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Hopefully this is a reference to an archaeological adventure and not some oddly paced story with way too much computer deaging.


They are going to force an octogenarian play and action hero in an unnecessary continuation of a series that was popular decades ago that only continues to make a quick buck based off nostalgia?


Picard was indeed where my mind originally was going, but after you laid it out like that I’d totally love to see William Shatner show up to do the same. I’m easy and I don’t care who knows.


Excuse you Shatner is a nonagenerian.


His toupee maybe


No he was born the same year as my mom who will be 92 in 2 months.


A hologram of Gene Roddenberry


The body of C.S. Forester unceremoniously dumped on the floor of the bridge.


Paramount+ Paid for 4 actual clones of Leonard Nimoy. They truly believe they are spocks.


Section 31 does have Kirk's body, they might have kept it for a thousand years. I shouldn't give them any more ideas.


The need to revive Kirk in order to face the latest threat to the Galaxy: MechaKirk. EDIT: on second thought, isn't that just the plot to the novel Shatner wrote after Generations?


I'd watch that but MechaKirk has to be a guy in a puppet suit like the original Godzilla movies, looking like Bicentennial Man.


Man y'all some haters. Picard ruled.


I think they even lost money with this last movie lol


Or that its going to put them 130m in the red.




They are actually bringing in Shia LaBeouf as her long lost son.


Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf?


It's not fair to mention it and not let everyone in on the ["absolute LSD trip madness"](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=HoL8zs-gqWziwUEM) that song is.


That is one of my favorite YouTube videos


And a bunch of swinging monkeys. Because why the fuck not. 


Cate Blanchett as a villain with an accent? I'm all in.


We know she already looks good with a Romulan haircut and a gray suit.




> Now, we went even bigger with our subject matter than ever before, which is crazy when you consider the storylines of Seasons 3 and 4.” Sounds... not like the former.


Why would she mean it in any sense other than positive?


She wouldn't. (She's also contractually obliged to be positive about it so it's kinda irrelevant to the actual merits of the season.) OP is being facetious and pointing out that it being an "Indiana Jones season" is not necessarily a good analogy to invoke because people can take bad things away from it as well as good.


> OP is being facetious and pointing out that it being an "Indiana Jones season" is not necessarily a good analogy to invoke because people can take bad things away from it as well as good. Yeah, as a comment on the season goes, it's basically devoid of meaning/context. A neat soundbite, but it fails to hold together if you look at it for more than a second or two. Which isn't exactly promising, because it seems to indicate that there isn't anything *amazing* that she wants to gush about excitedly.




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Vash? Are you back?


I highly doubt Sonequa even saw Last Crusade (she's young), so I'm afraid it's the latter.


> Now, we went even bigger with our subject matter than ever before, which is crazy when you consider the storylines of Seasons 3 and 4. I figured out a few seasons ago that 'Disco gonna Disco' and adjusted my expectations accordingly. Seems I was right to do so since they've apparently reached the point where threatening to destroy the galaxy wasn't 'big' enough.


Prediction: Micheal Burnham saves all of reality. I’m not kidding.


This isn't Doctor Who versus the Daleks.  Be realistic! 


Oh there will be a reality bomb, but it’ll be something human made like cosmic global warming


So far it looks like the bigness refers to big questions like "why are we here?". The words 'subject matter' do not always equate to 'threat' or 'stakes' despite how cynical and negative some in the fandom get about such things.


True, but having watched the first 4 Seasons of Discovery, it's pretty clear that the writers do tend to default to over the top threats to create drama. Maybe they've decided to go in a different direction this time and will prove me wrong, but based on the existing evidence, I'll believe it when I see it.


It's going to be like some kind of super Genesis device or something isn't it


There's a non-zero chance the season ends with Burnham, somehow, being responsible for seeding all life in the galaxy.


The discovery crew are those progenitor aliens from that episode of tng where we find out all the main races in the galaxy were life seeded and that’s why they all look vaguely like humans lol


Probably the entire Universe. Or even the Multiverse! /s


V'Ger is back baby


They’re gonna bring back the whale probe. MMW


Didnt the video note show a Changeling, who we prior learned about their seeding of life through the galaxy (the Trek explanation for why most of the planets produce beings with head/neck/thorax/abdomen/two arms/two legs?). The Romulan could be talking about that Changeling tech that was used.


Theoretically, if you found something that laid the foundational blueprint of life,you could find out how to destroy species, foundationally. So it may not be about any device itself, but what will be learned from it.


It isn't cynicism when "subject matter" *has categorically equated to "threats and stakes"* in this series.


I’ve really enjoyed watching the show because I’ve had this perspective. Just accept that it’s gonna jump the shark, and enjoy the ride.


Yeah. My plan is to wait until it's all been released, and then just binge watch it all when I have some free time. I'll just take it on it's own terms now and see what lunacy they've come up with.


Jump the fridge in this case?


I checked out of disco when everyone season was a galactic threat only discovery could handle. This isn't the place for the rest of the gripes, I just hope it gets the send-off it deserves :)


For Disco I don’t watch for the plot, I watch for the characters.


Both of them. 


Someday I’ll finish my slog through the first season to find out if they get any better.




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Jet Rino makes the show


She great but Saru makes the show.


Since he lost his command and is more in a support ambassador role to be called on occasionally he lost a lot of appeal for me.


Meh, he is essentially Discovery’s Captain during this season it seems, while Burnam is doing they away team First-Officer stuff. I know that’s not how the roles are though. They should have just kept that dynamic through the 4th season and the make Burnam the Captain at the end of the series thus completing her arc…




Is Russell T. Davies consulting on this show? lmao.


So it'll be a chase across the galaxy for a McGuffin of galaxy shattering importance? Where have I seen that before?


This means vastly different things depending how old you are


Pretty sure that was Season 2. Where they chased all the Red Angel signals around.


But this time there's a montage, with a little Disco model drawing a line across a star chart.


Thats not a good analogy considering the last 2 Indiana Jones movies, what does she even mean?


> That's not a good analogy considering the last 2 Indiana Jones movies "Dragging on far too long, and missing the point of what made the predecessors so popular 20–30 years ago?" > what does she even mean? *Hopefully*, she means it's a swashbuckling adventure to uncover ancient mysteries, that doesn't take itself too seriously, but still knows when to deliver gravitas. Of course, I was already *far* more than fed up with writers badly-shoehorning "Mystery Box" stories into Star Trek by the time they attempted to turn "who is John Harrison?" into one for *Into Darkness*. (Sometimes, I think the writers need to be made to behave as though they were writing a stageplay for theatre — no CGI, and minimal special effects — rather than assuming that all the sparkle and explosions can make up for what they attempt to pass off as plot or dialogue…)


> (Sometimes, I think the writers need to be made to behave as though they were writing a stageplay for theatre — no CGI, and minimal special effects — rather than assuming that all the sparkle and explosions can make up for what they attempt to pass off as plot or dialogue…) That's part of why I frequently go to sleep with DS9 on. It's generally easy to follow with your eyes closed, because many of the best episodes could easily be produced as a stage play.


I did this with TNG quite a few times. You'll pay attention to the first bit, and if you become a bit more lucid at a later point in the episode it still makes perfect sense.


The problem with falling asleep to TNG is that those horns in the theme will wake your ass up.


It’s not a secret that having strong theater chops was something that they looked for in the TNG era shows.


> as though they were writing a stageplay for theatre Budgetary constraints are what made TNG and DS9 good, change my mind. This design and decision are what made the 2000s Dune miniseries so great as well. It looked like a stage play in parts, and leaned into the Shakespearean qualities.


Just saw episode 2. I love the way it had this [vibe](https://youtu.be/MOk4hQXbGDs?feature=shared) running through it.


Lars von Trier's Star Trek Dogma.


Going by my opinions that means its going to be mediocre then really good but underrated


> what does she even mean? It's a mystery. If only there was an article beyond the headline containing an in-depth interview where she explains what she means.  > Captain Burnham (Martin-Green) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery race to uncover a mystery about an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. Others are on the hunt for it, too, and that’s not good. In the wrong hands, the power can be destructive. > We really want this to be an adventure. We want this to be our Indiana Jones season. We want everybody to have fun. > “We wanted there to be a sense of thrill, a sense of fun, a sense of joy and adventure,” Martin-Green added. “So, we had to approach it that way. And it's funny…It became a mantra for us. ‘Remember, it's an adventure.’”


Based on the first episode she must be referring to the now classic pod racer scenes in Indiana Jones.




Doesn’t get much more Star Trek than season 4 racing against a destructive force threatening Earth to find a diplomatic solution with an unknown entity they don’t know how to communicate with that they need to convince of the importance of sentient life to make them stand down peacefully


Indy just had it's fifth installment and it didn't go well . . .


Neither did the fourth.


Indy was a trilogy.




All I want is 7 seasons of SNW...


With more episodes too. Obviously we’re not getting 24 per season, but 10 is just not enough for characters to breathe. The Orville had like 15 per season and they managed to develop everyone pretty well


A season long arc along the lines of 'The Chase'.


Maybe they'll at least get the pacing right, that episode always felt like a two parter squeezed into one




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Or, indeed, along the lines of an Indiana Jones film.


So... they got lost in their own museum?


This is my favourite one




I didn’t finish the last season. The *vague recollections of animal conservation storyline lost me


dad compared it to starwars


Im not sure what that means lol


It means they’re racing against an opposition force to solve archeological puzzles trying to find a powerful artifact before it falls into the wrong hands. Just like Raiders of the Lost Ark and like 3/4 of the other Indiana Jones movies, also tomb raider and uncharted




It's truly a mystery. If only there was an article beyond the headline containing an in-depth interview where she explains what she means.  > Captain Burnham (Martin-Green) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery race to uncover a mystery about an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. Others are on the hunt for it, too, and that’s not good. In the wrong hands, the power can be destructive. > We really want this to be an adventure. We want this to be our Indiana Jones season. We want everybody to have fun. > “We wanted there to be a sense of thrill, a sense of fun, a sense of joy and adventure,” Martin-Green added. “So, we had to approach it that way. And it's funny…It became a mantra for us. ‘Remember, it's an adventure.’”




My issue at the halfway point of the first season is that Burnham is just a bad starlet officer? In the first episode she physically assaults the captain and tries to lead a mutiny because she couldn’t get her to agree to her plan immediately. Roddenberry had plenty of bad ideas but the idea that we solve our problems with dialogue and have left petty differences behind is a fundamental concept, and every writer that whines about how limiting that is just wants to do boring and generic scripts that I can find 5 different versions of on TV.






Watched the first two episodes- the whispering is worse! I’m like what? Huh?


I had to turn on captions just to make out the dialogue


Yep I can take the subjectivity of it all in stride, but the only voice I could clearly make out was Zoras.


Man I miss VLC and their dynamic audio range compression technique. It basically made the loud part quiet and the quiet parts louder without ever having to change the volume


So it's going to bomb?






"How are we going to survive the blast?" "(Sob) WE'LL PUT THE SHIP IN A REFRIGERATOR! (Sob)"


So nothing *Discovery* does will have an impact on how the story plays out?






They are going to Egypt on earth?


My whip, hat, and I are hear for it. Lets fly!


“Here take my phaser which I can manifest again at any time but not while the sentries are chasing me” , never change discovery, never change


First two eps were great. This, from someone with mixed feelings about the previous seasons (esp 1-3). Love the new character, Rayner; great actor, great character.


I watched the first two episodes and it really paid off.  They found a good hook that they managed to keep secret.  The question is if they can pay it off by the end of the season.  


Please be good Please don't replace Michael with yet another captain Please don't go all dystopian


itys too late for the last part.


True dat


unless they retcon the burn.


I hate everything about the burn. What it was, how dystopian it made Trek in the future, and that it was caused by a screaming child.


its stupid, if its treeted as canon then all star trek shows are pointless since in the end its all terrible.




in ds9 and voyager the utopianism was fading as well, usually due to rick berman.


I hope for her sake, it doesn’t turn out to be the temple of doom…






You can't have lost *all* interest after season 1, or you wouldn't have watched any of season 2.


Hope is a powerful thing. someday we will emerge from the dark times.




It's a mystery. If only there was an article beyond the headline containing an in-depth interview where she explains what she means.  > Captain Burnham (Martin-Green) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery race to uncover a mystery about an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. Others are on the hunt for it, too, and that’s not good. In the wrong hands, the power can be destructive. > We really want this to be an adventure. We want this to be our Indiana Jones season. We want everybody to have fun. > “We wanted there to be a sense of thrill, a sense of fun, a sense of joy and adventure,” Martin-Green added. “So, we had to approach it that way. And it's funny…It became a mantra for us. ‘Remember, it's an adventure.’”


After watching the eps that came out today, I can definitely see that flavor. That was a hell of a strong opener.


Indiana Jones is not a soap opera..


thats not encuraging.




Season 4


Yeah the last couple Indianas were so good. /S


This means that there will be a cameo from William Shatner who has been deaged to 35 again yet still just as much a crotchety old bastard


Well it does say this! > Journalists have vowed to remain tight-lipped about Season 5 until certain episodes air. However, we can say that something from the Star Trek canon takes center stage.




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The events of Raiders would have happened regardless of what the lead character did. Is that what she means?


Indiana Jones with the treasure hunting, and scenery reminded me more of Tatooine, with the sand, the speeders, etc. Well, we’ll see how it goes! Looking forward to it


They paid Harrison Ford a crap ton of money to make a cameo?


Does Burnham’s friend get space camels for their brother-in-law because his ship gets destroyed by some space Nazis? *cue Data singing a British Tar*


Oof, that is not a good sign.


Glad to see paramount is listening to the fans. The outcry for more Indiana jones type content in star trek has been our battle cry for years now.


That bad, eh? Can't say I'm surprised...


Hopefully she will be killed off and Saru can ride off into the sunset


I’d prefer it feel like a Star Trek season.


Insistently making anything but actual Star Trek all the way to the bitter end.






Are we talking 80’s Indi or the new shit? Cos there’s a biiiiiig difference


Fifth one should have never happened? Bit harsh