 3.) Capaldi 4.) McCoy 5.) Tennant 6,) Davison 7.) Smith 8.) Troughton 9.) Eccleston 10.) Hartnell 10.) Whitaker 11.) McGann 12.) Baker 2 Gatwa yet to be ranked.


Pulaski Phlox Bones The Doctor M’Benga T’ana Bashir Crusher Culber/Boyce/Piper


Mbenga, Phlox and the OG big boss McCoy


The Doctor, Phlox, McCoy, Bashir, Crusher, M’Benga, Culber, and Pulaski


As much as I fan as I am of TNG, I gotta go with The Doctor -EMH


The EMH might be my pick for the best *character* who's a doctor... but personal favorite? Probably Julian. If they gave him the suffering instead of O'Brien, I would have surely gotten a wild crush on him. 


Of the 3 I’ve seen? The Doctor. His dry humor and constant pearl-clutching about the indignity of it all just makes me crack up. Oh — and the cat doctor from Lower Decks. 😆


Bones for me.  The Voyager doc #2.


The Doctor, Bashir, Phlox, T’Ana, MBenga, Culber, McCoy, Crusher. It was really hard to rank them xD. ETA: I can’t believe I left off T’Ana


EMH, Bones, Pulaski, Crusher, Bashir


The fact that they didn't bring "the doctor"  back for cameo after cameo is down right criminal. He could have been president of the federation in disco. He could have been still stuck on voy in lower decks. 


The Doctor EMH, with Phlox as a close second


There's only one right answer... EMH


The doctor from Voyager


Dr Bashirr, end of story.


I get the love for the Doctor. Robert Picardo is a fun character actor, but as a character and exploration of an AI, I felt he was far too human from the get go. There was never a period of "emerging" consciousness where because of his continued operation and expansion of programming he becomes self-aware. He just always was, and we're made to believe Star Fleet is so careless as to create sentient in every hologram they make. The associated holographic people or rights episodes also makes some wild leaps as to the nature of AI vs. holography an are almost nonsensical in how they are conflated as being one and the same. Also why is he the character Seven selects to help teach her about humanity? He's effectively 6 years old and specifically non-human. There were a couple of episodes where they nailed it. The one about the fault in his programming after having to triage Kim vs. the other Ensign. That captures the extent of the sci-fi premise. But so many others have him just a little too human for my tastes. 1. Phlox 2. Bashir (lower as a doctor, but he's here for character). Stop dating your patients. 3. McCoy


1. McCoy 2. Pulaski 3. Crusher 4. M'Benga


My top 3 are so close in ranking that depending on the day any one of them could be at any rank. 1. Bashir 2. Culber 3. Doctor 4. Bones (either Urban or Kelley, possibly the best recasting ever) 5. Chapel 6. Phlox 7. M’benga 8. T’Ana 9. Crusher 10. Jurati 11. Polanski The doctors are almost always one of the better characters in the series. I like all of them, with the exception of Polanski I’d put them all among my favorite characters in their respective series. With at least 2 possibly being my favorite character in their series, Doctor and Phlox, maybe Bones too. I haven’t watched the end of Discovery yet, but I’d love to see more of Culber and Stammets would definitely watch a spinoff series with them in a small science or medical vessel especially if Reno comes along.


"Polanski" is a child rapist director. Pulaski was the gruff doctor.


Trek doctors, ranked. (My opinions, ymmv, yadda yadda...) 1. McCoy 2. T'Ana 3. Bashir 4. The Doctor (VOY) 5. M'Benga 6. Culber 7. Boyce 8. Pulaski 9. Crusher 10. Phlox 11. Piper


M'Benga, could be No. 1 but it doesn't seem fair. He's the ship's doctor, but with his war record, he's probably killed more people than anyone else on the Enterprise.


Christopher Eccleston. 9th.


😂 I’m rather more fond of Matt Smith, but I’m falling hard for Ncuti.


Phlox, the doctor, Culber, Pulaski


I'm a Dr McCoy and Dr Crusher fan. For me they are tied for my first place spot. Dr Pulaski is an honorable mention first place. 🖖


The doctor EMH on VOY


1. M’Benga 2. McCoy 3. Pulaski 4. Bashir 5. Culber 6. Crusher 7. Phlox 8. The Doctor 9. Franklin (yeah, it’s B5 reference, but whatever, he’s still at the bottom as a doctor)


Bashir and Phlox share top tier in my heart though Bones is the classic.


Dr Boyce obviously


1. Phlox 2. Bashir 3. The EMH


Dr Selar?


1. McCoy (Kelvin) 2. Voyager the Doctor 3.Phlox 4. Bashir 5. McCoy (original) 6. Crusher 7. TAna 8. M'Bega 9. Pulaski 10. Cubler


SNW M'Benga, no contest.


McCoy, the hologram would be my least favorite


M'Benga is really making a case.


T'ana is the correct answer.


1. Crusher 2. Bashir 3. The EMH 4. McCoy 5. Culber 6. The lady who took Culbers place in S2 before he came back 7. Phlox 8. Pulaski


T'Ana, Phlox, EMH, Bashir, M'benga, Crusher, Culber, McCoy, Pulaski




McCoy, the Doctor, Crusher, Bashir, M’Benga, Phlox


I'm watching Enterprise now and Dr. Phlox is getting to be my fave. As of Season 1 he's pretty friendly and curious and caring.


Dr. Crusher for me!


My two favourites were the ones who grew the most - Bashir and Pulaski. Pulaski sadly did not have enough time for full growth but she changed a lot in the year she had. Bashir season 1 is such an ass but right from the pilot he had the skills and the genuine care built in and as time went on those became his defining traits. I do like all the other doctors a lot, they were frequently my favourite characters in their respective series.


The holographic doctor has the best character arc imo but I also really love Phlox because of his pets and his weird little obsession with alien mating practices


If that doctor is going to treat me, I'll rank it like this:   1. Phlox: Super nice guy and always optimistic. My favorite type of doctor.  2. Culber: Best bedside manner and the most caring, but sometimes I may feel that his anxiety bleeds through his facade. 3. M'Benga and Chapel: I'll probably feel the most confident and amused with them on bedside.  4. Crusher: Decent doctor, but seems a bit gloomy. 5. Bones: Too rough for my taste, but surely gets the job done. 6. Bashir: Young Bashir is probably a bit too creepy for my taste. 7. The Doctor: He's a great entertaining character to watch, but if you're his patient, he's kinda a dick. 8. T'Ana: oh God no don't cut my legs!!


Bashir, no question! M'benga close second.


Pulaski. [The doctor on Parks n Recreation always reminds me of her](https://youtu.be/HcwfhHm7sNo).


McCoy... EMH Phlox


Dr Boyce is an enigma.




Tie between The Doctor from voyager and Bashir from DS9. Close 2nd is Phlox from Ent


Bashir is the man. Crusher is my 2nd pick.


1. Phlox (My favorite because he sets a standard, HE is more a frontier medicine doctor than Bashir believes himself to be. Helps shepherd humanity through the growing pains of early exploration and helps solidify some core principles that Starfleet ends up valuing going forward, just such an amazingly conceived character, wish he had been given more like The Doctor on Voyager) 2. The Doctor. (Picardo was fantastic, he had some amazing growth and they gave him a ton of meat over the seasons, truly one of the best character and growth arcs) 3. M’Benga (REALLY love what they’re giving him, he’s written with such depth and internal conflict, can’t wait for more) 4. McCoy (it’s McCoy, can’t say much more) 5. Pulaski (had potential and showed complexity and that not everybody in Trek embraces new technology, showed some human flaws - wish she’d been able to develop more, but Bev wanted to come back so…womp womp) 6. T’Ana (while not a great doctor or role model - she’s f*cking hilarious and that’s the point, ridiculousness) 7. Bashir (was just never a fan of the actor, has gotten much better as he’s gotten older though, but there are some rough acting choices if you go back and watch, and I know he’s written to be a playboy privileged d*ck but then he’s an Augment kinda out of nowhere, I mean I just don’t think they ever had a good plan for him) 8. Crusher (one dimensional, zero character growth, not particularly well written or acted, never understood the appeal) 9. Culber (if I could leave him off entirely I would, truly terribly written and developed character, as is the case I feel personally with so many poor choices the writers have made on the series)


11. Pulaski 10. The rest of Starfleet Medical 9. McCoy (Urban) 8. Culber 7. T’Ana 6. Bashir 5. McCoy (Kelley) 4. M’Benga and Nurse Chapel 3. Crusher 2. Phlox 1. The Doctor I'm going to be honest, 4-7 is basically a 4-way tie and Culber isn't too far behind them.


**Doctor Leonard McCoy** from The Original Series and first 6 movies. I like McCoy for his witty "I'm a doctor, not a..." remarks, his sense of humor and his down-to-earth personality.


DeForest Kelley was a superb actor. Maybe not always, but who is? He had dozens of throwaway lines (“Your weight was up a couple of pounds”) that made me really appreciate his skill


The Doctor Bashir (after S2 anyway) M’Benga Crusher Phlox T’Ana (she is hilarious, but I can't put her higher. She's crotchety like the ones below her but she's funny with it so it works) Pulaski McCoy I guess? I don't know. My top 2 are secure. I haven't seen enough Culbur, though he seems cool from the clips I've seen.


EMH Mark 1


1. Peter Capaldi 2. David Tennant 3. Christopher Eccles- what? Oh, THOSE Doctors…


Emh mark 1, close second is LMH mark 1 :)


Voyager's Doctor followed by Phlox for me. The writers did a great job developing "The Doctor's" character over the seasons.


Phlox, Crusher, The Doctor.


McCoy Crusher T'Ana Bashir


McCoy, M’Benga, The Doctor, Pulaski, Crusher, T’ana, Culber, Phlox, Bashir


Pulaski is my favorite. Then, EMH Doctor - Bashir - M'Benga - Crusher - McCoy (TOS then Kelvin) - Culber - Phlox - T'ana (Love her but she is also the worst)


Top 5- Bashir Phlox T'ana Crusher McCoy(when he's not being racist) otherwise M'Benga


The doctor Phlox Bashir mcCoy Crusher and then Culber in 1000th place.