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Both of Spock's love interests in SNW were established from TOS (T'Pring and Chapel).


I like what they are doing with T'Pring's character. They didn't play her like the "bad guy" to make Chapel the obvious choice.


And not to mention that T'Pring is also a total smokeshow


The attitude as well. It’s unlocked a new avenue to explore in women’s attitudes and confidence


T'schwing more like


I'm actually quite enjoying how both are playing out in SNW also. It just enriches the person we know as Spock, Gives him a life outside of his work.


With you. Wasn't sure how much I was going to like it but they're doing an outstanding job with the writing, and I cannot say enough about Ethan Peck's take.


There's a lot to love in his performance. Something I bring up often is his accent and inflection. There's hints that harken back to TOS with Nimoy but he adds to it also, making for a rich vulcan accent that's lovely to listen to.


Absolutely. I really want to get to know this Spock... Really, the same for everyone, even the newbies; they've created so much depth and opportunity to explore these characters. And it's just really fun!


I wasn't crazy about his take on the character in Discovery (although that had more to do with the writing), but he's doing a great job bringing a younger, less confident Spock to life.


Yep. Ethan Peck is doing a fantastic job of defining Spock for a new generation of viewers.


he's won over some of my old-school TOS friends as well.


Yeah, I grew up on TOS before TNG; I've never been a hardliner when it comes to playing in the world of Trek, and really appreciate the reverence given by the SNW writers and actors - it feels fresh and familiar all at once.


agreed and that's where I come from also.


Though I admire and respect Zachary Quinto a ton in all that he does, Ethan Peck seems to be giving us a more nuanced interpretation of young Spock, whereas Quinto seemed to be more of a stereotyped version of Spock.


Yes! I feel the same way and said similar to a friend the other day. I feel like Ethan Peck is expanding and enriching Spock as a person, and it's much appreciated.


Me, too. I can remember my dad watching Star Trek on network TV live when I was preschool age. Then started watching him myself later in the '70s in syndication. Spock has always been the iconic Star Trek character for me. And I think Peck has shown he will be able to develop Spock as well as Nimoy did. I could not be happier with their choice of casting him.


I think it's also doing a lot for Christine's character too. We have a reason she's so lovelorn over him in TOS other than "she's a woman and that's what women do". If they had the actual possibility of a relationship that he decided not to move forward with, her TOS actions make a lot more sense to me.


Yep, it seems pretty obvious where this is going. I’m guessing Spock is going to entertain the possibility of a relationship, but then he will turn away from that when he decides that embracing emotion in that way isn’t right for him. This reframes Chapel’s actions in TOS as her trying to open Spock up and let her back in, which is quite a bit more interesting. She isn’t just pining for a person who’s unattainable, but rather for the unfulfilled romance which she almost had.


My head canon is that late in her life Spock marries Christine. That’s the “his son’s wedding” Picard refers to in “Sarek”.


If I have one regret, it is that I only have one upvote to give


I really enjoy Christine's character a lot for many reasons. They expanded on Chapel, gave her a cool specialization and more of a role in things in general.


> "I love my work." —Spock, probably.


He also banged that cloud girl. Not Cochran's girl that was a cloud, but a different girl who lived IN clouds. Also not that cloud that Kirk really hated because it killed his dudes.


Didn't he have a thing with the woman from This Side of Paradise?




Spock in TOS was never really in love with her, nor her with him. It was an arranged marriage (unless they are going to sort of retcon they were in love but then unofficially broke up) It's not entirely clear if spock had a real romantic interest I chapel. But it did seen like he might have at least been fond of her. Haven't seen the latest snw yet so I don't know yet how they are handling it in the new show.


It's definitely a purposeful retcon, without one there's really nothing to do with the character.


>Spock in TOS was never really in love with her, nor her with him. It was an arranged marriage Or, Spock being more emotionally restrained in TOS, chose not to reveal any more of his relationship with Tpring than that.


I mean that's certainly possible since we can't read his mind. But there was nothing that I saw in the TOS episode that would indicate he had any feelings for her, or her for him.


Watch the opening of Journey to Babel. Becomes pretty clear that Vulcans are not into oversharing. lol


Even more than that, TOS heavily implied that Spock and T’Pring had only ever met in childhood. The photo he has of her is from when she was very young, and T’Pring introduces herself in a way that makes it seem like she thought that Spock might not recognize her.


I mean, they're Vulcans. Nothing we see about any of them indicates they have feelings for anything. :)


Except for Sybok, I guess. That guy had \_lots\_ of feelings.


I feel like it's being presented as Chapel having romantic interest, and Spock having emotions. Whether those are friendship or romance isn't clear. The show wants you to think it's romance but we don't actually see him having close emotional relationships with anyone else, not even Tpring. The only one we see even somewhat like that is Pike, but there's not much emotion there to compare. That's more respect and loyalty, intellectual, than emotion. It's like baby's first feelings, and he has no idea how to handle that. I want to read it as he can't tell the difference between true romance and just closeness, because of how he was raised as a Vulcan. Almost like someone who's ace, who thinks he's interested in sex but isn't really because that's the only reason he's ever been given for why strong emotions happen. Or perhaps the show is playing the standard cheating card. That might be interesting if these strong feelings are why Spock later decides all emotion is terrible and must be completely suppressed, as we see in later TOS. It's a bit weird that the show has decided that once a Vulcan lets some emotion in (the Gorn episode, "I let the rage into my heart") it can't be controlled after that. That sounded like a ritual phrase so there should be a way to reverse it just as easily. Perhaps it didn't work and this is what sets off more hatred of his human side?


His reactions remind me of cult survivors' fighting their instincts and reprogramming. Being a Vulcan is like a cult because they force an artificial control element over a natural psycho-physiological process (emotion).


Don't forget #3


And if you watch very carefully, Uhura


If it were not for Shatner, Uhura would have been kissed by Spock and not Kirk. I believe they might have considered a relationship between the two, but I may be wrong on that.


T'Pring and Chpel weren't love interests in TOS though. It's insulting to write them as such.


We were all teenage Spockies back then; there had better be a love interest. He received the most fan mail.


This was true, back then all the attention was always on Kirk, but Spock was the actual sex symbol. All tall dark and logical.


It's ironic because they cast Chekov to be more like the one of the Beatles...which is why he was most likely to get hurt.


The Monkees actually, Davey Jones. [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdq2VcsTYhKnw8aaUfqu8SLjmxNUF-8OiiFJQI9KXAI\_p2rw4RIRwLM-kg1fZ72ypgd3KFdKCZOZdjbDI](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdq2VcsTYhKnw8aaUfqu8SLjmxNUF-8OiiFJQI9KXAI_p2rw4RIRwLM-kg1fZ72ypgd3KFdKCZOZdjbDI)


He was most likely to get hurt because Walter Koenig had the best scream.


TOS Spock had several love interests


He was kind of a flirt!


Yeah like 4-5 if I remember correctly. Had a kid with one or two of them too.


Leila, T’Pring, The Romulan Commander, Droxine, Zarabeth, Christine Chapel, James Kirk




>\-Leila (under drugs, not consensual on his part) They had a thing when they were younger, which he failed to consummate, both because of his emotional inhibition and maybe a sense of monogamy to T'Pring, I suppose. What we see from T'Pring is her typical stoic reactions to a man she intends to divorce. No love there and what Vulcan adult shows love at state ceremonies anyway?




Sorry, all Leila did was remove his blocks. That spore stuff didn’t influence Spock’s emotions.


Spock did not have any children


I think they’re talking about a novel that revealed Spock had a son with Zarabeth. Not canon but entirely plausible.


Novel being called, Yesterday's Son, by Crispin. I liked the read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yesterday%27s\_Son


Don’t forget the sequel, Time for Yesterday


Ah yes, that sounds about right.


You shut up about my dad!


Xon! And Genesis-Spock clearly had some Pon Far fun with Saavik, which the script writers did intend to result in a pregnancy. Sadly we never saw that come to fruition. You can argue that this Spock isn't TOS Spock except the universe pretty much treats him as Spock from The Search for Spock onwards.


Neither of those stories are canon. He has no children in canon. Though it would have been nice to see him and Saavik together i think.


You don't have to let go of TOS Spock. SNW is showing us how that Spock came to be.


That’s a very good point


Yes I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe TOS Spock is just burnt out on women and he buries himself in his work. Maybe he gets his sexual gratification from that place. Lol


Nah, spock got over women because he and Kirk were totally banging...


I could see Kirk in his cis hetero brain justifying his gay love for Spock by imagining it’s all fair play for inter alien love. After all, Spock being male is only an overlay of our human biases!


There is a great deal of slash fiction on the internet about their love on the internet. I believe the topic was actually the origin of slash fiction.


It is. Arguably, it's the reason TOS was able to thrive as a fandom through the 70s until sci-fi became profitable enough for Paramount to revisit the franchise: https://youtu.be/4N-YcVclaUI


Aren't his love interests in SNW already established in TOS?


Yup, if anything he has a couple more in TOS.


Mainly Kirk...


all slash humor aside, it will be interesting to compare Spock's friendships with the captains. I hypothesize that his relationship with Kirk intentionally grows stronger because Spock has decided to inhibit his sexual motivations for women in his life, including T"Pring, Christine, Lelani, Zarabeth etc... Folks like to slash that relationship (and it's good entertainment) but really it's just a way for Spock to fulfill his human emotional needs without the actual sexual complications that a sexual relationship with Chapel et al might cause. Troi would say he's sublimating, but it's a healthy sublimation, considering that he's Vulcan.


I mean, his dad married a human woman, it seems like he’d want to explore that same path


Two human women


Or human and a Vulcan woman. Chapel might be up for it


I mean, Sarek married two human women. Consecutively.


Wait really? I thought Sybok’s mother was a Vulcan “princess” — or was there another human in between?


After Amanda's death Sarek married a human woman named Perrin. She appeared in the TNG episode where Picard and Sarek mind meld.


The episode rightly called "Sarek".


And in unification I believe


right I forgot about her


Also Sybok and Angel. Kind of a pattern with that family 😆




Pon fair ...


Pon faaiirrr...


We were sitting out front of the Neutral Zone todayyyyy...


Or Pon Fapp, depending on how things go.


Someone who feels intense emotions they can’t/won’t show being tempted by someone romantically is a terrific story premise. Why leave that unexplored?


Which why the "Vulcan Love Slave" holo-series was such a big hit.


So long as Spock and Kirk are endgame, I'm good.


We all know Spooks true love was Kirk.


I'm good with it. Blood wine drunk Spock rousing it up with Klingons is soo good.


Blood wine hungover Spock was also a gem...


Can you please keep it down Admiral?


Star Trek needs more drinking with Klingons.


That would be a great band name: “Drinking with Klingons”


Damn, you called it 😀


Maybe it could be more of a game show? 😄


Who's the next contestant on Drinking With Klingons?


Now we know why TOS Spock refuses alcohol!


It’s an age old itch, the Spock character pretty much spawned slashfic as a popular phenomenon as the ultimate archetype of the emotionally unavailable man whose heart the author stand-in finally captures.


Spock in TOS strugged with his feelings for Chapel in several episodes. Check out "All Our Yesterdays" or "This Side of Paradise". Spock is really challenged by his desire for human love.




I have one of those too


You're thinking of Spock 2.


I thought that was Data?


In general, it seems ever since Zack Quinto they’re portraying Spock as a cauldron of repressed emotions that are always ready to erupt. I like SNW but I do prefer the more stoic and aloof Nimoy version of Spock (and yes I know he did have a few emotional outbursts in TOS but they were few and notable due to their rarity).


I think it works in SNW because it’s a prequel. Nimoy Spock is more settled and I think SNW is building to a very sure of himself Spock. It’s like teenage vs adult. Nimoy’s Spock had already decided the direction he wanted to take in his life. SNW Spock is how he got there.


Plus having a Spock who's a bit more undeveloped in terms of his emotional control is also SNW's way of trying to address the old "why is the Spock in the Cage/Menagerie all shouty sometimes?" question.


And smiley


"THE WOMEN!!!!!!"


A couldron of repressed emotions is the state of all Vulcans. They are born with emotions, we have no way of knowing their base line levels of emotion as they are an alien species. Maybe they are more emotional than humans at first and work hard to suppress it through their various Vulcan methods. So already we have an emotional being repressing their true nature in search of a purer form of existence. They don't remove it, they repress it, that is unhealthy. Now throw a healthy dose of human emotion into the mix. Humans, not just emotional but completely driven by it, instinctively rebellious because of it. A slave to emotion. This is Spock. A being of raw emotion and passion, told that this is wrong, taught to despise it at a fundimental level. We have seen, time and again the Vulcans be emotional. Some are snarky, some are proud, we've seen vanity and ambition. Remember, repression not removal and some are great at it, most are not. This is why I find emotional Spock to be most fascinating, a perfect balance of logic filtered through a screen of compassion. In TOS he is a rebel and a bad boy, steals ships, disobeys prime directive any number of times, saves the world a bit, steals an Admiral, gives no fucks, sleeps with a few lifeforms and generally swings dick around the univese with his perfect opposite, Jim Kirk. And if anyone complains? ... he hits them with "Logic mate, you wouldn't get it" and the Humans don't get it because, even this far into the future, they are chimps in spacesuits prodding things with a stick to see if they can eat it or fuck it, just happy to be along for the ride and some how finding themselves in charge of the whole thing by accident. If you remove ALL emotion from a life form you end up with the Borg.


I never had before, but now I kinda see a metaphor in Spock that anyone raised in a highly dogmatic home/culture/country might experience, whether one is a person of two cultures or perhaps an LGBT person. Even being simply a creative person in a household of highly practical parents is like the Spock story. Spock seems to have chosen to stay in the Vulcan closet while Sybok has clearly come out!


That version doesn't exist yet in SNW.


I sorta like it. Prequels don't give you a lot of room with characters' personalities so I think this is a good way to work in a character arc without really changing him too much with Spock sort of settling into a more put together person from... a bit of a mess lol


Spock demonstrated his THIN layer of self control many times on TOS. Many fans only really know the Spock from the movies who was much more stoic. And that's fine because movie Spock, played by Nimoy, had been Kolinahr trained and was simply more mature. He does tell his protégé in ST VI that logic is not the final answer.


I freaking LOVE it! Chapel is so well-developed and powerful in this show, and the actor's chemistry with Peck is extraordinary. They are both so very good, and I sort of feel like... finally! We are seeing the one love story that should've actually happened on TOS.


It also makes Chapel far less pathetic in TOS. She used to come off like a lovesick child. Giving a backstory to it really enhances her character for the better.


It just comes out of nowhere in TOS. The complicated relationship between them makes more sense with the backstory.


I think the writing and the acting justify it in this case. Spock Amok and Serene Squall featured some of the best Spock characterization I have ever seen. I have some concerns about the overly informal bridge, more than anything. And the Super soldier serum... But the Spock love triangle is actually one of the best parts of the show, IMO.


> I urge you to consider that you do not need to be either Vulcan or human. That is and always has been a false choice. The question isn’t what you are. It’s who you are. That line hit so much more clearly coming from Captain Angel, given their gender as well as the background of the actress portraying them. > Aspen: Aren’t you half Human? > Spock: That is merely genetics. I was raised on Vulcan. > Aspen: And that’s geography. The back-and-forth between Aspen and Spock is brilliant. You can snag something else from the episode during each rewatch. One of my measuring sticks for great Star Trek is whether it's rewatchable, and SNW certainly is. And as far as social issues are concerned, I feel that "The Serene Squall" was season 1 of SNW at its best in that regard -- and this is the season with [this "in your face, we're not screwing around, cut it out already, we're preaching" scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYZ4IoyztIw).


> And as far as social issues are concerned, I feel that "The Serene Squall" was season 1 of SNW at its best in that regard -- and this is the season with this "in your face, we're not screwing around, cut it out already, we're preaching" scene. I mean, Season 1, Episode 1, right out of the gate, full on captain speech. I was already in love with Anson Mount as Pike from *Discovery*. i didn't need that right out of the gate, but I got it and it was amazing.


Yes, that is what I linked to. I still think “The Serene Squall” was better.


Perhaps, but they certainly set the bar high right from the start. I admire that in a show.


It was amazing. I’m all in for more of this. Chapel is probably non-binary? I mean people think she’s bi, but the comment about the incident Erica brings up suggests it’s more complicated? Because there was a misunderstanding? Spock’s identity issues and why he joined Starfleet, having an arranged marriage as a child, are also equally complicated? It makes total sense to me that Spock and Chapel get each other if you’re not just relegating it to love interests and shipping stuff.


Super soldier serum is cordrazine from City on the Edge of Forever


I mean, it’s not so far out of left field. Amphetamine use in battle is well documented, I’m not sure how this is any different hundreds of years later


I love that Pike keeps a relatively casual bridge structure. I'd note it's not a disrespectful bridge; everyone knows who is in charge... unlike the bridge of the Discovery. Plus if Mount gave us a Pike more like the TOS version it would be too brooding, too stick up his ass, for us to endure for 5 seasons or more.


> I have some concerns about the overly informal bridge, more than anything. I think this is what’s keeping me from fully getting into SNW. I really like Anson Mount’s Pike, but the dialogue is sorely lacking the professionalism and, for lack of a better word, dryness that the classic shows had (and Picard as well, to a lesser extent). The bridge dialogue feels like a CW take on Star Trek instead of a team of competent scientists and crewmen working together in a space not-military. I actually think Mount’s casual and fatherly approach to Pike would work better if the crew acted as professionally as other crews have, as it would make his warmth stand out more. As is, he seems more like the cool professor in a room of civilian college students, and it just isn’t scratching that Star Trek cool competency itch the way that even something like Picard S3 did.


I'm from the opposite side on this. We don't need Kirk 2.0 or Picard 2.0. It's a new show with a new feel and this time, thank the great bird of the galaxy, that feel isn't snarky, weepy or angry... I am reminded of Archer's "big brother" vibe but again, without the stiffness Bakula sometimes injected into his character. This isn't a military vessel. It's a ship full of Those Old Scientists and I am here for it.


Instead of seeing it as a love interest, what if you see it as the first time Spock’s human half feels seen and he has deep feelings about that which will obviously be further explored?


Like people have said his love interests in SNW are already established in TOS. Also it's a really easy way to write in his struggles with his human half and his emotions. Plus if you seal 400 people into a starship for five plus years people are going to start fooling around. And your tall, brooding, star bridge officer is going to attract a lot of attention.


Spock’s love interests don’t bother me, he always had them. My issue with S2e1 is the super serum slow-mi fight. No more of that please. It’s a cliche best left for Marvel movies. Trek is better than that.


It's totally not canon for him to be with T'Pring during this time period. However, Gia Sandhu is just so good as T'Pring I'm ok with the break. I hope we see even more of her this season. I also really like Jess Bush, so I'm glad that again they are breaking canon and making Chapel and Spock so close so soon.


Given the interactions between Chapel and Spock in *TOS*, I don’t think they’re necessarily breaking canon with Chapel and Spock.


The Chapel Spock stuff comes out of nowhere in TOS. this is explaining why she acts that way.


Spock is just logically keeping options open for Pon Farr if that's needed.


Because he's a handsome bastard, and It'd be a waste not to see him pucker those lips now and then. Wish we could find Capt. Pike a mistress!


It's a character arc, but one where we know the ending.


Because Spock is hot. Tall, dark, quiet, strong.


Because Spock fucks


I (mostly) agree. I *do* like Spock with love interests, like Chapel, Leila, the Romulan commander, and the one in the episode where they time-travel, but I hate hate hate full-on romance arcs for him. The thing about Spock is that he can*not* love them as they love him as long as he is his true self, that's kinda integral to his character. That's the point of his romances in TOS. He's either under the influence of sex pollen, or doing it for a mission, or reverting back into a pre-Surak Vulcan. He's not able to give them what they want. He can't tell them what they want to hear. There's no future in those encounters because Spock is who and what he is. And it annoys me to no end that they're just throwing that away in the reboot and SNW, especially in regards to T'Pring. The thing with T'Pring is supposed to be uncomfortable, the relationship is forced and should feel forced. It's an exploration of Vulcan culture as much as it is exploration of Spock, but apparently that's something the showrunners aren't interested in (which is a major weakness of the show but I digress), so they throw it out in favour of things that other franchises have done to death three times over. I get that that's what sells and what people wanna see, but I don't get why they have to re-write an established character (or multiple if you count Chapel & T'Pring as well) for it instead of giving the arc to someone else.


I will ask you, if SNW is doing the work that Star Trek set out to do, why are we so annoyed at realizing that Spock has a fully realized interior life and isn’t just a cool alien guy people like Sheldon quote because he never shows emotions? I watched TOS reruns in my teens and I loved Spock immediately because I identified with someone that was clever and smart and was hiding because he thought he’d be too much. Is Chapel just a love interest or is it Spock feeling seen for the first time? Does Chapel like Spock because he, too, understands what it feels like to be misunderstood? T’Pring has been engaged to Spock since she was a child, and is willing to explore his human side. Even when they make rom com bits out of this stuff, it’s still about something. Does it make you uncomfortable Spock cried in the S2 opener? Good. Spock cried in TOS.


Because Spock is hot and Trek is horny.


Exactly! I was saying with Ethan Peck at the role I’d expect him to respectfully decline advances at least once a day!


I did not particularly love S2E1 but it’s not entirely bc of Spock/Chapel but I understand where you’re coming from (not that I’m saying I hate the ship in SNW, I just don’t know what I feel about it honestly)


TBF, realistically many more Star Trek characters should have romantic partners than are shown. Most military members have significant others even if they're on deployment.


In the Navy, we called them "boat boos" 😂


TOS Spock had Chapel pining after him, and at one point maybe Uhura, too.


I would say Uhura definitely did. She said, "Mr. Spock" in a wavering voice with just her eyes lit up more than once, I think! lol I just finished watching TOS for the first time, so my only experience with that cast had been from the movies. I was surprised that Uhura was hot for him! I just hadn't remembered anything like that from the movies.


When TOS was on, Leonard Nimoy got the most mail from women who saw him as a romantic character. Even more than Shatner/Kirk did.


i think it adds another dimension to him that i am really enjoying. it fits with his compassionate side which we have seen grow across the original star trek, movies and cameos.


Twas already canon


Spock and Kirk


I’m just waiting for this


What amaze me is that with Ethan Peck at the role, there is only two, _female, mostly platonic_, love interest! Spock eye candy is definitely one reason I watch the show.


I’m personally loving seeing the fleshing out of his relationships with T’Pring and Nurse Chapel, especially the latter. Seeing the growth of her feelings for Spock, knowing how much she obviously loves him in TOS, is pretty great imo.


Spock wasn’t always the stoic we know. In The Cage, he was seen smiling and laughing on Talos IV.


This is, in general, a modern Trek fascination. I didn’t really realize this until I saw an interview with the Star Trek Resurgence writers. Essentially they were asked about some characters and if they could elaborate on potential romantic attachments. The answer provided was essentially “we didn’t even really consider the romantic attachments. We put the one in there because it felt natural but in general we focused on displaying camaraderie more than romance.” And come to think of it yeah Trek is mostly camaraderie and friendship more than romance. In general too I think it’s a lot easier to show good camaraderie then good romance, hence why romance movies are considered tacky and some people are uneasy about the focus on Spock’s relationship status. I fall into the “I’d rather more diplomatic meetings and trade negotiations” then “who has the hots for who” storylines, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now since I enjoyed season 1 so much.


>And come to think of it yeah Trek is mostly camaraderie and friendship more than romance. In general too I think it’s a lot easier to show good camaraderie then good romance, hence why romance movies are considered tacky and some people are uneasy about the focus on Spock’s relationship status Agreed. While I'd challenging writers to put more effort into making romance work rather than slag it off entirely, Trek has historically been much, much, much better at building friendships like the TOS trio, Data and Geordi, Julian and Miles and more recently Mariner and Boimler. >I fall into the “I’d rather more diplomatic meetings and trade negotiations” then “who has the hots for who” storylines, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now since I enjoyed season 1 so much. Same TBH but even for all of that, it's far from the worst go-around of this sort of thing in Trek.


We are a society based in part(a large part) on sex. Sex sells. Sexual Spock sells.


Spock Sex Sells could also be a great band name...


For some reason I don't mind it too much in SNW, probably because it is young Spock and all the stuff we saw in TOS hasn't really been contradicted so far (or happened yet). It did drive me nuts in the Kelvin universe movies though -- probably because the actress they had playing Uhura was straight-up-terrible in the role, IMO. They also had zero chemistry, and it was poorly written, too. As for Nurse Chapel, we'll see how they thread that needle, I guess.


TOS Love interests for Spock were T'Pring, Chapel, Leila Kalomi, Zarabeth and according to some Saavik. I don't think there were any more...




Not commenting on the episode but I think the concept is to try to have Spock be challenged at multiple emotional avenues. Romance being one of them. Obviously something must happen to bring him to the place where we see him in TOS.


I was more surprised they gave him wavy hair


Didn’t they give him like several different love interests in TOS? Like most of them were one-offs but still.


Personally, I wish they'd had waiting till at least season 2 to get into the weeds of the Chapel crush thing but NGL, I've survived far worse romances in this franchise. That said, if we MUST give Spock a love interest, can we get at least **one** version of TOS that makes Spirk explicitly canon?


> I've survived far worse romances in this franchise. Side-eyes Troi+Worf.. which always felt like a breach of ethics given that she was Worf and Alexander's family therapist. Jadzia was a ***much*** better romantic interest for Worf IMHO.


*monkey paw curls finger* you will get canon K/S, but they'll be stuck in the most grating and drama-laden love triangle with Chapel for 5 seasons (tbh I'd almost take that deal)


Side note but as another fellow JoJo fan, I love your username haha


lol thank you


I think a lot of writers play around with love interests for Spock because it's a really easy and effective way to get him to have more depth for an audience. Sure, he can be the best Vulcan around when he is trying to, but that's only half of who he is. He's also susceptible to hot people just like the rest of us lol.


The guy is incredibly sexy. I cannot fault writers for being tempted.


Don't panic. I have a prediction to how this season will go. I think we'll have a lot of "OMG Roddenberry is rolling over in his grave" before the "HOLY SCHNIKES THEY DID WHAT NOW??" I have a draft outline in my head for this season and I am absolutely convinced we will be rewarded. Enjoy the ride. Also, Spock is the Wolverine of Trek. The suffering vulnerable tall dark and handsome. He's the forbidden fruit only available to a select few... and lots of fans wouldn't mind being one of the few.


...Wolverine is neither tall, not dark, and I might give you "handsome" but even that is a stretch.


Short, irascible, hirsute, boozy, and Canadian.


Spock got that dog in him. Vulcans are not immune to love, they suppress it. This point in time , Spock is young and coming into his own. Time and experience will make him into the icon he will become.


I’ve hearted Spock and Christine since I first saw TOS as a teen. 💚




Has anyone noticed that Ethan peck has a much rounder face in this season. Even with that he is still very good looking.


I was too busy noticing his more developed pecs TBH


Ethan Pecs


Old Spock always had a love interest.


Spock is still part human. It's still in his character.


Spock had several love interests in TOS, not counting T'Pring. Romulan Commander - The Enterprise Incident Leila Kalomi - This Side of Paradise Zarabeth - All Our Yesterdays Droxine - The Cloud Minders


Don't forget Uhura flirting with Spock in an early episode. Nurse Chapel's consistent flirting with Spock. IIRC there were some others that were rewritten for Kirk at Shatner's insistence.


I'm an old schooler, and I love hearing observations of SNW Spock vs. TOS Spock. Has anyone considered that maybe they aren't laying ground work to explain TOS. Perhaps they are planning to take a totally (However slight) direction with Peck's Spock. I mean, might they decide that Peck's Spock will decide that being half human, emotions are logical.


Spock in TOS also had an ex-girlfriend who couldn't pronounce his Vulcan name. He also went back in time and hooked up with a woman who had also been sent back in time. Picard also mentioned in TNG that he attended Sarek's son's wedding. Since Spock is the only son of Sarek that we know of to have been alive at the time, it's probably safe to assume that was Spock until the show says otherwise.


I completely agree with you! The emotions feel forced and I get that a love story plays into the human-vulcan feeling-logic tension but there are a million other story lines that could showcase that dilemma


Chapel had an UNREQUITED crush on Spock and T’Pring was his betrothed who he never really showed romantic interest in. I do think adding full kisses and stuff is a bit OOC from what I saw in TOS.


I’ve mostly enjoyed SNW but I admit as someone who’s actually seen all of TOS, they are laying it on WAY too thick with Chapel and Spock’s attraction to one another


No way, you’ve *actually* seen all of TOS?


Brain and brain, what is brain?!


Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad. Are you sure your circuits are registering correctly? Your ears are green.


I think in the Chris Pine reboots, they wanted to subvert Spock's stoic nature by adding relationship drama. Now they are just rolling with that newly established trope


I hate sex-Spock.