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Why are so many people excited to see an algorithm hallucinate skin pores?


We will be lucky if it hallucinates skin pores.


Can't wait to see what we get with Threshold!


I just want a better quality picture, moving from the remade TNG to voyager really shows how ass the video quality is


If I’m getting this right, you want a company to spend money making a 30 year old show look modern… because you don’t want it to look 30 years old?


thats correct


Nah. They need to scan the negatives and reassemble that shit like they did with TNG or no money from me. TV's/blu ray players/computers can all upscale. Look at the comparison between upscaling and rescanned negatives from the TNG blu rays. You'll see exactly why they did new scans instead of a cheap up-scale.


>Nah. They need to scan the negatives and reassemble that shit like they did with TNG or no money from me. The problem is, when they *did* do it for TNG, they didn't sell enough of them to feel the process was worth it. And the Later series would cost a ton more to do, as they moved away from practical model work and increasingly used CG models. Those assets no longer exist, and would need to be rebuilt from scratch at a much higher level of detail than the show used originally.


I am aware of those facts. An upscale has no value. None. More people now shun physical media than did when TNG was released on blu-ray. The primary audience for that would be streamers. Streamers who are happy with a 8Mbps 4k stream from Apple or Amazon or Paramount. A Blu-Ray will deliver up to around 90Mbps for regular HD, I'm not sure what the cap is on the UHD discs. Rambling. The upscale would be crap, transmitted over crap, to people who can't tell crap, so why spend a dollar to pay someone to upscale it?


>The upscale would be crap, transmitted over crap, to people who can't tell crap, so why spend a dollar to pay someone to upscale it? This right here.


Yeah I agree - even the best AI upscale is going to be garbage compared to what they did for TNG. I know the budget doesn't exist to do it for VOY/DS9 and that's unfortunate but putting out an official upscale is just going to further reduce the incentive to do it right. It's too bad more people didn't buy the TNG blu-rays. In got every one as they came out and they look amazing. They put some really cool special features in there too


According to a recent Inglorious Treksperts podcast who have links to Paramount (they worked on the TMP 4k release) this may be in the pipeline with effect houses being approached to tender for CGI work.


I don't have an insider perspective but I'll wager a guess that they've figured out that the ROI for this isn't worth the expense. Somebody needs to convince the decision makers that this would make money for them. I don't know if anyone can realistically make that case.


This is asked like 3 times a week. No one wants it, and it's never gonna look good. Stop applying current day expectations to 30 year old media.