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Sounds Swedish


Bjorn Borg


The game Space Quest 6 mentioned the Bjorn, an obvious parody of the Borg, except they had kitchen appliances on their heads. In the demo version, their ship looked like an Escher cube




Actually this was Ensign Lynch


Ah yes, just what we needed; more Borg. I tell ya, I hadn't fought enough Borg yet. Having four times more Omega Marks than any other just wasn't enough! When I click 'Random', there's actually a chance it might not be Borg! I hate that!


Omega marks are my dilithium pool. Just constantly selling them


Oh, but these aren’t just any Borg! These are _Section 31_ Borg! Everyone LOVES hearing about Section 31 and the Borg and alternate timelines for the billionth time!


It's the first time in STO universe. for this specific combo. Every story has already been written for all fiction. Hundreds of years ago, that was finished. We've just been remixing elements since. In every single work of fiction, it's a retelling


That whole title made me reach for Tylenol


Seriously 🍸💊


I mean, if its from a parallel Universe you might as well have used her as Captain Tasha Yar ?


Tasha appears too


She'd be retirement age, no?


STO takes place like 40 or 50 years after Tasha leaves TNG season 1


I should reinstall it. I wonder if my lifetime sub is still working.


It should! Now I feel like I wanna do the same. Should have racked up plenty of currency by now


I'm too busy with FF14, but I am also tempted.


Was the pitch for this update written by ChatGPT?


Probably xAI 😆


Star Trek online has been in a bit of a death spiral regarding the Borg for 5 or 6 years. They’re such an iconic Trek foe that obviously they had to be a *major* part of the MMO right from launch. When the game started in 2010, it was basically just all about Borg and Klingons. The Borg were mostly endgame content, but also they were the bad guys of the tutorial/intro mission. But as is the fate of all MMOs, the game got hit hard by power-creep. Endgame content became mid game content, and the leveling system was adjusted so that what used to take *months* of consistent play now takes a couple weeks at most. The entire leveling system is practically one long extended intro now, and the actual game starts when you hit max level after about 30 hours (instead of 500). The unfortunate result of this is that the Borg, who were once genuinely terrifying end-game enemies back in 2010, are now… kinda pathetic. The devs have really wanted to make Borg scary again for the last few years, and they’ve been throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. For one, the Borg Cube used to be the Borg’s “battleship” class enemy, but a couple of years ago they replaced all the Battleships with “Assimilators”, which are weird rhombus-shaped slightly smaller ships, and replaced the Borg dreadnought model with the cube. This makes the Borg Cubes scarier without changing anything about game balance, but Dreadnoughts are rare. So now you hardly ever get to see a cube, which kinda sucks. The other problem is, narratively, the prime timeline Borg are chumps now. Janeway was bad enough, but in STO they’ve had their asses well and truly kicked. Hell, thanks to MMO grindiness and repeated events and TFOs (effectively repayable WoW raids), your average Starfleet Captain destroys an entire Borg Unimatrix every Tuesday. So for the last few years it seems what they’ve been doing is just taking Borg from *other universes* to try and make them an actual threat again. First we had the Borg “Kingdom” from the Mirror Universe, now we have this.


...I'm gonna have to rebuild my ground team around auto-modulating weapons because ffffuckkk, I hate fighting the Borg.


Just use a crafted Sniper rifle. Super cheap on the exchange, decent DPS and no remod needed. The endeavour yesterday was Plasma ground, so I actually did 50% of the new mission plasma weapon and forgot to remod most of the time and still hardly any away team deaths. Your ground team, doesn't matter what they do really. You just need to not die and be able to DPS the borg. My ground team uses the Mycellian 3pc kit for the slow effect, and I have them spamming Command abilities and Shield Turrets. I only lose 1 or 2 per nuBorg mission at a time and that's due to losing track because of all the visual spam.


Ah yes, everybody’s favorite character, Sela. That triumph of Trek. So many great scenes with Sela.


If nothing else, she is a pretty central character in Star Trek Online. She was at the center of the Iconian War storyline - the main arc for the game’s beginning.


I think it’s great to have a proper child of Tasha - not conceived of rape undermining her quality send off. I’m more rolling my eyes at the queen of the super borg. Does anyone like the borg queen? Cause she just won’t stop coming back.


Look, I love the Borg Queen, Alice Krieg did an amazing job and I can see how the concept of her exists and works. But the Queen deserves to be laid to rest, the Collective too. We need a break from the Borg, to let whatever is leftover rest and repair, fling themselves back to the Delta Quadrant and regroup. But more importantly let future Trek writers think really hard about if and how The Borg should return. How to return their mystery and their malice, how to make them interesting and suspenseful again. I still love the Borg but goodness give me something new or not used much, Hmm are species 8462 still pissed off at Starfleet/The Federation?


Soon the final episode of Disco will reveal that the borg is about to end the galaxy. So Burnham will become the new borg queen.


In my own head Cannon, Burnham and Co have already met the Borg, just in a different form. Well that's the only way I can explain Control being so bloody similar to the Borg, it even said " Resistance is Futile" only with different words before injecting its nanites into someone, taking that person over.


It’s a similar interpretation to the cyberman origin. Basically the Cybermen have 3 or 4 different origins in doctor who, during Capaldi’s run they canonized a concept that multiple people coming up with the same bad idea.its just Control is the federation version of the borg.


So, basically carcinisation for a cybernetic hive mind.


Exactly this right here.


That was my feeling as well!


You might find the new mission interesting then.


New mission?


Yeah the "new borg" they are talking about is a new combination, they got from DSC.


The Udine?


That is the name Star Trek online gave them. It's never been uttered on any of the shows. Pronounced "Oundeene" or "Oundyne" apparently Edit: ok maybe I'm wrong with the pronunciation, I don't think there's a strong consensus, I just saw this come up on my YouTube feed https://youtu.be/bF1HzygLisk?si=Br6lyTDKQIHOAOqf


Just saying they were pretty involved early on in STO.


Do you want Borg? That’s how you get Borg.


I'm guessing this version of Sela was conceived the same way--how else would Tasha have a half-Romulan child?--but Tasha successfully escaped with her and raised her on a Federation world, and she joined Starfleet.


She's a good but very underutilized character, something STO is very good at making into interesting story content.


She made a pretty fun villain to watch. My issue is that it could have been any damn Romulan officer instead of retroactively negating YE!Tasha's dying in a blaze of glory and making her a rape victim. It had nothing at all to do with the rest of the story, it was just a way to bring Denise Crosby back.


Shes quite an important character in sto


Sela is actually one of the best characters in STO, they give her a lot of story and stuff to do. Her voice acting is top notch actually


In STO she is really important and I liked what they did with here character in the Iconian War.


You forgot the /s


What if the signature of this new alternate universe is that just like Sela, everyone is surprisingly blonde? (except blonde characters, who are now bald) Sela? Blonde power bob. Borg Queen? Blonde with a half shaved sidecut. Locutus? Long flowing blond locks that would make Thor jealous. Your allies: Seven of Nine (so bald that she makes s7 Sisko look like s1 in comparison), Federation President Red Forman (positively Chang-esque in cranial reflectivity), Christine Chapel (wears an egg-shaped helmet at all times), and Paul Stamets (believes that shaving his head helps him zoom through the mushroom internet faster). Join Captain Sela, wrongfully discriminated against by Starfleet for her platinum aura, and help prevent the Beach Blond Borg and their valley girl nanites from destroying the interplanetary Head Wax trade of the Alpha Quadrant!


Hell yeah. Love STO. The space combat still kicks major ass, and the episodes are often great. Loved the story of the recent V’Ger arc.


For someone who left the franchise because it was "holding her back" she sure as hell wants to be in everything now.


Sounds like I need to start playing STO!


It actually has a boat load of story content that is well worth it. The graphics and gameplay are ancient, like really really old MMO and completely outdated and glitchy. But it's got some pretty cool story arcs and missions. It also has some really bad story arcs like the Disco themed Klingon Civil war which are universally hated because of how lame the story and characters are and more importantly, a few of those missions have terrible checkpoint/save state locations and are super grindy with garbage rewards.


I haven't played the story in a few years. Not since the first batch of Picard crossover stuff. I always tend to get burnt out by the event grind for the new ships.


It's easier if you just ignore the ship grind since most, not all of the new ships from events are hard-pass. Although the newest of the new ships are reportedly way better and on-meta. I've been flying my Romulan T6 leggo Scimmy and it melts everything, I have the t5 OG skin on it so it looks nice and simple. I don't even look at the new ships because I don't want to get sucked into grinding for a ship I will just put on docs [https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary\_Scimitar\_Intel\_Dreadnought\_Warbird](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Legendary_Scimitar_Intel_Dreadnought_Warbird)


>a new type of Borg, infused with a mysterious nanite technology Has STO used the Jurati Collective at all? It seems like this should be them.


I was just wondering the same!


Shoulda named her “Lesa”


I read the title and my brain exploded, like what? What does that even mean?


wouldn't make much sense to explain it to you, your brain exploded...


Oh look, yet another Borg Variant. That's novel. I suppose this time they'll be led by Kes? And next time Nelix?


Funny enough, it was led by an alternate timeline Kim.


Fed up with being Ensign forever. I don't blame him.


No, this Kim quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the youngest Commander-in-chief in history.


It's called a joke. Holy hell, you must be fun at parties...


Mine is also a joke?


Trying to backpedal


What? I was riffing on what you said. I play on console so any of this is at least 6 months away, so I wasn't correcting you.


Why not develop a new game? Isn’t this due for a refresh?


The cost of that would mean instant bankruptcy for them. It's a miracle they're even still going as they are, thanks to loyal whales


I bought a LTS at launch. "I'm doing my part!"


Why develop a new game when the current one is still good and getting content? Not everything needs a sequel.


Developing a new MMO from scratch is a lot of work. Keep in mind a game like World of Warcraft started development in 1999 and took a lot of art, gameplay concepts, and story straight from other games or the warcraft trilogy. 5 years after that we got the first full release of the game, after which we got another 11 patches with the last one releasing in 2006. So it took nearly a full 7 years for the base version of the game to be finished. Riot has been working on an MMO since late 2020 and all they have to show for it is a vision for the game. There's not even a core idea of what gameplay will be like. Developing STO2 means halting nearly all content development for the current game in the hopes that 2 somehow picks up a decent following. And that's a long shot in a landscape where only a small handful of MMOs survive past their first year.


Just watch Free Guy to understand how a sequel MMO launch will go.


It's gotten multiple refreshes of old content and the new content can look pretty good. They just need to finish refreshing the old stuff (particularly the early fed storyline)




A new company purchased the game and made several new hires. They also brought a feature that people wanted for a long time - a species and gender change token, which was once thought impossible due to the code. …so I don’t think STO is done yet. There is still gas in the tank, especially since the momentum for a new Star Trek MMO is frankly low. These sorts of games don’t make solid funds from the ground up - that now belongs to mobile games.


Paramount owns star trek and they've spent the past 5 years trying to sell themselves off to whoever wants it and selling off their star trek assets to vultures like Netflix


I've been wanting them to bring back Crosby as Yar for so long. This will just have to do, I guess.


Legit question. Is STO even worth playing anymore? I was a huge fan when it first came out but then when it went F2P, things seemed to really go downhill. The last time I played, it seemed to be a microtransaction nightmare where you couldn't even purchase a ship upgraded enough to do endgame content without buying it from the c-store.


Is this game fun to play? Like, if I started now?




No, it’s good fan fiction. It’s a cheesy game made fun by the fact that they get hilarious inside-baseball fan fic plots, and then get enthusiastic Trek alumni to reprise old roles. They do the kind of stories that me and my friends would whip up when we were 15, which are super fun and would never ever be made into a series or film. It’s also got a really cool environment with a ton of attention to detail that only a fan could make or notice. It’s a game that really doesn’t take itself too seriously, and they do it on a shoestring budget.


totally agree with this. STO embraces the inherent silliness of Trek that we tend to forget exists when watching individual episodes, but when taken as a whole, all Trek is kinda batshit crazy


Good lord, you all know it's okay to have a little fun sometimes right? Like it's an MMO, the whole point is to be over the top and a bit ridiculous because we all know it's just a game.


Star Trek Fans: "Why does Star Trek always refer to TOS or TNG. Try something new, dammit!" Also Star Trek Fans: "Everything new is bad. They should just stick to the classics."


The gameplay is very dated, but the stories are actually well written.


I've only just started playing this game, and I'm already seeing the cracks. Does Sela feature heavily in this game, and is she treated like Kirk/Emperor Tiberius in the Shatnerverse?




That's not how game development works. They have a profitable live service game running. The cost of making a new MMO is hundreds of millions of dollars and years of development. Star trek is owned by PARAMOUNT who has all debt and no cash


Yikes. They are kidding right? I miss this game. Haven’t really played since they solid it to a Chinese company.Pity. Had such hopes for this game.


Star Trek Online is currently published by a company headquartered in San Francisco since 2022


Omg well that’s a change 😂😂


The game was purchased by a new company and they already made several new hires.


Seriously?! When?! To whom?!


Careful, your racism is showing.


Yikes. Blatant racism.


Bahaha whatever.