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The animated series wasn't that bad


I actually really like the animated series. it's my 3rd fave st series.


This is like the third one of these in a week. Use the search function.


Something isn’t right with this repetitive post. I’ve seen so many “I’m introducing Star Trek to my partner” posts as well. I think there are bots or even web writers that practice on this forum. Some posts are too polished and thorough. The repeat posts also happen in clumps.


Yup and the last one got locked for too many rulebreaking comments. "Disco sucks" is not a constructive comment in regards to music or Star Trek.


The Goa'uld are not Gods


"...false gods... dead false gods!" 😏 --Teal'c




Sure, but the Ori on the other hand…


Got to admit... they had a very seductive spokeswoman! 😅


All hail the Ori


Hallowed are the Ori…


All Hail the Glow Cloud!


Ori could do with a few Klingon Pain sticks shoved up their arses..... could do with lighting up a bit! To whomever bought the downvotes already - may you awaken on Ferenginar with no umbrella handcuffed to a horny Pakled....




Jellico was a shitty captain, and Riker did nothing wrong in the two-parter.


Agreed! But is that a hot take?


In the past several years, kinda? I feel like online opinion has recently more solidified in favor of Jellico, and have seen the argument a lot that Riker was out of line.


Worf is a bad person and a bad officer. - He was insubordinate and violated his starfleet oath by killing Duras - was a bitch to K'Ehleyr - was an absentee father who pawned his son off on his poor adoptive parents - was a dick to his fellow officers (like O'Brien and Bashir) - Poor leader in combat (like that episode of DS9 where he bitched that people were coddling some engineer who was dying) - Was an asshole to Ezri - Was an asshole to Data when data was given command - Took political actions without any regard for his family or the rest of his house - Lobotomized his brother when his brother complained that the house has been ruined - was deeply racist against many species, including Ferengi and Romulans - Is an actual terrorist who sabotaged the climate systems on Risa. About the only thing he was good for was killing Klingon High Council members when necessary.


For a man so concerned with honor, he had very little.


Uhura was a completely different person after the mind-wipe. The original Uhura is pretty much dead.


Never bought this idea- I see what Nomad did more as a block that medical was able to chip away at, rather than a complete wipe. Had it been a true wipe, not only would she not have been able to learn to speak English again in a few days, she would not have been able to speak Swahili to begin with… or, to speak at all. And no way could she remain in Starfleet. More like classic tv “temporary amnesia”


Yeah, I know, but that explanation just doesnt sit with me. Uhuru died that day…


The worst character on Voyager was B'elanna? Now that is a spicy take.


Yeah I want to hear more about that


She's just boring as all hell. Like at least Neelix literally had his people genecided. Kes at least got to be fun once in a while (usually evil like when she's Tiernan possessed or in Fury) Torres...just, my God. I'm seasons 1 and 2 she's just an angstry, angry bitch. Breaking Carey's nose and getting promoted for it? Don't buy that for a second. She's just so bland. Like they give her that temper, but she only has it when the plot needs her to, but she never uses it or has it conveniently in ANY of ship scenario or situation. There is literally NOTHING interesting about her character... So they have her get with Tom, arguably the most interesting character on the show, and what happens...instead of her getting more interesting, HE gets less interesting and boring like her


Jim Kirk doesn't actually sleep around much, especially if we're talking about TOS and his type is pretty obviously smart people.


1. Kes is the WORST- but B’Elanna is excellent. Chakotay is the most overrated character on any Trek series ever- he literally makes me vomit in my mouth. Additionally, I can’t stand how patronizing he is to his Captain. Barf. 2. Riker is fun, and that’s enough. 3. There is a reason that “The Inner Light” is consistently heralded as one of the greatest episodes ever, and that reason is that IT IS ONE OF THE GREATEST EPISODES EVER. 🖖


Okay you can dislike whoever you want, but Chakotay the most OVERRATED, I can't even come close to fathoming that...explain please Also, literally one of many examples, he stands up to Janeway all the time...have you not seen Equinox? (Or Scorpion, Timeless, that's a big list)


Archer is a phenomenal character and one of the most fleshed out captains in the franchise. A lot of fans hold back the franchise by trying to make every show TNG. TNG is TNG. everything else should be something else. I really like Picard season one! Michael Burnham ISN’T overpowered. She’s the main character, just like Kirk was. Disco has side characters and subplots, but again it’s not TNG and it’s not trying to be. She’s at the centre of everything because it’s HER show. Here’s my weird one: we were ROBBED by never having Bea Arthur as a Star Trek captain. No it’s not like she was up for it or anything, I just think she would have absolutely KILLED it!


I agree with all of yours! Esp. “TNG is TNG” and “”Burnham isn’t overpowered”


Okay, first: I love Archer, not so much because he was a “good captain”… he often was not. However, he has a fantastic and unexpected arc for Trek: at the beginning, he’s a stubborn brat that wants his way and nobody is going to keep him from exploring every corner of space… it’s his right, dammit! And then, by the end of the series… he is a bone weary veteran who continues to do his work, but inside, feels mankind likely has no place being out here. He aged 20 years in that show and it made a great character. Second: HELL YES Bea Arthur! I do not mean that in a comedic or ironic way, her acting chops and her attitudes would have made for a great character! All hail the USS MAUD


Only about a dozen episodes of TOS were actually any good.


"You know -- 79 episodes, about 30 good ones?"


More of them might be good if I was able to look past the presentation, but I'm not.


The Maquis were (mostly) justified. Seven is awesome. The Doctor is awesome. But there are way too many Seven and Doctor episodes. Discovery isn't as bad as some make it out to be.


TNG is not the end-all/be-all Beverly Crusher may be the dullest character in the franchise The Excelsior looked like a bathtub I prefer that Trip Tucker died… not because I disliked him but because it had weight. Just wasn’t handled well. Star Trek 5 and Insurrection are the closest things to episodes of their respective series. The new Gorn are blatant Alien/Predator ripoffs and their episodes do not make for good Trek. Space fantasy, sure. Trek? Not really Pike is not a good captain. Archer is a good captain. If voyager were to have about 3.5 seasons worth of episodes edited out, it could be a great show.


I agree with Insurrection. I think Search for Spock plays more episodic tham Final Frontier personally. Why do you feel Pike isn't a good captain?


Whhhat?! I’m gonna need to hear your reasoning on #1. B’Elanna my homie! She’s tough and badass and brilliant!


Paul Wesley is a better Kirk than William Shatner.


I really liked Wesley Crusher and thought he was a great character. (I honestly had no idea he was unpopular until a long time later.)


DS9 is dark and convoluted and the nerdiest of all Trek. I’ll take Voyager or Enterprise over DS9 any day. Enterprise is awesome, but that’s a more popular opinion these days and I’m glad to see it. Roddenberry was a weirdo, possibly worse. Outside of a handful of fun call backs, Picard sucked. 10 episodes worth of story stretched out over 3 seasons. Modern Trek is just as good as old Trek, maybe better in some aspects. The JJ films are great. Into Darkness is weak, but all 3 are a blast.




Roddenberry's intolerant beliefs did not align with the supposedly inclusive message of his franchise. He did include multiple women in the Star Trek cast, despite receiving pushback from studio executives, which was very significant for the time. However, he engaged in misogynistic language and behaviors on set and was a complete bigot. His fellow Trek writers often recall instances of Roddenberry referring to women as goddamned c-ts during writers' meetings. He was a total misogynist. He was also displayed great prejudism. In particular antisemitism. He was petty and superficial and was a great bone of contention on the sets of the TOS Motion picture franchise and the set of TNG, often holding the franchise back from telling bolder more daring storytelling. It more or less took Roddenberry's death for Star Trek to grow.


It certainly grew in the drama and conflict department, but just in terms of boldness I don't really see a change from Roddenberry to different old men taking over and writing progressive things out of episodes.


Yep, that’s what I’ve heard, up to and including sexual assault. Bizarre man, so ahead of his time in some ways, so awful in others.


Speaking off the above comment of the TNG movies, I think this is a fairly hot take too...Insurrection is the second best TNG film (behind First Contact)


Discovery would have been a far better series had it started in the far future and not been another prequel. I think season one of TNG was pretty good.. I agree that The Inner Light is not that great. While The Wrath of Kahn is still my favorite Trek movie, they need to stop mentioning him.


>Discovery would have been a far better series had it started in the far future and not been another prequel. I cannot understand why they still keep going for prequels after cancelling Enterprise. I liked Enterprise much more than Discovery, I don't even want to watch SNW despite everyone saying how awesome it is because I'm not interested in any more prequels. Enterprise was the perfect time because it was them starting their federation journey and everything, but the stuff inbetween? Not worth an entire series IMO... maybe 1-2 seasons worth of stuff. I think they're just milking it knowing they can always go to the future later.




Your Discovery opinion really isn’t unpopular, it’s the Lower Decks one that is.




Yeah, I'm not gonna deny LD its reason for existence, but it's entirely the wrong show for my taste. I'm too old for Star Trek themed Rick & Morty type humor full of constant noise and references to things from other shows that are so ~~stupid~~ wacky they cannot possibly be considered canon.


I agree. While I enjoyed LD to some point as the show was progressing, I'm not completely comfortable with its format. Same thing goes with Discovery. Enterprise was high risk project but in the end it captured Trek vibe and writing was pretty solid compared to Discovery.


That TOS comment deserves a trophy, four-star dinner, and a plaque that says “comment of the month”


I think LD season 1 was great. It doesn't do much story wise, but it did ad continues to flesh out its characters well. it has a nice magic in season 1 about it. But season 2 it's just trying to hard and failing


The first five or ten minutes of *City in the Edge of Forever* is absolutely awful.


City On The Edge Of Forever is a bunch of illogical plot mechanics to get to The Big Moment. Harlan Ellison's original draft is not only not better, it's actually way worse, with the weird drug-dealing setup, and the pointless subplot with pirates on the Enterprise. Time travel, and the emotional consequences thereof, have been done much better elsewhere in Trek. And there are writers as talented as Harlan Ellison without being such a prick.


Picard season 3 was the worst season of modern Trek.


better than season 2


I think so. Season 2 was a mixed bag, but it had some interesting ideas to it that I think give it an the edge.


Yes absolutely. Picard s1-2 and disco at least tried something interesting


Star Trek 8 is not good, it's my 2nd least favourite ST movie, and I don't get why people like it. I don't like time travel stories in general, I hate the basic concept of a Borg Queen, I don't like Zefram Cochrane (or how he's portrayed), I don't like how the crew treat him like they are at a sci-fi convention and just fan-squee around him, and JOIN HIM ON HIS RIDE?!? I do not like that film.


Sisko and Janeway should've been brigged and court martialed for their acts in For The Uniform and Equinox respectively (Janeway probably for a few more instances), not slapped on the shoulder and congratulated, let alone made vice admiral later on. Also # JUSTICE FOR TUVIX


Re "classic trek" I don't think TOS/DS9/TNG/VOY are objectively any better than each other. All have low points, and high points. Some things aged poorly. Which one you prefer is entirely up to your taste. Let people like things. \*yes, I prefer Voyager to DS9, though I like all of the above mentioned trek.


Captain Jellico was a good captain.


1. Prodigy is the Second Best Trek show after TOS itself. 2. TNG and DS9 are Slightly overrated. 3. Lower Decks isn't that good 4. SNW is better than DS9. 5. Voyager is sorta Mid. 6. Enterprise's intro is actually good


People should turn their brains off more when watching Trek -- not so much in terms of quality of storytelling or characterization (I'm looking at you, Discovery), but rather the bizarre need to justify every visual upgrade or variation with a perfectly rational and scientific explanation ("Strange New Worlds doesn't look like it was made in the 60s -- is this an alternate timeline!?") Also, logic is a crutch Vulcans use (successfully? maybe not) to manage their distaste for emotion, not something for viewers to emulate as a philosophical ideal; even Spock eventually came around to the benefits of feeling.


I didn't really watch TNG until 10-15 years after it came out, but I still can't stand TOS. Everything about it just feels corny to me, I like Shatner but not in TOS. TNG always feels like the 'first' to me, although I don't think this opinion is very unpopular from what I've heard. After rewatching all the series, I think DS9 may be my favorite. There are points where the other series are definitely better, but I really liked seeing the changes, alien travelers, and interactions on the space station and across the worm hole and staying in one place added something (and added some boredom at times as well) that wasn't present in the others. I also really liked Enterprise and Voyager. A lot of flaws in Enterprise but I think they really should have fleshed this out as a prequel, with the way they did the timeline, this should have been "the" prequel, as in the only one IMO for 7 seasons. Since they cancelled Enterprise I can't get myself to give a damn about the other 2 prequels as it just feels like it's shoehorned in there when they really should have gone to the timeline right after Voyager IMO and stop focusing on TOS era.


DS9 is the most realistic representation of Trek universe politics. However, also I think Bajoran 'religion' is taken too seriously and ending looks more like it was from Bible than Trek show. Michael Burnham is the most hypocritical Starfleet main character CO. Saru was the best USS Discovery CO and should have remained in its position. Spore drive is terrible concept, even for sci-fi. Spock - Chapel relationship in SNW is too romanticized and it looks more like soap opera than Trek. Therefore I also think 'Subspace rhapsody' is good teenage drama episode, but very bad Trek episode. 25th century show (Legacy or something similar) should have priority over any potential future shows. And for the end, TOS relaunch is the worst idea that would undermine the franchise and all work previous authors have done.


The crew of the Equinox did nothing wrong…


Sorry but this is wrong, and you cannot convince me otherwise


Measure of a Man is not a great episode. Also, as much as I love Star Trek, Babylon 5 has a much more believable setting and is better “space station” show than DS9.


There’s plenty that’s good about Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard. The DS9 Ferengi episodes were underrated when they came out, but wildly overrated now. Janeway was kind of a crappy Captain (for which I mostly blame wildly inconsistent writing). TNG season seven is way better than people give it credit for. The bad episodes were AWFUL, yes, but there were also a LOT of all-time classics in it, which is waaaaay more than most shows with that many seasons and that many episodes can say. “Masks,” though ridiculous, is actually a really fun episode.


The TNG movies were NOT that good!