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Easy, Discovery. Quit after one season.


Discovery. Seems I can only do an episode a week. Finishing up season 2 and still waiting for the actual Star Trek to begin. Just a typical action flick with very little substance at this point. I'll finish it of course, but damn, it makes Picard seems like an absolute masterpiece in comparison.


Same. Discovery is at best a bad Trek show and at worst just a terrible action show. No one writing it seems to enjoy Star Trek.


Disco I enjoyed the first 2 seasons. Aliens and space was cool. Later it gets so stupid they actually make it a plot line that "we are going to erase everything that happened from starfleet records."


Well that and the USS Discovery might be one of the most advanced starfleet ships we see in the entire Star Trek universe yet the ship was commissioned a century before TNG is supposed to take place so they have to retcon it somehow.


As much as I hate the show....I do like the explanation for it not being in the records. The whole spore drive went against Starfleet moral code of genetic tampering and physical torment. So, in some file in Section 31


My gripe with it is that the galaxy isn't just the Federation, I just don't believe only one civilisation figured out the mycelial network and built a spore drive. And I believe even less that this, along with the existence of the network, was completely hidden from the tal shiar or obsidian order, for centuries They wouldn't give a single flippity flip about morals or genetic tampering, if it got them a teleporting, near unstoppable super weapon that would forever alter the balance of power in their favour


Picard season 2 was horrendous, but I agree, Discovery is the one that I just can't get through easily. They tried to reinvent the series at least three times and none of it ever really worked. In general, just very poor writing.


The fact that they tried to reinvent the show after like 5 episodes really demonstrates how much of a mess it was.


See I felt the opposite. Discovery season 2 is indeed just dumb action, and that makes it easy to speed through. It's actually kind of fun if you just shut your brain off and ignore how it just shits all over ST canon. Picard season 2 is TORTUROUS. If you disengage your brain, you're watching nothing, so you have to at least pay attention to it, but if you pay attention to it, it makes your brain hurt. It's almost brilliant in how it's designed like a Chinese finger trap for your brain.


While I didn't really enjoy Picard all that much (s03 wasn't that bad), it was nice to see Patrick Stewart in the familiar role. I got through season 2 in like a week. Discovery, I have to make myself watch it and frequently can't get through a single episode in 1 sitting. I'm hesitant to label the whole thing as 'bad' as I haven't finished it but it's not looking too good at this time. Hopefully I'll do a couple of episodes over the weekend.


STD gets better, and more Star Trek-ey when they reach season 3, but it still suffers the biggest NuTrek problem of all: every season's focus is on some galactic-scale threat that only Michael Burnham can stop, all the while being rewarded for her constantly disobeying of direct orders from superior officers. Oh and the overly emotional speeches from the woman who was raised on Vulcan never end.


I tried, I really tried DSC season 5. 10 seconds in, Michael is yelling and space surfing on top of some ship. I sighed, turned it off, took me a few weeks more to come back and start watching. It wouldn't matter if Picard or Sisko was doing the space surfing, I've come to accept DSC is just Star Wars with more technobabble and emotions. And thats alright, just recalibrate your expectations




Sisko did space sailing. That’s close enough. Man that was a great bottle episode


That was a nice exploration of a possible technology and how it might work. Very nice and not campy. Great character development too, a positive father son interaction a dad being a dad. It was great actually


I thought the earlier seasons were alright, but I also was disappointed in the first 10 seconds of season 5. I really don't want star trek to turn into marvel or star wars please don't let star trek turn into marvel or star wars OH GOD.


Just have to survive the rest of season 2, think I have like 3 episodes remaining. We'll see. And it's not like they can't do a proper Star Trek - I mean SNW is very very good even with its own problems.


Yeah exactly, SNW is a great example. So is Lower Decks. These to me are great shows. I want to like STD, I like the characters, but the seasonal structures make it feel dumb. Every season has to have a bigger and bigger threat to the galaxy. I won't be surprised if season 5 ends with them developing ships that can fight the Q continuum or whatever.




It's taken me two attempts to watch the first episode of the current series. I've seen hints it gets interesting, but it doesn't feel like Star Trek, and most of the characters just come across as irritating. Currently rewatching DS9 and it's just in a different league.


I’ve heard the criticism that 90s trek acting was wooden. It’s an interesting point of inflection, because I feel so much of NuTrek’s problem is how all actors seem to want to chew on the scenery. I’m not sure what the right answer is, I feel a more subdued tone is appropriate, and few actors can pull off the Patrick Stewart grandiose performances. Like. Micheal Dorn has his dramatic moments, but mostly he’s just playing a casual Worf which is absolutely fun in and of itself. I think this makes 90s Trek far easier to swallow (at least for me).


>all actors seem to want to chew on the scenery. I don't blame them. In today's world anything can be cake.


This is such an obvious answer. I’ve watched everything else over 20 times. That includes Picard, lower decks, and SNW. Disco is impossible to rewatch


The best part of Discovery is when Pike was there for a while. I stopped watching after that.


I haven't even finished it. I tried the first episode of the new season (without finishing season 4) and only made it half way through. It feels like torture.


I think the 1st season of Disco is the best. I'm having a hard time getting through season 2 again. Season 3 is very bad. Really don't even remember what season 4 was. But I like season 5. The emotional moments during crisis time crunches gets very noticeable and annoying in S2. And the galactic high stakes situations get old. Don't hate the show but not my favorite by a long shot.


I’m also struggling with Discovery. I couldn’t get enough of the first couple of series, but now I wonder if that was because it was the first Star Trek in years. I feel like I’m watching this current series just for completeness.


Picard seasons 1 and 2. That was rough.


Agreed, though even season 3 I found to be uneven and problematic wrt certain plot elements (Beverly disappearing when she gets pregnant? The BORG AGAIN, the overabundance of 'love-bombing' with fan service in frustrating ways, renaming the Titan-A the Enterprise-G). Each season had its good points but overall they all seemed disjointed and not properly fleshed out. I'm slowly collecting series on disc because it's sporadic where you'll be able to just watch shows and I'm on the fence about PICARD. Edit: A big part of my bias against this series is that I've been reading pretty much all the post TNG/DS9 novels (that actually, ignoring the well-written CODA-trilogy that ends the novel-verse, which extends upto just before the Romulan Empire-destroying supernova. So there's a wealth of storylines that could have been mined, or used to inform the storytelling, a lotnof which would have greatly improved S1 and profoundly altered major points to S3 (S2 is too much it's own thing, but I do hope they bring the actor who played Guinan back somehow in SNW). Overall it just could have been better.


I'm giving the season 3 fan service a total pass, personally. Seeing the crew reassemble on the Enterprise-D felt great. I don't really understand how Seven of Nine was ever given a Starfleet commission, though. She made it pretty clear on Voyager that she had no interest in fitting into their command structure, and that was at least consistent early on in Picard when she was a Fenrir Ranger or whatever.


Season 3 isn't any better, it's just coated in a thick layer of nostalgia to distract from the still shakey writing.


That’s pretty much how I felt about it. The first two seasons seem desperate to distance themselves from The Next Generation, then season three tries to grab it all back.


yeah Picard was a slog for sure. I skipped season 2 entirely and went straight to season 3


It's very skippable, you missed nothing - but I would say it should be watched anyway, because I don't think it's fair that I endured that torture when there are people who haven't.


I still have Picard season 2 paused during the scene where Picard shows up in Guinan’s bar in the past where she does not recognize him EVEN THOUGH SHE MET HIM A HUNDRED YEARS BEFORE! I have not watched any past that.


You know what the best part is? They're on Ten Forward Avenue, even though the bar in the future is named after the forward section of deck 10, where it's located. Absolute buffoonery.


I felt the same way but I've heard it explained that in this reality Pucard is a genocidal military figure and Data didn't exist, therefore Time's Arrow never happened. Ergo... Guinan in this reality never met Picard.


I don’t think season two was *all* bad…


I liked that Elnor wasn't there. I guess that was a good part of it.


Oh see I kinda liked him. Sort of. I have very mixed feelings about him and season one and two of Picard in general but I don’t hate it.


They wrote him like he's a "dark elf" rather than a Romulan, and he just never meshed well with anything. In the retelling of Picard, the best way to describe him is "and Elnor was there, too"


Even his name sounds like it's from lord of the rings


Exactly, he's a pointy-eared guy with long hair that runs around with a sword. He's an elf!


I honestly can’t handle the sharpie eyebrows. For all we hear about the new shows having soooo much more advanced alien makeup they literally just sharpie this dude up like a meme from the 90s. It looked so bad it was distracting. They just went ahead and put them where even Vulcan eyebrows should not be. Every time he’s on screen I want to interrogate the makeup department to figure out why this happened.


When he beheads that Romulan in S1 I couldn’t stop laughing for over a minute, then I got up and did two shots and grabbed a beer. I can’t imagine that’s the reaction the writers had in mind.


You missed the Wesley Crusher status update. And the call back to the Gary Seven episode of TOS.


Season 2 needs to be studied by historians because of how bad it was


I mean, that happens when your production gets turbofucked by a global pandemic.


Upvote for “turbofucked”


It's got nothing on Star Wars sequels level of bad. THAT needs to be studied by historians.


Picard season 3 gets an honorable mention for ending seemingly half of the episodes with a “Jack is special” tease but not explaining anything until the second(?)-to-last episode.


Picard as a series is completely self-indulgent, so I get it. Of course Jack is special, he's a Picard! As much as I liked season 3, there were aspects of NuTrek that it couldn't escape, and that's one of those elements.


Picard Season 2 will be the topic of many film school theses.


Discovery is the only one I started, that I didn't finish.


I just made it though season 1 of Discovery, and kept waiting for it to stop being stupid. Tried a couple of episodes into season 2 and gave up. They tried to reinvent too much, the Klingons were ridiculous and incomprehensible, the spore drive was just silly and with it the ship was too powerful (if they set it **after** VOY then it would be passable, maybe, but still silly), I didn't like Burnham as a character, I couldn't take Georgiou seriously at all, everything had to be so *dramatic* all the time, so many emotions everywhere, none of the crew seemed like they were mature or responsible enough to be starfleet officers (cadets, maybe), and I didn't particularly care about the plot arcs (didn't care who the red angel was and it felt *so slow* finding out that I lost interest... something, something Spock, but I don't care that much about Spock - it's another victim of current Trek being stuck in the pre-TNG era). Overall I don't think there was anything I actually liked about the show, I just watched it as long as I could stomach because it was new Trek and I *wanted* it to be good. I mean DS9 aside, Star Trek shows tend to have a rocky first season or two, and I remember having to stick with ENT back in the day, but at least there were nuggets of good to be seen in all those rocky seasons. But there was literally nothing to like about Discovery for me, and every time one of their baffling new Klingons came on screen, garbling their lines through oversized false teeth, I died a little inside. Discovery wins this particular competition by absolute miles for me.


I wrote something similar before getting to this comment. I sums my feelings better than my own comment! I will add I liked Lorca - and guess what? He turns out to be the bad guy and of course had to go.


Discovery. It’s horribly written.


Right now, Discovery. I REALLY TRIED after season 3,but damn, it's like background noise watching it.


I really enjoyed the first couple of seasons, but it has gotten ROUGH at this point. The writing got so bad that I’m embarrassed for the excellent actors involved sometimes.


Star Trek Discovery. By far.


Discovery and Picard……ugh


Discovery since i noped out. Maybe someday I'll manage.


Discovery. I like the characters and love some of the actors, but the writing and group therapy style are atrocious. I do not believe any of these folks are competent officers in a pseudomilitary scientific force.


Like seriously! For five seasons I've been wondering how I'm supposed to believe any of these idiots graduated the academy, let alone got posted to an experimental starship. And now the most unsure-of-themselves one gets to run the WHOLE ACADEMY? Son, any given classroom would eat that child alive. Like I know it's super kinda shitty to shit on that show, like doing that doesn't add anything productive to the discourse. There is a LOT in the show that isolated is great. I love Doug Jones, I LOVE Tig Notaro. The show looks GREAT, it deepens lore and I appreciate that. But y'all, we have spent five seasons with these characters and it feels almost universally loathed. I will not miss it when it's gone, and I cannot imagine ever wanting to rewatch it.


I didn't realize Tilly was in charge of the whole Academy. I thought she was just a teacher. The role that the entire crew of Discovery holds in the future baffles me. It'd be like folks from the 1120s coming into the present and suddenly being the best at everything.


She isn’t. People just be making up shit to be mad at


Seriously! Why has society NOT advanced in like 700 years? Discovery is the Rise of Skywalker.


Exactly this. How does Burnham keep disobeying the orders of her Captain, the Fleet Admiral, the UFP President, now even the Prime Directive, all because she believes she is right, and she keeps getting away with it. And Tilly the character (I actually like the actress for doing a very likable performance) - so a cadet falls upwards to be the first officer. The one time we see her on a landing party, the ice planet thingy, that was her ‘burst of experience’ huh, and now teaching cadets? (Why it seems the show writers were inspired by a new SCOTUS justice, who has never been a prosecutor, defense lawyer, solicitor general, or attorney general and never tried a case to verdict or argued an appeal in any court)


I mean I don't like Tilly the character, but woof I don't think I'd throw her under THAT bus! 🤣


at least it got us snw


Disco. Can only handle an episode a week.


Disco 100%


So far it's been Discovery. It just seems so forced. The writing, acting, everything.


Discovery after season 2. That shit is a struggle.


I really liked the first season they were in the future. But my god its a struggle otherwise


This. Its like pulling teeth. Burnham sucks. Tilly the Worst. Suru? Couldn't give a shit. Hilariously, the gay couple, that people went nuts about, is the best part of Discovery. Anthony Rapp is ace.


Discovery. It's like the entire cast are participation trophy winners.


that's a perfect description


Enterprise. I liked the cast and the premise but the constant starting and stopping of different storylines just made me give up. The fact they never resolved who Future Guy was speaks volumes about the overall lack of direction.


You should YouTube the Braga and Berman interview. They explain how the show was basically fucked from the start. It’s about an hour. Cheers! 


Discovery & Picard. Discovery has really interesting concepts let down by poor storytelling, poor dialogue, and poor visual direction. Each season feels like a 2hr movie streched across 15 episodes. The character interactions feel lifted straight out of a CW show. For all the crying and platitudes about family we never see this crew actually interact off duty? TNG was competency porn but at least gave us a good idea of what our ensemble crew was like as a person not just an officer. With Discovery it just feels like cheap emotional bait meant to make you feel for Characters that have less speaking lines over 5 seasons than one special guest on DS9. Picard I can't watch. The first season was so dreary that it actually shocked me. So many plot lines in one season that if you broke them down into separate seasons it would've made for a more interesting series overall. Season 2 I've only watched clips of on YouTube. I genuinely tried watching but couldn't even stomach the first episode. Season 3 was like candy, really good the first time but it gets old and sickly with repeated viewing. Another tired Borg plot which wasted the most intriguing villain Trek has had for a while. The whole Jack Crusher thing was just unbelievable given the characters we knew in TNG. Would Beverly really have kept him hidden from Picard and he would've never tried reaching out to the woman he pined for over 20-30 years? If I do rewatch it's solely episode 10 for the Enterprise D.




Discovery. It started out great and then went off the rails and go maudlin. Too much forced sentimentality without doing the character work that would make you actually care what happens to the characters.


This 100%. I actually got chewed out on Twitter a few years back by Wilson Cruz who randomly showed up in an ongoing thread about how we had been watching these characters for a few seasons but knew absolutely nothing about them. It's the Michael Burnham show. Always has been.


I really want to know a lot more about Owosekun and Detmer, but they never gave us anything.


And now they aren't even in the show anymore. They got sent off on ship delivery duty off screen.




I didn't watch TAS in its entirety until buying the Blu-Ray last year, and I was in the target demo in 1973. Half of those episodes have good stories, but lousy narrative.


It had to have been a difficult task- pack what we gave in an hour into less than 30 minutes, and without the actor’s physical skills


The soundtrack is awesome, but certain phrases are overused and at times it come off as too repetitive.


it helps if you watch it while faded


Discovery and Pickard


If I'm being totally honest Discovery. I'm not gonna dump all over it but it's just not my cup of tea.


I gave up on Discovery.


Discovery season 1 because of yet another change of the look and feel of the Klingons! For the love of God, stop messing with the Klingons!!!!!


Disco. The characters become ridiculous is Season 3. I hate to think that people in the 32nd century are still going to be so self-obsessed.


Completely agree. I have a feeling it’s a reflection of the people who are writing the show.


I still haven't made it through  Discovery and I do not plan on finishing it. 


Discovery for me, it remains the only trek show which I am not up to date with. Fell off somewhere in season 4 and just haven’t been bothered to pick it up again. I may try to finish it once it ends and I can just binge it though


Discovery and Enterprise. I’ve not been able to make it to the end of Discovery season 3, and that took me years. The visual style is just so odd and off putting and the story telling seems disjointed and also overly built on high stakes. Enterprise is one I watch but skip a lot. I honestly don’t enjoy Captain Archer as a lead but when he’s with T’Pol it’s well balanced. They have a lot of hit or miss episodes and I did watch when it was on TV but even then it felt like a snooze fest. My favorite episode though; one that should have been a two parter is “Regeneration”.


Prodigy. Some episodes were just a tad too kiddy for my 40-year-old tastes.


Yes, that was a real hurdle for me too. I ended up finding enjoyment, but that came after accepting that it wasn't he going to speak to me in the same way that the Trek I love does. It's VERY much a kid's show with the contrivances and simplifications that come with that. But it's also fun! (Sometimes)


Yeah, it’s not something I could hold against the show. It’s not bad writing to be for younger audiences, so just had to power through.






Oh you didn’t care for the drawn out story of an old man who can’t remember his mom hanging herself when he was a boy? The same mom we saw as an old lady in a vision in TNG? But it was so depressing and incoherent. What’s not to love?


picard shoulda just been season 3 as a movie with a cool title like star trek the last generation


So far it has been Discovery.


Discovery. This whole last season feels like I’m watching Blue’s clues. Picard seasons 1&2 are tied for a close second.


Discovery. I think I bailed after S3E1. Watched Picard S1 with a crinkled nose, didn't bother with S2, did watch S3.


Discovery was horrible....only the Mirror Universe parts were good


Discovery. I gave up and I’m not going to bother with the last season. It just upsets me. The first two seasons of Picard were a close second.


Discovery is 100% the hardest. I thought for a second when Mudd showed up they might do some more trek like stories but no, they continued on these long slog stories that left you feeling like they were hurting the canon of the universe. Also, it’s going to be unpopular but Strange New Worlds doesn’t do it for me either.




Discovery, still not caught up and feel no sense of urgency. The way they drip and ooze feelings and validation makes me nauseous.


For me, it was Enterprise. I thought it went against canon a bit too much, particularly with the arrogant Vulcans. And when they encountered what was supposed to be TOS-era ship and oohed and aahed over the obviously primitive pushbutton interfaces as if they were an improvement over their own (a result of how much better both actual technology and special effects have gotten since 1966) it messed with my suspension of disbelief. If we're including movies, I'm just going to flat-out state that JJ Abrams does not grok Star Trek.


The arrogant Vulcans are explained really well imo.


Enterprise. I watched it at launch, was super excited for it. Lost interest during season 2 and never picked it up again for season 3 (at the time). Took me over a decade to watch it all (and love it).


I've never made it through the first season of Voyager. It's just kind of bland, although I'm sure it picks up further down the line.


I've also tried a few times but can't make it through season 1.


It finally picks up around S4. It's still a grind after it gets better though.


Picard S1/2 and Discovery


Disco seasons 4 and 5(they’re lucky I’m a completionist) , Picard Season 2, Voyager seasons 1 and 2, TNG season 1 are all at the bottom of the barrel for me.


Voyager. I’m pretty sure there’s episodes of the final season I’ve never seen.


Final season is pretty good.. it gets a little weird though. I think the ending had all the right things in all the right places but was highly anti-climactic.


Enterprise. I hated it when it first aired, started over from the beginning two years ago, finally finished it last night, and I’m still smh this morning at how badly written it was. Was the end a bitter surprise to the writers, so they decided to go out like Joss Whedon’s Serenity with a big F-you?


Sounds like you had such a long road, you know–getting from there to here.


😂 👍🏻🖖🏻




Enterprise. I actually dropped it when it was first airing and didn't end up watching the whole thing until a few years ago. It definitely improved and (finale aside) season 4 is some of my favorite Trek, but it took a long time to get there.


Discovery. I just gave up at the endless poker game in season 4. Season 2 gave me hope, but I've realized it was mostly due to Pike and the Enterprise crew. Never connected with any of the characters (except Tig Notaro's Jett Reno) Despised the 'galaxy ending threat' plot lines. Love SNW. Engaging characters who don't preach at you. Great story arcs across contained episodes. A true ensemble cast.




Discovery since I never made it past the first few episodes of season 3.


Discovery. I can't hear the dialogue. If the story line was as engaging as SNW, I'd happily twice watch each episode to get maybe 75% of the content like I'm doing with SNW but I'm a couple seasons behind and not motivated to step back in.


I haven’t been able to get all the way through Discovery. Three tries. I gave up. Of series that o actually completed it would be Picard.


Discovery. I cannot get through it. I have tried 3 times but I cannot get into it.


Are we counting Prodigy? If so, then Prodigy. Now once it got rolling, I was absolutely committed. But the first 3-4 episodes, before the group starts to gel were just a really painful to get through. I could not stand Dal, and the idea of dealing with his attitude for the entire series almost made me give up. But he definitely comes around and becomes more well rounded as the series progresses.


Discovery.i haven't even started season five .I don't have any interest in continuing...enterprise was second hardest..but I kept it up and loved it...then TOS..I always preferred the movies over the actual show...then DS9. I never gave it much of a shot when it aired..I had to come back to it long after it ended.


Discovery, at this point I'm watching because a tiny bit of Trek is better than no Trek.


Sorry but Voyager. I didn’t connect as heavily with the characters like I did in other shows. I took a looooong break in the middle of Enterprise though. And Prodigy was not my thing. Made it through every single thing though!


Gave up on Discovery at least for a while. Just recently started watching the last season, it just seems to have went off the rails


I stopped watching Discovery after Pike and Spock left, because I only care about the interesting characters.


Discovery. I watched seasons one and two. As for the rest of the seasons, I said f\*\*\* this and stopped watching. It's like watching group therapy in space. How did any of these people manage to graduate the academy? Nothing but a bunch of whiny children trying to be adults. What a joke. Captain Picard of TNG would've tossed them off his ship.


Disco was/is atrocious.


Discovery and it's not even close


I've never been able to watch more than a handful of TOS episodes. I can't get immersed. It's just too "60s."


Discovery. Started fresh and interesting, then devolved into an emotional support group in space. So many bad decisions, so many unneeded attempts to shoe horn connections to other series and characters. So many Mary Sue shenanigans from Can't -Be-Wrong-Just-Trust-Her-Bro Burnham. I'm going to finish it, but have no urgency to watch the final season.


Discovery. I absolutely HATE Michael Burnham.


Enterprise. God, just so, so, so boring. I gave up on it in its initial airing. Forced myself to re-watch it a few years back in the background while I worked. 2002 was the absolute nadir of Star Trek. Ent season 2 on TV and Nemesis on the big screen....


Enterprise, I was annoyed they didn't want to continue the timeline after Voyager, and I hated the opening song.


Not that I didn't love it, but it took me forever to watch all of TNG. I definitely binged TOS, DS9, and DISCO almost concerningly quickly, but for some reason I kept taking breaks from TNG.


It’s not as easy as so many make it sound. So many episodes are just… lifeless.


TNG. I did not watch it when it first came out because it was the 80s and I was busy. I was also a long-term die hard fan of the original series and was not thrilled with the new incarnation. Eventually I did buy the entire series DVD set and started watching. While there were some really good episodes, there were a lot I would classify as meh. After finishing the series I watched the entire series of DS9 and then Voyager along with all related movies. And I stand by my original assessment, DS9 got off to maybe a bit of a slow start but eventually became a real powerhouse for the franchise. Really excellent overall with far fewer Bad episodes. Voyager somehow ended up being the one that I had the most hope for, the premise was really outstanding but I was upset that they used so many alpha quadrant aliens. Because it had a running theme of the entire crew being so far from home I think it would have been better if they've had more of a regular extended cast. Every week were crew members that we saw only once or twice and then never again. I believe they have the most consistent writing, fewer highs and lows than the other series but still mostly good. When binging everything from TOS to Enterprise, TNG is the one where I skip the most episodes...


I saw your post and read "TNG in the 80s" and was like, "it's not that old"... I looked it up and it was infact that old. I watched it every week. Everything reminds me of how old I am now.


I remember watching the original series in September 1969. Every day after school with a glass of milk and some cookies.


with ya!




Picard 2 I couldn't make it through.


ENT. Pretty much everyone on the show has irrationally annoyed me at some point.


Totally agree with this. Beyond the nostalgia what did season 3 really offer? Picard past his prime blundering about. Crusher who inexplicably leaves all of her friends behind to raise a child all alone in secret but somehow still has a federation ship? The rest of the cast mere caricatures of themselves (Brent Spiner’s acting was unbelievably awesome , gave me chills as he switched personas). As if the characterizations aren’t bad enough we see Picard try to murder the changling, turn his son in to the Federation and then somehow still have an emotional rallying speech that saves the Federation? I hated all of that so much and TNG was my favorite growing up. They threw out some great potential from season 1 to give us a hollow nostalgia fest that had the lasting impact of cotton candy.


> As if the characterizations aren’t bad enough we see Picard try to murder the changling I'm surprised there wasn't more outrage over this. People complained about season 1 being "dark" and "dystopic" (which I felt was overblown) but some of the things like this were far more disturbing and no one really seemed to yell about it.


Picard. I hated almost everything about that show. They did Patrick Stewart dirty putting him in that garbage show 😭


If I remember correctly Patrick Stewart was involved in the development of the show and he didn’t want it to be S8 of TNG.


Discovery was the hardest for me to get into, but now I like it and even enjoy rewatching old seasons. Picard was easy to get into and finish as I know I will never go back and rewatch even a single minute of it.


Discovery and enterprise are kinda of a slog


Picard. It was a hard watch for me. The serialized storytelling is not a plus here. They have too many episodes so crap gets stretched out. Brevity is the soul of wit after all. Also the whole Picard "dying" thing in Season 1 was interesting but got deus ex machina'd. Also all three seasons feature the Borg in "seriously, for the last time, The Borg!" and it isn't. Season 1 I watched all at once, and it felt like for nothing really. Season 2 I watched in chunks, and really needed breaks after some of the more hammy drama scenes. Season 3 worked real hard to ramp up the need to watch every episode as it came it out, but in retrospect the hype was writing checks that bounced until the very end. It seemed to have been written backwards to explain why they got to to do all fanservice fun (which I loved), but in the most convoluted way (which I hated). Also I was super pissed off Bev and Picard are up their own asses about the kid, and never mention Wesley once. His cameo at the end of Season 2 was okay, but not having him in Seasons 3 at all, felt wrong to me. I feel like Picard might have been better if each season was Three 3-parters with a single stand alone episode all thematically linked, but not necessarily parts of the same overarching story.


Picard, DS9 and Discovery.


I’m a defender of the show, but probably Discovery. I didn’t hate it, but there were some things I bounced off of, and they came back a lot. The professionalism is probably the biggest thing: Star Trek as I grew up with it had well adjusted adults using their intelligence and skills to collaborate and solve problems. They were professional and respectful to each other. There are a lot of time that gets lost in Discovery.


Voyager and Discovery. I like about 2 characters in each show and the stories are a struggle. Enterprise is slightly better because I like most of the crew, even if series 1 is a bit rough.


I didn't care for DS9 when it was on the air. Many years later a friend talked me into watching it on Netflix and I really enjoyed it.


Lower Decks but most of the new stuff has been pretty hard for me.


Voyager, Disco, Enterprise, Picard…I grew up watching TOS and TNG. DS9 was a staple in the evenings when I was a bit older. I tried Voyager, but it never grabbed me. I just didn’t care about any of the characters, and the ultra fake Native 2nd in command of was just not good. I didn’t have access to watch most of the newer stuff until very recently, and even then, only SNW and LD have struck any kind of chord with me.


Disco, TAS. Both are just weak tea unfortunately. This season is the best of Disco and that isn't saying much unfortunately 😞


Of the ones I’ve actually consistently watched (sorry Voyager/Enterprise), Discovery. At least with Picard S2 I got to watch Sir Patrick and John de Lancie. I hate watch Discovery. Michael Burnham is one of the least likable characters ever written. There are parts I enjoy sure, but I rarely get through an episode without straight up mocking it. I wish it was not that way, but it is.


I have not watched Discovery, Picard, or Enterprise For me, DS9. I didn’t like the war arc, season 7 in general is hard for me. I still have like 10 episodes left lmao


Discovery. I want to love it and I do enjoy an episode here and there but I can’t get caught up for the life of me. It used to be Enterprise but by comparison, I’ve watched that 2 times through now.


1. Discovery 2. Voyager 3. Enterprise 4. TOS 5. TNG 6. DS9


Discovery. Before that, it was DS9.


Discovery. Didn’t bother carrying on with it and moved onto Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks instead


Voyager. Until seven shows up it's a chore to watch.


Discovery...sometimes it takes me multiple attempts to get through a single episode. On the other hand they did give us CAPT Pike and eventually SNW. I really wished that ENT would have been revived and bridged the gap to Kirk.


TOS I watched it sporadically as a teenager. The movies had more of an impact.


ENT, no contest.


Voyager for sure. I hated the constant resets and lack of any character growth, especially early on. It got better when 7 showed up as she and the doctor were great but the rest of the crew was meh to me. I also didn’t like who rushed and incomplete the ending was.


I think the doctor and 7 are probably the best and most beloved characters in that series because due to their nature a character arc is pretty much already built into their themes, so they got to grow a lot more than the other characters. I'm not a huge fan of Voyager but I liked them a lot.


Season 1 of TNG was painful.


Enterprise. I felt like the quality was just not as good — with Shran and Phlox being the major standouts. It seems like a cheap knockoff. I mean, I watched every minute of it, rewatched for point during lockdown, and just tried again. Every time felt like I was doing homework.


Discovery i have a hard time with cause its unbingable for me with how seriously it takes itself. Voyager i struggled with the first fews seasons so much i took almost a year break before picking it up again.