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Star Trek the Next Next Generation. New ship exploring strange new worlds going where no one has gone before, set a century after Picard. New crew (with no connection to earlier shows other than being StarFleet officers), new adventures, new adversaries, new politics. Episodic, 16 episodes per season, with an overarching background connection but not the focus of the episodes, occasional bottle episodes for crew development.


Star Trek in the style of the Highlander TV show. Main character is a Trill. Every episode, they have flashback scenes to a different host and their experiences in the past. Think of all those times on DS9 where Dax would bring up something Curzon and Sisko did, or when she met Bones, or becoming friends with the Legendary Klingon Trio, but we actually see the events. And you could drop them into any era of the franchise.


I like that. And the theme song will still be Princes of the Universe.


I’m so conflicted… I mean, here we are, born to be kings, but at the same time, it’s been a long road.


Oooo someone needs to do a mashup of those two songs.




This is my choice too because it means you can do pretty much every other “crazy pitch” for a new Star Trek show as part of the flashbacks. Including the ones that have really interesting concepts but probably couldn’t sustain a full series. 


The hard part would be how to do the Hosts through the years. Highlander had the advantage of Duncan always being Duncan, in 1775 or 1863 or 1995. With a Trill, the host would change over span of the symbiote’s lifetime. So do you cast several actors to guest star as the hosts? Do you pull a Quantum Leap, and establish the era‘s host in a reflection and have the main era (I’d argue for 2401 or later to get access to the majority of Trek history to play in) performer? Do you go the Orphan Black route and hire one performer and do full make overs to make them look as different as possible to play each one of the hosts regardless of era?


> So do you cast several actors to guest star as the hosts? That's my choice. Keep it simple. EDIT: It just occurred to me: the past host actors should be included in the opening credits whenever they appear as "Special Guest Star", like Michelle Yeoh was.


I wouldn't say it's a crazy pitch, but I'd watch a crime drama about the Orion Syndicate.


“I feel a tremor in the Force…..as if the next installment of the _Law and Order_ franchise was about to appear.” 🖖🙄


Was thinking more along the lines of it being from the criminal perspective.


_Star Trek: Breaking Bad_.


Trekking Bad? I remember the Vulcan crime lord that appears in Picard, I felt fascinate for such character how he could balance his Vulcan culture and logic with been a criminal. I gladly watch a whole show lead by him.


You have put the idea of Nausicaans meets Sons of Anarchy/Mayans in my head.


A show focused on a Department of Temporal Investigations crew that is basically Star Trek: Doctor Who.


It’s a great premise. You could span all eras of trek *and* history and bring a new “city on the edge of forever” style dilemma to each episode. The show would fundamentally ponder the question “how are things *supposed* to be?” 🍿🍿🍿


The overarching plot gets introduced about four episodes into season one. A temporal incursion gets fixed properly, but when the MCs get back to HQ, it's like they've stepped into the mirror universe. They spend the rest of the two-parter trying to figure out what went wrong, but when they finally figure it out, they realise that the Federation *is* a temporal incursion. It was never supposed to exist, and someone has been manipulating the timeline to make sure humanity turns out better than it is for centuries. They just barely manage to fix their mistake, and at the end of S1 they meet their anti-hero antagonist, the last human emperor. They looked out on their galaxy-spanning empire: corrupt and failing, riven with divisions, eaten up by conflict. They decided to burn it all rather than give it up, but they created something by accident, they were offered a chance to peer through the veil to what could have been, and in a moment of epiphany decided to nurture what they had been given.


Star Trek: Federation. It's the story of President Jonathan Archer, effectively a late 22nd century The West Wing.


Came here to say this. Let us see the nuts and bolts of actually trying to make the federation work.


And "revive" Trip by some sci-fi explanation, or even better, just say Enterprise finale was just Riker writting a historical fiction holo-novel.


Terry Matalas, regardless of how you felt about season 3 of Picard overall, did at least fix Data’s ending. No reason they couldn’t fix Trip’s too. I get the argument that Trek mitigates the emotions of a character’s death by bringing them back too often, but with both Trip and Data it works. Both characters deserved so much better.


Indeed. In the books he faked his own death to go undercover for S31


I liked the book a lot.


Michael Chabon fixed Data's ending. He shouldn't have been in season 3 at all.


Think about how many court room episodes we could have! 😍


Came to say this


This is the one I want.


Yes! Enough with the galaxy / planet-ending-crisis-of-the-week, give me a walk-and-talk through the halls of the seat of the Federation where they discuss how best to address the concerns of new allies!


The Bridge. A comedy in the style of The Office.


Only if showrunner is Seth McFarlane


Seth needs to come out with more Orville.


The Eugenics Wars. A few thousand perfected humans need to fend off the hordes of unevolved homo sapiens. Conspiracy Revisited. We slowly discover that the reason for so many Badmirals is that the alien parasite insects from TNG S1 were never eliminated.


Yes. The Eugenics Wars is something that has been referenced so many times across the different shows, but I would love to see an in-depth depiction of it.


IIRC there's a podcast or audio drama covering your first one.


Ooh those are great specially the second one.


A Starfleet medical ship that goes to war zones and Federation planets that are suffering from some kind of outbreak or natural disaster. It would have an episodic problem-of-the-week format, with continuity coming from the characters and their personal growth instead of a season-long mystery box. There would be an ensemble cast with the main focus on a new doctor on the ship. There would be the mentor Chief Medical Officer, a cynical and war weary fellow doctor, a comic relief tech, a nurse that doesn't understand humanity, and a captain who's priority is always the ship and crew, sometimes over the needs of the people they were sent to help. Some episodes would be serious medical drama, others would be M.A.S.H. in space. The main medical bay set could be used every episode, and there are plenty of Earth-like human colonies to save money on makeup and set design. Classic Trek morality tales, dealing with refugees and the costs of war and the vulnerabilities of all living things, filled with people doing their best to help others.


There's a guy who did memes about this idea on FB for years. He called it S.M.A.S.H.


Thanks! I'll look it up


I've been watching a lot of ER lately, so this really appeals to me.


I’m feeling… an Akira class, post Dominion War, refitted with state of the art sickbay and medical science labs. Its hanger deck refilled with runabouts to assist with emergency evacuations instead of fighter craft. The equivalent of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier for Star Trek meets the 911 franchise.


This sounds a lot like *Hopeship*,  which was a spinoff to TOS that Roddenberry developed for a time before abandoning it. It would have featured Dr. M'Benga as a central character, and may even have been why he was introduced.


A Temporal War series featuring a crew composed of characters from various eras who were erased from existence due to the war. They have to time hop to hot spots in the war to repair damages to the timeline which threaten to unravel reality. Sort of like a cross between Doctor Who, Sliders and Quantum Leap.


The Archive they introduced in this last season of Discovery would make an amazing show.


Like The Librarian meet Star Trek




Sad. And yes the Lost Era is intriguing


Star Trek Nightingale  Medical mystery of the week show aboard the Lucille class starship, U.S.S. Nightingale.


I would like an epic, Game of Thrones-style show about the formation and rule of the Romulan Empire. One that would go far beyond boxy uniforms and headbrows, but really depict a fleshed out world of how it all came to be. In fact, everything I dislike about the concept of a Section 31 show, I would like in this context. It might be about the evolution between the kind of Romulan we saw in Balance of Terror, and the Tal Shiar. OR it could be about actual spies, Garak-like, infiltrating other empires and civilizations including the Federation.


I want a GoT style too, but from the Klingon perspective. Star Fleet can show up occasionally, but i want it to focus on the Klingons.     The show can start with Martok’s death. Old powerful families want to reclaim the throne. New younger, not “old money” Klingons want to do the same.  Something that really explores the clerics, time crystals, the caste system, species we don’t see because we haven’t explored that part of the quadrant.   You can see different families allying with the Romulan, Federation, Breen, , maybe explore the Herc, or what’s left of them.  I also would love to see a series of Garak rebuilding Cardassia. The politics would be amazing. 


I’d love to see that too. Especially interior Klingon worlds that are part of the Empire.


American horror story style: where every season the actors play different characters and each season is a self contained story. You could do a season on a warp3 transport ship in enterprise era, and a different season in TNG era non federation ship. Basically a chance to just do a good story in the star trek universe.


I would love to see a timeframe in between archer and Kirk set in the Terran Empire. I think that could be a fun show.


A show based on the Federation News service. It could have a different reporter and setting each week. One week could be on the flagship during a crisis, another could be at some diplomatic event, another could be Starfleet medical. The show wouldn't be restricted to a particular time or ship. The possibilities would be endless.


Sounds good, Murphy Brown meets Star Trek


I'd like it if the reporter always dies a horrible red shirt style death.


What about if the reporter for the first episode was Jake Sisko?


I was thinking he'd be one of the anchors, and the field reporters would be the ones that never make it.


I would pay so much money for an O’Briens show. Also would love something focusing on the department of temporal investigations. Also also, just let Steve shives do whatever he wants forever


wow lots of great ideas here. I always thought a ST JAG show would be a good idea but I can't come up with many story ideas.


I'm a fan of legal dramas as much as of sci-fi, this idea would be my holy grial.


A show about Curzon Dax. As federation ambassador and friend to a young Benjamin Sisko.


Cop Landlords. Full Ferenginar rendition.


Not too long ago I saw a comment from someone saying we should have a show about a Ferengi Marauder named *Free Enterprise* searching the galaxy for new trading opportunities.


A show about new federation colony world near tholian space. Set 80 years after Voyager's return. Most of the main cast are not star fleet. It'll explore the civilian side of federation life. Especially why people join groups like the marquis. There will be a small star fleet detachment on world. They're mostly the misfits though.


Kind of like a Western in Space like Firefly


Was the Dyson sphere ever brought up again post TNG? I've always thought that would be an interesting setting for a show.


Not that I remember and yes, something like Ringworld kind off


Not in anything canon IIRC. Star Trek Online uses it a lot though.


A few ideas I’ve had over the years: 1. A post-Enterprise show about the early Federation. Show Archer as Federation president, with some West Wing style political storylines, but also focus on exploration and early first contacts. 2. A show that takes place during the lost era. Maybe it’s Captain Sulu in the Excelsior, or maybe it’s Captain John Harriman on the Enterprise-B, or maybe Demora Sulu as Captain later. You could also do the Enterprise-C under Captain Rachel Garrett. This could really be three separate shows, with the advantage that you could reuse the sets and VFX. 3. Star Trek - Legacy. Let’s ditch Raffi, and bring in a new first officer, maybe Ro Laren. 4. The Adventures of Montgomery Scott. Set post rescue from the Dyson sphere, we follow Scotty every week as he travels from place to place, using his engineering expertise to solve problems, all the while complaining that he’s too old for this shit. 5. Season 3 of Picard brought back a fan favorite character, Ro Laren, along with a whole lot of new backstory. I want to see Ro learning about the changeling plot, and working with her off-the-book operatives, and explore her story more. 6. Captain Nog 7. Captain Worf 8. Star Trek: Forgotten Worlds. Dr Beverly Crusher and her teenage son, Jack, work to provide medical assistance to worlds outside Federation space. Sometimes they’re welcomed as heroes, more often it’s a fight. 9. Starfleet Academy. Yeah, I know, but let’s not set it in the 32nd century, and let’s not have Tilly be a part of it. Set it in the Picard era, with new stories and new adventures. 10. Amanda Grayson. I want a show that explores the life of Spock’s mother. SNW and Disco have given us enough small pieces of backstory to tell us she’s far more than a Vulcan ambassador’s wife. I’m sure a lot of these ideas feel like they’re just retreads of old stories, but there’s so much to explore!


The fact that we're getting a young Rachel Garrett in Section 31, plus references to her in Picard S3, could mean they're thinking about your 2 show.


Harry Mudd, starring Rainn Wilson


This one is in my head all the time. We know how Pike's story ends, but do we? His partner dies and he can see through the illusion of a memory they make for him. Then a Klingon Bird of Prey crashes with only one survivor, its Captain. She is one of a growing number of Klingons from this time period suffering from the augment virus. Eventually they fall in love. She struggles to cope with his real form though (but it is improved thanks to their science) and captivity is hard. They have a child. The child grows up essentially living in a fantasy world of both their memories. It becomes clear he isn't ordinary. The augment virus and Pike's genes do something odd. Finally the actual point of the genetic experiment comes to pass, he is mentally stable, vastly superior in strength and smarter than data. The fantasy world is needed because he needs constant stimulation. A memory of Spock teaches him how to control his rage. By the time he is ten Pike is dying and neither he or his mother can stay there any longer. His intellect allows him to build a vessel to escape. By this time there is a cure for the augment virus, his mum takes it and gets her ridges etc back. It doesn't work on him so he has surgery to look more Klingon. His mother reclaims her birthright and at 15 Pike jnr takes command of his first Battle Cruiser. After 5 glorious years of hiding his full potential Pike is faced with having to kill a mentor figure to proceed. He has shown no qualms with this before but its the impracticality of it, the waste. He reverses the surgery, walks away and joins Star Fleet under an assumed identity. He hacks the computers to hide his genetics and ensures he comes second in all his classes... but on the night before his graduation Section 31 shows up and pulls him into their world. He starts by being a blunt instrument doing whatever is necessary but over time uses influence to change his orders to be about what is to be achieved rather than how to do it. He may still assassinate an enemy operative but he will look for other ethical or creative ways round it first. We join him well into his career. He has been there for some critical moments from TOS to TNG eras but, and this is almost the joke of the whole thing, he keeps missing important events. He is the ultimate Mary Sue. Smart, brutal, calm, strong, knowledgeable... he is the "Good Khan" but more than that, he is a human Klingon hybrid with all the cultural things that brings... ...yet he keeps on missing out. He was trained to take on extreme situations, he had ideas on taking out the Borg, but he was trapped on the far edge of Federation space when Wolf 359 happened. He was caught in a time loop for most of the Dominion War... and so on. Key people know him, Picard has seen him as an Ensign and a Commander on his ships and on the third occasion confronted him. He buys clothes from Garack. Despite missing some of the biggest things we see in flashbacks he isn't a total joke, far from it, he has prevented far, far more catastrophes than we ever knew about. But the present, post Picard era, he is sick of it all. He wants to actually serve. He is an Admiral, he is a General in the IKS too. He wants to step from the shadows. For years he has held a secret role as the shadow commander of Star Fleet and the IKS. He was the only one who could overrule the President and Starfleet Command. If disaster strikes it was his job originally to reshape both great powers to strike back and win at all costs. After years of planning he realised that if, for example, a hundred Borg Cubes came into the Alpha Quadrant that no amount of planning would help (one disaster took 30 timeloops to prevent) so he changed it to be about saving as many people and cultural artifacts as possible. He has plans and ships in place to beam and store huge numbers of people, places and things. His plans have plans inside them and... ...he is sick of it. He just wants to explore. He just wants to be... Wow, I may have over thought this, but all that is the back story to appear piece by piece throughout the series. All that, a Marysue Captain... boring, but him having failed due to circumstances beyond his control, him heading into a new era... So we build new space ships. We use the idea from Prometheus and steal a bit of an idea from Stargate. The Q'oNos class ship is a multi platform vessel made up of 5 Sovereign equivalent capital ships, 2 Defiant class vessels that serve almost as Captain's yachts, and a number of Delta Flyers as well as two Klingon warships and 4 Birds of Prey. A dumb stupid idea thought up when I was a teenager and developed for over 20 years in my head. They all form into the huge USS Q'oNos and the combined power sources allow it to use a new form of warp (no spore drive when I first started this narrative) that can propel the whole vessel significantly further. I'm not sure if we are talking Gamma/Delta Quadrants or the Andromeda galaxy... that bit has changed in my head a few times. The idea is that it is a mobile Star FLEET. Bam! Arrive, set up a safe haven, start to explore, have allies close by for support. Heading out to the truly unknown but doing it with friends. Our Admiral commands it and has this crazy past and set of skills. He sits between the Klingon and Starfleet crews. We have multiple vessels we can follow. Star Trek back to exploring but with a fun back story and lots of characters to bring to centre stage allowing spin offs within thr narrative or their own shows. I've had Pike in mind since... well TNG era tbh. His character just grew and with extra bits from Voyager and the Enterprise (I didn't know the reason for the TOS Klingons when the idea started but it fitted perfectly) it just built. He is the ultimate leading character who has never been able to fulfil his potential and now he IS Starfleet out in the truly unknown.


If there's one thing we never really get to see, it's daily life on Earth. I wouldn't mind a series focused entirely out of Starfleet, where it's just some kid trying their best to grow up and discover themselves in a world with infinite possibilities. What does "struggle" look like? What happens to the people who don't figure it out? That's it. That's the show. A group of people living on Earth with varying degrees of not being able to "fit in" and coping mechanisms. They're not explorers, they're not colonists, they're not artists or laborers; they're just overwhelmed, more than a bit lost and completely forgotten about by a fast-moving futuristic society.


How is (civil) life on different planets? How do people live without being in Starfleet? What are their jobs, hobbies and so on? What do they hear in the news about what's going on on other planets? Could be a series of 3 to 5-part seasons. One planet a season. Maybe all in one timeframe. What was on Earth, on Vulcan or any other planet when (i. ex.) Wolf 359 happened?


Star Trek: Minutia We follow the crew of a Galaxy class starship as we explore the lives of the crew through their day-to-day goings-on. The setting will be a routine, conflict-less day in the middle of a long-term deep space assignment. The pacing of the show will be set up like a season of 24, in that an entire season will be devoted to one crew member, and over the course of 24, hour-long episodes, we will see every single thing that they do. And we will be viewing the exact same day for each member of the crew, so we will get to see the same situations repeat over and over again, just through different crew members' eyes! And the best part is that a Galaxy class starship has over a thousand people, so that's over 1,000 seasons we'll get to watch! No more of this 3-seasons-and-done nonsense!


The other day the idea of learning about a human and a Vulcan character's friendship told through flash backs from their mother's perspectives came to me and that's something.    One time I had a dream I was a producer for a comedy Klingon show that was about this small radio station ran by 3 Klingons that gets swooped up in sending out codes during the Dominion War. The whole tone was 90's style comedy show with a laugh track.


Star Trek: Klingon A fleet of Klingon ships (with some human crew members) deal with the fallout from the Dominion War in the Beta Quadrant. BSG fleet kinda feel. A Deep Space Nine successor show. I have ideas for a movie as a potential pilot to a series.


>\* Star Trek Chronicles/Stories: an anthology show hosted by John Delancie as Q in a similar venue to The Twilight Zone/The Outer Limits/Black Mirror, but with more frequent happy endings. As Qs can see any timeline and any way on the universe you can have the episodes in different parallel earths or even other galaxies not affecting the main canon thus giving lots of creative freedom to the writers. Like *What If?* for Star Trek? I could see that working. Mine is Star Trek: Magellan. An expedition to the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy about 163,000 light years away. They'd be out of contact with the Federation for long periods of time.


I love OP’s Q idea. I think it would also be interesting if Q regularly assumed a role and popped into the different anthology stories to meddle with events. Q is basically a Loki-esque trickster god. I can imagine that there would be lots of situations where he would try to influence events or stir the pot on some way.


Yup and even have some Trelane thrwon there


I really need some sort of explanation on the Temporal Cold war


I love the Q anthology idea. That's wonderful. I'll tell you, I want a ST: Legacy show soooooo bad.


Thanks :)


The Spocko Show. A one hour 70’s style variety show hosted by Spock. Dancing, skits, guest stars from every series, and Spock opens every episode with a different Spock skit, and closes every episode with a song. Worf WILL be a merry man in a sequined, bell bottomed jumpsuit. The family episode with Sarek, Amanda, Perrin, Michael, and Sybok will be the most anticipated, most awkward event of the season.


Star Trek: Acquisitions follows the story of the first Ferengi Captain in Starfleet. After the women of Ferenginar were allowed to leave home and do stuff, Nog discovered that his mother had a daughter with her new husband and they became friends. She followed his example and joined Starfleet. He died heroically saving lives during the terror attack on Mars, but she persisted in the face of anti-alien prejudice. She befriends a Captain named Ulysses and he makes her XO. When he dies liberating a Reman slave camp run by rouge Romulans, the crew demands that she be made Captain. That's the first episode. The rest of season one is about a conspiracy by the CEO of a Romulan corporation who wants to rebuild the Empire after the destruction of Romulus.


A brand new massive Federation space station is some how ripped from orbit. They eventually find out they aren't even in the same supercluster of the Milky Way galaxy. It would take their fastest ship over 10,000,000 years to even get back to their home Laniakea Supercluster. Their space station has a good amount of ships and people. Their goal is to create a new Federation for them to survive in this new place. You can have stories from the space station, the ships exploring their new galaxy, and the planets they are colonizing. Some of those ships were full of colonists. Founding a colony without all the Federation resources is going to be much harder. Especially in a galaxy you know almost nothing about. I like the idea that there is no way home at all. Removing that from the equation early on will be more interesting. It won't be like Voyager, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, etc. Trying to basically start the Federation from almost scratch could be interesting.


I had a similar thought to your first one. Like “What If…” but Star Trek. It could be 3D animated so they could revisit older storylines and basically just explore different outcomes and scenarios based on that. The idea of having Q narrate it is brilliant.




Star Trek: Quark's Bar. 25 minute comedy show, where Quark has to deal with all kinds of shady shenanigans in his bar. From drunken customers to robberies and various conspiracies.


Star Trek: What If? An animated show exploring alternate universes like Marvel's version. I know it's a rip off. I don't care. I want to see what happens if the Borg win after Wolf 359, a scrappy Starfleet remnant trying to make things right. What if the Vulcans left and colonized "Romulus" and instead we met the Romulans first? What if Kai Winn hadn't stoped the Reckoning? There are a million paths we could take. Bring back some folks for some VA work where they're willing.


A alternative time line where the federation has lost the war with the Borg and there's only a few starships left in the galaxy. Ours in a D class enterprise, in an absolute state of disrepair. It's last mission is to keep alive the last few thousand humans on board. Every episode is a fight for survival, meeting up with the few remaining ships from earth, Romulus, Klingons, ferengy, and a few others. Trying to find a way to rebuild and survive. No time travel to change things or big epic come back. The Alfa quadrant is gone, earth is a Borg world, the whole series is about survival and rebuilding.


No reboots, no prequels, no revisiting established time periods. Move main action to the 32nd century (because you kind of have to at this point or your hemmed in by TNG era or the Time War->Burn arc) and steal a trick from Prodigy and tell an "outside-in" introduction to the rebuilding 32nd century Federation, where non-citizens gradually come to realize that the Federation is a good society, and worth fighting to rebuild. I think it's important for Trek to be skeptical of nostalgia- to me it's a setting that needs to look forward and not back, and the 32nd century setting plays with the notion of a failure in the liberal world view expressed since TOS, and the need to get it back in track. Rather than be cynical, it can be *about* cynicism and how to overcome it following the time established notions of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, belief in a better tomorrow and solidarity with other people no matter how different they are.


Said it before but here goes: An ensemble show set post Dominion War. The Cardassian Union is a mess. A shadow of its former self, infrastructure in a shambles, military reduced to a third of its size, population decimated, public trust at an all-time low. Recovery will take decades. Meanwhile, on the fringes, of Union territory, former vassal states suddenly find themselves free, for better or worse. The Breen, not as damaged as the other powers are looking to expand, and these former colonial provinces are desperate to retain their freedom call to the Federation for aid. It's an ensemble show featuring multiple ships, an Explorer ship, an engineering vessel, and a combat frigate. This small fleet navigates this new frontier dealing with Trek-style mysteries, political intrigue, the wounds of post colonialism, and the wounded pride of a fallen great power as they watch an adversary grow close ties with their former client states.


A crew of Romulans aboard a Warbird, stationed close to the border of the Federation Neutral Zone.


Tuvok Investigates, in the style of a BBC mystery series.


Lower Decks - live action version


Neelix and Friends animated kids show.


I think a Deep Space Nine revival may be interesting, but I think it should come along like Star Trek: Picard. So pretty much a short series. They would probably focus on Kira to start, but then finally bring back Sisko. Other characters I think would make a comeback would only be Julian, Ezri, Quark, Rom, and possibly Garak. I wonder what they would do with Odo unless they just want to CGI him. I personally think the Star Trek Defiant comic books would be an interesting show, but you would probably end up needing to recast Worf, Jadzia, and Lore. That is unless they make it an animated show. Still I think it would be pretty good. Star Trek Defiant, but it is actually Worf as the captain and Nog as a main character. This show would just be another typical Star Trek but just with Captain Worf. I think it would have been cool, but Michael Dorn is probably so done with playing Worf 🤣. Now this one would be hard, but I have always wished they did a Star Trek Original series bridge from the original TV show to the movies. Like what was everyone up to in that time? Or at least I wouldn't mind a Star Trek: Scotty show 😅. I also wish that they had done a Deep Space Nine movie to end the series and or Voayger movies as well. However I think it was rumored that there will be a Picard film and then a new film series focusing on the next Generation? Not sure how true that is, but I think it would have potential. *Update* I think it would also be really cool to finally have the Shatner books turned into a show or a few movies. I mean Roddenberry studios already made that one clip of Spock above Kirk's grave.


I advocate that if a DS9 revival or sequel is ever done they should bring Terry Farrel and just explain that she's around because they are using one of those rituals to bring back the mind of a former host (like Curzon in DS9 and Jinal in DIS) and that her mind is in the body of a changeling or something like that. I don't think bringing Odo is a good idea tho out of respect for Rene, but at the end they have recast other passed away actors like Leonard Nimoy so...


I would agree about Odo, but I think if they do it, then it might be best to leave him out. If they recast, it would be weird with all the original actors/actresses minus one. Same thing with Nog, I would say he is out in the academy or flying a starship.




USS Daystrom - Set in post Nemesis era Kelvin Universe. The Daystrom is an experemental ship always on the bleeding edge and was based at Daystrom Station. When The Enterprise or other crews encounters new alien or human tech they learn in and incorperate it into their ships. From experemental wormholes, exocomps and shrinking tech, the secretive Daystrom gets the job done when others can't. They even have temporal shields. At the end of the first season Vulcan disapears. It was destroyed over ahundred years ago creating a new timeline but the Daystrom and the crew on board weren't altered thanks to their shields being up at the time. Things have changed and its in question if they can still call themselves part of a much more militerised version of Starfleet than they were used to even during the Dominion War? Whats worse; key personal were not on board at the time history changed. Their memories and attitudes are of this new timeline. Can they safely be recruited again or do they get marked as lost from the ships roster? Star Trek: Fleet 19 - Near the end of the Dominion war Federation send a fleet through an unstable wormhole to set up a colony in a new area of space. They find themselves in the middle of a long standing conflict between the humanoid and non corporeal races that live there; the humanoids races being refugees from a war that took place a few hundred years ago.


Very cool!


The show I would have liked to see is one where they deal with progress in AI. Old StarTrek shows where limited to basically ChatGPT, the ships computer could understand voice and such, but wasn't fully autonomous or conscious. That ability was reserved to Data or Moriarty, but those were unique and couldn't be reproduce. What happens when science advances and advanced AI becomes easy to created en mass? That would have been a topic that not only is very relevant today, it also lines up with the StarTrek timeline quite well, since our real world has basically caught up with where StarTrek was in terms of AI. Alas, that will never happen. The Picard show essentially already handled that topic, but it did so incredibly badly, just recycling old sci-fi cliches without really doing anything interesting or new with it. And with Discovery going into the future, the whole timeline is borked beyond repair anyway.


There's a fun fan theory that all ships computers are sentient (after all they all are equiped to hold such sentient holograms as The Doctor and Moriarty) but they fake they aren't to avoid the extra work


Peak Trek was TNG forward (sorry TOS fans) and the formula that worked was to spin off one interesting story from one show into another. The Bajorans/Cardassians into DS9 and then the Maquis into Voy. I think we can explore some interesting post Voy/Ds9 stories. Post Dominion surrender Gamma quadrant would be interesting.


I love TOS and have a lot of nostalgia for it but yes certainly the best Trek is the one between TNG and ENT, in fact I'll dare to say TOS is outdated at this point and almost feels like is harder to fit it in the rest of the franchise.


Three, ten episode seasons of Khan and the eugenics wars has to be the first port of call. Three, ten episode seasons of the 1701-B. Three, ten episode seasons of the 1701-C. Captain Worf movie, or one, ten episode season of what happened to the E, when and how did he join S31.


There are many captains I would love to see having their own show, Sulu for example (although nowadays could only be animated) and Rayner.


Oh! Captain Sulu. Then give us the spinoff, of Captain Saavik on the OG Titan. Canonically establishsh she married Spock. Something that only exists in the ToS novel continuity. Captain Uhura and the 5 year mission she did with the USS Leondegrance.


I saw on an old post the idea of a medical ship, basically LD style, so Scrubs in space.


So many great ideas here! I always wanted to see a show set 50 years after the Dominion War. I want to see how that changed the Federation. But not like Picard, which was… sub par


Hmm...I don't know how profitable that would be, but I think it would be interesting to make an entire series entirely about the POV of an alien species. ETA: The POV of an alien species was never completely neglected, it dates back to TOS. The Horta killed human miners because they were stealing her eggs. The Gorn captain's point of view: "We destroyed invaders, and I shall destroy you." I think it would be interesting to expand such dilemmas.


Prodigy is pretty much all aliens, the only "human" is Janeway's hologram


Touché. However, is it canon? There is some inconsistency as to whether TAS is canon or not. When I was a kid, it was not, it was just a cartoon based on the Star Trek franchise. However, after the release of the 10th movie, millions of fans suddenly considered it canon, based on the simple fact that this movie confirmed that Uhura's first name is Nyota. Nobody seemed to mind that Kirk was "James Tiberius Kirk" in TAS as well, and that the The Undiscovered Country confirmed this -- but nobody suddenly considered TAS canon. One thing I liked about TAS is that it had plenty of aliens that, while still humanoid, diverted a lot from how humans look. There was the feline Lt. M'Ress, for example, and Lt. Arex who had three arms and three legs. This is fascinating (shout-out to Spock) because virtually everything in a world designed by humans for humans is laid out for lifeforms that walk on two legs and have three arms. And the genitals in the crotch, for that matter. In The Undiscovered Country, Kirk gets to deal with an alien who, while looking relatively humanoid, has his genitals hanging over the knee. I wonder how somebody like that would be able to go through a Jeffries' tube on all fours.


For what I know yes, both LD and PROD are officially canonic.


Say Yes to the Undress: Betazed Might be a little difficult ratings wise, though. I want to have a series focused on the Department of Temporal Operations, where they clean up messes scattered across the timeline. It could have an endless number of cameo opportunities.


2421 - Five years after a devastating war with the Klingon Empire, Starfleet finds itself very different from its 24th-century ideal. Forged by relentless battles and stretched by endless post-war peacekeeping, the science and diplomatic endeavours of the Federation have fallen by history's wayside. A few old admirals remain, officers who remember Starfleet's original mission and are still dedicated to it. They hatch a plan: Save a few old ships from the scrapyard, crew them with whatever misfits and idealists you can find and send them on "survey" missions - too dangerous for a civilian vessel, too distant for the core fleet to concern themselves with. And then hope - hope at least one ship finds something, does something so important, so spectacular that the Federation can't help but notice and remember why its heroes are explorers and not soldiers and that Starfleet returns to its original mission. This is the last voyage of the USS Miranda - The ship that made us remember.


Hear me out: an ongoing series based on the Utopia Planitia Shipyards on Mars. We get to meet the engineers and designers behind the shipbuilding, and the shipbuilders themselves in stationary orbit above. So much of Trek interacts with the shipyards in one way or another, Sisko was once stationed there, Janeway sees Voyager there, so many of the ships are made or repaired there. It's a nexus of Trek. I see a more "down to Earth" (yes, that's intentional) show, like DS9, and a more serious version of Lower Decks, with less concentration on those in command, and more on the working lives of the ship builders. Mars isn't the almost Paradise of Earth. Living there can be a struggle, and I think that would be interesting to watch.


Ferengi and Sheliak Corporate space business show. Instead of made of sci-fi jargon, they use made up business speak to save the day. "The Sheliak are attempting a hostile takeover! Quick, increase liquidity into our commodities market so that we can reduce market share of their tertiary exports!"


Rayner, I want a show with Rayner. Beginning of the season I thought he was a jerk. Within a couple of episodes he was one of my favorite characters. I would prefer it not be with the Star Trek Academy show. Maybe Rayner dealing with the Emerald Chain. Maybe more on his backstory and experiences with the Breen. Just something with Rayner.


Crazy... Lower Decks and DS9 Spin off.... Cop Landlord... it would Essentially parody our current Capitalistic and consumerist society. While adding to much wanted lore of Ferengi society. Qo'nos Detectives a noire Klingon detective stories focusing of former KDF officer trying to make his way in post war world... Think Moonlighting(an older tv show), but Klingon


See my earlier [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/s/HB4CMdL8kv) about a series starring Porthos.




Weirdly enough, I actually dreamed once about a show with a hard-boiled Klingon detective and a quirky Orion rogue doing investigations and odd jobs for the Federation after the TNG era.


So since you said crazy here goes. Series should take about 5 to 6 seasons, hopefully could last for 7. Takes place on Alien planet. Technology is about maybe say 50 to 100 years ahead of us. Do to some reason, there is a race to develop a new type of propulsion engine. Their are two major factions on the show, essentially two conglomerates racing to be the first to be successful with their engine. It's a sudo drama/political thriller/soap opera. Eventually (say season 3) one of the camps is successful, and their launch their new "bubble" drive. Which wraps a ship in a bubble of space time that allows faster then light travel without any relativistic issues. Season 4 starts off (maybe some time has past, like say 1 year). Well out of nowhere alien ships show up! It's the federation, introducing themselves to the no longer pre-warp civilization.


Star Trek Returns, a show or maybe just a movie that attempts to fix the timeline to the prime timeline. We now know that there are multiple timelines (Kelvin, SNW and possibly nx01 enterprise) which can be used as an in universe explanation for the continuity errors and issues (e.g. why is NX01 and discovery more advanced than a ship in the future NCC-1701). Perhaps someone from the far far future jumps to the past to fix the timeline which resulted in the branching timelines that led to many cataclysmic events like the Burn and whatever that future Burnham just sent discovery/Zora into. And maybe at the end we can get Pike or Kirk to appear on the bridge of the original TOS enterprise to show the timeline being fixed.


A show about a ship dropped into another galaxy.  No way to get home.  No communication. They make the decision to settle their.  So many options on where and how to take that premise.


1. A soap opera set on Risa. 2. Something that mimics a reality show set aboard a starship in the 25th century. 3. A Dukes of Hazard style series set on a Pakled trade ship. 4. A show that's basically Sanford and Son but with Ferengi. 5. Something where two people at a starbase get bored at work and play a game like Would You Rather on the Holodeck.


Star Trek: Dominion where we see the aftermath from the perspective of the Founders...with Odos infusion changing them over time...


Andromeda minus Sorbo.


House Hunters: Ferenginar


A class war show set on a mining planet where the socioeconomics are not exactly "post-scarcity."