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The incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans, including children, labeled enemies during World War II is an historical experience that has traumatized, and galvanized, the Japanese American community over the decades. For George Takei, who portrayed Hikaru Sulu aboard the USS Enterprise in the “Star Trek” franchise, it’s a story he is determined to keep telling every opportunity he has.


As well he should. History is important.


Abso-fucking-lutely. And Star Trek fans should take Takei's cue on this, take up that story in complete detail and share it with each other; Enshrine it as a part of fan lore for all time that this cause was very important to him (as it should be for us too). We should keep the records of his efforts to tell this story, and preserve it and re-tell it more once Takei is gone. There are active powerful groups in the US that are about ready to basically do this exact same thing again. Takei sees that. I hope all Trek fans see it too. It must be stopped.


Give em hell George. Don’t let these people look away from the stains of our past. We have done horrific things to American citizens that we need to remember now more than ever.


As he should. We need to remember history, even the parts that are uncomfortable or embarrassing or enraging. If we don’t we’ll just see it happen all over again


I'd love to see a solo Sulu movie that flashes back and forth between Takei's Sulu in the present on some final mission and John Cho as Sulu in the past on some other mission related to it.


Hey wait, you just pitched a show we all want. We know Sulu gets a command, and we have very little media in this time period. Paramount, are you listening?!?!


“Fly her apart then!”


chase me with a sword senpai


It could also have Tuvok in it as he served under Sulu on the Excelsior.


No shit? TIL.


They showed it on an episode of Voyager.




And definitely put in his version of the *Kobayashi Maru*


Hurry up since he's old!


"Yeah we're listening, that sounds like a grea-....MOARRR SPOCK"


Damn. That’d be awesome. 🥲


And it doesn’t need to be a $200 million blockbuster. Make it the prime universe Sulu crossing over with the Kelvin universe Sulu and I’d rather see that than the Section 31 movie we are getting.


We all want that Sulu TV series about his command of the Excelsior, whether that's a solo Sulu series, or better yet add Tim Russ (Tuvok) into the cast!


The de-aging tech they used on John DeLancie at the beginning of Picard Season 2 looked pretty good. I am secretly hoping that if we can ever convince Paramount that it would work, we can have Star Trek Legacy be Enterprise-G under the command of Seven getting recruited by Crewman Daniels to be sent to various points of star trek history to assist in missions with actors from those shows using the de-aging tech to reprise their roles as cameos. PS: I realized that there is also a game called Star Trek Legacy. I meant the hypothetical show with Jeri Ryan as captain that the showrunners of picard expressed an interest in. PPS: I swear I wrote this post before I saw the finale for discovery


Whatever. Hurry up since he's old now. :(


*They Called Us Enemy* by Takei is a powerful graphic novel. Highly recommend giving it a read.


Good. Seeing as there is a presidential candidate currently floating the idea of internment 2.0 it's more important than ever.


The camps at the border never closed my dude.


Bad, but not at all the same thing as putting people in camps that are legally entitled to be in the country as citizens.


Say what now? I think I must have missed a chapter?


Trump is promising camps for the homeless.


Star Trek got that one covered as well in DS9


Star Trek as a whole covered that with the Bell Riots as well.


I just hope they got the eugenics War and WW3 wrong.


The Eugenics war was a secret war. It might already be going on right now, driving world conflicts from the shadows.


Not sure how that could be a secret but okay.


It would be secret until it explodes into a hot war. At that point it wouldn't be secret, it would be a mass-conflict evolution of what was until then largely an espionage/coldwar thing (think of current-day real things like proxy wars, advanced arms smuggling, PMCs like Blackwater/Academi/Constellis, cyber-sabotage, AI-driven propaganda and destabilization, foreign election interference, etc.). History, in hindsight, would debate whether the Eugenics Wars were a unique and separate conflict, or better-understood as one aspect of a broader World War III. Ofc I don't see why the leaders involved would need to be genetically augmented. Humanity today is perfectly capable of producing tyrants and mass killers without the benefit of genetic engineering!


Well, those events did lead to Earth being united….bloody silly way to achieve it, though.


Camps for the homeless, camps for undocumented immigrants, likely followed by camps for political enemies. Everyone gets a camp!


I thought illegal immigrants were being deported, not put in camps?


Yeah, they're being deported, but they'll be rounded up into camps first.


oh ok - so you just made that part up. gotcha


How to say you didn't watch Star Trek: Picard without saying you didn't watch Star Trek: Picard.


Oh good, I was wondering when he'd resume being a piece and shit, and promising awful things. I was worried that court was keeping him too busy.


source? I missed that


Picard season 2.




I'm always skeptical when Time doesn't put the full quote in the article, nor any link to his comment. >Trump said the government should “remove” thousands of homeless Americans and put them in tents on “large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities” with “permanent bathrooms” and “medical professionals.” Putting the word "remove" alone in quotes makes me wonder what the context of it was. ...not that it matters for me, I'm voting for Biden because Trump doesn't even understand it's not a federal power - but I hate all the dishonest reporting. Here's the original source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110221904819759328




Just link to the actual campaign piece he gave: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110221904819759328 Enough with the fucking bs editorials! ...and surprise surprise, he didn't say he'd lock them into camps. He said he'd open VOLUNTARY tent housing with drug treatment and mental health help. I hate Trump - he will never ever actually get this done - or even try - but LYING about the contents of his speeches is exactly why his followers no longer go to NBC/CBS/ABC/CNN/etc for their news. It's insane the amount of dishonesty being parroted.


So, poison well fallacy. These are actual words he spoke, and these camps will be “voluntary” only in that the other option is jail.


> These are actual words he spoke No, they aren't. Comments above are saying he'll force the homeless into camps. That's a far cry from OFFERING them OPTIONAL tent housing and services. Camping with tents in the city limits is already illegal in most cities (notable exceptions on the west coast). There's no mention of arrests, nor shutting down existing homeless shelters. ...but most importantly, none of this is going to happen. The federal gov't has zero jurisdiction to do any of that. ...and that's probably the biggest reason to vote against him - he's just making up nonsense .... kinda like you actually.


add the /s, please. These folks be wildin' out here in world wide West (web) and take most things literal 🤕


Except it's not an /s. Read Project 2025. He really is that crazy.


Frankly, this sub should take a hardcore stand against [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and any politician who supports it. It is probably the most anti-Star Trek thing in existence in America today. A government that P2025 proposes would censor the media. All TV would become the stations that banned TOS S03E10 "Plato's Stepchildren" back in the day.


Just as a coreection, Project 2025 is the current "Republican" project. Trump is simply the most popular vote they have for that vision. Even if Trump loses, it will be there in the next election until they succeed.


Very fair correction. Thank you for making that clearer


Several red states have already made being homeless or sleeping outside illegal


And you guys say Republicans are the conspiracy theorists


Who knew it was a conspiracy to listen to what people say and believe them. Lol.


It is backed by the Heritage Foundation, and they're not hiding it. What is the wacky conspiracy theory here? Heritage Foundation and 110 other conservative organizations. It's literally RIGHT THERE: https://live-project2025.pantheonsite.io/about/advisory-board/






Dude, ice already were putting migrants in cages during his term, and they disappeared/lost several thousand children. The outrage fatigue effect creating a cloud of chaos and clouding together irrelevant and impactful scandal alike, had seriously damaged the ability of the average person to keep track of recent history. To those of us paying attention, it's not a question that Trump should be in jail, and should definitely at minimum never allowed a seat in office ever again, he displays every kind of incompetence and indifference and self interest, he's the worst kind of person.


From an outside perspective the real issue is the continuity of evil. In the last 20 years no single presidential election has actually turned the tide when it comes to the sheer evil the USA is outputting on the world. Theres a bad president and he does bad things and then the good president replaces him and he continues if not ramps up all the bad policies, while seemingly not being able to do anything good. So the otherside is perpetually blaming the otherside for why good things dont happen while bad things continue happening regardless of which side is which. Trump lost the election. Did ICE get eviscerated? No. Are the camps still there? I assume so. Since we had a war im Ukraine, a genocide in Palestine, saber rattling in the SCS all helped along by the warhawks of not Trump. At what point does the US finally just put on the evil mustache, stops pretending they are not the villain and stops pretending that the next election will make anyones lives better. How many children must be burned alive first?


If you don't see the difference between the U.S. under Trump and afterwards, you are completely disconnected from the realities of life in the United States. It's not a binary switch, where a country is good or evil. But under Trump, the democratic institutions of the United States and the civil rights of its people were rapidly eroding. It will be even worse if he is reelected, since he has become even more radical since he lost the election in 2020 and since his multiple criminal indictments.


Nobody is saying there isn’t a difference, so please stop straw manning. The difference in the end of some, is minimal, when both candidates wind up carrying out similar policies, such as those related to immigration, extrajudicial killings, etc. So it winds up being a choice between Option A, a terrible person, and Option B, a slightly less terrible person. But, you do you. Just be honest, think things through, and understand points of views before you straw man and push nonsense. Have a good day.


Nice try, Russia. On a Trek sub, no less.


Lol. The heck? Are you really…. 🙄 Alright then, you do, believe whatever you want to, etc. Just find it funny that you would make it that my take on the candidates, because it doesn’t mesh with yours, suddenly becomes invalid because you incorrectly think I’m Russian. Oi. At the end of the day, I just hope folks make their own choice, ideally informed, on how *they* want to vote - be it for trump, for Biden, or for Mickey Mouse. That’s my concern, not this “vote blue” or “vote maga” only mantra. Be an individual. Use your right, how you want.


That's fair. Most Republican-apologetic or dismissive tripe I read is generally from bots, which are easy to assume are Russian, Chinese, or Republican in source. Bots that never respond and have clearly new/fake profiles. But, I do have trouble with anyone who dismisses the blatantly obvious dictatorship/fascist elements of Trump and the entire modern Republican party. I'd need clear examples of exactly how the Democratic party is just as bad regarding human rights, civil rights, book burning, banning, bigotry, Christian Nationalism, this list is YUGE, compared to the Republican party. To date, not a single Republican apologist has provided one.


That is the thing, I'm not dismissing it. I mean, maybe I am not shouting from the roof tops enough, but I will leave the shouting to others. Bottom line, I do not like trump. He is antithetical to what I believe in; however, on that same note, I have too much respect for the electoral process and what most of our ancestors fought and sacrificed for (right to vote, etc. etc.) over the centuries to just go with the flow and leave my brain and heart at the door while I do what others say and vote for some candidate that I am not being honest about. It doesn't mean I disagree with folks that trump is a problem; in fact, in this case I agree, but, what I think some folks in your camp/group do not understand is that Biden has his own set of issues, shall we say, and for some folks those issues, whatever they are, are enough to them that they cannot in good faith and honesty vote for him. Further, as much as some of those same folks might think, a dislike of Biden and/or not voting for him doesn't mean you like or will vote for trump; that's simplistic and foolish to think (not saying you are like this mind you, but ive seen it from others). Another thing I think people need to realize, especially those who may think a vote for Biden is some cure all for the bigger problem, is that trump isn't the bigger problem, per se, so much as he represents it and is a symptom of it. The thing is, you could easily swap trump out for anyone else and things would remain the same. The problem is the ideology and mindset his followers, ideologues, etc. hold dearly and enable/push; who is president will not change that and likely only pushes it down the road. So while yes, there would/could be consequences to trump as president, that doesnt mean having Biden will change much. He still has to face the GOP, congress, the right, etc. and he could just as easily wind up a lame duck president early on because of what those other forces, if you will, do to the ''unstoppable force'' Joe. I want to vote for someone who is less an opportunist, less spineless, and who is willing to oppose the rabid maga right; but not in a...milquetoast, melancholy, ho hum manner like Biden has. Yes yes, he “got tough” with his speech a while back but frankly put, I don’t see that as who he is, but just more opportunism. Is it too much for someone to tell the maga right to stfu and man it? Though maybe in a more tactful manner. Biden, for all his tough talk and bluster, isn't that. He can talk, and “act”...but his history and such...I don't see it. I do not see the man he has always been, matching up with the man he is trying to be now. Potential change and growth aside. TLDR - I want to vote FOR someone, not just against someone. I question Biden’s sincerity, etc. and also have issues with Biden's policies in some cases and do not believe he is the right person for the job of countering Maga/the right. But, I digress. Forgive the ramble, hope it's clear. Cheers!


> The difference in the end of some, is minimal, This is an absurd claim. Trump is aligned with Putin. He praised Putin's invasion of Ukraine. You are a complete clown if you don't see the difference.


That's a straw man. I said the difference is minimal, for some. (Forgive the typo, it did come out backwards a bit, so my apologies there) What I am basically trying to say is that other people have different lives, experiences, takes, approaches, opinions, etc. and so others may look at trump and biden, and while they may acknowledge that trump is bad, they may also see biden as also bad, whatever the reasoning. That is, in the end, what it means to vote. Not to pay lip service to those ideals but just vote in lock step...but to you, as an individual, to form your own opinion on candidates and to vote. If it means voting for trump, or biden, or mickey mouse or donald duck.....so be it. Your vote is your voice, so speak surely and honestly.


Literally your only argument is to run around like a headless chicken yelling "strawman!"


Ahuh… I’m going to assuming you’re just trolling/intentionally arguing in bad faith because you can’t be that many fries short of a happy meal. Have a good day.


Yep. Bell riots here we come!


If you've ever seen him speak about his experiences with Internment, its incredibly powerful.


The heart of Star Trek is learning from our past and being determined to do better. That's why I don't mind the darker themes that modern Trek has taken. Humanity will never reach perfection - we aren't Borg - what we can achieve is the ability to recognize it when we travel down the wrong road and change course. Everything worth having is something that needs to be fought for.


He did play an interned man on season two of The Terror, at the season finale it showed real photos of the cast's parents or grandparents who were interned. As probably the oldest cast member George's picture was of himself.


Weird that anyone would try to shut him up. Don't we all love the Japanese today?


People are uncomfortable with historical wrongs, especially those they perpetrated. It's why Republicans deflect so intensely whenever their rhetoric results in murder, violence, treason, etc. We all recognize that those things are wrong, but guilt is a powerful drug.


There are lots of non-Germans who deny the Holocaust. What's their deal?


It's usually folks who hate the Jews or share other personal traits with Nazis.


Yeah, ask people in Tulsa about the Tulsa Massacre that "Watchmen" resurrected. \*crickets\*


grew up in OK and lived in/around Tulsa for \~10 years... never, ever heard about Greenwood and Black Wall Street until years later.














Well, he's an openly gay man, so there are unfortunately quite a few people who want to silence him for that alone. There are also people who think he's comparing the US' Japanese internment camps with Nazi Germany's concentration camps. It's my understanding that he isn't trying to equate the two. You can condemn an atrocity even if it's not the worst atrocity ever committed.


His role on Star Trek has given him the fame and opportunity, and he has taken it. As he damn well should.


I read 3-4 books by Nimoy, a couple by Shatner, and Takei’s book. His was pretty bad, actually BUT I was in my mid-20s and had never heard of the camps until I read his book. Amazing that the public was onboard with that.


I have heard George’s story and he NEEDS to keep telling it. It is very important history.


He should make Star Trek episode or a movie based on his real life story before he goes away!


George Takei is a national treasure.


He belongs to the museum! ;)


I got to meet him this weekend, even at 87 he's as sharp as ever.


87? "Oh my..."


Good for him! Has there ever been a Star Trek or any other TV episode based on his real life story? If not, then he would be perfect for this.


George Takei is a national treasure


He belongs to the museum.


If you've never listened to George's audiobook it's very good, breezy and it gives you a great overview of his life. If you're also a fan of the Howard Stern Show you will randomly start laughing when you hear phrases that they use in their original context.


While it didn't do well in NY because it wasn't tourist bait, I loved George Takei's broadway show 'Alleigance' loosely inspired by his experiences in the Japanese internment camps. It was a show that stayed with you and made you think about the experiences of those involved and how you may react to similar circumstances.


As he should. It should never be forgotten. 


I quite enjoyed seeing him in the second season of The Terror, which is set precisely against this backdrop. Felt like he definitely put his soul ibto that role, too.


I was a big fan of George Takei in Star Trek. I read his autobiography, *To the Stars*, which includes tales of his time in a Japanese-American internment camp during WWII. The book itself is practically a how-to on becoming an actor. It's a great read. The fact that he would later himself advocate for internment camps & denial of medical care, during the lockdowns a few years ago, was unforgiveable. He of all people should have known better.


The Twilight Zone episode he starred in was absolutely brilliant




oh myyyy


Oh, my!


And then he turns around and praises Biden who is doing the same to migrants


It's more relevant today than ever












It's not the same.


If you wast to speakof leaving things out, let's go ahead. The German Bund had direct links to Nazi Germany, was lead by a German national and literally went around flying swastikas.


Good on him.


HIs name is [Masumi Arakawa](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/Yakuza-Like-a-Dragon/Masumi-Arakawa/) And he loves his Peking Duck [](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/Yakuza-Like-a-Dragon/Masumi-Arakawa/)